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新疆北部准噶尔盆地周边石炭系广泛出露, 其中上石炭统发育海相火山—沉积序列, 包括西准噶尔地区的哈拉阿拉特组、阿腊德依克赛组, 东准噶尔地区的石钱滩组以及盆地南部的祁家沟组、奥尔吐组等。本文研究在上述各地层的灰岩层或夹层、碎屑岩中获得的四射珊瑚9属17种和床板珊瑚2属3种, 对石钱滩组中的3个新种进行了详细的系统古生物学描述。上述珊瑚化石的地质时代主要为巴什基尔期至莫斯科期。在珊瑚动物群的组成上, 哈拉阿拉特组中新发现Caninophyllum属分子, 结合盆地东、西部共同产出的床板珊瑚Cystodendropora 属分子, 说明整个准噶尔盆地周边的动物群面貌大致类似, 而西准噶尔地区的化石丰度、分异度显著低于盆地东部和东南部。综合前人资料, 目前在准噶尔盆地周边发现的珊瑚化石有约一半为地方性分子。本文认为研究区珊瑚化石的分布和组成特征与晚石炭世准噶尔洋走向封闭或半封闭的演化趋势密切相关。  相似文献   
Potassiam antimonate was used to localize Ca2+ in the micropyle and embryo sac of Brassica napus L. before and after pollination. To identify the nature of the pyroantimonate deposits, energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDXA) was employed and the deposits were proved to contain calcium pyroantimonate. Image processing system was employed to measure the volume density and the diameter of the deposits. Before and after pollination, calcium was more abundant in the exostome and endostome as compared with the other regions of the integuments, and was concentrated at the apoplast system, i.e. the intercellular matrix of the micropyle canal and the cell wall. Before pollination, each of the two sister synergids accumulated more calcium than the other embryo sac cells. Although the mean diameter of the deposits in the synergid was only two-thirds as that in the egg cell and central cell, the volume density of the deposits in the synergid was about 2.5 times and 1.9 times as that in the egg cell and the central cell respectively. The filiform apparatus and the nucleus had the most abundant calcium within a synergid. After pollination both sister synergids degenerated conspicuously and were characterized by much more deposited calcium (about 2.4 times more than before); and the diameter of the deposits decreased dramatically, which was less than one-third as before. The relationship between calcium distribution and synergid degeneration as well as its functions was discussed.  相似文献   
目的:探讨腹腔镜行TME手术治疗中低位直肠癌的可行性。方法:检索2001年1月~2012年2月间发表的比较腹腔镜与经腹TME手术治疗中低位直肠癌的随机对照试验(RCT)及临床对照试验(CCT)论文,根据纳入排除标准纳入文献,提取临床指标,进行META分析。结果:最终有22项临床试验被纳入,两组患者的性别、年龄等基本特征均衡。两组腹腔出血(P=0.36)、吻合口漏(P=0.06)及肠梗阻(P=0.16)之间差异无统计学意义,腹腔镜组较传统开腹组总的并发症(P<0.0001)及切口感染发生率低(P=0.0006),手术时间长(P=0.001),术中出血量少(P<0.00001),术后肠道功能恢复时间早(P=0.0002),住院时间短(P<0.00001)。结论:LTME较OTME在中低位直肠癌手术中能够更安全的达到根治性切除的效果,而且在减少手术对患者的创伤方面具有优势。  相似文献   
利用SSR标记及程氏综合指数法分析了109份从地中海引进的水稻种质资源的遗传多样性和籼粳类型,同时利用籼粳测交法分析了其中37份资源的籼粳亲和性.结果表明,大部分引进的水稻种质属粳稻类型,基于SSR聚类、程氏综合指数法分析所确定的粳型品种数分别占引进种质的80.73%和77.98%,基于籼粳亲和性分类所确定的粳型品种数占供试37份资源的75.68%.地中海稻种资源具有较高的遗传多样性,平均有效等位基因数为3.84个,Nei多样性指数平均值为0.482,其中籼稻群与粳稻群的Nei多样性指数分别为0.459和0.340,籼稻遗传多样性高于粳稻.研究结果对于科学引进、合理保存和有效利用国外水稻种质改良国内水稻品种具有指导意义.  相似文献   
氢作为一种清洁高效的可再生能源日益受到人们的重视。本文从微生物制氢的条件与代谢调控方面探讨了生物制氢的最新进展。目前常用产氢细菌进行了总结,分析了细菌的培养方式和工艺方法,探讨了影响生物制氢的各种因素(pH,温度,基质,离子浓度,反应器等)。在此基础之上,阐述了分子生物学技术在生物制氢中的应用及系统代谢调控。最后,对生物制氢今后的主要研究方向及前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
昆明山海棠根部水抽提物对体外微管蛋白聚合的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究利用猪脑中分离纯化的微管蛋白聚合和解聚反应,分析了非整倍体诱发剂昆明山海棠根部水抽提物(THH)对微管蛋白聚合状态的影响,从该角度探讨了THH诱发哺乳动物非整倍体的机制。秋水仙素(COL)为本研究的阳性对照物。结果发现THH能显著抑制体外微管蛋白的聚合,该抑制效应呈明显的剂量——效应关系。研究结果与我们以往关于THH为非整倍体诱发剂的实验证据相吻合并进一步提示THH可以抑制微管蛋白聚合作为诱发非整倍体的途径之一。  相似文献   
杨朗  梁广文  曾玲  岑贞陆 《生态学报》2008,28(8):4015-4022
应用高效液相色谱分析了对白叶枯病具有不同抗性水平的12个水稻品种中的19个(组)次生物质色谱峰(面积)的差异及其与白叶枯病抗性水平间关系.结果表明,水稻品种抗性水平与谱峰面积值之间相关极显著(R=0.992,p<0.01),被测的19个组分中,峰1、峰2、峰8、峰10、峰12、峰14、峰16和峰18是影响水稻对稻白叶枯病抗性水平的主要抗原次生物质.建立了水稻品种对白叶枯病抗性级别与以上次生物质含量谱峰面积之间的回归模型:Y=10.7603 0.1823X1-0.2287X2 0.2163X8-2.1975X10 0.0728X12 -0.7438X14 1.1484X16-0.7795X18.研究结果表明水稻品种中起抗病作用的抗原次生物质不止一种,而是几种的组合,而且它们对水稻抗病性的贡献作用是不完全相同的,这与它们的性质与含量密切相关.提出了以抗原次生物质为标记的快速分析、鉴定、预测水稻品种对稻白叶枯病抗性水平的新途径、新方法.  相似文献   
葡糖激酶在调节血糖平衡过程中发挥着重要的作用,其活性的增强能够降低Ⅱ型糖尿病患者的血糖水平。近年来越来越多的研究表明,葡糖激酶小分子活化剂将成为治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病的一个重要调节物。  相似文献   
Alterations of membrane lipid biophysical properties of sensitive A549 and resistant A549/DDP cells to the Cis-dichlorodiammine platinum (Cisplatin) were performed by measurements of fluorescence and flow cytometry approaches using fluorescence dyes of DPH, N-AS and Mero-cyanine 540 (MC 540) respectively. Fatty acids of membrane lipid of the two cell lines were analyzed by gas chromatography. The results indicated clearly that fluorescence polarization (P) of the DPH probe is 0.169 for the sensitive A549 cell and 0.194 for the resistant A549/DDP cells. Statistical analysis showed significant difference between the two cell lines. The polarizations of 2-AS and 7-AS which reflect the fluidity of surface and middle of lipid bilayer are 0.134 and 0.144 for the sensitive A549 cells as well as 0.171 and 0.178 for the resistant A549/DDP cells respectively, but there is no significant difference of the polarization of 12-AS between the two cell lines. This shows that alterations of the membrane fluidity of both  相似文献   
福建省位于我国东南沿海,亚热带气候和丰富植被为野生动物的生存和繁衍提供了良好的生态环境(丁晖等,2015).武夷山位于福建北部,地理位置独特,雨量充足,植被多样且茂密,是众多动物赖以生存的场所,丰富的生物多样性资源使其成为世界著名的动物模式标本产地(罗桂环等,2016;耿宝荣等,2020),其中翼手目中模式产地为武夷山...  相似文献   
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