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Genetic maps of the homoeologous group-6 chromosomes of bread wheat, Triticum aestivum, have been constructed spanning 103 cM on 6A, 90 cM on 6B and 124 cM on 6D. These maps were transferred to a Chinese Spring (CS) x line #31 cross to locate a dominant powdery mildew resistance gene, Pm12, introgressed into line #31 from Aegilops speltoides. Pm12 was shown to lie on the short arm of translocation chromosome 6BS-6SS.6SL in line #31, but could not be mapped more precisely due to the lack of recombination between the 6S Ae. speltoides segment and chromosome 6B. Possible strategies to reduce the size of the alien segment, which probably encompasses the complete long arm and more than 82% of the short arm of chromosome 6B, are discussed.  相似文献   
We formulate and analyze pair-formation models for multiple groups with general pairing rates and arbitrary mixing probabilities. Under the assumption of constant recruitment rates and equal average duration of all types of partnerships, we have shown that the dynamics are relatively simple because of the monotonicity properties of the dynamical system associated with the pairing/mixing of heterogeneous populations of male and female individuals. In fact, we have shown that the corresponding asymptotic stable paired distribution is given precisely by the asymptotic values of the matrices that prescribe the mixing/contact structure. In other words, if the sizes of the mixing subpopulations of males and females are asymptotically constant and if the average durations of partnerships are about the same regardless of type, then the matrices that describe the mixing between subpopulations also characterize the distribution of paired types. Alternatively, if the distribution of the average duration of relationships between individuals has a large variance then it may be impossible to detect any relationship between the mixing/contact structure and the observed distribution of paired types. The study of models with constant per-capita recruitment rates give rise to homogeneous systems of degree one. The analysis of the dynamics of pairs for models with exponentially growing populations of singles is complicated. So far, we are only able to classify the stability of all non-strictly positive boundary exponential solutions. From our incomplete analysis, it is not possible to detect necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and stability of strictly interior exponential solutions. We cannot rule out the possibility of oscillations. The mathematical problems associated with the stability of exponential solutions of dynamical systems of degree one are of relevance in demography, epidemiology, and population dynamics.On leave from University of Alabama in Huntsville  相似文献   
乌奴龙胆中五个新的环烯醚萜甙   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从藏药乌奴龙胆(GentianaurnulaSmith)(龙胆科)的全草中分离到5个新的环烯醚萜甙,命名为乌奴龙胆甙(gentioumoside)A-E;它们的结构主要通过光谱分析得以确定。其中,乌奴龙胆A-C是二聚环烯醚萜甙,而乌奴龙胆甙D和E为马钱素型的环烯醚萜甙,所有这些化合物的分子中都具有一个2,3-二羟基苯甲酰基或其衍生物的取代基。  相似文献   
大阪鲫鱼两种卵黄蛋白免疫细胞化学的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李朝军  刘荣臻 《动物学报》1994,40(3):324-330
以电泳提纯的卵黄脂磷蛋白和卵黄蛋白L制备兔抗两种蛋白的抗血清,采用PAP法对性腺成熟雌性大阪鲫鱼的肝细胞和卵母细胞进行两种蛋白免疫细胞化学位研究。肝细胞的粗面内质网上有强烈的卵黄脂磷蛋白的阳性反应,特别是在线粒体的基质中也发现卵黄脂磷蛋白的阳性反应,而另外一种类似于卵黄高磷蛋白的卵黄蛋白-卵黄蛋白L在肝细胞的粗面内质网和线粒体均呈现阴性反应,提示卵黄脂磷蛋白的前体物质存在于肝细胞的粗面内质网和线粒  相似文献   
研究发现,分离原生质体的酶解脱壁处理可以诱导苜蓿细胞产生活性氧。培养基中添加抗氧化剂,有助于提高培养原生质体的分裂频率,缓解褐化现象的出现。经紫外照射处理的培养基不利于苜蓿原生质体的生长和分裂,添加抗氧化剂后,紫外辐射所引起的不良效应则被抵消。因而,通过抗氧化剂对活性氧的清除,有助于早期原生质体的培养。  相似文献   
离子转运蛋白在维持细胞内pH稳态、离子动态平衡等方面发挥着重要作用。钠离子转运体和钾离子转运体在嗜盐耐盐微生物中广泛存在,其"保钾排钠"机制是微生物抗盐胁迫的两大策略之一。近年来,嗜盐耐盐微生物中许多新型钠、钾离子转运体被陆续发现,如RDD蛋白、UPF0118蛋白、DUF蛋白和KimA蛋白等;Fe3+、Mg2+等其他金属离子的转运蛋白也被证实可通过影响微生物胞内相容性溶质的合成起到渗透调节的作用。本文综述了嗜盐耐盐微生物中抗盐胁迫相关的各类离子转运蛋白,分析其分子结构和工作机理,并对这些蛋白在农业方面的应用进行了展望。继续发现新的离子转运蛋白,探究抗盐胁迫相关离子转运蛋白的结构和机理,解析各转运系统的协同作用及分子调控机制,将进一步加深对嗜盐耐盐微生物抗盐胁迫调控的认识,并为盐碱地农作物的改良等提供新的思路。  相似文献   
温度对草地螟成虫产卵和寿命的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
罗礼智  李光博 《昆虫学报》1993,36(4):459-464
在16℃、19℃、22℃、25℃.28℃,31℃和34℃的范围内, 草地螟(Loxostege sticticalis L.)成虫的产卵前期与温度的关系呈逻辑靳谛曲线,产卵雌蛾数、产卵历期和产卵量均以22℃为最高。初步确定19-25℃为草地螟蛾产卵的适温范围,22℃为最适产卵温度,16℃和34℃分别为产卵温度的下限和上限。成虫寿命与温度的关系为负相关(r=-0.91,P<0.01)。表明在试验温度范围内,温度越高,成虫寿命越短。但温度对雌雄成虫寿命的影响不一致,在28℃以下的温度内,雄蛾寿命比雌蛾长;在31-34℃的范围内,雄蛾寿命比雌蛾短。根据以上研究结果,对我国草地螟发生为害区的种群动态规律进行了讨论。  相似文献   
本文首次记述了采自青海玉树的长窦副新蚤Paraneopsylla longisinuata Liu, Tsai & Wu,1974的雄蚤。模式标本保存于著者所在的单位。  相似文献   
胶质母细胞瘤(glioblastoma,GBM)因组织学异质性、侵袭能力强、术后复发快等问题,致使患者经手术治疗、化疗和放疗后的预后差,总体生存期短。GBM细胞来源外泌体(GBM cell-derived exosome,GBM-exo)能够通过其携带的细胞因子、miRNA、DNA和蛋白质等调节GBM细胞的增殖和迁移,通过血管生成蛋白和非编码RNA促进肿瘤血管生成,通过调节因子、蛋白质和药物靶向免疫检查点等介导肿瘤免疫逃逸,以及通过非编码RNA对抗GBM细胞的耐药性,有望成为个性化治疗GBM的重要靶标,且可以作为GBM的诊断和预后标志物。本文阐述了GBM-exo的制备方法和生物学特征,及其在GBM细胞增殖、血管生成、免疫逃逸和耐药性方面的作用和分子机制,为研发诊治GBM的新策略提供参考。  相似文献   
S-腺苷甲硫氨酸(S-adenosyl-l-methionine, SAM)广泛存在于生物体内,主要参与生物体内的转甲基过程、转硫过程及转氨丙基过程,具有重要的生理功能,其生产备受重视。目前SAM生产的研究主要集中于微生物发酵法,该方法与化学合成法和酶催化法相比,成本较低且更容易实现工业化生产。随着需求量的迅速增加,通过菌种改良提高SAM产量备受关注。当前SAM生产菌种改良的主要策略包括常规育种和代谢工程。本文综述了提高微生物生产SAM能力的近期研究进展并探讨了SAM生产中的瓶颈问题及解决方法,以期为进一步提高SAM产量提供思路。  相似文献   
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