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We have investigated the effects of recombinant human leukocyte interferons (IFN-alpha A and IFN-alpha D) and various hybrid recombinant human leukocyte interferons on differentiation in B-16 mouse melanoma cells. Inhibition of both spontaneous and melanocyte hormone stimulated differentiation was observed with one hybrid construct, IFN-alpha A/D (Bgl) consisting of amino acids 1 to 62 from IFN-alpha A and amino acids 64 to 166 from IFN-alpha D. In contrast, the parental human interferons, IFN-alpha A and IFN-alpha D, when used alone or in combination, as well as other hybrid human leukocyte interferons, did not cause significant inhibition of melanogenesis in B-16 mouse cells. The tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) also inhibited B-16 differentiation and the combination of TPA with IFN-alpha A/D (Bgl) or mouse L-cell interferon was synergistic in delaying melanogenesis. These studies indicate that the IFN-alpha A/D (Bgl) hybrid that exhibits antiviral activity on mouse cells can also inhibit differentiation of murine cells.  相似文献   
Two biosynthetic routes to the heme, chlorophyll, and phycobilin precursor, δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) are known: conversion of the intact five-carbon skeleton of glutamate, and ALA synthase-catalyzed condensation of glycine plus succinyl-coenzyme A. The existence and physiological roles of the two pathways in Cyanidium caldarium were assessed in vivo by determining the relative abilities of [2-14C]glycine and [1-14C]glutamate to label protoheme and heme a. Glutamate was incorporated to a much greater extent than glycine into both protoheme and heme a, even in cells that were unable to form chlorophyll and phycobilins. The small incorporation of glycine could be accounted for by transfer of label to intracellular glutamate pools, as determined from amino acid analysis. It thus appears that C. caldarium makes all tetrapyrroles, including mitochondrial hemes, solely from glutamate, and there is no contribution by ALA synthase in this organism.  相似文献   
Spleen cells from normal BALB/c mice were cultured in vitro with irradiated C57BL/6 stimulating cells. Five days later the T cell-mediated cytotoxic activity of the effector cells was assessed with a 51Cr-release assay that used H-2bEL-4 tumor cells as targets. Before the BALB/c responding lymphocytes were sensitized they were fractionated by passing the spleen cells over insolubilized histamine rabbit serum albumin Sepharose columns (H-RSA-S) or over rabbit serum albumin Sepharose (RSA-S) control columns. Fractionation of cells over the H-RSA-S columns depleted or significantly reduced the cytotoxic potential of the unretained cells. All cytotoxic potential was recovered when the cells that adhered to the H-RSA-S were eluted from the columns. In contrast, no effect on responsiveness was detected after the cells had been fractionated over the control column. The loss of response potential by the cells that did not adhere to H-RSA-S could not be accounted for by removal of macrophages nor by the concentration of cells with suppressor activity in the effluent. These cell fractionation studies raise the possiblity but do not prove that cytotoxic precursor cells may express amine receptors that could be responsible for their retention by insolubilized histamine columns.  相似文献   
Summary Although hydrophobic forces probably dominate in determining whether or not a protein will insert into a membrane, recent studies in our laboratory suggest that electrostatic forces may influence the final orientation of the inserted protein. A negatively charged hepatic receptor protein was found to respond totrans-positive membrane potentials as though electrophoresing into the bilayer. In the presence of ligand, the protein appeared to cross the membrane and expose binding sites on the opposite side. Similarly, a positively charged portion of the peptide melittin crosses a lipid membrane reversibly in response to atrans-negative potential. These findings, and others by Date and co-workers, have led us to postulate that transmembrane proteins would have hydrophobic transmembrane segments bracketed by positively charged residues on the cytoplasmic side and negatively charged residues on the extra-cytoplasmic side. In the thermodynamic sense, these asymmetrically placed charge clusters would create a compelling preference for correct orientation of the protein, given the inside-negative potential of most or all cells. This prediction is borne out by examination of the few transmembrane proteins (glycophorin, M13 coat protein, H-2Kb, HLA-A2, HLA-B7, and mouse Ig heavy chain) for which we have sufficient information on both sequence and orientation.In addition to the usual diffusion and pump potentials measurable with electrodes, the microscopic membrane potential reflects surface charge effects. Asymmetries in surface charge arising from either ionic or lipid asymmetries would be expected to enhance the bias for correct protein orientation, at least with respect to plasma membranes. We introduce a generalized form of Stern equation to assess surface charge and binding effects quantitatively. In the kinetic sense, dipole potentials within the membrane would tend to prevent positively charged residues from crossing the membrane to leave the cytoplasm. These considerations are consistent with the observed protein orientations. Finally, the electrostatic and hydrophobic factors noted here are combined in two hypothetical models of translocation, the first involving initial interaction of the presumptive transmembrane segment with the membrane; the second assuming initial interaction of a leader sequence.  相似文献   
Phanerochaete chrysosporium metabolized the radiolabeled lignin model compounds [γ-14C]guaiacylglycerol-β-guaiacyl ether and [4-methoxy-14C]veratrylglycerol-β-guaiacyl ether (VI) to 14CO2 in stationary and in shaking cultures. 14CO2 evolution was greater in stationary culture. 14CO2 evolution from [γ-14C]guaiacyl-glycerol-β-guaiacyl ether and [4-methoxy-14C]veratrylglycerol-β-guaiacyl ether in stationary cultures was two- to threefold greater when 100% O2 rather than air (21% O2) was the gas phase above the cultures. 14CO2 evolution from the metabolism of the substrates occurred only as the culture entered the stationary phase of growth. The presence of substrate levels of nitrogen in the medium suppressed 14CO2 evolution from both substrates in stationary cultures. [14C]veratryl alcohol and 4-ethoxy-3-methoxybenzyl alcohol were formed as products of the metabolism of VI and 4-ethoxy-3-methoxyphenylglycerol-β-guaiacyl ether, respectively.  相似文献   
Thin-layer gels can be made with agarose and used to assess within a few minutes the efficiency with which multilamellar vesicles are converted to small unilamellar ones by sonication. A fluorescent lipid marker or vesicle-encapsulated solute permits continuous monitoring of the chromatography. Advantages over agarose gel column chromatography include speed of analysis, small sample size, the possibility of running multiple samples simultaneously, and direct accessibility to fluorescence microscopy. This approach should also be useful in the study of liposome-lipoprotein interactions and in affinity chromatography of liposomes.  相似文献   
Dexamethasone or Zn++ increase the rate of synthesis of the metal-binding protein metallothionein in hepatocyte cultures. Dexamethasone induction of the capacity to synthesize metallothionein is not blocked by cycloheximide. In contrast, the dexamethasone stimulated increase in Zn++ uptake is inhibited by cycloheximide. Like Zn++, dexamethasone is a “primary inducer” of metallothionein. The glucocorticoid induction of metallothionein in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes is not mediated through elevation of Zn++ uptake.  相似文献   
Fibroblasts cultured from the skin of subjects with homozygous familial hyperlipoproteinemia (HFH) internalize and degrade low density lipoproteins at a much lower rate than do fibroblasts from normal subjects. Evidence has been presented that this reflects the absence from such mutant cells of specialized binding sites with high affinity for low density lipoproteins. The specificity of this membrane defect in familial hypercholesterolemia is further supported by the present studies comparing the metabolism of low density lipoproteins (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL) in normal fibroblasts and in fibroblasts from HFH patients. The surface binding (trypsin-releasable (125)I) of (125)I-labeled LDL by HFH cells was approximately 30% of that by normal cells at a concentration of 5 micro g LDL protein per ml. At the same concentration the internalization (cell-associated (125)I after trypsinization) and degradation (trichloroacetic acid-soluble non-iodide (125)I) of (125)I-labeled LDL were less than 10% of the values obtained with normal cells. In contrast, the binding of (125)I-labeled HDL to HFH cells was actually somewhat greater than that to normal cells. Despite this, the internalization and degradation of (125)I-labeled HDL by HFH cells averaged only 70% of that by normal cells. [(3)H]- or [(14)C]Sucrose uptake, a measure of fluid uptake by pinocytosis, was similar in normal and HFH fibroblasts. These findings are consistent with the proposal that fibroblasts from subjects with HFH lack high-affinity receptors for LDL. These receptors do not play a significant role in HDL binding and uptake. Instead, as previously proposed, HDL appears to bind randomly on the cell surface and its internalization is not facilitated by the specific mechanism that internalizes LDL. The small but significant abnormalities in HDL binding and internalization, however, suggest that there may be additional primary or secondary abnormalities of membrane structure and function in HFH cells. Finally, the observed overall rate of uptake of LDL (that internalized plus that degraded) by HFH fibroblasts was considerably greater than that expected from fluid endocytosis alone. This implies that adsorptive endocytosis, associated with binding to low-affinity sites on the cell surface, may play a significant role in LDL degradation by HFH cells, even though it does not regulate endogenous cholesterol synthesis in these cells.  相似文献   
Voltage-dependent orientation of membrane proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to study the influence of electrostatic forces on the disposition of proteins in membranes, we have examined the interaction of a receptor protein and of a membrane-active peptide with black lipid membranes. In the first study we show that the hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor can insert spontaneously into lipid bilayers from the aqueous medium. Under the influence of a trans-positive membrane potential, the receptor, a negatively charged protein, appears to change its disposition with respect to the membrane. In the second study we consider melittin, an amphipathic peptide containing a generally hydrophobic stretch of 19 amino acids followed by a cluster of four positively charged residues at the carboxy terminus. The hydrophobic region contains two positively charged residues. In response to trans-negative electrical potential, melittin appears to assume a transbilayer position. These findings indicate that electrostatic forces can influence the disposition, and perhaps the orientation, of membrane proteins. Given the inside-negative potential of most or all cells, we would expect transmembrane proteins to have clusters of positively charged residues adjacent to the cytoplasmic ends of their hydrophobic transmembrane segments, and clusters of negatively charged residues just to the extracytoplasmic side. This expectation has been borne out by examination of the few transmembrane proteins for which there is sufficient information on both sequence and orientation. Surface and dipole potentials may similarly affect the orientation of membrane proteins.  相似文献   
The infectivity and distribution of Echinostoma trivolvis were studied in female ICR mice each infected with 25 metacercarial cysts. At 7 and 10 days post-exposure worm recoveries were 58.8 and 58.4%, respectively. Worm recovery declined to 38.2% by day 14, to 6.4% by day 21, and 0% by day 28. The distribution of the parasites demonstrated an anteriad shift over time. Comparative histopathological studies were carried out on E. trivolvis and Echinostoma caproni in the mouse. Compared to control and E. trivolvis-infected intestine, mouse intestine infected with E. caproni showed marked dilation and villous atrophy. E. trivolvis-infected intestine showed a nearly two-fold increase in goblet cells compared to control intestine, whereas the intestine of E. caproni-infected mice showed almost complete goblet cell loss. Additionally, there was a marked increase in collagen in the intestinal musculature of the mice infected with E. trivolvis compared to control and E. caproni-infected mice.  相似文献   
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