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Fern (Onoclea sensibilis) gametophytes when grown in the dark form a linear file of cells (one-dimensional) called a protonema. In the light two-dimensional growth occurs which results in a heart-shaped prothallus one cell thick. The objective of this paper is to relate the most common pattern of cell division observed in developing gametophytes to the formation of the plasmodesmatal network. Since the prothalli are only two dimensional, we can easily determine from thin sections the total number and the density (number per unit surface area) of plasmodesmata at each developmental stage. As the prothallus grows the number of plasmodesmata increases 50-fold in the apical or meristematic cell. This number eventually reaches a plateau even though the density continues to increase with each new cell division. What is particularly striking is that both the number and density of plasmodesmata between adjacent cells is precisely determined. Furthermore, the pattern of plasmodesmata distribution is predictable so that (1) we can identify the apical meristematic cells by their plasmodesmata number, or density, as well as by their size, shape and location, (2) we can predict, again from plasmodesmata number, the location of a future wall of the apical cell prior to its actual formation, (3) we can show that the density of plasmodesmata in the triangular apical cell of the prothallus (14 plasmodesmata microns-2) is comparable to those reported for secretory glands which are known to have high rates of plasmodesmatal transport and (4) we can show that once the plasmodesmata have been formed during division, no subsequent change in the number of plasmodesmata occurs following cell plate formation.  相似文献   
When microtubules in teleost melanophores are disrupted with antimitotic agents, colchicine, high hydrostatic pressure, low temperature, and vinblastine, the alignment and movement of the pigment granules in these cells disappear; during recovery, the return of alignment and movement corresponds in both time and space with the repolymerization of microtubules. Furthermore, analysis of nearest neighbor distances in untreated melanophores reveals that pigment granules are closely associated with microtubules. Other structures such as microfilaments, the endoplasmic reticulum, and the cytoplasmic matrix do not appear to be involved. Thus we conclude that microtubules determine the alignment and are essential for the selective movements of the pigment granules in these cells. Investigations of the mechanism of movement show that microtubules are required for both centrifugal and centripetal migrations and that they do not change in number or location during redistribution of pigment. Our results further indicate that microtubules in melanophores behave as semistable organelles as determined by investigation with colchicine and hydrostatic pressure. These observations and others rule out a push-pull mechanism based on the polymerization and depolymerization of microtubules or one which distinguishes two operationally different sets of microtubules. We propose instead that particles move by sliding along a fixed array of microtubules.  相似文献   
In the ectodermal cells of sea urchin blastulae, the microtubules converge and appear to make contact with three distinct cytoplasmic foci or satellites associated with the basal body of the cilium. Beneath the nucleus, which lies in the apical end of the cell, the microtubules are aligned predominantly parallel to the cell's long axis and could thus make contact with the satellites as is directly suggested by observations on sections at or near the planes of the satellites. After the embryos are treated with low temperature (0°C), the microtubules disassemble; however, the satellites can still be recognized. Upon rewarming, the microtubules reappear. In early stages of reformation, when the tubules in the cell consist of short segments, tubules have only been found in the apical part of the cell. One end of each microtubule appears to make contact with its respective satellite, or is aligned so that it could contact one of the satellites, provided serial sections were cut and collected in order. After longer periods of recovery, the microtubules elongate; as before, one end of each makes contact with a satellite or is aligned so that it could attach to a satellite. Segments of microtubules seen in the basal region of the cell are aligned parallel to the long axis of the cell as in the untreated ectodermal cells and are therefore interpreted as extensions of those tubules making contact with one of the satellites. On the basis of these observations, we suggest that assembly of microtubules is initiated at the satellites. These sites, perhaps best referred to as "nucleating sites," thereby could exert considerable control over the distribution of microtubules in cells. It is hoped that this preliminary report will be followed up by a more detailed study using serial sections.  相似文献   
Hydrostatic pressure, when applied to segments of the small intestine of the salamander, causes a tremendous reduction in number of microvilli and a loss of the terminal web. The intestinal epithelium strips off from its deeper layers at the level of the basement membrane. When the pressure is released and this epithelial sheet is allowed to recover, the microvilli and its terminal web reappear. Stages in the reformation of microvilli are described. In the earliest stages, foci of dense material seem to associate with the cytoplasmic surface of the apical plasma membrane. From this material, filaments appear and their regrowth is correlated with the extension of the microvilli. We suggest that the dense material nucleates the assembly of the filaments which, in turn, appear instrumental in the redevelopment of microvilli. This concept is supported by the existing literature. Further, since neither the microvilli nor the terminal web reappear on any surface but the apical surface, even though the apical and basal surfaces are bathed with the same medium, we suggest that information in the membrane itself or directly associated with the membrane dictates the distribution of the dense material which leads to the formation of the microvilli and ultimately to the polarity of the cell.  相似文献   
At a late stage in Drosophila oogenesis, nurse cells rapidly expel their cytoplasm into the oocyte via intracellular bridges by a process called nurse cell dumping. Before dumping, numerous cables composed of actin filaments appear in the cytoplasm and extend inward from the plasma membrane toward the nucleus. This actin cage prevents the nucleus, which becomes highly lobed, from physically blocking the intracellular bridges during dumping. Each cable is composed of a linear series of modules composed of ~25 cross-linked actin filaments. Adjacent modules overlap in the cable like the units of an extension ladder. During cable formation, individual modules are nucleated from the cell surface as microvilli, released, and then cross-linked to an adjacent forming module. The filaments in all the modules in a cable are unidirectionally polarized. During dumping as the volume of the cytoplasm decreases, the nucleus to plasma membrane distance decreases, compressing the actin cables that shorten as adjacent modules slide passively past one another just as the elements of an extension ladder slide past one another for storage. In Drosophila, the modular construction of actin cytoskeletons seems to be a generalized strategy. The behavior of modular actin cytoskeletons has implications for other actin-based cytoskeletal systems, e.g., those involved in Listeria movement, in cell spreading, and in retrograde flow in growth cones and fibroblasts.  相似文献   
At an early stage in spermiogenesis the acrosomal vacuole and other organelles including ribosomes are located at the basal end of the cell. From here actin must be transported to its future location at the anterior end of the cell. At no stage, in the accumulation of actin in the periacrosomal region is the actin sequested in a membrane-bounded compartment such as a vacuole or vesicle. Since filaments are not present in the periacrsomoal region during the accumulation of the actin even though the fixation of these cells is sufficiently good to distinguish actin filaments in thin section, the actin must accumulate in the nonfilamentous state.  相似文献   
On the assumption that the double-coiled pattern of microtubules in the axoneme of Echinosphaerium might be due to links of two sizes between adjacent microtubules, we disassembled microtubules with low temperature and then carefully analyzed the patterns of microtubules that formed upon the addition of heat (22°C) or heat and D2O. Although most of the initial clusters of microtubules that formed could not be interpreted as part of an axoneme, the spacings between these microtubules were the same as that in the axoneme, 70 and 300 A. By model building we were able to show that all clusters that form, including stages in the formation of the axoneme and its 12-fold symmetry, could be explained by links of two sizes (70 and 300 A) and the substructure of the microtubule. We could demonstrate these links with improved staining methods. We suggest that nonaxonemal assemblies of microtubules may be eliminated by the natural selection of the most energetically stable configuration of microtubules, all others undergoing disassembly under equilibrium conditions. Model building further supports this suggestion since the model axoneme possesses more links per tubule than any other cluster found.  相似文献   
When Asterias or Thyone sperm come in contact with egg jelly, a long process which in Thyone measures up to 90 µm in length is formed from the acrosomal region. This process can be generated in less than 30 s. Within this process is a bundle of microfilaments. Water extracts prepared from acetone powders of Asterias sperm contain a protein which binds rabbit skeletal muscle myosin forming a complex whose viscosity is reduced by ATP. Within this extract is a protein with the same molecular weight as muscle actin. It can be purified either by collecting the pellet produced after the addition of Mg++ or by reextracting an acetone powder of actomyosin prepared by the addition of highly purified muscle myosin to the extract. The sperm actin can be polymerized and by electron microscopy the polymer is indistinguishable from muscle F-actin. The sperm actin was shown to be localized in the microfilaments in the acrosomal processes by: (a) heavy meromyosin binding in situ, (b) sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gel electrophoresis of the isolated acrosomal processes and a comparison to gels of flagella which contain no band corresponding to the molecular weight of actin, and (c) SDS gel electrophoresis of the extract from isolated acrosomal caps. Since the precursor for the microfilaments in the unreacted sperm appears amorphous, we suspected that the force for the generation of the acrosomal process is brought about by the polymerization of the sperm actin. This supposition was confirmed, for when unreacted sperm were lysed with the detergent Triton X-100 and the state of the actin in the sperm extract was analyzed by centrifugation, we determined that at least 80% of the actin in the unreacted sperm was in the monomeric state.  相似文献   
The espins are actin-bundling proteins of brush border microvilli and Sertoli cell-spermatid junctions. We have determined that espins are also present in hair cell stereocilia and have uncovered a connection between the espin gene and jerker, a recessive mutation that causes hair cell degeneration, deafness, and vestibular dysfunction. The espin gene maps to the same region of mouse chromosome 4 as jerker. The tissues of jerker mice do not accumulate espin proteins but contain normal levels of espin mRNAs. The espin gene of jerker mice has a frameshift mutation that affects the espin C-terminal actin-bundling module. These data suggest that jerker mice are, in effect, espin null and that the jerker phenotype results from a mutation in the espin gene.  相似文献   
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