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The only available ethnobotanical information on Pteronia incana has been recorded by the Montagu Museum in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It was reported that the plant is used to treat influenza, fever, kidney ailments and backache. In common with other species of Pteronia, the plant contains an essential oil reminiscent of pine turpentine oil with β-pinene, limonene, 1,8-cineole, myrcene, spathulenol, p-cymene and methyleugenol as main compounds present in all or most of the samples, with smaller amounts of α-pinene, sabinene, γ-terpinene, terpinen-4-ol, biclogermacrene, globulol and α-bisabolol in some of the distillates. We investigated the oil composition of 11 individual plants collected at three geographically distant localities but found limited variation, both within and between populations. Leaf sections of P. incana showed that it is anatomically similar to P. divaricata in the presence of a secretory duct associated with the main vascular bundle (and often other bundles as well), in addition to glandular and non-glandular trichomes on both leaf surfaces. One yeast (Cryptococcus neoformans), two Gram-negative bacteria (Moraxella catarrhalis and Klebsiella pneumoniae) and one Gram-positive bacterium (Mycobacterium smegmatis) were selected for antimicrobial activity studies using the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) microtitre plate method. The results showed that methanol:dichloromethane (MeOH:CH2Cl2) extracts were active against M. smegmatis (lowest MIC values of 0.5–0.8 mg/ml) and C. neoformans (lowest MIC values of 0.5–2.0 mg/ml). The essential oil was most active against C. neoformans (lowest MIC value of 0.3 mg/ml). These results provide a scientific rationale for the use of P. incana in Cape herbal medicine.  相似文献   
Available ethnobotanical information on Pteronia onobromoides (first recorded in 1685) indicates that the plant was once of considerable cultural and commercial importance and that it was powdered, mixed with fat, and applied to the skin for cosmetic and/or medicinal purposes. Sâb, as well as Son or San, are considered to be the original Nama names for this aromatic bush and also the origin of various names for San people, such as Sonqua and Bushman. A study of the leaf anatomy showed that essential oil is produced in globose oil glands situated below some of the vascular bundles in the spongy parenchyma, adjacent to the palisade parenchyma. The oil is relatively complex but contains a combination of myrcene, limonene, 1,8-cineole and p-cymene as main compounds, with smaller amounts of sabinene, trans-linalooloxide, linalool, terpinen-4-ol, α-terpineol, eugenol, thymol and α-phellandrene. Dichloromethane extracts exhibited antibacterial activity (especially against Staphylococcus epidermidis) with MIC values as low as 0.83 mg/ml. Other solvent extracts and the essential oil itself were less active. The results show that the traditional method of mixing powdered leaves with fat and applying it to the skin may have had deodorant, disinfectant and medicinal benefits.  相似文献   


Lung cancer in never smokers would rank as the seventh most common cause of cancer death worldwide.

Methods and Findings

We performed high-resolution array comparative genomic hybridization analysis of lung adenocarcinoma in sixty never smokers and identified fourteen new minimal common regions (MCR) of gain or loss, of which five contained a single gene (MOCS2, NSUN3, KHDRBS2, SNTG1 and ST18). One larger MCR of gain contained NSD1. One focal amplification and nine gains contained FUS. NSD1 and FUS are oncogenes hitherto not known to be associated with lung cancer. FISH showed that the amplicon containing FUS was joined to the next telomeric amplicon at 16p11.2. FUS was over-expressed in 10 tumors with gain of 16p11.2 compared to 30 tumors without that gain. Other cancer genes present in aberrations included ARNT, BCL9, CDK4, CDKN2B, EGFR, ERBB2, MDM2, MDM4, MET, MYC and KRAS. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering with adjustment for false-discovery rate revealed clusters differing by the level and pattern of aberrations and displaying particular tumor characteristics. One cluster was strongly associated with gain of MYC. Another cluster was characterized by extensive losses containing tumor suppressor genes of which RB1 and WRN. Tumors in that cluster frequently harbored a central scar-like fibrosis. A third cluster was associated with gains on 7p and 7q, containing ETV1 and BRAF, and displayed the highest rate of EGFR mutations. SNP array analysis validated copy-number aberrations and revealed that RB1 and WRN were altered by recurrent copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity.


The present study has uncovered new aberrations containing cancer genes. The oncogene FUS is a candidate gene in the 16p region that is frequently gained in never smokers. Multiple genetic pathways defined by gains of MYC, deletions of RB1 and WRN or gains on 7p and 7q are involved in lung adenocarcinoma in never smokers.  相似文献   
The monotypic Dickinsia Franch. is misplaced in its current position in the tribe Hydrocotyleae and is transferred to the tribe Mulineae. Its mericarps are strongly dorsally compressed and the lateral ribs of each mericarp are much more prominent than the dorsal rib. The carpophore is free. These characters are typical for genera of the Mulineae but are obviously different from other genera of Hydrocotyleae, which all have laterally compressed mericarps, dorsal ribs which are more expanded than the lateral ribs and an absence of free carpophores.  相似文献   
Between the acrosomal vacuole and the nucleus is a cup of amorphous material (profilactin) which is transformed into filaments during the acrosomal reaction. In the center of this cup in untreated Thyone sperm is a dense material which I refer to as the actomere; it is composed of 20-25 filaments embedded in a dense matrix. To visualize the substructure of the actomere, the profilactin around it must be removed. This is achieved either by demembranating the sperm with Triton X-100 and then raising the pH to 8.0, or by adding inophores to intact sperm at pH 8.0. Under these conditions, the actomere remains as a unit while the rest of the profilactin is solubilized or polymerized. When demembranated sperm are incubated under conditions in which the actin should polymerize, filaments grow from the end of the actomere: the actomere thus appears to behave as a nucleating body. This observation is strengthened by experiments in which untreated sperm are incubated in seawater or isotonic NaCl at pH 7.0 and the ionophore X537A is added; in this case, only a partial polymerization of the actin occurs and the acrosomal vacuole does not fuse with the cell surface. The actin filaments that do form, however, are attached to the apical end of the actomere. In fact, the elongating filaments push their way into and frequently through the acrosomal vacuole. Thus, it appears that the sperm organizes the actin filaments by controlling their nucleation. My model is that the cell controls the ammount of unbound actin such that it is slightly above the critical concentration for polymerization. Then, spontaneous nucleation is unfavored and polymerization would proceed from existing nuclei such as the actomer.  相似文献   
When echinoderm sperm are treated with the detergent Triton X-100 at pH 6.4 in 10 mM phosphate buffer, the membranes are solubilized, but the actin which is located in the periacrosomal region remains as a phase-dense cup. These cups can be isolated free from the flagella and chromatin and can be solubilized by increasing the pH to 8.0 and by changing the ionic strength and type of buffer used. Since the actin does not exist in the "F" state in unreacted sperm, and since the actin remains as a unit that does not diffuse away, it must be present in the mature sperm in a bound or storage state. The actin is, in fact, associated with a pair of proteins whose mol wt are 250,000 and 230,000. When the isolated cups are digested with trypsin, these high molecular weight proteins are digested, thereby liberating the actin. The actin will polymerize if heavy meromyosin or subfragment 1 is added to a preparation of isolated cups. Evidence is presented that this pair of high molecular weight proteins is similar in molecular weight and properties to erythrocyte spectrin. Attempts at transforming the storage form of actin in the cup into filaments were only moderately successful. The best conditions for filament formation involve incubating the cup in ATP and divalent salts. Careful examination of these cups reveals that the actin polymerized preferentially on either end of oriented filaments that already exist in the cup, indicating that self-nucleation is inefficacious. I conclude that the actin can exist in the storage form by its association with spectrin-like molecules and that the actin in this state polymerizes preferentially onto existing filaments.  相似文献   
Actin filament bundles can shape cellular extensions into dramatically different forms. We examined cytoskeleton formation during wing hair morphogenesis using both confocal and electron microscopy. Hairs elongate with linear kinetics (approximately 1 microm/h) over the course of approximately 18 h. The resulting structure is vividly asymmetric and shaped like a rose thorn--elongated in the distal direction, curved in two dimensions with an oval base and a round tip. High-resolution analysis shows that the cytoskeleton forms from microvilli-like pimples that project actin filaments into the cytoplasm. These filaments become cross-linked into bundles by the sequential use of three cross-bridges: villin, forked and fascin. Genetic loss of each cross-bridge affects cell shape. Filament bundles associate together, with no lateral membrane attachments, into a cone of overlapping bundles that matures into an oval base by the asymmetric addition of bundles on the distal side. In contrast, the long bristle cell extension is supported by equally long (up to 400 microm) filament bundles assembled together by end-to-end grafting of shorter modules. Thus, bristle and hair cells use microvilli and cross-bridges to generate the common raw material of actin filament bundles but employ different strategies to assemble these into vastly different shapes.  相似文献   
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