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本实验室观察到黑质具有升压效应。用L-谷氨酸钠微量注入黑质可使血压升高,此效应可被DA受体阻断剂氟哌啶醇(Halo)微量注入臂旁核加压区基本阻断。我们过去的工作证明延髓头端腹外侧区(RVL)及其内的α-受体中介臂旁核的加压效应,本实验将酚妥拉明注入RVL能明显衰减黑质的加压效应,而将Halo注入RVL加压区对黑质加压效应无明显影响。以上结果提示臂旁核-RVL(α-受体)加压系统参与黑质加压效应。  相似文献   
Previous investigations showed that interleukin-2 (IL-2) administered in vivo into mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi reduced levels of parasitemia and increased longevity. Present experiments examined the effect of administration of different doses of IL-2 at different times during infection in mice on parasitemia and histopathoiogy of heart tissue. Two different doses of IL-2 (1,500 or 10,000 U) given at 3 different times during infection were equivalent in reducing parasitemia. All of the IL-2 treated groups of mice had significantly lower numbers of circulating trypomastigotes as compared with controls not receiving this fymphokine. This IL-2 treatment of T . crazi-infected mice resulted also in lower numbers of pseudocysts in all 4 ventricular regions in the hearts. This was particularly evident in the more severely infected right ventricular wall; however, a similar decrease was not as apparent in the less severely infected left ventricular wall. The IL-2 treated, infected mice showed minimal or no effect in reducing inflammation of myocardial cells. However, the mildest inflammation of ventricular wall tended to occur in mice receiving IL-2 treatment either as a low dose (1,500 U) or a high dose (10,000 U) at 5, 7 and 9 days after infection as compared with mice treated later on. It was concluded that IL-2 treatment of infected mice produced a significant decrease in parasitemia and decreased infection of myocardial cells. Key words. Heart, histopathoiogy, inflammation, lymphokine, myocardial cells, pseudocyst, Trypanosoma cruzi .  相似文献   
细果秤锤树(Sinojackia microcarpa)是中国特有极小种群植物之一,属国家Ⅱ级重点保护植物。为揭示该种群的生存潜力与濒危机制,为种群保护提供依据,采用样地调查法在浙江省建德市细果秤锤树自然集中分布区进行野外调查,以空间代替时间研究了细果秤锤树种群的结构特征,绘制了种群静态生命表及种群存活曲线,并应用种群动态和时间序列量化预测种群未来发展态势。结果表明:(1)细果秤锤树的径级、高度和冠幅结构均表明该种群龄级结构总体呈衰退型,种群幼年树淘汰率较高,中年树到老年树过渡阶段适应力增强,生长情况较前期稳定。(2)生活曲线属Deevey-Ⅲ型,早期死亡率高,生存分析揭示细果秤锤树种群具有前期锐减的动态特征。(3)时间序列分析预测在未来2、4、6、8个龄级后,细果秤锤树的年龄结构存在幼年个体数下降,中、老年树占优势的衰退风险。(4)种群动态指数表明该种群结构总体波动大,抗外界干扰能力较弱,环境对个体的选择作用较强。为促进种群自然更新,应加强就地保护措施,降低人为干扰对个体生存环境的威胁,提高幼苗至幼树转化率,实现种群恢复。  相似文献   
Ethylene production and peroxidase activity during tomato fruit ripening   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Peroxidase activity and enzymic production of ethylene werestudied in tomato fruits (Lycopersicon esculentum MILL.) at3 ripeness stages. As the fruit ripens, one isoperoxidase disappears,and 3 new ones are formed. Activity of peroxidase and of ethylene-formingenzyme both increased 3 to 4 times as the fruit ripened. Histochemicalstaining showed that peroxidase is confined to the outermostand innermost layers of the pericarp, the placental tissue andvascular tissues; stained particles were neither mitochondrianor plastids. (Received October 27, 1969; )  相似文献   
The phylogeographical history of mid‐altitude woodland herbs that depend on moist and shaded forest habitats is poorly understood. Here, we analysed the genetic structure of Cyclamen purpurascens, a mountainous calcicolous perennial, to test hypotheses regarding its glacial survival in single or multiple refugia and postglacial colonization routes, and to explore how they are congruent with the histories inferred for temperate trees and other mountainous herbs. We gathered AFLP data and chloroplast DNA sequences (trnD‐trnT region) from 68 populations spanning the entire distribution range (the Jura Mountains, Alps, western Carpathians, Dinarides). Both genetic markers revealed two main phylogeographical groups (phylogroups) in C. purpurascens. Additionally, AFLP data detected a more detailed structure of five phylogroups: two widespread, showing east?west geographical separation, and three local ones, restricted to somewhat disjunct, marginal regions of the species range. We suggest that C. purpurascens survived the last glaciation in two main regions, the foothills of the Southern Limestone Alps and the Karst area of the north‐western Dinarides, and possibly also in microrefugia in the Western Carpathians. The glacial persistence and colonization routes of this woodland herb are highly concordant with those inferred for several temperate trees, especially the European beech. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 741–760.  相似文献   
浙江江山公益林物种种间关系及CCA排序   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用浙江省江山市80个公益林固定小班监测数据,基于生态位理论、种间联结、CCA排序方法对研究区内群落优势种种间关系及其与环境的关系进行研究。结果表明:江山市公益林群落中杉木、檵木、紫萁分别在乔木、灌木、草本层中占优势地位;石栎与青冈、隔药柃与山苍子、蕨与海金沙的生态位重叠指数值分别在乔、灌、草本层中最大;而CCA协变量矩阵偏典范对应分析说明物种分布主要受海拔、坡度、坡向(光照强度)以及腐殖质厚度的影响,总体上可以对89.44%的环境因子进行解释。并且还表明,生态位宽度较大的物种其生态位重叠值较大,并在CCA排序图物种集中区分布。反之,生态位重叠较小,在CCA排序图中将偏离物种集中区;除此之外,在CCA排序图上,物种间的距离与其生态位重叠值的大小及种间联结均有密切的关联,若未存在显著的联结性,随物种间的生态位重叠值越高,其在CCA排序上的距离越近,若存在显著联结性,则正相关缩小距离,负相关拉大距离。  相似文献   
Elucidative studies on the generic concept of Senecio (Asteraceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
VINCENT, P. L. D. & GETLIFFE, F. M., 1992. Elucidative studies on the generic concept of Senecio (Asteraceae) . This paper presents the results of studies of the generic concept of Senecio sensu stricto. The sample of taxa studied consisted of 93 Natal senecios (including seven varieties and two forms), five Cape heterochromous senecios and nine non-southern African senecios, including the type of the genus, S. vulgaris L. Also included in the study were six species from taxonomically closely related genera in the tribe Senecioneae and one Senecio of uncertain taxonomic position. The phenotype of these taxa was investigated with respect to a large number (122) of morphological and micromorphological characters. Six characters were selected as being taxonomically important with respect to elucidating the generic concept of Senecio sensu stricto. The generic concept of Senecio has been provisionally re-circumscribed and the generic status of each of the senecios and non-senecios studied has been tested according to this concept of Senecio sensu stricto sensu Vincent. In the light of this concept of Senecio , the following species are recommended for exclusion from Senecio sensu stricto sensu Vincent: S. cissampelinus, S. transvaalensis, S. syringifolius and S. hockii. The following species are considered to be peripheral to Senecio sensu stricto sensu Vincent: S. tanacetopsis, S. seminiveus, S. medley-woodii, S. tamoides, S. helminthioides, S. barbertonicus, S. brevilorus, S. viminalis, S. radicans and S.fulgens. Before any taxonomic changes are made to the current composition of Senecio , the concept of Senecio sensu stricto sensu Vincent, is being tested on a worldwide sample of the genus.  相似文献   
不同载体固定化胰蛋白酶的条件研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
试验分别选用壳聚糖、复合硅胶、阴离子交换树脂为载体制备固定化胰蛋白酶,通过正交试验优化确定不同载体的酶固定条件。研究表明,三种载体固定胰蛋白酶时的酶活回收率依次为81.9%、80.1%、44.8%。  相似文献   
清醒箭毒化雄性大白鼠,在人工呼吸维持下,1.分析下丘脑弓状核(AR)兴奋中缝大核(NRM)的机制:观察到电刺激 AR 对 NRM 的兴奋效应,可因切断双侧 AR 至导水管周围灰质(PAG)的β-内啡肽(β-End)能束、PAG 内双侧注射纳洛酮或抗β-End 血清而绝大部分消失,提示 AR 对 NRM 的兴奋效应,主要通过 AR 区β-End 能神经元轴突与 PAG-NRM 系统的直接联系而实现;2.检验 AR 至 PAG-NRM 的神经通路在电针效应中的作用:实验显示上丘水平去大脑后,电针兴奋 NRM 的效应完全消失,表明此效应主要依赖中脑以上结构实现;进一步分别用 Halász 氏刀游离 AR、切断 AR 至 PAG 的β-End 能束、PAG 内注射纳洛酮或抗β-End 血清后,也使电针效应基本上完全消失,说明电针使 NRM神经元兴奋的效应,主要通过 AR 与 PAG-NRM 间的β-End 能神经通路实现。  相似文献   
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