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Endosymbionts are organisms that live within the growing skeleton of a live host organism, producing a cavity called a bioclaustration. The endosymbiont lives inside the bioclaustration, which it forms by locally inhibiting the normal skeletal growth of the host, a behaviour given the new ethological category, impedichnia. As trace fossils, bioclaustrations are direct evidence of past symbioses and are first recognized from the Late Ordovician (Caradoc). Bioclaustrations have a wide geographic distribution and occur in various skeletal marine invertebrates, including tabulate and rugose corals, calcareous sponges, bryozoans, brachiopods, and crinoids. Ten bioclaustration ichnogenera are recognized and occur preferentially in particular host taxa, suggesting host-specificity among Palaeozoic endosymbionts. The diversity of bioclaustrations increased during the Silurian and reached a climax by the late Middle Devonian (Givetian). A collapse in bioclaustration diversity and abundance during the Late Devonian is most significant among endosymbionts of host coral and calcareous sponge taxa that were in decline leading up to the Frasnian-Famennian mass extinction.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Before copulation, male Panorpa cognata scorpionflies offer females a salivary secretion, which is consumed by the female during copulation. It has previously been demonstrated that this nuptial food gift functions as mating effort by increasing male attractiveness and by increasing ejaculate transfer during copulation.
2. In this study, the effect of saliva consumption on female reproductive output was investigated, and thus the possibility that nuptial food gifts also serve as paternal investment. The experimental design enabled the effect of nuptial gift consumption to be disentangled from other possible effects of multiple mating or increased copula duration.
3. The results showed that saliva consumption increases female egg production by on average 8% (4.5 eggs) per consumed salivary mass, whereas mean egg weight was not influenced.4. These results have important implications for the evolution and maintenance of both male nuptial gifts and female polyandry in this and other species.  相似文献   
We studied among-individual variation in developmental instability (DI) and fitness-related parameters in 80 individual plants of Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyta). To minimize differential environmental effects, plants were sampled from one environmentally homogenous population. DI was measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of four bilaterally symmetric traits (branch length, receptacle length and width, and bladder width) for an average total of 30 structures per individual. FA levels varied significantly among individual plants, consistent with a coefficient of variation of 0.12 for organism-wide DI or 0.13–0.21 for trait-specific DI. These values are lower than estimates for other organisms, suggesting that the genetic heterogeneity in DI was low. The data provide some evidence for organism-wide DI, but simulations show that organism-wide and trait-specific variation cannot be conclusively separated. Growth rate of branch tips was determined experimentally, demonstrating significant variation among individuals. FA was not significantly correlated with growth rate or with morphological variables associated with fecundity, age, size, and health. At the same time, the signs of all the correlation coefficients were consistent with the expectation of a negative relationship between DI and fitness. The simulations indicated that the correlation between FA and the underlying DI was comparatively strong (high hypothetical repeatability), implying that the lack of significant associations between FA and fitness variables reflected a weak relationship between DI and these fitness parameters. This weak relationship may be related to the low amount of DI variation in the study population.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 277–286.  相似文献   
In Caliciales both passive and active spore dispersal occurs. A review of the distribution of 162 species is given. Species with small spores have wider distribution than species with large spores, irrespective of dispersal strategy. In antitropical species there is only rarely a differentiation between Northern and Southern Hemisphere populations. It is concluded that in several small-spored genera long-distance dispersal has been instrumental in dispersing the species and range extensions have been much more frequent than in large-spored species for which vicariance explanations are more appropriate. Comparisons with bryophyte distributions show differences in dispersal strategies and distribution patterns.  相似文献   
In tropical lowlands, peatlands are commonly reported from Southeast Asia, and especially Indonesian tropical peatlands are known as considerable C sinks and sources. In contrast, Amazonia has been clearly understudied in this context. In this study, based on field observations from 17 wetland sites in Peruvian lowland Amazonia, we report 0–5.9 m thick peat deposits from 16 sites. Only one of the studied sites did not contain any kind of peat deposit (considering pure peat and clayey peat). Historic yearly peat and C accumulation rates, based on radiocarbon dating of peat samples from five sites, varied from 0.94 ± 0.99 to 4.88 ± 1.65 mm, and from 26 ± 3 to 195 ± 70 g C m−2, respectively. The long-term apparent peat and C accumulation rates varied from 1.69 ± 0.03 to 2.56 ± 0.12 mm yr−1, and from 39 ± 10 to 85 ± 30 g C m−2 yr−1, respectively. These accumulation rates are comparable to those determined in the Indonesian tropical peatlands. Under altered conditions, Indonesian peatlands can release globally relevant amounts of C to the atmosphere. Considering the estimated total area of Amazonian peatlands (150 000 km2) close to that of the Indonesian ones (200 728 km2) as well as several factors threatening the Amazonian peatlands, we suggest that the total C stocks and fluxes associated with Amazonian peatlands may be of global significance.  相似文献   
Endogenous growth substances in the shoots of dwarf mutants of Cortland (Cortland 65–6 and Cortland 65–7) and Golden Delicious (Golden Auvil Spur and Yellow Spur) were investigated in relation to dwarfism. The shoots were extracted at three stages of growth, namely: 1) rapid elongation growth, 2) formation of terminal bud, and 3) cessation of cambial growth. The growth substances were partially separated by thin layer chromatography and bioassayed using the Avena first internode and Lepidium seed germination tests. Shoot extracts from the normal Cortland and Golden Delicious plants contained higher levels of auxins at all stages of growth than those from dwarf mutants. Growth-promoting activity was found in two zones on chromatograms developed with isopropanol: ammonia: water (10:1:1 v/v/v):Rf 0.4 to 0.5 and Rf 0.8 to 0.9. The Lepidium seed germination test showed the presence of a highly inhibitory zone between Rf 0.3 and 0.4 in the extracts of dwarf and normal plants. However, the peak of germination inhibition activity was sharp for dwarf mutants and less for extracts of normal growing plants at 3 stages of growth. The inhibitory substance(s) was further purified on TLC plates by successive separations in different solvent systems. Two substances which inhibited the Lepidium seed germination were found, one close to the Rf value of synthetic abscisic acid and the other appeared to be similar to xanthoxin in Rf value, biological activity and UV absorption spectra.  相似文献   
Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is the most commonly used measure of developmental instability. The relation between FA and individual fitness remains controversial, partly due to limited knowledge on the mechanisms behind variation in FA. To address this, we investigated the associations between FA, growth and reproduction as well as the ontogeny of FA in a clonal population of Daphnia magna . FA was not correlated with growth and reproduction, either at the between- or the within-individual level, in a high ( N  = 48 individuals) or in a low ( N  = 52 individuals) food-quantity regime. There were therefore no indications of functional effects of FA or of phenotypic trade-offs between developmental stability, growth and reproduction. Individual asymmetries varied randomly in sign and magnitude between subsequent molts ( N  = 19 individuals, 9–11 instars), but the levels of FA were generally lowest at intermediate ages. No feedback between right and left sides was detected. This suggests that FA only reflects the most recent growth history, that developmental instability may increase in old age, and that FA depends on processes operating on each side of the body independently. The results also suggest that FA differences within and among individual Daphnia are largely random, with limited biological significance.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 179–192.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Because wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) are hunted in southern Norway, reindeer may perceive all recreationists as threats. Potential adverse effects of hunting on reindeer behavior may be exacerbated by other forms of recreation because the number of skiers and hikers in areas inhabited by reindeer has also increased. The Norefjell-Reinsjøfjell wild reindeer area is used extensively for recreation and tourism. Reindeer hunting was introduced in the area in 1992, and harvest rate has been stable at about 38% of winter herd size. We recorded behavioral responses of reindeer to a person approaching directly on foot or skis during 1992 and again in 2002–2006. Compared to 1992, flight-initiation distance increased and fewer groups assessed the observer before taking flight during 2002–2006. In winter, when reindeer are usually comparably more vigilant than in other seasons, flight-initiation distance increased from only 60 m to 115 m and escape distance decreased from 400 m to 210 m. Neither alert distance, calf carcass weights (23.6 ± 0.7 [SE] kg to 22.4 ± 0.2 kg), nor reindeer herd size (661 ± 73 to 579 ± 15) changed during the 15 years of our study. Reindeer appeared to habituate to the observer because they initiated flight at shorter distances as the number of approaches on the same day increased. In Norefjell-Reinsjøfjell, encounters with a person on foot or skis did not result in behavioral responses likely to entail substantial energy costs for reindeer; therefore, hunting at current levels appears compatible with other recreational activities.  相似文献   
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