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Four-day-old stem segments of Zea mays L. cv. Seneca 60 were treated sequentially with phenolic substances and indole-3-acetic [2-14C] acid ([2-14C]IAA). Formation of bound IAA was rapid, but a pretreatment with p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid or 4-methylumbelliferone decreased the level of bound IAA. The decrease is not likely related to the effect of the phenolics on enzymic oxidation of IAA, since the level of free IAA was not limiting and the activity of ferulic acid in enzymic oxidation of IAA is different from that of p-coumaric acid and 4-methylum-belliferone. Apparently these compounds inhibited the formation of bound IAA and consequently caused an accumulation of free IAA. In contrast, caffeic acid, protocatechuic acid and 2,3-dihydro-2, 2-dimethyl-7-benzofuranol had little effect. After the uptake of IAA there was a slow but steady incorporation of the radioactivity into the 80% ethanol-insoluble, 1 M NaOH-soluble fraction. Phenolic substances also affected this process. The compounds which are cofactors of IAA-oxidase increased the incorporation while those which are inhibitors of IAA-oxidase decreased the incorporation. Results suggest that the phenolics also affected the enzymic oxidation of IAA in vivo in the same way as in vitro.  相似文献   
Abstract The larval external morphologies of Ectropis crepuscularia (Denis & Schiffermüller), Zamacra juglan-siaria (Graeser) and Phigalia verecundaria (Leech) of Ennominae are described and illustrated.  相似文献   
Despite the critical roles fungi play in the functioning of ecosystems, especially as symbionts of plants and recyclers of organic matter, their biodiversity is poorly known in high-latitude regions. In this paper, we discuss the molecular diversity of one of the most diverse and abundant groups of ectomycorrhizal fungi: the genus Lactarius Pers. We analysed internal transcribed spacer rDNA sequences from both curated sporocarp collections and soil polymerase chain reaction clone libraries sampled in the arctic tundra and boreal forests of Alaska. Our genetic diversity assessment, based on various phylogenetic methods and operational taxonomic unit (OTU) delimitations, suggests that the genus Lactarius is diverse in Alaska, with at least 43 putative phylogroups, and 24 and 38 distinct OTUs based on 95% and 97% internal transcribed spacer sequence similarity, respectively. Some OTUs were identified to known species, while others were novel, previously unsequenced groups. Non-asymptotic species accumulation curves, the disparity between observed and estimated richness, and the high number of singleton OTUs indicated that many Lactarius species remain to be found and identified in Alaska. Many Lactarius taxa show strong habitat preference to one of the three major vegetation types in the sampled regions (arctic tundra, black spruce forests, and mixed birch-aspen-white spruce forests), as supported by statistical tests of UniFrac distances and principal coordinates analyses (PCoA). Together, our data robustly demonstrate great diversity and nonrandom ecological partitioning in an important boreal ectomycorrhizal genus within a relatively small geographical region. The observed diversity of Lactarius was much higher in either type of boreal forest than in the arctic tundra, supporting the widely recognized pattern of decreasing species richness with increasing latitude.  相似文献   
The present study explored the intraspecific genetic diversity, dispersal patterns and phylogeographic relationships of Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae) in Malaysia using reference data available in GenBank in order to reveal this species' phylogenetic relationships. A statistical parsimony network of 70 taxa aligned as 624 characters of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and 685 characters of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) gene revealed three haplotypes (A1–A3) and four haplotypes (B1–B4), respectively. The concatenated sequences of both COI and COII genes with a total of 1309 characters revealed seven haplotypes (AB1–AB7). Analysis using tcs indicated that haplotype AB1 was the common ancestor and the most widespread haplotype in Malaysia. The genetic distance based on concatenated sequences of both COI and COII genes ranged from 0.00076 to 0.00229. Sequence alignment of Cx. quinquefasciatus from Malaysia and other countries revealed four haplotypes (AA1–AA4) by the COI gene and nine haplotypes (BB1–BB9) by the COII gene. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that Malaysian Cx. quinquefasciatus share the same genetic lineage as East African and Asian Cx. quinquefasciatus. This study has inferred the genetic lineages, dispersal patterns and hypothetical ancestral genotypes of Cx. quinquefasciatus.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Mosquito control evaluations of the granular formulation of 0.5% pyriproxyfen were undertaken in marshes and a pond in Busan during the period of July through September, 2001. In marsh condition where Culex pipiens pattens were predominantly breeding, the treatment of pyriproxyfen produced over an average of 95% mosquito larval reduction at a concentration of 0.05 mg/1 for the first 4 weeks in spite of heavy precipitation (total 274.4 mm) during the period. Reduction rates of 72.6% and 32.3% appeared in the 5th and 7th weeks probably due to heavy input of sewage and flood. However, the reduction rate increased again at the 8th week, showing a 94.5% reduction, probably because of the slow releasing of pyriproxyfen granular formulation. In the second treatment of pyriproxyfen, complete mortality was obtained at the 1st and 3rd weeks. Also, a satisfactory level of Cx. pipiens larval reduction of 96.6% was observed at the 4th week. In a pond assessment, the treatment of pyriproxyfen at a concentration of 0.05 mg/1 produced a complete reduction of Cx. pipiens pattens from the 1st week through the 4th week after treatment. In the second treatment, 100.0% reduction was obtained at the 1st and 2nd weeks in the same sites. The treatment resulted in 84.4% and 97.9% reduction of mosquitoes at the 3rd and 4th weeks, respectively.  相似文献   
Leaf gas‐exchange regulation plays a central role in the ability of trees to survive drought, but forecasting the future response of gas exchange to prolonged drought is hampered by our lack of knowledge regarding potential acclimation. To investigate whether leaf gas‐exchange rates and sensitivity to drought acclimate to precipitation regimes, we measured the seasonal variations of leaf gas exchange in a mature piñon–juniper Pinus edulisJuniperus monosperma woodland after 3 years of precipitation manipulation. We compared trees receiving ambient precipitation with those in an irrigated treatment (+30% of ambient precipitation) and a partial rainfall exclusion (?45%). Treatments significantly affected leaf water potential, stomatal conductance and photosynthesis for both isohydric piñon and anisohydric juniper. Leaf gas exchange acclimated to the precipitation regimes in both species. Maximum gas‐exchange rates under well‐watered conditions, leaf‐specific hydraulic conductance and leaf water potential at zero photosynthetic assimilation all decreased with decreasing precipitation. Despite their distinct drought resistance and stomatal regulation strategies, both species experienced hydraulic limitation on leaf gas exchange when precipitation decreased, leading to an intraspecific trade‐off between maximum photosynthetic assimilation and resistance of photosynthesis to drought. This response will be most detrimental to the carbon balance of piñon under predicted increases in aridity in the southwestern USA.  相似文献   
Surveillance of adult mosquitoes was conducted at 29 US military installations and training sites in six provinces in the Republic of Korea during 2003. Adult mosquitoes were collected in New Jersey light traps and dry ice‐baited New Jersey light traps from 1 May to 15 October. Mosquito surveillance was conducted to determine threshold levels to initiate pesticide applications and identify malaria infection rates at selected army installations and training sites. A total of 42 024 adult mosquitoes (32 594 females [77.6%] and 9430 males [22. 4%]) comprising 14 species and Anopheles sinensis s.l. (a complex of five species), representing seven genera, were collected. The most common species were members of the Anopheles sinensis Wiedemann complex (54.9%), followed by Aedes vexans nipponii (Theobald) (19.0%), Culex pipiens Coquillett (14.3%) and Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles (10.6%). Trap indices varied widely for species over their range, due in part to geographical distribution and degree of association with urban communities.  相似文献   
OH-CATH是眼镜王蛇中新发现的cathelicidin家族抗菌肽.它在1%NaCI存在的条件下对多种细菌都有较强的抗菌活性,同时,在高浓度下对人红细胞无溶血活性.OH-CATH足开发新型抗菌药物的优良模板.蜊明OH-CATH的作用机理及其对微生物的选择性,对研发以OH-CATH为先导结构的药物研发有十分重要的意义.本文利用扫描电镜以及透射电镜对OH-CATH与革兰氏阴性菌一大肠杆菌ATCC 25922相互作用的效应研究.结果揭示:OH-CATH对大肠杆菌的作用涉及到3个步骤.首先,OH-CATH借助其带正电的氨基酸残基附着到细菌带负电荷的细胞壁:然后,附着的OH-CATH在达剑一定浓度后发生聚集,以孔道彤成的方式破坏细菌的膜结构;最终,由十细菌膜的损坏,膜的渗透性被破坏,胞内内含物释放造成细菌死亡.  相似文献   
Silkworm pupae have much potential and many applications as a natural medicine to promote human health. However, their chemical components have not been fully characterized or understood. HPLC analysis was conducted to determine the content ratio (%) of individual amino acids in total protein of the pupae. It showed that glutamic acid (18.3%), histidine (14.6%) and alanine (10.2%) are the most common amino acids in silkworm pupae. Fatty acid composition of silkworm pupae oil was revealed by high‐pressure liquid chromatography and gas chromatography – mass spectroscopy analyses. They contain a high ratio of essential fatty acids, [α‐linolenic acid (ω‐3 fatty acid]+ linoleic acid) (49.0%), and also contain non‐essential fatty acids, oleic acid (19.9%), palmitoleic acid (2.5%), palmitic acid (19.7%), stearic acid (8.6%), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (0.3%). In addition, they also contain antioxidants, quercetin diglucoside and nutritionally important riboflavin (vitamin B2). This study suggests that silkworm pupae are a nutritionally valuable food product and are applicable as cosmetic components with essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins. The animal experiment showed that alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity was significantly higher in the liver of mice orally administered with 0.5 mg/mL of silkworm extract and alcohol than with commercial Dawn808? and alcohol, indicating that silkworm pupae extracts have alcohol detoxification activity.  相似文献   
Adults and immatures of Aedes mosquito populations were collected at temperatures between 40 and 44°C (summer), while larvae were collected at 0°C (winter). Major mosquito activities were observed from February to mid-December at various collection sites that yielded high populations of Aedes spp. from May to September, and high populations of Culex spp. and Anopheles spp. from March to September. In June to July, mosquito activity was suspended because the relative humidity was high (70%); a result of the monsoon rains. In August, with temperature ranging from 38 to 42°C, the populations of Culex , Anopheles and Aedes began to increase (36.8, 32.1 and 26.3%, respectively). Population estimates (through standard prototype Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Biogents (BG)-sentinel) and species composition of Aedes in forest habitats indicated a rapid increase in the populations of Ae. albopictus (52.3%), Ae. aegypti (19.1%) and Ae. vittatus (28.5%) following the rainy season in July. Areas positive for Ae. albopictus had identical population levels and distribution ranges of Ae. vittatus , however, there were no Ae. aegypti in Ae. albopictus areas from August to September. The population level, seasonal distribution, habitat and areas of adult activity marked by global positioning system (GPS) coordinates are being used for reference and for species composition data of Anopheles spp. (2), Culex spp. (10) and Aedes spp. (5) in addition to associated temperature, relative humidity and physico-chemical factors of larval habitat. Global meteorological changes have caused an expansion of the active period, leading to the mosquito's possibility of being a vector of disease increasing, resulting in the spread of dengue fever.  相似文献   
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