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Over three consecutive years, we surveyed the temporal variability in genetic structure of sardine populations in the Bay of Biscay and effective population size. Based on individual age, the genetic structure of year classes of the fishes was also surveyed, showing that populations of sardines have weak but significant genetic differences between sampling years and between year classes. We used two different methods to assess effective population size. The methods resulted in different values but a similar range, indicating a low effective population for Sardina pilchardus . Effective population size decreased over the 3 years, probably resulting from an abundance of fish in the Bay. Based on these results, we conclude that temporal variability in the genetic structure of the sardine population and effective size are likely related to environmental conditions in the Bay. Finally, we propose to use effective population size to estimate biomass of sardines in the Bay.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 591–602.  相似文献   
Two largely independent studies of chromosomes from natural populations of Anopheles maculatus provide evidence for several genetic species within the taxon. (1) Polytene chromosome variation shows four different rearrangements of arm 2 and three rearrangements of the X chromosome. There is strong evidence for three species. Two allopatric populations represent either dramatic geographic variation for two independent inversion systems within one of the genetic species, or represent two additional species. Their species status remains unresolved by this work. (2) Heterochromatic variation occurs in both X and Y chromosomes as revealed by Giemsa-banding of mitotic chromosomes from larval brains. The distribution and association of these various sex chromosomes give further evidence of a species complex. A preliminary correlation of these two kinds of chromosomal variation is given.  相似文献   
Moissette, P. & Saint Martin, J:P. 1995 11 30 Bryozoaires des milieux récifaux miocenes du sillon sud-rifain au Maroc. [Bryozoans from Miocene reef environments in the South-Rifian corridor of Morocco. In late Miocene coral reefs from the Fes area (Northern Morocco), bryozoans are the best-represented group. An inventory of the bryozoan fauna (59 species) was taken on two reefs with different organization and palaeogeographical situation in a late Miocene seaway between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. A study of the bryozoans and their zoarial forms allows an improved reconstruction of reefal environments and available habitats. Membraniporiforrn (encrusting) colonies largely predominate, whereas celleporiforms (nodular colonies) are more rare. Rigid erect (vinculariiform, adeoniform, and reteporiform) and rigid articulated zoarial types (cellariiform and catenicelliform) are fairly well represented. At depths of about 10 m and on the reef front encrusting bryozoans were well developed in cryptic habitats on living coral substrates. Erect species lived in cavities provided by the coral framework, and plants offered flexible substrates for the attachment of epiphytal forms. □Bryozoa, coral reefs, Morocco, Messininn, pulueoecology. Dans les récifs coralliens du Miocène supérieur de la région de Fes (Maroc septentrional), les bryozoaires constituent, parrni les organismes conservés, le groupe le mieux représenté. Un recensement de la fame de bryozoaires (59 espèces) a été effectué dans deux récifs d'organisation et de situation paléogéographique différentes, dans un secteur de communication entre Atlantique et Méditerranée au MiocéFne supérieur. L'étude des bryozoaires et de leurs formes zoariales permet de proposer une meilleure reconstitution de I'environnement récifal et des habitats disponibles. Les colonies membraniporiformes (encrobtantes) predominent largement, alors que les cellepori-formes (colonies noduleuses) sont beaucoup plus rares. Les types zoariaux érigés rigides (vincula-riiforme, adéoniforme et rétéporiforme) et érigés articulés (cellariiforme et catenicelliforme) sont assez bien représentés. A des profondeurs denviron 10 m et dans la partie antérieure des constructions récifales, les bryozoaires encroûtants étaient bien développés dans des habitats cryptiques sur substrats coralliens vivants. Des formes dressées vivaient dans les cavités ménagées par le bâti corallien et des supports végétaux permettaient également la fixation de formes épiphytes. □Bryozouires, récifs coralliens, Muroc, Messinien, puléoécologie.  相似文献   
Trifluoperazine, a calmodulin-antagonist, is shown to inhibit egg activation by ionophore A 23187 in sea urchin (I50: 43 μM), by trypsin in echiufoids (I50: 22 μM) and by KCl in bivalves (I50: 34 μM). In each case the inhibition could be reversed by washing the eggs and the trifluoperazine-sensitive period was clearly limited. In Barnea and Urechis , trifluoperazine inhibits calcium uptake. A common trifluoperazine-sensitive step, possibly involving calmodulin, may thus be shared by a variety of animal groups during egg activation.  相似文献   
To study the effect of salt (NaCl) on root elongation we developeda device that measures this effect by means of a Linear VariableDifferential Transformer (LVDT). To test the efficacy of thedevice we performed experiments demonstrating that (a) ratesof elongation of primary maize (Zea mays L.) roots were comparableto elongation rates of primary roots growing freely in solutionculture; and (b) chilling and low O2 concentrations of the solutionelicited the expected responses. Inhibition of root elongation by 75 mol m–3 NaCl was gradual.At an iso-osmotic concentration, mannitol did not inhibit rootgrowth, suggesting that the inhibition was not due to osmoticfactors but rather to effects of salt on metabolism. The additionof supplemental Ca (10 mol m–3) ameliorated this stressfulcondition. Timing of the application of Ca was critical. Treatmentwith Ca after addition of NaCl only partially restored growth,but pretreatment with Ca completely prevented the inhibitionof growth by salt stress. Key words: Root growth, Zea mays L., salinity  相似文献   
Seasonal drought can severely impact leaf photosynthetic capacity. This is particularly important for Mediterranean forests, where precipitation is expected to decrease as a consequence of climate change. Impacts of increased drought on the photosynthetic capacity of the evergreen Quercus ilex were studied for two years in a mature forest submitted to long‐term throughfall exclusion. Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured on two successive leaf cohorts in a control and a dry plot. Exclusion significantly reduced leaf water potential in the dry treatment. In both treatments, light‐saturated net assimilation rate (Amax), stomatal conductance (gs), maximum carboxylation rate (Vcmax), maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax), mesophyll conductance to CO2 (gm) and nitrogen investment in photosynthesis decreased markedly with soil water limitation during summer. The relationships between leaf photosynthetic parameters and leaf water potential remained identical in the two treatments. Leaf and canopy acclimation to progressive, long‐term drought occurred through changes in leaf area index, leaf mass per area and leaf chemical composition, but not through modifications of physiological parameters.  相似文献   

In polychaete annelids, two types of vitellogenesis have been described: a heterosynthetic mechanism (in a number of different of worms) and an autosynthetic process (other including Nereis). Recent biochemical results suggest that the heterosynthetic mechanism is more general than previously thought. In Nereis, the vitellogenin (the precursor) is synthesized in coelomocytes and after transfer through coelomic fluid incorporated into oocytes. In germinal cells, a conversion process, involving proteolytic cleavages of vitellogenin, produces mature vitellins which are accumulated in yolk granules.

The neurohormones identified so far are not essential for vitellogenin synthesis. It is possible that these neurohormones regutate enzymatic activities in the oocytes.  相似文献   
An overview of models of stomatal conductance at the leaf level   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Stomata play a key role in plant adaptation to changing environmental conditions as they control both water losses and CO2 uptake. Particularly, in the context of global change, simulations of the consequences of drought on crop plants are needed to design more efficient and water‐saving cropping systems. However, most of the models of stomatal conductance (gs) developed at the leaf level link gs to environmental factors or net photosynthesis (Anet), but do not include satisfactorily the effects of drought, impairing our capacity to simulate plant functioning in conditions of limited water supply. The objective of this review was to draw an up‐to‐date picture of the gs models, from the empirical to the process‐based ones, along with their mechanistic or deterministic bases. It focuses on models capable to account for multiple environmental influences with emphasis on drought conditions. We examine how models that have been proposed for well‐watered conditions can be combined with those specifically designed to deal with drought conditions. Ideas for future improvements of gs models are discussed: the issue of co‐regulation of gs and Anet; the roles of CO2, absissic acid and H2O2; and finally, how to better address the new challenges arising from the issue of global change.  相似文献   
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