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CO2 flux measurements give access to two critical terms of the carbon budget of terrestrial ecosystems, the gross primary productivity (GPP) and the net ecosystem productivity (NEP). CO2 fluxes measured by micrometeorological methods have spatial and temporal characteristics that make them potentially useful in modelling the global terrestrial carbon budget. The first use is in parameterizing ecosystem physiological processes. We present an example, based on parameterizing the mean light response of GPP. This parameterization can be used in diagnostic, satellite-based GPP models. A global application leads to realistic estimates of global GPP. The second use is in testing the seasonality of fluxes predicted by global models. Our example of this use tests two global GPP models. One is a diagnostic, satellite-based model, and one is a prognostic, process-based model. Despite the limitations of the models, both agree reasonably well with the measurements. The agreements and disagreements are useful in addressing the problems of available input datasets and representation of processes, in global models. Long-term CO2 flux measurements give access to key variables of terrestrial vegetation models and therefore offer exciting perspectives. 相似文献
1. Due to the existence of numerous morphologically sibling species among African rodent genera, cytogenetical analyses are essential for correct taxonomic identifications. As an illustration, karyotypes of rodents captured in the Lake Chad area were systematically conducted, to determine them unambiguously. 2. Thirteen species were found, giving a list of at least 18 species in total for the whole Lake Chad region when previously published data were critically re‐examined. Gerbilline rodents dominate in this Sahelian region, with five species of Gerbillus, four of Taterillus, two of Tatera and Desmodilliscus braueri, and six species of murine rodents were also counted. Moreover, two species of Taterillus appeared characterized by unique and hitherto unknown karyotypes, and undoubtedly represent new species. 3. The Lake Chad area, although poorly studied from a biogeographical point of view, occupies a central position in the northern half of Africa which makes its zoogeographical affinities interesting to evaluate. Analysis of the biogeographical characteristics of the rodent species recorded here leads to the conclusion that the murid rodent community of the Lake Chad region is of mixed origin, with a dominant West African component. However, the presence of two species considered as endemics (Mastomys verheyeni and Taterillus lacustris), combined with our discovery of two new chromosomal species of Taterillus, suggest that this region may have acted as a centre of differentiation in relatively recent times, perhaps reflecting the extensive variations of the Lake Chad basin associated with Plio‐Pleistocene cycles of transgression–regression. 4. Without chromosomal data, most of these findings would have remained weakly supported, or even undiscovered, as between five and eight species could have been overlooked. 相似文献
Light scattering studies on hyaluronic acid 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
The genus Blaps is an emblematic group of large flightless beetles adapted to semi‐arid and arid environments. About 230 species have been described in the subgenus Blaps, which is the largest of the four extant subgenera. Within this subgenus, one large group of morphologically homogeneous species is of particular interest, and comprises the species formerly assigned to Seidlitz's division one. Strikingly, almost all species in this group are endemic to the Mediterranean basin, whereas the remaining Blaps species are mostly distributed in Asia. Here we present the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the Mediterranean Blaps and several taxonomic clarifications for the North African species belonging to this group. Based on careful examination of almost all type material and thousands of specimens for all known species and subspecies (initially 65 taxa), seven lectotypes are designated and six new synonymies are established: Blaps heydeni Allard, 1880 = Blaps heydenissp. taciturna Peyerimhoff syn.n. , Blaps emondi Solier = Blaps nitidula Solier syn.n. , Blaps tripolitanica Karsch = Blaps vialattei Peyerimhoff syn.n. , Blaps bifurcata strauchi Reiche = Blaps bifurcata ssp. gridellii Pierre syn.n. , Blaps cognata Solier = Blaps schweinfurhtii Seidlitz syn.n. and Blaps judaeorum Miller = Blaps pharao Seidlitz syn.n. Among the examined material, five species are also new for science and are assigned to extant species group. To infer species relationships, a morphological character matrix was assembled and analysed using both parsimony and probabilistic methods. All analyses yielded a similar and repeatable phylogenetic pattern, which allows us to discuss the systematics of the Mediterranean endemic species, the limit of extant species groups and to clarify the taxonomic status of several ambiguous taxa. We also reveal the existence of a large clade that encompasses the eastern Mediterranean species that are also mostly associated with arid regions. This clade is embedded within a second group that corresponds to western Mediterranean species, which are generally found in semi‐arid regions. Finally, we discuss the relevance of species groups in relation to their geographic distribution. This work represents a first step for further studies in taxonomy, systematics and historical biogeography of Blaps species. 相似文献
BALAZS EA LAURENT TC LAURENT UB DEROCHE MH BUNNEY DM 《Archives of biochemistry and biophysics》1959,81(2):464-479
A comparative biochemical study was made on the vitreous body of the following animals: squid, frogs, tortoises, chickens, turkeys, pigeons, owls, rabbits, guinea pigs, sheep, cattle, and owl monkeys. It was found that:
- 1.1. The vitreous body of the squid is a liquid and has a low viscosity. The vitreous body of the owl monkey is a viscous fluid. In the chicken, turkey, and pigeon, the posterior part of the vitreous body is a liquid; the rest is a gel. In the other animals the vitreous body is in gel state.
- 2.2. The total ascorbic acid content is high (in the order of 10 mg./100 ml.) in adult mammals and tortoises, and it is ten times lower in the other animals investigated. The amount of oxidized ascorbic acid in mammals is about 10% of the total ascorbic acid content.
- 3.3. Only when the vitreous body is in gel state does it contain collagen which can be sedimented by high-speed centrifugation.
- 4.4. Hexuronic acid is present in the vitreous body of all species, but with a large variation in concentration. The highest values were found in squid and in some mammals (cattle, owl monkeys, sheep). Its concentration is much less in birds, rabbits, and guinea pigs. In frogs no hexuronic acid could be determined.
- 5.5. In most animals the hexosamine concentration was higher than the hexuronic acid, indicating that hexosamine-containing compounds other than hyaluronic acid, such as glycoproteins, are present. The sialic acid content supports these findings.
- 6.6. The aqueous humor of birds contains hexosamine and hexuronic acid in about the same concentrations as the vitreous body. The aqueous humor of the owl showed an uneven distribution of hexosamine and hexuronic acid. A viscous layer, presumably hyaluronic acid, was found behind the cornea. The hyaluronic acid concentration of the aqueous humor of the mammals investigated was 100 times less than that of the vitreous body.
- 7.7. In all animals the soluble protein concentration of the vitreous body is very low (about 1% of the serum concentration), indicating that there is a distinct barrier between the vitreous body and the blood vessel system.
- 8.8. Hyaluronic acid, soluble proteins, and collagen were unevenly distributed in the vitreous body of all animals investigated. 相似文献
S. FOITZIK S. BAUER S. LAURENT P. S. PENNINGS 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2009,22(12):2470-2480
Genetic diversity and spatial structure of populations are important for antagonistic coevolution. We investigated genetic variation and population structure of three closely related European ant species: the social parasite Harpagoxenus sublaevis and its two host species Leptothorax acervorum and Leptothorax muscorum. We sampled populations in 12 countries and analysed eight microsatellite loci and an mtDNA sequence. We found high levels of genetic variation in all three species, only slightly less variation in the host L. muscorum. Using a newly introduced measure of differentiation (Jost’s Dest ), we detected strong population structuring in all species and less male‐biased dispersal than previously thought. We found no phylogeographic patterns that could give information on post‐glacial colonization routes – northern populations are as variable as more southern populations. We conclude that conditions for Thompson’s geographic mosaic of coevolution are ideal in this system: all three species show ample genetic variation and strong population structure. 相似文献
JOHN M. SAUL LAURENT SCHWARTZ 《Lethaia: An International Journal of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy》2007,40(3):211-220
The origin of multicelled animal life required collagen-family molecules whose own formation depended on the availability of molecular oxygen. Cancers, by contrast, are characterized by their low use of oxygen. In discussing the relationship between the origin of multicelled life and the origin of cancer, it is useful to think in terms of tissues rather than individual cells or complete animals. When animal tissues are disturbed, their constituent cells may be partially released from the constraints of multicellularity. This permits or obliges cells to reactivate anaerobic metabolic ways used by their single-celled ancestors in the oxygen-deficient Precambrian seas. Inhibition or loss of cell respiration under such circumstances may cause reversion to glycolytic fermentation, a less efficient metabolic style that generates waste products that are retained, thereby producing excess cell-growth. Distortion of tissue architecture may ensue with impairment of cell-to-cell adhesion, thereby liberating individual cells. Cells freed from tissue constraints undergo Darwinian variation which leads to loss of differentiation and produces cell types that are incompatible with the normal functioning of tissues. These steps, which may manifest themselves as carcinogenesis, are not reversible by restoration of oxygen and in effect constitute a demergence from the metazoan state. The existence of cancer among diverse phyla and especially among domesticated animals, suggests that the risk of cancer may be an initial condition of complex multicellular life and that it remains preferentially associated with newly modified designs. If so, there would be therapeutic strategies that have not yet been adequately considered. □ Cambrian explosion, cancer, cell differentiation, collagen, glycolysis, hard parts, metazoan origins. 相似文献
Tillering responses to the light environment and to defoliationwere studied in two populations of perennial ryegrass (LoliumperenneL.) selected for contrasting leaf lengths. The objectiveof this study was to determine whether differences in tilleringresponses between populations, as a result of management practices,affected their competitive ability. Young seedlings were exposed,under controlled conditions, to defoliation, neutral shading(decreased photosynthetic photon flux), low red:far-red ratioand/or decreased blue light. Selection for longer leaves reducedthe tillering rate. After defoliation, this difference betweenshort- and long-leaved populations was magnified. Defoliationdecreased both site filling and phyllochron of the long-leavedpopulation but had no effect on the short-leaved population.Lowering the photosynthetic photon flux reduced the phyllochronin both population. Decreasing the red:far-red ratio reducedtillering rate by reducing site filling, whereas decreasingblue light had no significant effects on tillering. Tilleringresponses to photosynthetic photon flux and to red:far-red ratiowere similar in the two populations selected for contrastingleaf length. The implication of these tillering responses indefining the competitive ability of the grass plants is discussedin relation to their management.Copyright 1999 Annals of BotanyCompany Blue light, defoliation, far-red, irradiance, leaf size,Lolium perenne(L.), perennial ryegrass, photomorphogenesis, phyllochron, shading, site filling, tiller production. 相似文献