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SUMMARY. 1. The diet of Phagocata vitta, Crenobia alpina and Polycelis felina in a Welsh stream was examined, using a serologicat technique, at monthly intervals over 18 months.
2. For each triclad species, dietary composition changed little with time or increasing body size, and overall feeding intensity was greatest in summer and least in winter.
3. Alt species fed most heavily on oligochaetes, chironomids and Gammarus. Phagocata vitta fed lightly on Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera whilst the other two triclad species fed substantially on the first two of these prey categories.
4. Food niche breadth indices indicated a wide diet for all species with some specialization in some months. Electivity indices showed positive electivity for oligochaetes and chironomids by all species and for Plecoptera by C. alpina and P. felina .
5. Diets overlapped and none had a food refuge: therefore the potential for interspecific competition for food exists.  相似文献   
1. We hypothesized that changes in bacterial colony growth would be correlated to shifts in riparian vegetation (via leachate quality) along a river continuum of a south-eastern, blackwater stream (U.S.A.). Spatially, we expected bacterial assemblages from downstream reaches to utilize more sources of leachate and at higher concentrations than bacteria collected from headwater reaches. Temporally, we predicted higher colony growth on leachate from autumn-shed (senescent) leaves compared with leachate from fresh, green leaves.
2. We examined spatial differences in assemblage growth by culturing bacteria sampled along the stream continuum on gradient plates using leachates from four common riparian species ( Taxodium distichum , Carya spp., Acer rubrum and Decumaria barbara ). Bacteria from the lowest site were able to use all sources provided and at all concentrations, whereas bacteria from upper reaches could not. Colony density was correlated to relative leachate concentration at all sites along the continuum.
3. Leachates from fresh and senescent A. rubrum leaves were used to determine temporal differences. Winter assemblages of bacteria could not grow on fresh leaf leachate at any concentration but grew well on autumn leaf leachate at higher concentrations. Differential response of bacterial assemblages indicated local adaptation to potential sources of dissolved organic matter.
4. Growth response of stream bacterial colonies appeared to be dependent on the timing and source of leachate as well as on sources of dissolved organic carbon from further upstream. Growth of bacterial assemblages exhibited 'generalist' characteristics in headwater reaches and 'specialist' characteristics at the mouth of our study stream drainage. Thus, our findings lend support to the argument that variable resource habitats favour a small, generalist assemblage, while environments with stable resource supplies allow for highly diverse assemblages dominated by specialists.  相似文献   
Growth rates in vitro of Pseudomonas syringae and Xanthomonas pruni were measured over the temperature range 0–36 °C. The estimated temperature optimum for X. pruni was 31 °C, with a doubling time of 1.53 h. The estimated temperature optimum for P. syringae was 28 °C with a doubling time of 1.27 h, although analysis showed no significant difference in the doubling times over the range 23–33 °C, indicating an unusual plateau at the maximum rate of growth of this organism. P. syringae and related plant pathogenic Pseudomonas spp. grew well at low temperatures, but X. pruni did not. Cultures of P. syringae and X. pruni had a very short lag phase after their incubation temperature was changed from 4 °C to a temperature close to their optimum (29 °C). When the incubation temperature of these organisms was changed from 11.5–29 °C, X. pruni grew without a lag phase at the rate expected for the higher temperature. However, the initial growth rate of P. syringae at the higher temperature was significantly greater than that at which the organism subsequently developed. The ecological significance of these points is discussed. The usefulness of the Arrhenius coefficients as characteristics of these organisms is discussed.  相似文献   
We first review the suite of general problems mammals confrontduring their social development, and then focus on the specificproblem of how group-living mammals acquire their social rank.In particular, we examine maternal rank "inheritance" (MRI)in those mammals for which maternal rank is the primary determinantof female rank. This occurs in many primates and in spottedhyenas. Young primates and spotted hyenas usually attain theiradult status in two stages: they first attain ranks correlatedwith those of their mothers in peer interactions, and subsequentlychallenge and outrank older conspecifics subordinate to theirmothers. Observational learning may be necessary, but is notsufficient, for MRI. In some primates, but not hyenas, youngstersappear to learn their ranks from direct aggression against themby higher-ranking adults. Third-party support appears to promoteMRI in all species examined: the probability and style of maternalinterventions on behalf of infants often vary with rank, andboth kin and nonkin frequently form coalitions that may assistjuveniles during rank reversals.  相似文献   
Fat, Energy and Mammalian Survival   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adipose tissue plays a critical role in mammalian life historystrategies, serving as an organ for the storage of food andenergy, as a source of heat and water and as thermal insulation.The food and energy storage roles are especially important inallowing the animals to survive food shortages and stressesassociated with competition for mates, territorial defense,gestation and lactation, and to accomplish migrations. The composition,cellularity and anatomical site of adipose depots in a mammalcan influence both the amount of fat stored and its availabilityand usefulness in any given situation. The fatty acids and complexlipids in adipose tissue, blood vessels, nerves and brain changein response to ambient temperature and the low body temperaturesduring hibernation. Early nutrition may influence the numberof fat cells developed by a mammal, and thus affect its abilityto survive adversity. Desert species develop localized depotswhich will not interfere with temperature regulation, whileanimals in cold environments use their extensive superficialfat layers as insulation.  相似文献   
松梢蚧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
松梢蚧又称松针蚧,是同翅目珠蚧科松蚧属专寄生在松树针叶上的害虫。由于它发生起始于松树梢头的新针叶,有些地区的群众称它为松梢蚧,表达了它发生的特点。松树受害严重的可使枝梢上的针叶大部脱落,影响松树生长。 在我国浙江早已发现中华松梢蚧(Matsucoccus sinensis Chen)。Ferris(1950)重新描述了在昆明云南松上采到的所谓中华松梢蚧。我们研究了从昆明采集的标本,发现它不是中华松梢蚧,而是一个新种。Ferris的鉴定和重新描述,很容易引起对中华松梢蚧的误解。  相似文献   
Effect of latitude on flavonoid biosynthesis in plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The growth conditions in different latitudes vary markedly with season, day length, light quality and temperature. Many plant species have adapted well to the distinct environments through different strategies, one of which is the production of additional secondary metabolites. Flavonoids are a widely spread group of plant secondary metabolites that are involved in many crucial functions of plants. Our understanding of the biosynthesis, occurrence and function of flavonoids has increased rapidly in recent decades. Numerous studies have been published on the influence of environmental factors on the biosynthesis of flavonoids. However, extensive long‐term studies that examine the effect of the characteristics of northern climates on flavonoid biosynthesis are still scarce. This review focuses on the current knowledge about the effect of light intensity, photoperiod and temperature on the gene–environment interaction related to flavonoid biosynthesis in plants.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Mating pair formation in Paramecium primaurelia was shown to be inhibited by incubating mating-competent mating type (mt) I and mt U cells with Limulus polyphemus agglutinin (LPA) or wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). Preincubation of LPA and WGA with their specific binding-monosaccharides, N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuAc) and N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), respectively, prevented the lectin effect on pair formation. Addition either of NeuAc or GlcNAc resulted in a reversal of cell pairing inhibition by LPA or WGA, respectively. Both NeuAc and GlcNAc monosaccharides inhibited pair formation when their concentration exceeded a threshold value. The pattern of the relative distribution of NeuAc and GlcNAc molecules on the cell surface was analyzed using fluorescence resonance energy transfer techniques combined with imaging systems. Mt I1 cells showed a high lectin-binding site density localized just on the surface region engaged in conjugation. The pattern of mt I cells, consisting of a quite homogeneous lectin-binding site density spread on the cell surface, was also common to nonmating-competent cells and to immature cells. These findings suggest that in P. primaurelia pair formation involves both NeuAc and GlcNAc residues and that the development of mating-competence is related to a modification in NeuAc and GlcNAc relative distribution on the cell surface of mt 11 cells.  相似文献   
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