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Effects of mute swan grazing on a keystone macrophyte   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. This study describes the early summer foraging behaviour of mute swans (Cygnus olor) on the River Frome, a highly productive chalk stream in southern England in which Ranunculus penicillatus pseudofluitans is the dominant macrophyte. 2. A daily maximum of 41 ± 2.5 swans were present along the 1.1 km study reach during the study period (late May to the end of June). The river was the primary feeding habitat. Feeding activity on the river at dawn and dusk was much lower than during daylight, but we cannot rule out the possibility that swans fed during the hours of darkness. 3. The effects of herbivory on R. pseudofluitans biomass and morphology were quantified. Biomass was lower in grazed areas and swans grazed selectively on leaves in preference to stems. A lower proportion of stems from grazed areas possessed intact stem apices and flowering of the plant was reduced in grazed areas. 4. A model, based on the swans’ daily consumption, was used to predict the grazing pressure of swans on R. pseudofluitans. The model accurately predicted the number of bird days supported by the study site, only if grazing was assumed to severely reduce R. pseudofluitans growth. The proportion of the initial R. pseudofluitans biomass consumed by a fixed number of swans was predicted to be greater when the habitat area was smaller, initial R. pseudofluitans biomass was lower and R. pseudofluitans was of lower food value. 5. We concluded that the flux of N and P through the study reach was largely unaffected by swan activity. The quality of R. pseudofluitans mesohabitat (the plant as habitat for invertebrates and fish) was significantly reduced by grazing which also indirectly contributed to reduced roughness (Manning's n) and by inference water depth. Wetted habitat area for fish and invertebrates would also be lowered over the summer period as a consequence of the reduction in water depth. It was estimated that, while grazing, an individual swan may eat the same mass of invertebrates per day as a 300‐g trout. 6. There is a need to manage the conflict between mute swans and the keystone macrophyte, R. pseudofluitans, in chalk streams, and the modelling approach used here offers a potentially useful tool for this purpose.  相似文献   
Recombinant amidase from Sulfolobus solfataricus occurred as a dimer of 110 kDa comprising identical subunits. Only dimers were present at pHs above 7.0, but with decreasing pH, dimers associated into octamers, with complete oligomerization occurring at pH 3.0. Oligomerization showed reversible temperature-dependence, with octamer formation increasing with temperature from 36 °C to between 70 and 80° C. Increasing salt concentrations, favored dissociation of the octamers. Among the three investigated factors affecting the dimer–octamer equilibrium, the most important was pH. Among four mutants obtained by site-specific mutagenesis and selection for pH and temperature sensitivity, the T319I and D487N mutant amidases, like that of the native Sulfolobus solfataricus, responded to changes in pH and temperature with a conformational change affecting the dimer–octamer equilibrium. The Y41C and L34P mutant amidases were unaffected by pH and temperature, remaining always in the dimeric state. The differences among mutants in protein conformation must be related to the position of the introduced mutation. Although the L34P and Y41C mutations are located in the helical region 33–48 (LLKLQLESYERLDSLP), which is close to the amino-terminal segment of the protein, the T319I mutation is located in a strand on the surface of the protein, which is far from, and opposite to, the amino-terminal segment. The D487N mutation is located in the center of the protein, far distant from the 33–48 segment. These observations suggest that the segment of the protein closest to the amino-terminus plays a key role in the association of dimers into octamers.  相似文献   
Are predatory birds effective secondary seed dispersers?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have studied the unusual phenomenon of secondary seed dispersal of Lycium intricatum seeds on a small oceanic Atlantic island (Alegranza, Canarian Archipelago) in which a small frugivorous lizard ( Gallotia atlantica ) and two different predatory birds participate, a shrike ( Lanius excubitor ) and a kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus ). Endemic lizards that are common prey of both bird species consume Lycium fruits. Lizard remains were significantly matched with the presence of Lycium fruits in the regurgitation pellets of the two predatory birds. Seeds were found in 7.3% of the lizard droppings, 31.0% of kestrel pellets and 55.7% of shrike regurgitations. The mean number of seeds per dropping or pellet was 4.8 ±4 in lizard, 20.2 ±34.5 in shrike and 6.7 ±8.1 in kestrel. The percentage of viable seeds showed significant differences among all four treatments, decreasing in the following direction: seeds collected directly from plants (98.0%), shrikes (88.0%), lizards (72.3%), and kestrels (31.7%). Seeds from Lycium fresh fruits and shrike pellets showed significantly higher germination rates than those from lizard droppings and kestrel pellets. While lizards and shrikes are effective seed dispersers, kestrel gut treatment decreases seed viability. Seed viability is always higher than seed germination in each of the four treatments. In this island environment, Lycium seeds are under an important random influence during the seed dispersal process. Secondary seed dispersal seems to acquire a relevant dimension in small and remote insular environments or isolated continental systems where interactions among the different elements involved are intense, all of them are abundant native residents, and they have been coexisting for a long time. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 345–352.  相似文献   
We analysed mitochondrial (cytochrome  b ) nucleotide sequences, nuclear allozyme markers, and morphometric characters to investigate species boundaries and phylogenetic relationships among dusky salamanders ( Desmognathus ) in the southern Blue Ridge and adjacent Piedmont Physiographic Provinces of Virginia and North Carolina. Our results revealed four distinct mitochondrial DNA clades that are also characterized by distinct allozyme markers. One clade consists of sequences derived from populations distributed from New England to south-western Virginia that are referable to Desmognathus fuscus Rafinesque, 1820, although there is considerable sequence and allozyme divergence within this clade. A second clade consists of sequences derived from populations referable to Desmognathus planiceps Newman, 1955, a form that we resurrect from its long synonymy under D. fuscus . Desmognathus planiceps and D. fuscus also differ in mandibular tooth shape. Two other cytochrome  b sequences recovered from populations along the Blue Ridge escarpment in southern Virginia are quite divergent from those of the previous two clades, and these populations may represent yet another distinct species. Sequences from a population in the Brushy Mountains in the Piedmont of northern North Carolina are similar to those of Desmognathus carolinensis . Population groupings indicated by allozyme data generally correspond to the cytochrome  b clades. Cryptic diversity in Appalachian desmognathan salamanders clearly requires further study. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 115–130.  相似文献   
Cytogenetic analyses conducted on several cases of melanoma have contributed to the identification of the chromosomal regions where the sequences responsible for malignant transformation and the evolution of this tumor are probably located. With regard to these problems, it is very important to have the possibility to analyze, through the use of cytogenetics, both the primary melanoma and the metastatic lesions from the same patient. We present a case in which the primary melanoma and five different metastases were studied by using cytogenetics. The primary tumor showed an inversion of chromosome 1 where the p36 region, often proposed in literature as the location of a melanoma susceptibility gene, was involved. Three cutaneous and one lymphonodal metastases presented the same nine clonal chromosomal aberrations. In particular, one is a further rearrangement of the marker present in the primary tumor; another is a deletion of the 9p21pter region in which the p16 gene is located. Our results can provide a contribution to the hypothesis of the location of a candidate gene for melanoma in the 1p36 region and can also underscore the role of the 9p21 region in the progression of melanoma.  相似文献   
We tested whether plants allocate proportionately less biomass to roots in response to above-ground competition as predicted by optimal partitioning theory. Two population densities of Abutilon theophrasti were achieved by planting one individual per pot and varying spacing among pots so that plants in the two densities experienced the same soil volume but different degrees of canopy overlap. Density did not affect root:shoot ratio, the partitioning of biomass between fine roots and storage roots, fine root length, or root specific length. Plants growing in high density exhibited typical above-ground responses to neighbours, having higher ratios of stem to leaf biomass and greater leaf specific area than those growing in low density. Total root biomass and shoot biomass were highly correlated. However, storage root biomass was more strongly correlated with shoot biomass than was fine-root biomass. Fine-root length was correlated with above-ground biomass only for the small subcanopy plants in crowded populations. Because leaf surface area increased with biomass, the ratio between absorptive root surface area and transpirational leaf surface area declined with plant size, a relationship that could make larger plants more susceptible to drought. We conclude that A. theophrasti does not reallocate biomass from roots to shoots in response to above-ground competition even though much root biomass is apparently involved in storage and not in resource acquisition.  相似文献   
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