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Abstract:  A diverse assemblage of late Early Cambrian brachiopods is described from the Bastion and Ella Island formations of North-East Greenland. The fauna includes nine species, representing all three extant brachiopod subphyla in addition to the stem group brachiopod Mickwitzia cf. occidens . Four linguliforms: Eoobolus priscus , Botsfordia caelata , Micromitra bella , Vandalotreta sp., three rynchonelliforms: Obolella crassa , Kutorgina reticulata , and an unidentified chileid plus a possible craniiform species occur. The fauna shows similarities to late Early Cambrian (Dyeran Stage) brachiopod faunas of eastern Canada and the United States, but also to faunas from the late Early Cambrian (Botomian–Toyonian equivalent) of Australia, Antarctica and Siberia.  相似文献   
LARS WALLIN 《Ibis》1986,128(2):251-259
Songs of the three flycatcher forms, Ficedula hypoleuca hypoleuca, Ficedula albicollis albicollis and Ficedula albicollis semitorquata , were distinguishable from one another using a multivariate analysis. F. albicollis semitorquata , which has an intermediate song character, is considered to be a primary allopatric form while the nominate subspecies of albicollis is assumed to be dispersed into sympatry with F. h. hypoleuca . The differences in song between the nominate albicollis and F. hypoleuca are accentuated in their zone of sympatry and are mostly due to divergence in the albicollis song. The song is primarily an epigamic vocalization in the two species and conforms to the pattern characteristic of divergent character displacement associated with reproductive behaviour. Two alarm calls are quite similar in the two species and are the main vocalizations associated with territorial combat. Their interspecific territorial behaviour has apparently not been affected in areas of sympatry.  相似文献   
1. To test the response of algal communities to altered grazer abundance in lakes lacking efficient predators on herbivores, we performed field and experimental studies in two sub-Antarctic lakes (South Georgia).
2. The number of algal species in these high latitude lakes is low, and all dominant species have grazer-resistant adaptations, including spines in three dimensions ( Staurastrum sp.), large size ( Tribonema sp.), a mucus sheet allowing viable passage through the gut ( Chlamydocapsa sp., Elakatothrix sp.) or ability to recruit individuals from the sediment surface ( Mallomonas sp.).
3. Algal community composition was only slightly changed by experimentally altered grazer abundance, indicating that it was already adapted for a high grazing pressure. Hence, the diets of herbivores were restricted to vulnerable food organisms such as Mallomonas sp. and heterotrophic flagellates in the water column, and to benthic food sources.
4. At high grazer abundance, the concentration of available phosphorus (PO4-P) in the water was lower than at low grazer abundances, due to inefficient nutrient regeneration by the copepod herbivores. Hence, in lakes where copepods are dominant grazers, algae suffer both directly from grazing and indirectly from reduced nutrient availability.  相似文献   
The modern theories of sexual selection predict that male sexual ornaments may have evolved as reliable signals of male fertilization efficiency. However, among the studies of fishes with external fertilization, the results have yielded ambiguous evidence. In the present study, we present data on the phenotypic relationships between red spawning coloration and ejaculate quality (spermatocrit, sperm motility) from Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus. We studied two generations (F1 and F2) of males from a large lake population, reared in a standardized hatchery environment, to determine whether differential hatchery history, or duration of hatchery selection, affected the variation in ejaculate characteristics or abdominal coloration. After controlling for body length, there was no difference between the hatchery generations in these traits. However, the degree of redness increased with fish size. We found a positive correlation between sperm velocity and sperm longevity, indicating a functional integration between these sperm features across generations. Sperm velocity was also positively correlated with male redness. Therefore, the finding obtained in the present study suggests that the carotenoid‐based ornamentation in Arctic charr may provide information about differences between males in their fertilization potential. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 794–802.  相似文献   
1. Oxygen uptake and denitrification were determined in two bioturbated sediments from a eutrophic lake in southern Sweden. In laboratory mesocosms, an organic profundal sediment was incubated with Chironomus plumosus L. and a sandy littoral sediment with an organic-rich top layer was incubated with Polypedilum sp. Both species of chironomid are sediment tube-dwelling. 2. Oxygen consumption, expressed per gram of larval dry weight, was enhanced to the same extent by the larvae in both sediments. Measurements of the respiration rate of individual larvae revealed that the respiration per gram dry weight of the smaller Polypedilum sp. was more than three times higher than that of C. plumosus. 3. Denitrification was measured using the ‘nitrogen isotope pairing’ technique. In the organic sediment, denitrification of nitrate from the water phase (dw) and denitrification of nitrate from coupled nitrification (dn) were each correlated with the biomass of C. plumosus. In the sandy sediment, dw was correlated with the biomass of Polypedilum sp., while dn did not show any correlation with Polypedilum sp. 4. Oxygen uptake in the organic sediment was increased by a factor of 2.5, dw 5-fold and dn 2.5-fold at a biomass of 10 g m–2 dry weight of C. plumosus. The same biomass of Polypedilum sp. in the sandy sediment resulted in a 2-fold stimulation of oxygen uptake and a 3-fold stimulation of dw, while dn was not affected. These differences in stimulation between oxygen uptake and denitrification by the larvae in the sediments suggest that the stimulation pattern cannot be explained by simple extension of the sediment surface. The burrows evidently reduce the distance between the nitrate source in the water column and the denitrifiers in the anoxic zones. 5. This study indicates that bioturbation by macrofauna elements can have a great impact on denitrification in lake sediments, and that different organisms can influence nitrogen turnover in specific ways.  相似文献   
This paper presents an up-to-date and detailed overview of the Plio-Pleistocene fossil record of Carnivora in eastern Africa. Major events in the carnivoran lineages present in the region are discussed and stratigraphic ranges of all species-level taxa are provided. The compiled data are used for quantitative analyses of species richness and turnover. Sampling is considered to be adequate for the interval 3.6–1.5 Mya, and poorer in the half-million-year time slices before and after this interval. Species richness peaks around 3.6–3.0 Mya and declines gradually from that time until the end of the time period analysed. Calculation of origination and extinction rates indicate that there are two peaks of origination: at 3.9–3.3 Mya (although the earlier half of this interval is biased through poor sampling) and at 2.1–1.8 Mya. The origination rate is zero in the interval 3.0–2.4 Mya. The extinction rate peaks at around 3.0 Mya after which it falls slightly, remaining nearly constant until 1.8 Mya, after which it increases considerably. The data support the hypothesis that the modern carnivoran guild of eastern Africa originated relatively recently, mostly within the last million years. There is no support in these data for a turnover pulse in Carnivora between 3 and 2 Mya.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 144 , 121–144.  相似文献   
Herring Gull Larus argentatus eggs from a study colony in the Baltic showed a slight but significant variation in egg size within the laying sequence. Last-laid eggs were only about 5% smaller by volume than first eggs. There was no significant difference in dry yolk weight or dry albumen weight, although possible differences were evident. The chicks had nearly equal hatching weights and equally long tarsi. There was no differential mortality in the third chick in the study colony, and there were no indications of egg-size-mediated mortality. The birds in the colony produced an average of 1.45 fledglings per pair. Compared with several other studied colonies, the difference in egg size within a clutch was low, and a comparison of colonies from northwestern Europe suggests that variance within the clutch is negatively correlated with fledging success, so that a large difference in size between first and last eggs is associated with low fledging success. We suggest that the size of the last egg in the clutch reflects the feeding potential in the environment and is mainly a nonadaptive response to poor feeding conditions during laying.  相似文献   
  • 1 The consequences of concentrating freshwater phytoplankton communities prior to measurement of nitrogenase activity using the acetylene-reduction assay were investigated.
  • 2 Retention of heterocystous blue-green algae by 10 and 45 öm plankton nets was usually much less than 100% and the percent retention differed among blue-green algal species and varied for the same species both on different sampling dates and in different lakes. Retention of heterocyst numbers and helerocyst volume during concentration differed from that of total cell volume of heterocystous blue-green algae.
  • 3 Effects of concentration on specific nitrogcnase activity varied among the lakes studied. In Lake Bysjön activity decreased on all sampling occasions, in Lake Trummen there was no apparent effect, and in Lake Vaxjosjon both results were found.
  • 4 Effects on nitrogenase activity of mechanical disturbance during concentration and of increased pH. reduced carbon availability. light inhibition and subsaturation. photorespiration and oxygen supersaturation in concentrated samples are discussed. Interactions between these factors are suggested to explain the varying responses in the three lakes.
  • 5 It is concluded that phytoplankton should not be concentrated in the acetylene-reduction assay for nitrogenase activity, since both volumetric and cell concentration factors are inadequate and effects of concentration on specific nitrogenase activity are not predictable.
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