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Phylogenetic analysis of higher taxa of Brachiopoda   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Inferred phylogenetic relationships within the Brachiopoda have long been accepted as demonstrating repeated transitions from a phosphatic shell chemistry to a calcareous composition. This interpretation is reflected in the major subdivision of the phylum into the classes Inarticulata and Articulata. Cladistic analysis suggests, however, that the phosphatic-shelled and the calcareous-shelled Brachiopoda are sister groups that have had consistently separated shell chemistries from early in phylogenetic history. This separation is recognized in the class-rank divisions Lingulata and Calciata, the former of which includes the new Subclass Lingulatea, whilst the latter includes the new Subclass Craniformea together with the 'articulates' of previous classifications. □Brachiopoda, cladistic analysis, Lingulata, Lingulatea, Calciata, Craniformea.  相似文献   
In the Bryozoa in general the colony is attached by means of the primary zooid, the ancestrula, which is permanently cemented to the substratum. The attachment is brought about, in the marine bryozoans, by the larva everting its interior sac into a basal adhesive disc secreting a thin layer of hardening mucus. In Scrupocellaria reptans no adhesive disc was found. The metamorphosing larva is fixed to the substratum by a column of loose, sticky secretion. This primary fixation is ephemeral and replaced by a secondary, permanent fixation by one pair of rootlets. Thus, the ancestrula body proper and the colony arising from it become permanently free from the substratum but anchored to it by rootlets, the primary pair and series of secondary rootlets. This unique and certainly secondarily evolved type of attachment is apparently realized in the Scrupocellariidae in general, to a more or less perfect degree. It appears as one of several possible models to meet efficiently with environmental disturbances.  相似文献   
New material of early growth stages of the Silurian (Llandovery) trilobite Acernaspis is described. Pre-adult ontogenetic stages of this genus closely resemble adults of the post-Llandovery genus ***Ananaspis. A heterochronic descent of Ananaspis from Acernaspis is proposed. ***Ananaspis is interpreted as pae-domorphic, having arisen largely through neoteny. Neotenic changes already appear in the lineage in the last Acernaspis species, and Ananaspis then underwent continuous ncotcnic change throughout its known Silurian history. ▭ Heterochrony, neoteny, Silurian, Trilobita, Phacopidae, Acernaspis. Ananaspis.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationships of extant and extinct Megalyridae are analysed at the genus level. The dataset comprises seven outgroup taxa, all eight extant genera and a number of extinct taxa that have been associated with Megalyridae, including two genera from Maimetshidae, whose affinity with Megalyridae is uncertain. Analytical results are unstable because some of the fossil taxa have many missing entries. The most stable results are produced when the maimetshid taxa and Cretodinapsis are excluded. When included, these taxa fall outside crown‐group Megalyridae, the maimetshid taxa being the sister of Orthogonalys (Trigonalidae). Based on the results of our analyses, we synonymize the fossil genera Rubes Perrichot n.syn . and Ukrainosa Perrichot & Perkovsky n.syn . with Prodinapsis, creating the new combinations Prodinapsis bruesi n.comb . and Prodinapsis prolata n.comb . When comparing past and present distributions of Megalyridae with the results of the phylogenetic analyses, it is evident that the genera radiated in the Mesozoic, and that the family as a whole was much more widespread then. The present‐day distribution is essentially relictual, with range contraction since the early Tertiary probably being the result of climate deterioration, which caused the disappearance of tropical forests throughout the Palaearctic.  相似文献   
Nutrient acquisition in the mature root zone is under systemic control by the shoot and the root tip. In maize, exposure of the shoot to light induces short-term (within 1–2 min) effects on net K+ and H+ transport at the root surface. H+ efflux decreased (from −18 to −12 nmol m−2 s−1) and K+ uptake (∼2 nmol m−2 s−1) reverted to efflux (∼−3 nmol m−2 s−1). Xylem probing revealed that the trans-root (electrical) potential drop between xylem vessels and an external electrode responded within seconds to a stepwise increase in light intensity; xylem pressure started to decrease after a ∼3 min delay, favouring electrical as opposed to hydraulic signalling. Cutting of maize and barley roots at the base reduced H+ efflux and stopped K+ influx in low-salt medium; xylem pressure rapidly increased to atmospheric levels. With 100 m m NaCl added to the bath, the pressure jump upon cutting was more dramatic, but fluxes remained unaffected, providing further evidence against hydraulic regulation of ion uptake. Following excision of the apical part of barley roots, influx changed to large efflux (−50 nmol m−2 s−1). Kinetin (2–4  µ m ), a synthetic cytokinin, reversed this effect. Regulation of ion transport by root-tip-synthesized cytokinins is discussed.  相似文献   
Samples of the Miocene hyaenid Ictitherium from China and Pikermi, Greece, are analysed statistically. Ictitherium viverrinum Roth & Wagner, 1854 and Ictitherium gaudryi Zdansky, 1924, are found to be conspecific. Ictitherium sinense Zdansky, 1924 is also reduced to synonymy with Ictitherium viverrinum. Ictitherium kurteni sp. nov. differs from 1. viverrinum particularly in its large Cs and large and broad P3.  相似文献   
In regions dominated by agricultural activities, nitrogen (N) is recognized as a major pollutant in aquatic environments. In north‐western Europe, afforestation of agricultural land is part of a strategy to improve water quality. In Denmark, former arable land has been afforested during the past 40–50 years. This study evaluated the effect of afforestation of former arable land on nitrate leaching, based on three afforestation chronosequences. Precipitation, canopy throughfall and soil water were collected and soil moisture was monitored at two Danish locations, Vestskoven (nutrient‐rich, medium deposition) and Gejlvang (nutrient‐poor, high deposition). Afforestation was performed using Norway spruce [Picea abies (Karst.) L.] and common oak (Quercus robur L.) at Vestskoven and Norway spruce at Gejlvang. The results suggest that afforestation of former arable land initially leads to lower nitrate leaching than that occurring under the former agricultural land use, and largely below the standard of 50 mg NO3 L−1 for groundwater to be utilized as drinking water. Nitrate concentrations became almost negligible in forest stands of 5–20 years of age. However, after canopy closure (>20 years) nitrate concentrations below the root zone and nitrate leaching tended to increase. This was attributed to increased N deposition with increasing canopy development and decreased N demand once the most N‐rich biomass compartments had been built up. Nitrate leaching started to increase at a throughfall deposition level of about 10 kg N ha−1 yr−1. Compared with nutrient‐poor sandy soils, nutrient‐rich clayey soils appeared more vulnerable to disturbance of the N cycle and to increased N deposition, leading to N saturation and enhanced nitrate leaching. In approximately the first 35 years after afforestation, nitrate leaching below the root zone was generally higher below oak than below Norway spruce.  相似文献   
The skeletal and muscular morphology of the preoral cavity, including the labrum, hypopharynx and labium, was examined in the imago in representatives of all the ‘symphytan’ families as well as the apocritan families Stephanidae, Megalyridae and Trigonalyidae. Xyelidae have complex modifications for masticating pollen, remarkably similiar to those of primitive Lepidoptera. These modifications, collectively termed the triturating basket complex, include an asymmetrical distal epipharyngeal wall with a microtrichial brush and an enlarged infrabuccal pouch with heavy cuticular armature that interacts with the mandibles during feeding. There were striking structural differences between the two subfamilies of Xyelidae in the ligular region; the reduced glossa and clubshaped paraglossae of Macroxyelinae resembles those of primitive Lepidoptera, while the well developed, flattened glossa and paraglossae in Xyelidae are similiar to those of most other ‘Symphyta’. A putative transformation series, leading from a relatively large labrum with unsclerotised distal epipharyngeal wall lying anterior to the mandibles, as seen in Xyelidae and enthredinoidea, to a small and heavily sclerotised labrum and distal epipharyngeal wall lying posterior to the mandibles, as seen in ‘Siricoidea’, Orussidae and the Apocrita, was revealed. These modifications may be adaptations to enable the adult of the families pupating in wood to emerge from the pupal chamber. The Anaxyelidae, Orussidae and Apocrita have similiar configurations of the glossa and nsertions of the ventral premental adductors. This indicates a close affinity of the Anaxyelidae to Orussidae + Apocrita, a hypothesis that is in conflict with other character systems. The Orussidae and Stephanidae share a unique condition in the development of a pair of large apodemes attached to the labrum; this renders the groundplan state of the labrum in the Apocrita uncertain. Twentyfive characters were defined in an attempt to eludicate the ‘Symphyta’–Apocrita transition. A numerical cladistic analysis of the characters was undertaken, resulting in 522 minimum length trees. The characters are also discussed with reference to a cladogram which resulted from an analysis of the characters derived from the present study and a survey of characters from literature.  相似文献   
This paper consists of a taxonomic and systematic revision of the extinct felid genus Dinofelis (Felidae, Ma-chairodontinae) and an analysis of its ecomorphology and evolution. Dinofelis has a broad distribution, with material from all northern continents and Africa, the latter of which was the apparent centre of evolution of the genus. We describe new material of Dinofelis from a number of sites in eastern Africa and reconsider all previously described material. We name two new species and identify several other distinct species-level taxa but refrain from naming these due to a paucity of well-preserved material. At the same time, we synonymize the two named Asian species, D. cristata and D. abeli , of which the former has priority. There are few characters useful in systematic analysis, but we can suggest at least one migration from eastern to southern Africa. Ecomorphological analysis of both craniodental and postcranial characters suggests that Dinofelis in many respects converged on modern pantherine cats in morphology and behaviour, a trend culminating in the South African D. barlowi and the Asian D. cristata , which are the most pantherine-like of all machairodont felids. This trend is reversed in the evolution of the youngest species, D. piveteaui , which is also the most machairodont in its ecomorphology. The timing of the extinction of Dinofelis is difficult to determine. Outside Africa material is scarce at all times, while in Africa the apparent extinction of Dinofelis at about 1.4 Mya coincides with the end of the good, semi-continuous fossil record present in eastern Africa from about 4 Mya onwards. Dating of Kanam East (with D. piveteaui) to the Jaramillo Subchron (1.070-0.990 Mya) suggests possible survival considerably later. Thus, the extinction datum for Dinofelis cannot at present be firmly established.  相似文献   
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