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We present the computer program hybridlab 1.0 for simulating intraspecific hybrids from population samples of nuclear genetic markers such as microsatellites, allozymes or SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms). The program generates a user‐specified number of multilocus F1 hybrid genotypes between any pair of potentially hybridizing populations included in a standard input‐file of multilocus genotypes for population genetic analysis. This simple, user‐friendly program has a wide range of applications for studying natural and artificial hybridization; in particular, for evaluating the statistical power for individual assignment of parental and hybrid individuals. An example of application for Atlantic cod populations is given.  相似文献   
Water and nutrient fluxes for single stands of different tree species have been reported in numerous studies, but comparative studies of nutrient and hydrological budgets of common European deciduous tree species are rare. Annual fluxes of water and inorganic nitrogen (N) were established in a 30‐year‐old common garden design with stands of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior), European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), small‐leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.), sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) and Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) replicated at two sites in Denmark, Mattrup and Vallø during 2 years. Mean annual percolation below the root zone (mm yr?1±SE, n=4) ranked in the following order: maple (351±38)>lime (284±32), oak (271±25), beech (257±30), ash (307±69)? spruce (75±24). There were few significant tree species effects on N fluxes. However, the annual mean N throughfall flux (kg N ha?1 yr?1±SE, n=4) for spruce (28±2) was significantly larger than for maple (12±1), beech (11±1) and oak (9±1) stands but not different from that of lime (15±3). Ash had a low mean annual inorganic N throughfall deposition of 9.1 kg ha?1, but was only present at Mattrup. Annual mean of inorganic N leaching (kg ha?1 yr?1±SE, n=4) did not differ significantly between species despite of contrasting tree species mean values; beech (25±9)>oak (16±10), spruce (15±8), lime (14±8)? maple (1.9±1), ash (2.0±1). The two sites had similar throughfall N fluxes, whereas the annual leaching of N was significantly higher at Mattrup than at Vallø. Accordingly, the sites differed in soil properties in relation to rates and dynamics of N cycling. We conclude that tree species affect the N cycle differently but the legacy of land use exerted a dominant control on the N cycle within the short‐term perspective (30 years) of these stands.  相似文献   
The phylogeny of the basal hymenopteran lineages, including representatives of all ‘symphytan’ families, is anal; In total, 236 morphological characters were scored for 44 exemplars, including six outgroup, two xyelic tenthredinoid, five pamphilioid, three cephoid, five ‘siricoid’, one orussid, and six apocritan taxa. The datas analysed with parsimony under equal weights and under implied weights. The monophyly of the Hymenopte strongly supported but the sistergroup of the Hymenoptera cannot be identified with confidence. The relations of the ‘symphytan’ lineages are Xyeloidea +(Tenthredinoidea+ (Pamphilioidea + (Cephoidea + (Ariaxyelic (Siricidae + (Xiphydriidae +(Orussoidea+Apocrita))))))). Many of the relationships between the superfamilies, especially in the basal branching pattern, are only weakly corroborated. The monophyly of most superfamilies is supported, and all may be monophyletic except the ‘Siricoidea’, which is clearly paraphyletic. It is difficult to di whether the Siricidae or the Anaxyelidae are the closest relatives of Xiphydriidae + (Orussoidea + Apocrita). support for the sistergroup relationship between the Orussoidea and the Apocrita is substantial, putative apomorphies being provided by most character systems. There is also good evidence in favour of the monophj the Apocrita. The internal phylogeny of the Tenthredinoidea differs considerably from the results of earlier anal The Blasticotomidae are the sistergroup of the Tenthredinoidea s.s. Relationships at the base of the Tenthredini s.s. are weakly supported. It is uncertain whether the Tenthredinidae are monophyletic or comprise a 1 paraphyletic grade within the Tenthredinoidea s.s. The Diprionidae may be the sistergroup to Cimbicidae +(Argidae+ Pergidae). Most relationships within the Cimbicidae + (Argidae + Pergidae) clade are corroborated, with the exception of the monophyly of the Argidae. It is proposed to elevate the Anaxyelidae the Xiphydriida both to superfamily status. The family‐level classification of the Tenthredinoidea will probably have to be changed, but this must await further clarification of the phylogeny of this superfamily.  相似文献   
Tracks and trackways of theropod dinosaurs (Grallator footprints) are abundant in the Late Triassic lake sediments of East Greenland. For this study we selected a rather diffuse theropod track preserved on the upper surface of a red heterolithic mudrock, and a better preserved track seen on the upper surface of a greyish mudrock. In order to examine undertracks and other subsurface deformation structures, both slabs were sectioned vertically at closely-spaced intervals, perpendicular to the length of the axis of the impression of digit III. Each section was subsequently polished and internal structures revealed. The digit impressions of both tracks were associated with well-defined undertracks which were cut by deep and narrow claw imprints at the distal end of the digit impressions. Marginal ridges at the tracking surfaces were typically associated with subsurface marginal folds. The marginal ridges were asymmetrically developed suggesting an outward movement of the proximal part of the foot, probably during the kick-off; this is in contrast to what is observed in tracks from Lower Jurassic theropods. The study shows that cross-sections through dinosaur tracks display large structural variation and it is suggested that some disturbed layers in continental deposits could be the result of trampling by vertebrates.  相似文献   
Kurtén, B. 1988: On Evolution and Fossil Mammals . XVII + 301 pp. Columbia University Press. ISBN 0–231–05868–3. Price: USD40.00 (bound).  相似文献   
de Muizon, C. 1988: Les Vertébrés Fossiles de la Formation Pisco (Pérou) III. Les Odontocètes (Cetacea, Mammalia) du Miocène . 244 pp. Institut Fran¸ais d'études Andines et Institut de Paléon-tologie du Museum National d'Histoíre Naturelle. éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations, A.D.P.F., Paris. ISBN 2–86538–187–0, ISSN 0291–1655. Price: 289.00 FF (paper).  相似文献   
The holotype of the lower-middle Pliocene hyaenid Lycyaenops rhomboideae is redescribed and compared with contemporaneous hyaenids of the genera Lycyaena, Hyaenictis, Chasmaporthetes and Pliocmcuta. These comparisons show that the material represents a valid and distinct genus and species. The genus Lycyaenops is referred to the Chasmaporthetes lineage on the basis of its two-cusped m 1 talonid with reduced entoconid, reduced posterolingual cingulum cusp on p4 and premolar accessory cusps set in a straight line. It is distinguished from all other genera of that lineage by its smaller premolar accessory cusps, broad premolars and squared-off and very broad posterior premolar shelves. The species L. silberbergi, previously assigned to Chasmaporthetes, is also referred to Lycyaenops. It differs from L. rhomboideae in its greater development of the premolar accessory cusps and less developed posterior premolar shelves, but shares the broad, squared-off premolars. The interrelationships of Hyaenictis, Chasmaporthetes and Lycyaenops are at present best described by an unresolved trichotomy, with Lycyaena as its sister taxon.  相似文献   
Herein we report the effects of microtubule- and actin-like filament disrupting drugs, as well as the microtubule stabilizer taxol, on PCH-induced pigment granule aggregation within erythrophores of the freshwater crustacean Macrobrachium potiuna. Dose-response curves (DRCs) to the pigment-concentrating hormone PCH were determined under control and experimental conditions to evaluate the effects elicited by the cytoskeleton-affecting drugs. Colchicine, at temperatures 22°C and 4°C, and vinblastine significantly inhibited the aggregating response to PCH and affected the dynamics of the process, as shown by the change in the slope of the regression curve calculated from the DRCs. Lumicolchicine, a colchicine analogue with no affinity for tubulin, also inhibited pigment migration, though no change in the slope of the regression curve was observed. The inhibitory effects of lumicolchicine demonstrate that changes in sites other than cytoskeleton, such as membrane permeability, may also cause a decrease in the PCH-induced aggregating responses and that the colchicine effects may result from its action on cellular sites additional to the cytoskeleton. Taxol, a microtubule stabilizer, did not affect the DRC to PCH, and DMSO improved the PCH-evoked responses, pointing out to the maintenance of tubulin in the polymerized state as the appropriate condition for aggregation. Cytochalasin B, an actin-like filament disrupter, diminished the aggregating responses to the hormone, with no change in the slope of the regression curve, indicating that these elements take part in the process and that cytosolic calcium rise, sol/gel transformations and endoplasmic reticulum motility may well play an important role in granule migration. It is suggested that microtubules are steadily polymerized as a requirement for pigment aggregation and that the process is biphasic, the initial phase being dependent on the microtubule integrity.  相似文献   
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