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Lung epithelial-specific stem cells have been localized to discrete microenvironments throughout the adult conducting airway. Properties of these cells include pollutant resistance, multipotent differentiation, and infrequent proliferation. Goals of the present study were to use Hoechst 33342 efflux, a property of stem cells in other tissues, to purify and further characterize airway stem cells. Hoechst 33342 effluxing lung cells were identified as a verapamil-sensitive side population by flow cytometry. Lung side population cells were further subdivided on the basis of hematopoietic (CD45 positive) or nonhematopoietic (CD45 negative) origin. Nonhematopoietic side population cells were enriched for stem cell antigen-1 reactivity and expressed molecular markers specific to both airway and mesenchymal lineages. Analysis of the molecular phenotype of airway-derived side population cells indicates that they are similar to neuroepithelial body-associated variant Clara cells. Taken together, these data suggest that the nonhematopoietic side population isolated from lung is enriched for previously identified airway stem cells.  相似文献   
There is much evidence indicating the importance in gene regulation of the positions of nucleosomes with respect to DNA sequence. Low resolution chromatin structures have been described for many genes, but there is a dearth of detailed high resolution chromatin structures. In the cases where they are available, high resolution maps have revealed much more complex chromatin structures, with multiple alternative nucleosome positions. The discovery that ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling machines are recruited to genes, with their ability to mobilise nucleosomes on DNA and to alter nucleosomal conformation, emphasises the necessity for obtaining high resolution nucleosome maps, so that the details of these remodelling reactions can be defined in vivo. Here, we describe protocols for purifying plasmid chromatin from cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and for mapping nucleosome positions on the plasmid using the monomer extension mapping method. This method requires purified chromatin, but is capable of mapping relatively long stretches of chromatin in great detail. Typically, it reveals very complex chromatin structures.  相似文献   
Altered mucosal integrity andincreased cytokine production, including tumor necrosis factor (TNF),are the hallmarks of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In this study,we addressed the role of TNF receptors (TNFR) on intestinal epithelialcell migration in an in vitro wound closure model. With mouse TNFR1 orTNFR2 knockout intestinal epithelial cells, gene transfection, andpharmacological inhibitors, we show a concentration-dependentreceptor-mediated regulation of intestinal cell migration by TNF. Aphysiological TNF level (1 ng/ml) enhances migration through TNFR2,whereas a pathological level (100 ng/ml) inhibits wound closure through TNFR1. Increased rate of wound closure by TNFR2 or inhibition by TNFR1cannot be explained by either increased proliferation orapoptosis, respectively. Furthermore, inhibiting Src tyrosine kinase decreases TNF-induced focal adhesion kinase (FAK) tyrosine phosphorylation and cellular migration. We therefore conclude thatTNFR2 activates a novel Src-regulated pathway involving FAK tyrosinephosphorylation that enhances migration of intestinal epithelial cells.

A strategy to deplete eosinophils from the lungs of ovalbumin (OVA)-sensitized/challenged mice was developed using antibody-mediated depletion. Concurrent administration [viz. the peritoneal cavity (systemic) and as an aerosol to the lung (local)] of a rat anti-mouse CCR3 monoclonal antibody resulted in the abolition of eosinophils from the lung such that the airway lumen was essentially devoid of eosinophils. Moreover, perivascular/peribronchial eosinophil numbers were reduced to levels indistinguishable from saline-challenged animals. This antibody-mediated depletion was not accompanied by effects on any other leukocyte population, including, but not limited to, T cells and mast cells/basophils. In addition, no effects were observed on other underlying allergic inflammatory responses in OVA-treated mice, including OVA-specific immunoglobulin production as well as T cell-dependent elaboration of Th2 cytokines. The ablation of virtually all pulmonary eosinophils in OVA-treated mice (i.e., without concurrent effects on T cell activities) resulted in a significant decrease in mucus accumulation and abolished allergen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness. These data demonstrate a direct causative relationship between allergen-mediated pulmonary pathologies and eosinophils.  相似文献   
We have previously produced a series of antigalactose (anti-Gal) hybridomas and characterized their heavy chain gene usage. Here we have quantified the affinity of these Abs for the alpha-Gal epitope and characterized their in vitro effects on endothelial cell activation and apoptosis. We report that anti-Gal mAbs derived from Gal(-/-) mice show a range of affinity for the alpha-Gal epitope, and that affinity was generally increased as the V(H) gene usage transitioned from germline sequences to sequences exhibiting somatic maturation. Despite an 85-fold range in affinity, all the anti-Gal mAbs examined induced alpha-Gal-specific endothelial cell activation, and after prolonged exposure induced endothelial cell apoptosis in a complement-independent manner. Only murine anti-Gal mAbs of the IgM or IgG3 subclass, but not IgG1, were effective at initiating complement-dependent cell lysis. Using a novel rat to mouse xenograft model, we examined the in vivo ability of these mAbs to induce xenograft rejection and characterized the rejection using histology and immunohistochemistry. Infusion of complement-fixing IgG3 mAbs resulted in either hyperacute rejection or acute vascular rejection of the xenograft. Surprisingly, infusion of an equal amount of a high affinity anti-Gal IgG1 mAb, that fixed complement poorly also induced a rapid xenograft rejection, which we have labeled very acute rejection. These studies emphasize the importance of in vivo assays, in addition to in vitro assays, in understanding the role of anti-Gal IgG-mediated tissue injury and xenograft rejection.  相似文献   
The populations and transitions between Ramachandran basins are studied for combinations of the standard 20 amino acids in monomers, dimers and trimers using an implicit solvent Langevin dynamics algorithm and employing seven commonly used force-fields. Both the basin populations and inter-conversion rates are influenced by the nearest neighbor's conformation and identity, contrary to the Flory isolated-pair hypothesis. This conclusion is robust to the choice of force-field, even though the use of different force-fields produces large variations in the populations and inter-conversion rates between the dominant helical, extended beta, and polyproline II basins. The computed variation of conformational and dynamical properties with different force-fields exceeds the difference between explicit and implicit solvent calculations using the same force-field. For all force-fields, the inter-basin transitions exhibit a directional dependence, with most transitions going through extended beta conformation, even when it is the least populated basin. The implications of these results are discussed in the context of estimates for the backbone entropy of single residues, and for the ability of all-atom simulations to reproduce experimental protein folding data.  相似文献   
Homeostatic proliferation functions to maintain peripheral T cell numbers and is regulated by cytokines. In this study, we provide evidence that T cell homeostasis is also regulated by clonal competition. Naive polyclonal T cells divided when transferred to TCR transgenic hosts, as did monoclonal T cells when transferred to TCR transgenic hosts of differing clonotype. However, T cells did not divide in hosts of identical clono-type. Transgenic T cell proliferation was inhibited in irradiated hosts of the same clonotype, while cotransferred nontransgenic T cells proliferated extensively. These results show that clonal competition is a component of homeostasis that may contribute to selection of the peripheral T cell repertoire.  相似文献   
We have developed a strategy to induce tolerance to allografts, involving cotransplantation of allogeneic intact active bone and transient anti-CD40 ligand mAb therapy. Tolerance induced by this approach in C57BL/6 mice receiving BALB/c hearts is not mediated by deletional mechanisms, but by peripheral regulatory mechanisms. Tolerance is associated with diminished ex vivo IFN-gamma production that is donor specific, and a reduction in the frequency of IFN-gamma-producing cells. Splenocytes from mice tolerant to BALB/c grafts, but sensitized to third-party C3H skin grafts, demonstrated normally primed ex vivo IFN-gamma responses to C3H stimulators. Neutralizing anti-IL-10 and anti-IL-10R, but not anti-TGF-beta, anti-IL-4, or anti-CTLA-4, Abs restored the ex vivo IFN-gamma response to BALB/c stimulators. There was no significant difference in IL-2 or IL-4 production between tolerant and rejecting mice, and anti-IL-10 mAbs had no effect on IL-2 or IL-4 production. The Cincinnati cytokine capture assay was used to test whether suppression of IFN-gamma production in vivo was also a marker of tolerance. In naive mice, we observed a dramatic increase in serum IFN-gamma levels following challenge with allogeneic BALB/c splenocytes or hearts. Tolerant mice challenged with allogeneic BALB/c splenocytes or hearts made significantly less or undetectable amounts of IFN-gamma. No IL-4 or IL-10 production was detected in tolerant or rejecting mice. Collectively, our studies suggest that active suppression of IFN-gamma production by IL-10 is correlated with, and may contribute to, tolerance induced with intact active bone and anti-CD40 ligand mAbs.  相似文献   
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