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S. L. Hsu  W. H. Moore  S. Krimm 《Biopolymers》1976,15(8):1513-1528
Raman spectra of native and solubilized feather keratin have been obtained, and the amide I and amide III regions have been analyzed by band resolution techniques. The amide I region of the native form indicates that at least 64% of the protein has an antiparallel chain pleated sheet structure, the remainder being unordered. For the solubilized keratin all of the protein is in an unordered state. The amide III region is not as easily analyzed into component contributions. Normal vibration analyses on N-acetyl-L -alanine-N-methylamide support the conclusion that the amide III region is not as satisfactory as the amide I region in characterizing unordered structures. Even in the latter case caution must be used, since the observed amide I band is an average over the conformational distribution in the particular unordered system.  相似文献   
Interdomain interactions of spectrin are critical for maintenance of the erythrocyte cytoskeleton. In particular, “head-to-head” dimerization occurs when the intrinsically disordered C-terminal tail of β-spectrin binds the N-terminal tail of α-spectrin, folding to form the “spectrin tetramer domain”. This non-covalent three-helix bundle domain is homologous in structure and sequence to previously studied spectrin domains. We find that this tetramer domain is surprisingly kinetically stable. Using a protein engineering Φ-value analysis to probe the mechanism of formation of this tetramer domain, we infer that the domain folds by the docking of the intrinsically disordered β-spectrin tail onto the more structured α-spectrin tail.  相似文献   
Gene duplication is an important evolutionary mechanism that can result in functional divergence in paralogs due to neo-functionalization or sub-functionalization. Consistent with functional divergence after gene duplication, recent studies have shown accelerated evolution in retained paralogs. However, little is known in general about the impact of this accelerated evolution on the molecular functions of retained paralogs. For example, do new functions typically involve changes in enzymatic activities, or changes in protein regulation? Here we study the evolution of posttranslational regulation by examining the evolution of important regulatory sequences (short linear motifs) in retained duplicates created by the whole-genome duplication in budding yeast. To do so, we identified short linear motifs whose evolutionary constraint has relaxed after gene duplication with a likelihood-ratio test that can account for heterogeneity in the evolutionary process by using a non-central chi-squared null distribution. We find that short linear motifs are more likely to show changes in evolutionary constraints in retained duplicates compared to single-copy genes. We examine changes in constraints on known regulatory sequences and show that for the Rck1/Rck2, Fkh1/Fkh2, Ace2/Swi5 paralogs, they are associated with previously characterized differences in posttranslational regulation. Finally, we experimentally confirm our prediction that for the Ace2/Swi5 paralogs, Cbk1 regulated localization was lost along the lineage leading to SWI5 after gene duplication. Our analysis suggests that changes in posttranslational regulation mediated by short regulatory motifs systematically contribute to functional divergence after gene duplication.  相似文献   
Human Ecology - Migrants continue to usee their traditional herbal medicines in their new locations, but few studies have compared therapeutic practices within a diaspora spread among different...  相似文献   
Ovulatory dysfunction occurs in women with endometriosis, yet the mechanisms are unknown. We have shown that endometriotic lesions synthesize and secrete tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP) 1 into the peritoneal cavity in humans and a rat model of endometriosis, where excess TIMP1 localizes in the ovarian theca in endometriosis and modulating peritoneal TIMP1 alters ovarian dynamics. Here, we evaluated whether mechanisms whereby excessive peritoneal fluid TIMP1 negatively impacts ovarian function are matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-dependent and/or MMP-independent actions. Rats were treated with a mutated TIMP1 without MMP inhibitory function (Ala-TIMP1), wild-type TIMP1 (rTIMP1), or PBS. Rats treated with Ala-TIMP1 or rTIMP1 had fewer antral follicles, fewer new corpora lutea, and the presence of luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome compared with PBS rats. Ala-TIMP1 and rTIMP1 differentially caused downstream changes in gene expression and protein localization related to ovulation, as measured by whole-genome microarray with quantitative real-time PCR validation and immunohistochemistry. More vascular endothelial growth factor and FN were expressed and localized in ovaries of Ala-TIMP1-treated rats compared to rTIMP1- and PBS-treated rats inferring MMP-independent functions. Less caspase 3 localized in ovaries of rTIMP1 compared with the other two groups, and was thus dependent on MMP action. Furthermore, after coimmunoprecipitation, more CD63 was bound to TIMP1 in ovaries of rats treated with Ala-TIMP1 than in rTIMP1-treated rats, providing evidence for another MMP-independent mechanism of ovulatory dysfunction. We predict that MMP-dependent and MMP-independent events are involved in improper fortification of the follicular wall through multiple mechanisms, such as apoptosis inhibition, extracellular matrix components and angiogenesis. Collectively, excessive peritoneal TIMP1 causes changes in ovarian dynamics, both dependently and independently of MMP inhibition.  相似文献   
Embryonic heart valve primordia (cushions) maintain unidirectional blood flow during development despite an increasingly demanding mechanical environment. Recent studies demonstrate that atrioventricular (AV) cushions stiffen over gestation, but the molecular mechanisms of this process are unknown. Transforming growth factor-beta (TGFβ) and serotonin (5-HT) signaling modulate tissue biomechanics of postnatal valves, but less is known of their role in the biomechanical remodeling of embryonic valves. In this study, we demonstrate that exogenous TGFβ3 increases AV cushion biomechanical stiffness and residual stress, but paradoxically reduces matrix compaction. We then show that TGFβ3 induces contractile gene expression (RhoA, aSMA) and extracellular matrix expression (col1α2) in cushion mesenchyme, while simultaneously stimulating a two-fold increase in proliferation. Local compaction increased due to an elevated contractile phenotype, but global compaction appeared reduced due to proliferation and ECM synthesis. Blockade of TGFβ type I receptors via SB431542 inhibited the TGFβ3 effects. We next showed that exogenous 5-HT does not influence cushion stiffness by itself, but synergistically increases cushion stiffness with TGFβ3 co-treatment. 5-HT increased TGFβ3 gene expression and also potentiated TGFβ3 induced gene expression in a dose-dependent manner. Blockade of the 5HT2b receptor, but not 5-HT2a receptor or serotonin transporter (SERT), resulted in complete cessation of TGFβ3 induced mechanical strengthening. Finally, systemic 5-HT administration in ovo induced cushion remodeling related defects, including thinned/atretic AV valves, ventricular septal defects, and outflow rotation defects. Elevated 5-HT in ovo resulted in elevated remodeling gene expression and increased TGFβ signaling activity, supporting our ex-vivo findings. Collectively, these results highlight TGFβ/5-HT signaling as a potent mechanism for control of biomechanical remodeling of AV cushions during development.  相似文献   
Aims: To evaluate the effectiveness of two spray‐based decontamination methods for surface contamination reduction and to determine the potential for contamination spread by these methods. Methods and Results: Material coupons (treated plywood and concrete) were contaminated with c. 1 × 107 spores of Bacillus atrophaeus by aerosol deposition. Decontaminants (pH‐adjusted bleach or Spor‐Klenz® RTU) were applied to coupons by either backpack sprayer or gas‐powered sprayer. Contact time, reapplication frequency and rinse method were also varied. In addition to surface removal efficacy, partitioning of contamination between the rinsate and aerosol fractions was determined. Results indicated that pH‐adjusted bleach was effective (≥6 logs reduction) when two applications and a 30 min contact time were administered, regardless of the decontaminant application method or material. Spor‐Klenz® RTU was effective on wood, but achieved ≤3 logs reduction on concrete. A shortened application procedure with pH‐adjusted bleach resulted in lower efficacy on wood, and a greater apparent potential for contamination spread. Conclusions: Consideration of material surface type is important when selecting a decontaminant. Also, achieving conditions that effectively inactivate surface biological contamination are critical to preventing the spread of contamination. Significance and Impact of the Study: Results presented here are intended to help development of remediation plans following a biological contamination incident.  相似文献   
Genetic polymorphisms of IFN regulatory factor 5 (IRF5) are associated with an increased risk of lupus in humans. In this study, we examined the role of IRF5 in the pathogenesis of pristane-induced lupus in mice. The pathological response to pristane in IRF5(-/-) mice shared many features with type I IFN receptor (IFNAR)(-/-) and TLR7(-/-) mice: production of anti-Sm/RNP autoantibodies, glomerulonephritis, generation of Ly6C(hi) monocytes, and IFN-I production all were greatly attenuated. Lymphocyte activation following pristane injection was greatly diminished in IRF5(-/-) mice, and Th cell differentiation was deviated from Th1 in wild-type mice toward Th2 in IRF5(-/-) mice. Th cell development was skewed similarly in TLR7(-/-) or IFNAR(-/-) mice, suggesting that IRF5 alters T cell activation and differentiation by affecting cytokine production. Indeed, production of IFN-I, IL-12, and IL-23 in response to pristane was markedly decreased, whereas IL-4 increased. Unexpectedly, plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) were not recruited to the site of inflammation in IRF5(-/-) or MyD88(-/-) mice, but were recruited normally in IFNAR(-/-) and TLR7(-/-) mice. In striking contrast to wild-type mice, pristane did not stimulate local expression of CCL19 and CCL21 in IRF5(-/-) mice, suggesting that IRF5 regulates chemokine-mediated pDC migration independently of its effects on IFN-I. Collectively, these data indicate that altered production of IFN-I and other cytokines in IRF5(-/-) mice prevents pristane from inducing lupus pathology by broadly affecting T and B lymphocyte activation/differentiation. Additionally, we uncovered a new, IFN-I-independent role of IRF5 in regulating chemokines involved in the homing of pDCs and certain lymphocyte subsets.  相似文献   
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