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Mutagenesis of Nitrosomonas europaea was achieved by electroporation and recombination. To demonstrate this, an aminoglycoside 3'-phosphotransferase (kan) gene was specifically inserted into each of the three gene copies of hao individually. Southern hybridizations and PCR analysis showed the incorporation of the kan gene at the chosen genetic loci. The isolation of mutant strains was achieved in 7 to 14 days when the strains were grown on solid medium. The induced mutations were stable even in the absence of kanamycin-selective pressure for periods of up to 45 days in culture. The mutant strains did not show an observable phenotype different from that of the wild type when grown under the same conditions.  相似文献   
Comparative chromosome painting with individual human chromosome-specific libraries (CSLs) on cattle metaphase chromosomes delineated 46 homologous chromosomal segments between the two species. Continuous arrangement of these segments on individual cattle chromosomes demonstrates a nearly complete coverage of the bovine karyotype and shows physical boundaries of bovine chromosomal segments homologous to individual human chromosomes. Alignment of the available comparative gene mapping data with the homologous segments strongly supports the detected gross homologies between the karyotypes of the two species. In addition to cattle, four human CSLs were hybridized to sheep metaphase chromosomes also, to further verify the known karyotype homology within the Bovidae. Besides its application to karyotype evolution research, the comparative knowledge provides for rapid expansion of the much needed Type I locus-based bovine gene map. Received: 9 September 1995 / Accepted: 4 December 1995  相似文献   
Interactions between water availability and elevated atmosphericCO2 concentrations have the potential to be important factorsin determining future forage supply from temperate pastures.Using large turves from an established pasture, the responseof these communities at 350 or 700 l l–1 CO2 to a soilmoisture deficit and to recovery from the deficit in comparisonto turves that were well-watered throughout was measured. Priorto this experiment the turves had been exposed to the CO2 treatmentsfor 324 d. Net CO2 exchange continued at elevated CO2 even when the volumetricsoil moisture content was less than 0.10 m3 m–3 soil;at the same moisture deficit gas exchange at ambient CO2 waszero. The additional carbon fixed by the elevated CO2 turveswas primarily allocated below-ground as shown by the maintenanceof root length density at the same level as in well-wateredturves. When the dry turves were rewatered there was compensatorygrowth at ambient CO2 so that the above-ground growth rate exceededthat of turves that had not experienced a moisture deficit.At the start of this experiment, the turves that were growingat 700 l I–1 CO2 had a greater proportion of legume (principallywhite clover, Trifolium repens L.) in the harvested herbage.There was a trend for the legume content at elevated CO2 tobe reduced under a soil moisture deficit. The results indicate different strategies in response to soilmoisture deficits depending on the CO2 concentration. At ambientCO2, growth stopped, but plants were able to respond stronglyon rewatering; while at elevated CO2 growth continued (particularlybelow-ground), but no additional growth was evident on rewatering.Ecosystem gas exchange measurements taken at the end of theexperiment (after 429 d of exposure to CO2) showed 33% moreCO2 was fixed at elevated CO2 with only a small (12%) and nonsignificantdownward regulation. Key words: Carbon dioxide, climate change, grassland, gas exchange, soil moisture deficit  相似文献   
Dehydration reduces the main phase transition pressure of phospholipids. An analysis based on the Gibbs-Duhem equation shows how the shift of the transition pressure is correlated to the hydration pressure.By using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy we determined the hydration-dependent phase transition pressure. The application of our new approach gives hydration pressure values which agree with the values obtained with the osmotic stress method.  相似文献   
In 46,XY individuals, testes are determined by the activity of the SRY gene (sex-determining region Y), located on the short arm of the Ychromosome. The other genetic components of the cascade that leads to testis formation are unknown and may be located on the Xchromosome or on the autosomes. Evidence for the existence of several loci associated with failure of male sexual development is indicated by reports of 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis associated with structural abnormalities of the Xchromosome or of autosomes (chromosomes9, 10, 11 and 17). In this report, we describe the investigation of a child presenting with multiple congenital abnormalities, mental retardation and partial testicular failure. The patient had a homogeneous de novo 46,XY,inv dup(9)(pter→p24.1::p21.1 →p23.3::p24.1→qter) chromosome complement. No deletion was found by either cytogenetic or molecular analysis. The SRY gene and DSS region showed no abnormalities. Southern blotting dosage analysis with 9p probes and fluorescent in situ hybridisation data indicated that the distal breakpoint of the duplicated fragment was located at 9p24.1, proximal to the SNF2 gene. We therefore suggest that a gene involved in normal testicular development and/or maintenance is present at this position on chromosome 9. Received: 20 January 1997 / Accepted: 5 November 1997  相似文献   
A large number of trafficking steps occur between the last compartment of the Golgi apparatus (TGN) and the vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To date, two intracellular routes from the TGN to the vacuole have been identified. Carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) travels through a prevacuolar/endosomal compartment (PVC), and subsequently on to the vacuole, while alkaline phosphatase (ALP) bypasses this compartment to reach the same organelle. Proteins resident to the TGN achieve their localization despite a continuous flux of traffic by continually being retrieved from the distal PVC by virtue of an aromatic amino acid–containing sorting motif. In this study we report that a hybrid protein based on ALP and containing this retrieval motif reaches the PVC not by following the CPY sorting pathway, but instead by signal-dependent retrograde transport from the vacuole, an organelle previously thought of as a terminal compartment. In addition, we show that a mutation in VAC7, a gene previously identified as being required for vacuolar inheritance, blocks this trafficking step. Finally we show that Vti1p, a v-SNARE required for the delivery of both CPY and ALP to the vacuole, uses retrograde transport out of the vacuole as part of its normal cellular itinerary.  相似文献   
The study was designed to test the hypothesis that, during strength training, a restricted blood supply to the working muscles stimulates the secretion of anabolic hormones and an increase in the muscle mass and strength can be achieved with significantly lower training loads. During eight weeks, three times a week, 18 young, physically active males trained their leg extensor muscles. Nine subjects (group I) worked at 80% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), whereas the rest (group II) performed their exercise without relaxation and at a lower load (50% MVC). The total training load in group II was significantly lower than in group I (77 ± 5 vs. 157 ± 7 kJ, respectively). The eight-week training of both groups significantly increased the mean maximum strength (by 35 and 21% in groups I and II, respectively) and volume (by 17 and 9%, respectively) of the muscles trained (however, the differences between the groups with respect to these changes were nonsignificant). Group I displayed a higher increase in the blood level of creatine phosphokinase than group II, while group II showed a greater increase in the blood concentration of lactate. In contrast to group I, group II displayed a significant increase in the blood concentrations of growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and cortisol. Hence, the suggestion that the secretion of metabolic hormones is triggered by a metabolic, rather than mechanical, stimulus from working muscles seems plausible.  相似文献   
A detailed study of the NH resonances of Ribonuclease-S-peptide (1-19 N-terminal fragment of Ribonuclease A) has been carried out in H2O, pH 3.0, in the temperature range 1-31 degrees, and ionic strength 0-1 M. Individual assignments of all NH amide signals have been achieved by means of extensive double resonance experiments. The folding of S-peptide at low temperature has been monitored by examination of the several NH resonance parameters: first, the nonlinearity of chemical shift vs. temperature plots; second, the selective broadening observed for signals assigned to residues 3-13; and third, the decrease of 3JHNCH coupling constants belonging to this region of the polypeptide chain. All these results are in agreement with the formation of a folded structure at low temperature, which is similar to the one found for the S-peptide in the RNase S crystal.  相似文献   
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