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Characterization of dehydropeptidase I in the rat lung   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The activity of dehydropeptidase I in rat tissues decreases in the order of lung greater than kidney greater than liver-spleen greater than other tissues, while aminopeptidase activity is high in the kidney, and lower in the lung than in other tissues. Dehydropeptidase I was solubilized from the membrane fraction of rat lung by treatment with papain and purified by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography, affinity chromatography on concanavalin-A-Sepharose and high-performance liquid chromatography gel filtration. The purified preparation was found to be homogeneous on sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The relative molecular mass was estimated to be 150,000 by gel filtration, comprising a homodimer of two 80,000-Mr subunits. The enzyme activity was inhibited by cilastatin, o-phenanthroline and ATP. This enzyme catalyzed the hydrolysis of S(substituent)-L-cysteinyl-glycine adducts such as L-cystinyl-bis(glycine) and N-ethylmaleimide-S-L-cysteinyl-glycine, as well as the conversion of leukotriene D4 to E4. Furthermore it catalyzed a hydrolytic splitting of L-Leu-L-Leu, but not S-benzyl-L-cysteine p-nitroanilide, which is a good substrate for aminopeptidase. Our enzyme preparation was immunologically identical to the rat renal dehydropeptidase I. The physiological significance of the pulmonary dehydropeptidase I on the metabolism of glutathione and its adducts is discussed.  相似文献   
The hydrolysis of 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine (diC6PC), catalyzed by the phospholipase A2 from the venom of Agkistrodon halys blomhoffii, was studied at 25 degrees C and the ionic strength of 0.1 in the presence of 3-33.3 mM Ca2+, which can saturate the Ca2+-binding site of the enzyme. The initial velocity data, obtained at various concentrations of the substrate below the critical micelle concentration (cmc), were analyzed according to the Michaelis-Menten equation. The pH-dependence curve of the Km value exhibited only one transition below pH 8. The analytical results indicated that the pK value of 6.30 of an ionizable group changed to 6.54 on the binding of the monodispersed substrate. This ionizable group was assigned as the alpha-amino group on the basis of its pK value, which had been determined from the pH dependence of the binding constant of monodispersed n-dodecylphosphorylcholine (n-C12PC) (Ikeda and Samejima (1981) J. Biochem. 90, 799-804, and Haruki et al. (1986) J. Biochem. 99, 99-109). The pH-dependence curve of the kcat value exhibited two transitions, below pH 6.5 and above pH 9.5. The analytical results indicated the participation of two ionizable groups with pK values of 5.55 and 10.50. Deprotonation of the former and protonation of the latter group were found to be essential for the catalysis. The former ionizable group was assigned as His 48 in the active site on the basis of its pK value, which had been determined from the pH dependence of the binding constant of Ca2+ (Ikeda et al. (1981) J. Biochem. 90, 1125-1130).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The entire human kininogen gene has been isolated as a set of overlapping genomic DNA fragments, and the 11 exons encompassing approximately 27 kilobase pairs have been mapped by restriction enzyme analysis and nucleotide sequence determination. The nine 5'-terminal exons encode the 5'-untranslated region and the protein-coding region for the signal peptide and the heavy chain, which are common for high molecular weight (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) prekininogen mRNAs. Exon 10 consists of the common sequence for bradykinin and the immediately following unique sequence for HMW prekininogen mRNA. Exon 11 is then located following a 90-nucleotide sequence downstream from exon 10 and precisely specifies the sequence unique to LMW prekininogen mRNA. This, together with the hybridization analysis of total human cellular DNA, leads us to conclude that human HMW and LMW prekininogen mRNAs are produced from a single gene as a consequence of alternative RNA processing events. The structural analysis of the kininogen gene also shows that each of the nine 5'-terminal exons discretely specifies the nine protein domains observed in the amino-terminal portion of the kininogens. Furthermore, these nine genetic domains can be characterized by a thrice repeated pattern of three genetic segments, and two sets of these three domains, encompassing exons 3-5 and exons 6-8, are most closely related to each other. Therefore, we have proposed two successive duplication mechanisms as a model for the generation of the structure of the kininogen gene.  相似文献   
Considerable inherent variations in the relation between macropterous and brachypterous wing forms, and nymphal density were found in field populations of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål (Homoptera: Delphacidae), collected from various locations in Japan. When compared under uniform laboratory rearing conditions, most of the female populations exhibited higher ratios of macropters with increasing nymphal density, but some showed extremely high proportion of brachypters and the others were highly macropterous, over broad ranges of density. These results indicate the possibility that the planthoppers in Japan, which are known not to persist in winter, are derived from different migration sources.About ten generations of successive selection for brachyptery from a population showing usual density-dependent wing morphism generated populations similar to highly brachypterous ones mentioned above. Genetic analysis of the inheritance of wing morphism revealed that brachyptery in the females was controlled by a single pair of dominant alleles. However, in the males wing forms did not segregate so clearly in the crossing experiments. This suggests that wing morphism in N. lugens in under sex-limited inheritance.
Einwanderung von Nilaparvata lugens mit unterscheidlicher Reaktion auf Populationsdischte bei der Flügelausbildung
Zusammenfassung In Feldpopulationen von Nilaparvata lugens Stål., welche in verschiedenen Regionen Japans gesammelt wurden, bestand in der Beziehung zwischen makropteren bzw. brachypteren Flügelformen und der Larvendichte eine beträchtliche Variation. Unter einheitlichen Zuchtbedingungen im Laboratorium stieg der Makropterenanteil bei den meisten Weibchenpopulationen mit steigender Temperatur; bei einigen Populationen hingegen war entweder der Brachypterenanteil oder der Makropterenanteil extrem hoch und zwar über weite Dichtebereiche. Dies deutet auf die Möglichkeit hin, dass die Zikade in Japan, wo sie bekanntlich nicht überwintert, jeweils aus verschiedenen Quellen einwandert.Wenn eine Population mit der üblichen dichteabhängigen Flügelausbildung 10 Generationen lang auf Brachypterie selektioniert wurde, entstanden Populationen, die den erwähnten hochbrachypteren Populationen aus dem Feld glichen. Die genetische Analyse der Vererbung der Brachypterie ergab, dass bei Weibchen ein einzelnes dominantes Allel verantwortlich ist. Bei Männchen dagegen trennten sich bei Kreuzungsexperimenten die Flügelformen nicht so klar. Dies deuted auf Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern bei der Vererbung der Flügelformen.
Nucleotide sequence of rice dwarf virus segment 5.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Zoospores at various developmental stages in Hydrodictyon reticulatum were isolated from parent cells and cultured in Waris medium. Isolated zoospores grew to mature vegetative cells, and were able to reproduce zoo-spores that formed daughter hexagonal nets. Three types of shape appeared in cells 24 h after isolation: cylindrical, Y-shaped and 4-armed type. Protrusions of Y-shaped or 4-armed cells were formed at an angle of about 120° to the long axis of the cell. When cells were isolated at later stages, more cells became cylindrical in shape and fewer ceils became Y-shaped or 4-armed, Direction of cell growth also seemed to depend largely on the developmental stages of the zoospores. The later the isolated stages were, the more the cells elongated along the long axis of the zoospores.  相似文献   
Despite intensive studies of muscular dystrophy of chicken, the responsible gene has not yet been identified. Our recent studies mapped the genetic locus for abnormal muscle (AM) of chicken with muscular dystrophy to chromosome 2q using the Kobe University (KU) resource family, and revealed the chromosome region where the AM gene is located has conserved synteny to human chromosome 8q11-24.3, where the beta-1 syntrophin (SNTB1), syndecan 2 (SDC2) and Gem GTPase (GEM) genes are located. It is reasonable to assume those genes might be candidates for the AM gene. In this study, we cloned and sequenced the chicken SNTB1, SDC2 and GEM genes, and identified sequence polymorphisms between parents of the resource family. The polymorphisms were genotyped to place these genes on the chicken linkage map. The AM gene of chromosome 2q was mapped 130 cM from the distal end, and closely linked to calbindin 1 (CALB1). SNTB1 and SDC2 genes were mapped 88.5 cM distal and 27.6 cM distal from the AM gene, while the GEM gene was mapped 18.5 cM distal from the AM gene and 9.1 cM proximal from SDC2. Orthologues of SNTB1, SDC2 and GEM were syntenic to human chromosome 8q. SNTB1, SDC2 and GEM did not correspond to the AM gene locus, suggesting it is unlikely they are related to chicken muscular dystrophy. However, this result also suggests that the genes located in the proximal region of the CALB1 gene on human chromosome 8q are possible candidates for this disease.  相似文献   
The completion of the genome sequence of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae marks the dawn of an exciting new era in eukaryotic biology that will bring with it a new understanding of yeast, other model organisms, and human beings. This body of sequence data benefits yeast researchers by obviating the need for piecemeal sequencing of genes, and allows researchers working with other organisms to tap into experimental advantages inherent in the yeast system and learn from functionally characterized yeast gene products which are their proteins of interest. In addition, the yeast post-genome sequence era is serving as a testing ground for powerful new technologies, and proven experimental approaches are being applied for the first time in a comprehensive fashion on a complete eukaryotic gene repertoire.  相似文献   
We immunohistochemically studied the localization of 5-reductase type 1 in combination with androgen receptor (AR) expression in individual lobes of the prostates of intact and castrated rats. In the normal rat prostate, 5-reductase was localized in the cytoplasm of most epithelial cells in the ventral, dorsal, and lateral type 1 (L1) lobes. Epithelial cells of lateral type 2 (L2) lobes were negative for 5-reductase. AR was present in the nuclei of all epithelial and stromal cells throughout the prostate. The number of 5-reductase-immunoreactive cells rapidly decreased in the ventral and L1 lobes after castration, whereas many positive cells remained in the dorsal lobe even at 4 weeks after castration. AR immunostaining was lost in the ventral, dorsal, and L1 lobes at 1 week after castration, but remained in the L2 lobe of 4-week-castrated rats. Electron microscopic immunocytochemistry showed that 5-reductase was exclusively localized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum membranes and that there were no distinct structural differences between the positively and negatively stained epithelial cells. These findings suggested that the expression of 5-reductase type 1 in the epithelial cell is heterogeneous within and among the individual lobes of the rat prostate, and does not correspond to AR expression.  相似文献   
The resonance Raman spectra of riboflavin (RF) and its derivatives, including 3-deuterated (3-D RF), 3-methyl (3-CH3 RF), 3-carboxymethyl (3-CH2COOH RF), and 7,8-dichlororiboflavins (7,8-Cl RF), in H2O and D2O were observed in the 700-1700 cm-1 region. The fluorescence problem of riboflavin was overcome by complex formation of riboflavin with riboflavin binding proteins. The observed frequencies of Raman lines of RF are in good agreement with those of glucose oxidase obtained by Spiro et al. by the resonance CARS method, although the present spectral range is extended to much lower frequency with a higher signal-to-noise ratio than that for glucose oxidase. The observed Raman lines were assigned to the individual ring modes of isoalloxazine on the basis of the Raman spectra of appropriate model compounds such as uracil, pyrazine, and o-xylene. The 1253 cm-1 line of RF was shifted to ca. 1300 cm-1 for 3-D RF, 3-CH3 RF, and 3-CH2COOH RF, and accordingly can be assigned to the CN stretching mode of Ring III. The 1632 cm-1 line of RF was shifted for 7,8-Cl RF and was assigned to a Ring I mode. No Raman line mainly due to C = O stretching mode was observed in the present resonance Raman spectra.  相似文献   
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