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Major and minor pathways of metabolism in the mammalian CNS result in the formation of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethylene glycol (MHPG) and normetanephrine (NMN) from norepinephrine (NE), and homovanillic acid (HVA) and 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT) from dopamine (DA), respectively. The correlational relationships between HVA and 3-MT and between MHPG and NMN in primate CSF and plasma have not been described. These relationships may help to elucidate the usefulness of CSF and plasma metabolites as indices of CNS NE and DA activity. In addition, because NMN is unlikely to cross the blood-brain barrier. CSF NMN concentrations would not be confounded by contributions from plasma, which is a major issue with CSF MHPG. We have obtained repeated samples of plasma and CSF from drug-naive male squirrel monkeys and have measured the concentrations of MHPG, HVA, NMN, and 3-MT to define their correlational relationships. For the NE metabolites, significant correlations were obtained for CSF MHPG and NMN (r = 0.806, p less than 0.001), plasma MHPG and CSF NMN (r = 0.753, p less than 0.001), and plasma and CSF MHPG (r = 0.776, p less than 0.001). These results suggest that CSF and plasma MHPG and CSF NMN may reflect gross changes in whole brain steady-state noradrenergic metabolism. Only a single significant relationship was demonstrated for the DA metabolites, with CSF 3-MT correlating with plasma HVA (r = 0.301, p less than 0.025). The results for the DA metabolites probably reflect regional differences in steady-state brain dopaminergic metabolism.  相似文献   
Necroptosis is a form of caspase-independent programmed cell death that arises from disruption of cell membranes by the mixed lineage kinase domain-like (MLKL) pseudokinase after its activation by the upstream kinases, receptor interacting protein kinase (RIPK)-1 and RIPK3, within a complex known as the necrosome. Dysregulated necroptosis has been implicated in numerous inflammatory pathologies. As such, new small molecule necroptosis inhibitors are of great interest, particularly ones that operate downstream of MLKL activation, where the pathway is less well defined. To better understand the mechanisms involved in necroptosis downstream of MLKL activation, and potentially uncover new targets for inhibition, we screened known kinase inhibitors against an activated mouse MLKL mutant, leading us to identify the lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase (Lck) inhibitor AMG-47a as an inhibitor of necroptosis. We show that AMG-47a interacts with both RIPK1 and RIPK3, that its ability to protect from cell death is dependent on the strength of the necroptotic stimulus, and that it blocks necroptosis most effectively in human cells. Moreover, in human cell lines, we demonstrate that AMG-47a can protect against cell death caused by forced dimerisation of MLKL truncation mutants in the absence of any upstream signalling, validating that it targets a process downstream of MLKL activation. Surprisingly, however, we also found that the cell death driven by activated MLKL in this model was completely dependent on the presence of RIPK1, and to a lesser extent RIPK3, although it was not affected by known inhibitors of these kinases. Together, these results suggest an additional role for RIPK1, or the necrosome, in mediating human necroptosis after MLKL is phosphorylated by RIPK3 and provide further insight into reported differences in the progression of necroptosis between mouse and human cells.Subject terms: Kinases, Necroptosis  相似文献   
Microarrays have received significant attention in recent years as scientists have firstly identified factors that can produce reduced confidence in gene expression data obtained on these platforms, and secondly sought to establish laboratory practices and a set of standards by which data are reported with integrity. Microsphere-based assays represent a new generation of diagnostics in this field capable of providing substantial quantitative and qualitative information from gene expression profiling. However, for gene expression profiling, this type of platform is still in the demonstration phase, with issues arising from comparative studies in the literature not yet identified. It is desirable to identify potential parameters that are established as important in controlling the information derived from microsphere-based hybridizations to quantify gene expression. As these evolve, a standard set of parameters will be established that are required to be provided when data are submitted for publication. Here we initiate this process by identifying a number of parameters we have found to be important in microsphere-based assays designed for the quantification of low abundant genes which are variable between studies.  相似文献   
Aim Building on a substantial literature addressing the fire responses of woody plants, particularly under mediterranean climates, we assess the extent to which fire persistence traits can be used to predict vegetation responses to fire regime changes in fire‐prone arid and savanna landscape settings. Location Australia, applying data from arid central to monsoonal northern regions (11–26° S, 129–138° E). Methods With reference to a substantial sub‐continental floristics dataset, we first assigned the fire response (obligate seeder, resprouter) and seedbank persistence (transient, dormant) of rapid and longer‐maturing (> 3 years) woody taxa. Using logistic regression, we then modelled the proportions of taxa possessing these traits as a function of mean annual rainfall (highly correlated with fire frequency) and terrain roughness (a measure of topographic variability) in 0.25° × 0.25° and 1° × 1° grid cells. Separate assessments were undertaken with datasets for 1264 sclerophyll and 236 rain forest taxa. Results This woody flora is characterized by taxa exhibiting mostly resprouting and dormant seedbank traits that promote site persistence. While numbers of obligate seeder and resprouter taxa were related positively to both rainfall and roughness, the relative abundance of both sclerophyll and rain forest obligate seeders decreased significantly with rainfall. The relative abundance of sclerophyll (especially long‐lived) obligate seeders alone increased with topographic roughness. The proportion of taxa with transient seedbanks increased with rainfall in resprouters generally, and in rain forest obligate seeders alone. Main conclusions We find that resprouters are favoured on more productive, fire‐prone sites, and obligate seeders are favoured in less productive, more fire‐protected settings. Seedbank persistence responses are more variable. These findings concur generally with theoretical constructs, and support comparable assessments in Australian and other fire‐prone systems ranging from mediterranean to boreal environments. Our observations illustrate that resprouting and obligate seeding syndromes, but not necessarily seedbank persistence, are useful predictors of vegetation responses to changing fire regime conditions at large landscape scales.  相似文献   
Recent globalization has been characterized by a decline in the costs of cross-border trade in farm and other products. It has been driven primarily by the information and communication technology revolution and—in the case of farm products—by reductions in governmental distortions to agricultural production, consumption and trade. Both have boosted economic growth and reduced poverty globally, especially in Asia. The first but maybe not the second of these drivers will continue in coming decades. World food prices will depend also on whether (and if so by how much) farm productivity growth continues to outpace demand growth and to what extent diets in emerging economies move towards livestock and horticultural products at the expense of staples. Demand in turn will be driven not only by population and income growth, but also by crude oil prices if they remain at current historically high levels, since that will affect biofuel demand. Climate change mitigation policies and adaptation, water market developments and market access standards particularly for transgenic foods will add to future production, price and trade uncertainties.  相似文献   
Aim To describe the habitat characteristics and status of the brush‐tailed rabbit‐rat, Conilurus penicillatus Gould, 1842, on the Tiwi Islands, northern Australia, as part of a broader programme aimed at the conservation management of this species. In addition, comparable environmental modelling is undertaken for other co‐occurring small native mammals, including the black‐footed tree‐rat, Mesembriomys gouldii Gray, 1843, a taxonomically and ecologically related species. These objectives relate to the significance for mammal conservation of islands generally in Australia, and the recent intensification of plantation forestry on these previously little‐disturbed islands. Location Melville and Bathurst islands (Tiwi Islands), respectively, Australia's second and fifth largest islands. Methods A systematic survey was conducted for mammals across Bathurst (115 sampled quadrats) and Melville Island (236 quadrats). A broad range of environmental variables was recorded for every quadrat. All quadrats were classified by their woody plant species composition. The relative occurrence of individual mammal species across the resulting vegetation groups was examined using Kruskal–Wallis anova . The habitat relationships of C. penicillatus and the most commonly recorded mammal species were described by generalized linear modelling, with separate models for each island, for both islands combined, for all habitats and for only those sites dominated by eucalypts. Results Twelve small mammal species (excluding bats, macropods and feral animals) were recorded in this study. The most notable feature of this survey was the lack of records of M. gouldii from Bathurst Island. In contrast, the proportion of quadrats with C. penicillatus was not significantly different between the two islands. There was no significant tendency for these two species to co‐occur in quadrats on Melville Island more or less commonly than by chance. Conilurus penicillatus was most abundant in eucalypt forest while M. gouldii showed a weak association with eucalypt forests and woodlands and shrub land. The five most commonly recorded species showed highly idiosyncratic relationships with environmental variables, with this relationship showing some variation between the two islands. None showed any significant association with floristic variation within the extensive eucalypt forests, but most showed significant associations with tree height, basal area (especially of large trees), landscape position (distance to watercourse) and fire history. Main conclusions Conilurus penicillatus was most likely to occur in tall eucalypt forest away from watercourses. This habitat is now being targeted for clearance for the development of plantations of the exotic Acacia mangium. Seven of the 12 mammal species examined in this study (C. penicillatus, M. gouldii, Rattus tunneyi Thomas, 1904, Melomys burtoni Ramsay, 1887, Sminthopsis butleri Archer, 1979, Phascogale tapoatafa Meyer, 1793 and Petaurus breviceps Gould, 1842) were not recorded at all in plantations, and these (and other) species are likely to be severely disadvantaged by plantation development. The study also demonstrated that the two medium to large arboreal rodent species (C. penicillatus and M. gouldii) vary in environmental associations and found no evidence that C. penicillatus increased in areas unoccupied by M. gouldii.  相似文献   
Multiple analytical techniques were used to evaluate the impact of multiple parasite species on the mortality of threatened juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from the West Fork Smith River, Oregon, USA. We also proposed a novel parsimonious mathematical representation of macroparasite distribution, congestion rate, which (i) is easier to use than traditional models, and (ii) is based on Malthusian parameters rather than probability theory. Heavy infections of Myxobolus insidiosus (Myxozoa) and metacercariae of Nanophyetus salmincola and Apophallus sp. occurred in parr (subyearlings) from the lower mainstem of this river collected in 2007 and 2008. Smolts (yearlings) collected in 2007–2010 always harboured fewer Apophallus sp. with host mortality recognised as a function of intensity for this parasite. Mean intensity of Apophallus sp. in lower mainstem parr was 753 per fish in 2007 and 856 per fish in 2008, while parr from the tributaries had a mean of only 37 or 13 parasites per fish, respectively. Mean intensity of this parasite in smolts ranged between 47 and 251 parasites per fish. Over-dispersion (variance to mean ratios) of Apophallus sp. was always lower in smolts compared with all parr combined or lower mainstem parr. Retrospective analysis based on smolt data using both the traditional negative binomial truncation technique and our proposed congestion rate model showed identical results. The estimated threshold level for mortality involving Apophallus sp. was at 400–500 parasites per fish using both analytical methods. Unique to this study, we documented the actual existence of these heavy infections prior to the predicted mortality. Most of the lower mainstem parr (approximately 75%) had infections above this level. Heavy infections of Apophallus sp. metacercariae may be an important contributing factor to the high over-wintering mortality previously reported for these fish that grow and develop in this section of the river. Analyses using the same methods for M.insidiosus and N. salmincola generally pointed to minimal parasite-associated mortality.  相似文献   
The budding yeast spindle pole body (SPB) is anchored in the nuclear envelope so that it can simultaneously nucleate both nuclear and cytoplasmic microtubules. During SPB duplication, the newly formed SPB is inserted into the nuclear membrane. The mechanism of SPB insertion is poorly understood but likely involves the action of integral membrane proteins to mediate changes in the nuclear envelope itself, such as fusion of the inner and outer nuclear membranes. Analysis of the functional domains of the budding yeast SUN protein and SPB component Mps3 revealed that most regions are not essential for growth or SPB duplication under wild-type conditions. However, a novel dominant allele in the P-loop region, MPS3-G186K, displays defects in multiple steps in SPB duplication, including SPB insertion, indicating a previously unknown role for Mps3 in this step of SPB assembly. Characterization of the MPS3-G186K mutant by electron microscopy revealed severe over-proliferation of the inner nuclear membrane, which could be rescued by altering the characteristics of the nuclear envelope using both chemical and genetic methods. Lipid profiling revealed that cells lacking MPS3 contain abnormal amounts of certain types of polar and neutral lipids, and deletion or mutation of MPS3 can suppress growth defects associated with inhibition of sterol biosynthesis, suggesting that Mps3 directly affects lipid homeostasis. Therefore, we propose that Mps3 facilitates insertion of SPBs in the nuclear membrane by modulating nuclear envelope composition.  相似文献   
A larval marine cestode was found in 82.0% of 834 Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) stomachs collected from 341 trawl stations along the United States west coast during the summers of 2008 and 2009. Morphology and DNA sequencing was used to identify the cestode as Nybelinia surmenicola. In an examination of 131 Pacific hake stomachs collected from the same region in 1999, N. surmenicola prevalence was 35.1%. The results from a general linear model suggested that their prevalence is influenced by year and latitude, Pacific hake size, and sex. Mean intensity of N. surmenicola in 2008-2009 was 20.22 (±1.13 SE) and was positively related to Pacific hake length and the latitude of collection. Year-1 Pacific hake (<27 cm length) had significantly lower prevalence and intensity of N. surmenicola compared to older and larger fish. Pacific hake collected south of Point Conception, California (32.5 to 35°N) had lower prevalence and intensity of N. surmenicola compared to those collected in northern latitudes (35.1 to 48.4°N). Higher N. surmenicola prevalence in Pacific hake in recent years suggests food-web fluctuations in the northern California current ecosystem caused by changes in ocean transport of zooplankton or pelagic fish distributions and warrants future monitoring as a metric for ecosystem change.  相似文献   
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