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The present study was undertaken to investigate flavin-nicotinamide reactions and interactions. A series of novel flavin-nicotinamide biscoenzymes have been synthesized by a general three-step procedure. The structures of these compounds were confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, absorption spectra and elemental analysis. These compounds consist of short linear hydrocarbon chains interconnecting the N-1 of nicotinamide and the N-10 of the 7,8-dimethyl-isoalloxazine ring. The compounds were reduced with sodium dithionite (Na2S2O4) and the flavin portion was reoxidized with ferricyanide. Re-reduction of the flavin portion by the nicotinamide portion of the molecule was followed anaerobically at 442 nm. When the interconnecting hydrocarbon chain was unsaturated, a second order reaction was observed with a rate equal to that of lumiflavin and 1-propyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide (NprNicH2) under the same conditions. When the two halves of the biscoenzymes were connected by saturated three- and four-carbon chains, the expected unimolecular reaction was not observed. Instead, the reduced biscoenzyme, after separation from excess sodium dithionite, was shown to have a strong absorption at 298 nm. This absorption is characteristic of hydration of dihydronicotinamides at the 5,6-double bond.In further studies, the C3-biscoenzyme exhibited an absorption at 600 nm due to a complex between the reduced flavin and oxidized nicotinamide portions of the molecule. Absorbance at 600 nm increased linearly with the C3-biscoenzyme concentration, clearly indicating that this is an intramolecular complex. When the C3-biscoenzyme was at 0°C in 60–75% dimethylformamide buffer solution, no absorption at 600 nm was observed. When excess dithionite was removed, the spectrum under these conditions showed definite peaks at 297 and 357 nm. These respective peaks were attributed to hydrated dihydronicotinamide and dihydronicotinamide species present in the reaction mixture.The reduced flavin was postulated to be a catalyst for the hydration of dihydronicotinamide. This hypothesis was tested by incubating 1-propyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide alone and with several concentrations of reduced riboflavin under basic anaerobic conditions. The results show that the reduced flavin increases the rate of disappearance of the dihydronicotinamide species and that the product shows an absorption near 298 nm. These results indicate that a reduced form of the flavin nucleus catalyzes the hydration of dihydronicotinamides.  相似文献   
N,N'-Methylenebisacrylamide (MBA), a dimer of the monomeric acrylamide, was studied for induction of clastogenic effects in germ cells of male mice. It was found to be effective in inducing dominant-lethal mutations and heritable translocations in maturing sperm. The semisterile translocation carriers and their normal counterparts were used to determine the health impact of transmitted chromosomal rearrangements through anatomical analysis of their immediate descendants in utero. As expected, semisterility resulted primarily from embryonic death during the periimplantation stages presumably caused by sperm segregants with unbalanced chromosome complement fertilizing some of the eggs. Among conceptuses that survived to mid- and late-gestation stages, there was an increased incidence of developmental anomalies including fetal death and phenotypic defects. These anomalies are assumed to be caused by certain types of unbalanced segregants that are compatible with survival beyond the periimplantation period. This class of unbalanced segregants represent in humans a major health problem to the mother and her conceptus.  相似文献   
We have examined the genetics of systemic resistance in Phaseolus vulgaris to azuki bean mosaic virus (AzMV) and cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV) and the relationship of this resistance to a phenotypically similar resistance to watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) and soybean mosaic virus (SMV). In P. vulgaris cv Great Northern 1140 (GN1140), resistance to SMV and WMV has been attributed to the genes Smv and Wmv, respectively, which have been shown to segregate as a unit. Systemic resistance to AzMV is conferred by two incompletely dominant alleles, Azm1 and Azm2, at unlinked loci. At least three resistance alleles must be present at these two loci for systemic resistance to be expressed in the plant. Systemic resistance to CABMV in GN 1140 is conditioned by a dominant allele that has been designated Cam2. Under some environmental conditions, a recessive allele at an unlinked locus, cam3, also controls a resistant response to CABMV. Resistance to AzMV and CABMV does not assort independently from Wmv/Smv, but also does not consistently cosegregate, suggesting that perhaps in each case one of the factors involved in resistance is associated with Smv/Wmv.  相似文献   
Zooplankton community response to reservoir aging   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Changes in zooplankton diversity and density in response to reservoir aging in Pawnee Reservoir were investigated. Zooplankton samples collected from April 1992 through April 1993, were compared to a similar study conducted after initial impoundment by Helzer (1971), in 1968–1970. Since this initial study, increases in turbidity and resulting changes in biotic interactions significantly altered the zooplankton community. A significant increase in total zooplankton density and a decrease in species richness were observed between study periods. Density increased from 24.6 to 95.4 individuals L–1, while the number of taxa declined from fourteen to ten. During this time period, Cyclops vernalis became the dominant zooplankter in the reservoir. The density of this predatory copepod increased significantly, from 0.1 l–1 in 1968–1970, to 44.3 l–1 in 1992–1993, which accounted for most of the increase in total zooplankton density. Though a greater spring maximum of another dominant, Bosmina spp. was found during the 1992–1993 study period, the annual density of this cladoceran was not significantly different between study periods. Similar trends for Daphnia ambigua and D. parvula were also observed, as greater spring maxima levels were attained, however overall annual densities were not significantly different. The dominance of C. vernalis (46% of annual density) and Bosmina spp. (33%), indicate that these two zooplankters were tolerant of changes in physical conditions resulting from reservoir aging and biotic interactions that followed in the reservoir during the 22 years between study periods.  相似文献   
Summary A single dominant factor, Hss, that conditions a rapid lethal necrotic response to soybean mosaic virus (SMV) has been identified in Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Black Turtle Soup, line BT-1. Inoculated plants carrying this factor developed pinpoint necrotic lesions on inoculated tissue followed by systemic vascular necrosis and plant death within about 7 days, regardless of ambient temperature. BT-1 also carries dominant resistance to potyviruses attributed to the tightly linked or identical factors, I, Bcm, Cam, and Hsw, so linkage with Hss was evaluated. No recombinants were identified among 381 F3 families segregating for potyvirus susceptibility, thus if Hss is a distinct factor, it is tightly linked to I, Bcm, Cam, and Hsw. BT-1 was also crossed reciprocally with the line Great Northern 1140 (GN 1140) in which the dominant gene, Smv, for systemic resistance to SMV was first identified. Smv and Hss segregated independently and are co-dominant. The (GN 1140 x BT-1) F1 populations showed a seasonal shift of the codominant phenotype. Evaluation of the (GN 1140 x BT-1) F2 population under conditions where Smv is partially dominant allowed additional phenotypic classes to be distinguished. Pathotype specificity has not been demonstrated for either Smv or Hss. Genotypes that are homozygous for both dominant alleles are systemically resistant to the virus and in addition show undetectable local viral replication or and no seed transmission. This work demonstrates that a gene which conditions a systemic lethal response to a pathogen may be combined with additional gene(s) to create an improved resistant phenotype.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to determine whether it will be feasible to study the expression of a large, human gene, such as the BCL2 proto-oncogene, by DNA transfection. The BCL2 proto-oncogene is 230 kb in size and is deregulated in tumor cells by translocation into the immunoglobulin heavy-chain locus. Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) containing the human BCL2 gene were altered by homologous recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to yield replicas of the normal and translocated alleles. Constructions containing either allele and ranging in size from 360 to 800 kb were integrated stably into a mouse tumor line. Fifty-eight percent of the clones contained a copy of the entire YAC insert. Over 50% of these clones expressed appropriate levels of human BCL2 RNA and protein. These studies suggested that the expression of large human genes and their pathologic rearrangements can be studied by transfection techniques employing YACs propagated in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   
Long-term atmospheric CO2 concentration records have suggested a reduction in the positive effect of warming on high-latitude carbon uptake since the 1990s. A variety of mechanisms have been proposed to explain the reduced net carbon sink of northern ecosystems with increased air temperature, including water stress on vegetation and increased respiration over recent decades. However, the lack of consistent long-term carbon flux and in situ soil moisture data has severely limited our ability to identify the mechanisms responsible for the recent reduced carbon sink strength. In this study, we used a record of nearly 100 site-years of eddy covariance data from 11 continuous permafrost tundra sites distributed across the circumpolar Arctic to test the temperature (expressed as growing degree days, GDD) responses of gross primary production (GPP), net ecosystem exchange (NEE), and ecosystem respiration (ER) at different periods of the summer (early, peak, and late summer) including dominant tundra vegetation classes (graminoids and mosses, and shrubs). We further tested GPP, NEE, and ER relationships with soil moisture and vapor pressure deficit to identify potential moisture limitations on plant productivity and net carbon exchange. Our results show a decrease in GPP with rising GDD during the peak summer (July) for both vegetation classes, and a significant relationship between the peak summer GPP and soil moisture after statistically controlling for GDD in a partial correlation analysis. These results suggest that tundra ecosystems might not benefit from increased temperature as much as suggested by several terrestrial biosphere models, if decreased soil moisture limits the peak summer plant productivity, reducing the ability of these ecosystems to sequester carbon during the summer.  相似文献   


Climate change is affecting the distribution of species and subsequent biotic interactions, including hybridization potential. The imperiled Golden-winged Warbler (GWWA) competes and hybridizes with the Blue-winged Warbler (BWWA), which may threaten the persistence of GWWA due to introgression. We examined how climate change is likely to alter the breeding distributions and potential for hybridization between GWWA and BWWA.


North America.


We used GWWA and BWWA occurrence data to model climatically suitable conditions under historical and future climate scenarios. Models were parameterized with 13 bioclimatic variables and 3 topographic variables. Using ensemble modeling, we estimated historical and modern distributions, as well as a projected distribution under six future climate scenarios. We quantified breeding distribution area, the position of and amount of overlap between GWWA and BWWA distributions under each climate scenario. We summarized the top explanatory variables in our model to predict environmental parameters of the distributions under future climate scenarios relative to historical climate.


GWWA and BWWA distributions are projected to substantially change under future climate scenarios. GWWA are projected to undergo the greatest change; the area of climatically suitable breeding season conditions is expected to shift north to northwest; and range contraction is predicted in five out of six future climate scenarios. Climatically suitable conditions for BWWA decreased in four of the six future climate scenarios, while the distribution is projected to shift east. A reduction in overlapping distributions for GWWA and BWWA is projected under all six future climate scenarios.

Main Conclusions

Climate change is expected to substantially alter the area of climatically suitable conditions for GWWA and BWWA, with the southern portion of the current breeding ranges likely to become climatically unsuitable. However, interactions between BWWA and GWWA are expected to decline with the decrease in overlapping habitat, which may reduce the risk of genetic introgression.  相似文献   
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