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Eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)-5, isolated from rabbit reticulocyte lysates, is a monomeric protein of Mr = 58,000-62,000. Immunochemical methods were employed to identify eIF-5 in crude cell lysates. Antisera against purified denatured eIF-5 were prepared in rabbits and characterized by immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation techniques using native and denatured eIF-5 as antigens. Monospecific antibodies to denatured eIF-5 were affinity-purified using eIF-5 blotted onto aminophenylthioether paper. Rabbit reticulocytes, HeLa cells and mouse L cells were lysed directly into a denaturing buffer containing 3% sodium dodecyl sulfate. The denatured proteins were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by immunoblotting with anti-eIF-5 antibodies. With each lysate, one major immunoreactive polypeptide was observed whose molecular weight corresponded to that of purified eIF-5 (Mr = 58,000-62,000). No degradation products or precursor forms of molecular weight higher than 62,000 were detected in any lysate. These results indicate that isolated eIF-5 is the same size as that found in crude lysates. Additional characterization of eIF-5 indicates that purified eIF-5 can be phosphorylated at serine residues in vitro by casein kinase II. Furthermore, in vitro phosphorylated eIF-5 retains full biological activity in catalyzing the joining of 60 S ribosomal subunits to a preformed 40 S ribosomal initiation complex to form an 80 S initiation complex. Based on its specific activity, we demonstrate that 1 pmol of rabbit reticulocyte eIF-5 mediates the formation of approximately 180 pmol of 80 S initiation complex under the conditions of in vitro initiation reactions.  相似文献   
The mechanism of sorting, to the outer membrane, of the 325-residue Escherichia coli protein OmpA has been investigated. It is thought to traverse the membrane eight times in antiparallel beta-strands, forming an amphiphilic beta-barrel which encompasses residues 1 to about 170; the COOH-terminal moiety is periplasmic. A mutant, carrying the substitutions Leu164----Pro and Val166----Asp within the last beta-strand (residues 160-170), has been described which was unable to assemble in the membrane (Klose, M., MacIntyre, S., Schwarz, H., and Henning, U. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 13297-13302). Linkers were inserted between the codons for residues 164 and 165 of the mutant protein. Of 13 different genes recovered, five encoded proteins which had regained the ability to assemble in the membrane. The properties of the mutant proteins, together with a structure prediction method, indicate the following rules for the final beta-strand to be compatible with, or possibly initiate, membrane insertion: (i) it must be amphiphilic or hydrophobic while its primary structure as such is fairly unimportant, (ii) it must extend over at least 9 residues, and (iii) it must not contain a proline residue around its center. One of the genes recovered coded for OmpA up to residue 164 and then followed by 10 linker-encoded residues. This 174-residue polypeptide was assembled in the membrane but did not, in contrast to all other proteins, expose sites sensitive to trypsin at the inner face of the membrane. This behavior agrees perfectly well with the OmpA model.  相似文献   
Uptake of cholesterol-containing lipoproteins by macrophages in the arterial intima is believed to be an important step in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. There are a number of possible mechanisms by which macrophages might accumulate cholesterol, and one that has attracted much interest recently involves the uptake of oxidatively modified low density lipoprotein (LDL) via a specific cell surface receptor, termed the scavenger or acetyl-LDL receptor. Previous studies have shown that chemical derivatization of LDL with reagents that result in neutralization of the charge of lysine amino groups also allows recognition by this receptor. As well, it has been shown that oxidation of LDL is accompanied by a decrease in free lysine groups and binding of lipid products to apolipoprotein B. The present studies were done to further characterize the receptor-binding domain on oxidized LDL. It was found that LDL could be modified by incubation with water-soluble products derived from autoxidized unsaturated fatty acids under conditions that inhibited oxidation of the LDL itself. The LDL modified in this way had increased electrophoretic mobility but showed no evidence of the oxidative damage that typifies LDL oxidized by exposure to metal ions. Furthermore, the oxidation product-modified LDL was rapidly degraded by cultured macrophages through the scavenger receptor pathway. Bovine albumin modified by oxidation products also showed greatly accelerated degradation by macrophages. When analyzed by reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatography, the reactive oxidation products appeared less polar than fatty acids or simple medium-chain aldehydes. When treated with the carbonyl reagent 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, the reactive fractions yielded derivatives, some of which were identified by mass spectrometry as hydrazones of nonenal, heptenal, pentenal, and crotonaldehyde. A series of 2-unsaturated aldehydes (acrolein to 2-nonenal) were all found to modify LDL, but none of these aldehyde-modified LDLs were recognized by the scavenger receptor of macrophages and all were degraded much more slowly by these cells than LDL modified with oxidation products. Furthermore, copper-oxidized LDL had only very slight immunoreactivity toward a panel of antibodies specific for adducts of simple 2-unsaturated aldehydes. Analysis of underivatized autoxidized fatty acids by coupled liquid chromatography/thermospray mass spectrometry revealed compounds with m/z corresponding to M+17, M+31, and 2M+31 in fractions that were capable of modifying LDL. The unoxidized fatty acids showed a dominant peak at M-1. These results indicate that the scavenger receptor of macrophages can recogn  相似文献   
We have investigated the sorting and packaging of secretory proteins into secretory granules by an immunological approach. An mAb against secretogranin I (chromogranin B), a secretory protein costored with various peptide hormones and neuropeptides in secretory granules of many endocrine cells and neurons, was expressed by microinjection of its mRNA into the secretogranin I-producing cell line PC12. An mAb against the G protein of vesicular stomatitis virus--i.e., against an antigen not present in PC12 cells--was expressed as a control. The intracellular localization and the secretion of the antibodies was studied by double-labeling immunofluorescence using the conventional and the confocal microscope, as well as by pulse-chase experiments. The secretogranin I antibody, like the control antibody, was transported along the secretory pathway to the Golgi complex. However, in contrast to the control antibody, which was secreted via the constitutive pathway, the secretogranin I antibody formed an immunocomplex with secretogranin I, was packaged into secretory granules, and was released by regulated exocytosis. Our results show that a constitutive secretory protein, unaltered by genetic engineering, can be diverted to the regulated pathway of secretion by its protein-protein interaction with a regulated secretory protein. The data also provide the basis for immunologically studying the role of luminally exposed protein domains in the biogenesis and function of regulated secretory vesicles.  相似文献   
Protein-DNA interactions within the promoter of a cell cycle-regulated human H4 histone gene were examined by binding of 5'-end-labeled DNA segments to Western blots of nuclear protein fractions. Specific protein interactions were observed with DNA segments located between -500 bp and -1,070 bp upstream of the ATG initiation codon and included a histone H1 binding segment flanked on both sides by binding sites for a 45 kD nuclear protein. This region of the gene contains a DNase I-sensitive site in the center (-720 to -820 bp), and sequence analysis revealed the presence of scaffold attachment sequences in the two flanking segments. Topoisomerase II consensus sequences and in vitro topoisomerase II cleavage sites were also detected in the two flanking segments. Our results suggest that the 45 kd nuclear protein may preferentially interact with these two segments of the H4 histone gene to mediate association with the nuclear matrix. The presence of negative regulatory elements in this putative matrix attachment region provides a basis for the speculation that such nuclear proteins are associated with alterations in gene-matrix interaction that are functionally related to gene expression.  相似文献   
The effective thickness of the unstirred fluid layer (USL) adjacent to an epithelial barrier can be estimated from the time course for the accumulation or depletion of a solute at the membrane surface. In 1985 we reported an unstirred layer thickness of approximately 70 microns for Necturus gallbladder epithelium. In our earlier studies the delay caused by noninstantaneous bulk solution mixing was not taken into account and thus the USL thickness was systematically overestimated. In the present studies we describe an analysis of the time course of solute arrival at the membrane surface that takes into account noninstantaneous bulk solution mixing. We also describe a simple technique to monitor the accumulation or depletion of a solute at the membrane surface. The time course for the change in the concentration of either tetramethylammonium (TMA+) or tetrabutylammonium (TBA+) upon elevation of bulk solution concentration is sensed at the membrane surface with an ion-sensitive microelectrode. Because of the high selectivity of the ion-sensitive resin for TMA+ or TBA+ over other monovalent cations in the solution (Na+ and K+), a low concentration (1-2 mM) of the probe can be used. By measuring the time course of the arrival of first one probe and then the other, under identical superfusion conditions, sufficient information is obtained to eliminate multiple fits to the data, obtained when only one probe is used. Neglecting bulk solution mixing caused an error greater than 50% in estimated apparent USL thickness. The effective thickness of the USL depends critically upon chamber geometry, flow rate, and the position of superfusion and suction pipettes. Under our experimental conditions the effective USL at the mucosal surface of Necturus gallbladder epithelium was approximately 40 microns.  相似文献   
Antibodies to the avian B-cell-differentiating hormone bursin (lysyl-histidyl-glycine amide) were raised in mice and rabbits by immunizing with bursin conjugates in Freund's adjuvant. Immunohistochemical staining with these bursin-specific antibodies was restricted to follicular and dendritic reticular epithelial cells of the bursa of Fabricius, and was not found in control avian tissues.  相似文献   
The mechanism of the spontaneous activation of B cells in patients with SLE was analyzed from the standpoint of the production of IL-1 from B cells and the expression of IL-1R on B cells. SLE B cells spontaneously produced IL-1-like factors which stimulated murine thymocyte proliferative responses. Their m.w. was about 17,000 and their isoelectric point was 4.8. The IL-1-like activity produced by B cells was absorbed with rabbit anti-IL-1 alpha antibody, but not with anti-IL-1 beta antibody. The differentiation of SLE B cells was enhanced by rIL-1 alpha, beta or IL-1-like factors produced by SLE B cells in a concentration-dependent manner. SLE B cells expressed large number of IL-1R detected by FITC-conjugated IL-1 alpha. By a Percoll gradient density centrifugation, IL-1-producing cells and B cells responsive to IL-1 were enriched in a higher density fraction, but were reduced in a lower density fraction. IL-1R-positive B cells were enriched in the lower density fraction, but were depleted in the higher density fraction. However, the expression of IL-1R on the lower density B cells was reduced by 2-day culture. The expression of IL-1R on the higher density B cells was increased during a 2-day culture. Anti-class II antibody inhibited the production of IL-1R on the higher density B cells. These results suggest that the cellular interaction among B precursor cells mediated by class II Ag induces the production of IL-1 and the expression of its receptors on their surface and the interaction between IL-1 and its receptors stimulates B precursor cells to spontaneously differentiate into Ig-producing cells as an autocrine mechanism in patients with SLE.  相似文献   
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