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Mg(2+) at an optimal concentration of 2mM (ph 6.5) induces large increases (up to 30 percent) in the optical density of bovine heart mitochondria incubated under conditions of low ionic strength (< approx. 0.01). The increases are associated with aggregation (sticking together) of the inner membranes and are little affected by changes in the energy status of the mitochondria. Virtually all of a number of other polyvalent cations tested and Ag(+) induce increases in mitochondrial optical density similar to those induced by Mg(2+), their approximate order of concentration effectiveness in respect to Mg(2+) being: La(3+) > Pb(2+) = Cu(2+) > Cd(2+) > Zn(2+) > Ag(+) > Mn(2+) > Ca(2+) > Mg(2+). With the exception of Mg(2+), all of these cations appear to induce swelling of the mitochondria concomitant with inner membrane aggregation. The inhibitors of the adenine nucleotide transport reaction carboxyatratyloside and bongkrekic acid are capable of preventing and reversing Mg(2+)-induced aggregation at the same low concentration required for complete inhibition of phosphorylating respiration, suggesting that they inhibit the aggregation by binding to the adenine nucleotide carrier. The findings are interpreted to indicate (a) that the inner mitochondrial membrane is normally prevented from aggregating by virtue of its net negative outer surface change, (b) that the cations induce the membrane to aggregate by binding at its outer surface, decreasing the net negative charge, and (c) that carboxyatractyloside and bongkrekic acid inhibit the aggregation by binding to the outer surface of the membrane, increasing the net negative charge.  相似文献   
An increasing number of countries are committing to meet the global target to eliminate human deaths from dog-mediated rabies by 2030. Mass dog vaccination is central to this strategy. To interrupt rabies transmission from dogs to humans, the World Health Organization recommends that vaccination campaigns should be carried out every year in all dog-owning communities vaccinating 70% of their susceptible dogs. Monitoring and evaluation of dog vaccination campaigns are needed to measure progress towards elimination. In this study, we measured the delivery performance of large-scale vaccination campaigns implemented in 25 districts in south-east Tanzania from 2010 until 2017. We used regression modelling to infer the factors associated with, and potentially influencing the successful delivery of vaccination campaigns. During 2010–2017, five rounds of vaccination campaigns were carried out, vaccinating in total 349,513 dogs in 2,066 administrative vaccination units (rural villages or urban wards). Progressively more dogs were vaccinated over the successive campaigns. The campaigns did not reach all vaccination units each year, with only 16–28% of districts achieving 100% campaign completeness (where all units were vaccinated). During 2013–2017 when vaccination coverage was monitored, approximately 20% of vaccination units achieved the recommended 70% coverage, with average coverage around 50%. Campaigns were also not completed at annual intervals, with the longest interval between campaigns being 27 months. Our analysis revealed that districts with higher budgets generally achieved higher completeness, with a twofold difference in district budget increasing the odds of a vaccination unit being reached by a campaign by slightly more than twofold (OR: 2.29; 95% CI: 1.69–3.09). However, higher budgets did not necessarily result in higher coverage within vaccination units that were reached. We recommend national programs regularly monitor and evaluate the performance of their vaccination campaigns, so as to identify factors hindering their effective delivery and to guide remedial action.  相似文献   
Human noroviruses are genetically and antigenically highly divergent. Monoclonal antibodies raised in mice against one kind of norovirus virus-like particle (VLP), however, were found to have broad recognition. In this study, we present the crystal structure of the antigen-binding fragment (Fab) for one of these broadly reactive monoclonal antibodies, 5B18, in complex with the capsid-protruding domain from a genogroup II genotype 10 (GII.10) norovirus at 3.3-Å resolution and, also, the cryo-electron microscopy structure of the GII.10 VLP at ∼10-Å resolution. The GII.10 VLP structure was more similar in overall architecture to the GV.1 murine norovirus virion than to the prototype GI.1 human norovirus VLP, with the GII.10 protruding domain raised ∼15 Å off the shell domain and rotated ∼40° relative to the GI.1 protruding domain. In the crystal structure, the 5B18 Fab bound to a highly conserved region of the protruding domain. Based on the VLP structure, this region is involved in interactions with other regions of the capsid and is buried in the virus particle. Despite the occluded nature of the recognized epitope in the VLP structure, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) binding suggested that the 5B18 antibody was able to capture intact VLPs. Together, the results provide evidence that the norovirus particle is capable of extreme conformational flexibility, which may allow for antibody recognition of conserved surfaces that would otherwise be buried on intact particles.  相似文献   
To initiate HIV entry, the HIV envelope protein gp120 must engage its primary receptor CD4 and a coreceptor CCR5 or CXCR4. In the absence of a high resolution structure of a gp120-coreceptor complex, biochemical studies of CCR5 have revealed the importance of its N terminus and second extracellular loop (ECL2) in binding gp120 and mediating viral entry. Using a panel of synthetic CCR5 ECL2-derived peptides, we show that the C-terminal portion of ECL2 (2C, comprising amino acids Cys-178 to Lys-191) inhibit HIV-1 entry of both CCR5- and CXCR4-using isolates at low micromolar concentrations. In functional viral assays, these peptides inhibited HIV-1 entry in a CD4-independent manner. Neutralization assays designed to measure the effects of CCR5 ECL2 peptides when combined with either with the small molecule CD4 mimetic NBD-556, soluble CD4, or the CCR5 N terminus showed additive inhibition for each, indicating that ECL2 binds gp120 at a site distinct from that of N terminus and acts independently of CD4. Using saturation transfer difference NMR, we determined the region of CCR5 ECL2 used for binding gp120, showed that it can bind to gp120 from both R5 and X4 isolates, and demonstrated that the peptide interacts with a CD4-gp120 complex in a similar manner as to gp120 alone. As the CCR5 N terminus-gp120 interactions are dependent on CD4 activation, our data suggest that gp120 has separate binding sites for the CCR5 N terminus and ECL2, the ECL2 binding site is present prior to CD4 engagement, and it is conserved across CCR5- and CXCR4-using strains. These peptides may serve as a starting point for the design of inhibitors with broad spectrum anti-HIV activity.  相似文献   


In July 2000, the province of Ontario, Canada, initiated a universal influenza immunization program (UIIP) to provide free seasonal influenza vaccines for the entire population. This is the first large-scale program of its kind worldwide. The objective of this study was to conduct an economic appraisal of Ontario''s UIIP compared to a targeted influenza immunization program (TIIP).

Methods and Findings

A cost-utility analysis using Ontario health administrative data was performed. The study was informed by a companion ecological study comparing physician visits, emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths between 1997 and 2004 in Ontario and nine other Canadian provinces offering targeted immunization programs. The relative change estimates from pre-2000 to post-2000 as observed in other provinces were applied to pre-UIIP Ontario event rates to calculate the expected number of events had Ontario continued to offer targeted immunization. Main outcome measures were quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), costs in 2006 Canadian dollars, and incremental cost-utility ratios (incremental cost per QALY gained). Program and other costs were drawn from Ontario sources. Utility weights were obtained from the literature. The incremental cost of the program per QALY gained was calculated from the health care payer perspective. Ontario''s UIIP costs approximately twice as much as a targeted program but reduces influenza cases by 61% and mortality by 28%, saving an estimated 1,134 QALYs per season overall. Reducing influenza cases decreases health care services cost by 52%. Most cost savings can be attributed to hospitalizations avoided. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio is Can$10,797/QALY gained. Results are most sensitive to immunization cost and number of deaths averted.


Universal immunization against seasonal influenza was estimated to be an economically attractive intervention. Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary  相似文献   
Molecular hydrogen can be generated renewably by water splitting with an “artificial‐leaf device”, which essentially comprises two electrocatalyst electrodes immersed in water and powered by photovoltaics. Ideally, this device should operate efficiently and be fabricated with cost‐efficient means using earth‐abundant materials. Here, a lightweight electrocatalyst electrode, comprising large surface‐area NiCo2O4 nanorods that are firmly anchored onto a carbon–paper current collector via a dense network of nitrogen‐doped carbon nanotubes is presented. This electrocatalyst electrode is bifunctional in that it can efficiently operate as both anode and cathode in the same alkaline solution, as quantified by a delivered current density of 10 mA cm?2 at an overpotential of 400 mV for each of the oxygen and hydrogen evolution reactions. By driving two such identical electrodes with a solution‐processed thin‐film perovskite photovoltaic assembly, a wired artificial‐leaf device is obtained that features a Faradaic H2 evolution efficiency of 100%, and a solar‐to‐hydrogen conversion efficiency of 6.2%. A detailed cost analysis is presented, which implies that the material‐payback time of this device is of the order of 100 days.  相似文献   
1. The effect of the Ca2+-channel blocker diltiazem on hepatic apolipoprotein B (apo B) synthesis and secretion was studied in 12-18 h cultures of collagenase-dispersed rat hepatocytes. 2. The presence of diltiazem in the medium decreased apo B secretion by hepatocytes in a concentration-dependent manner. At 25 microM, diltiazem inhibited apo B secretion by approx. 36%, but there was no evidence of intracellular accumulation of apo B. 3. The inhibition of apo B secretion by hepatocytes was significantly correlated with cell-associated diltiazem (r = 0.72, P less than 0.01). 4. The rate of apo B secretion remained linear over 16 h even in the presence of 50 microM-diltiazem. 5. At diltiazem concentrations in the medium which were inhibitory for apo B secretion, [14C]acetate incorporation into cellular lipids and [35S]methionine incorporation into protein were enhanced. 6. Diltiazem inhibited the secretion of the apo B variants with a preferential inhibition of the higher-molecular-mass form of apo B (apo BH) over the lower-molecular-mass form (apo BL) at diltiazem concentrations in the medium greater than 25 microM. 7. Together, these results suggest that Ca2+ may play an important role in the synthesis and secretion of apo B-containing lipoproteins.  相似文献   
Fifty normal noninfarct patients and 12 cases with infarcts of the cerebrum were examined with routine magnetic resonance imaging and echo-planar diffusion-weighted imaging. The diffusion-weighted three-dimensional images were reconstructed with volume-rendering processing on workstation. Precentral gyrus, post-central gyrus, superior parietal lobule, superior frontal gyrus, precentral sulcus, central sulcus, postcentral sulcus, intraparietal sulcus and superior frontal sulcus were best shown of all structures with an arbitrary score of 2.61–2.77. Supramarginal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus and lateral sulcus were clearly shown in the majority of the cerebra with average scores of 2.0–2.49; angular gyrus, inferior frontal sulcus and superior temporal gyrus were not demonstrated satisfactorily and their average scores were 1.67–1.89. Middle temporal gyrus, inferior temporal gyrus, superior temporal sulcus and inferior temporal sulcus were difficult to identify, and thus had average scores of 0.87–1.26. Brain surface structures were better displayed in the older group of individuals than in the younger group. The structures in the 12 cases with acute or chronic cerebrum infarcts were also satisfactorily demonstrated with this new technique.  相似文献   
Peterson LE  Lau K 《Genome biology》2002,3(7):preprint00-6
We used scaled factorial moments to search for intermittency in the log expression ratios (LERs) for thousands of genes spotted on cDNA microarrays (gene chips). Results indicate varying levels of intermittency in gene expression. The observation of intermittency in the data analyzed provides a complimentary handle on moderately expressed genes, generally not tackled by conventional techniques.  相似文献   
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