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The local cellular immune response to herpes simplex virus (HSV) is important in the control of recurrent HSV infection. The antiviral functions of infiltrating CD4-bearing T cells may include cytotoxicity, inhibition of viral growth, lymphokine secretion, and support of humoral and CD8 responses. The antigens recognized by many HSV-specific CD4 T cells localizing to genital HSV-2 lesions are unknown. T cells recognizing antigens encoded within map units 0.67 to 0.73 of HSV DNA are frequently recovered from herpetic lesions. Expression cloning with this region of DNA now shows that tegument protein VP22 and the viral dUTPase, encoded by genes UL49 and UL50, respectively, are T-cell antigens. Separate epitopes in VP22 were defined for T-cell clones from each of three patients. Reactivity with the tegument protein encoded by UL21 was identified for an additional patient. Three new epitopes were identified in VP16, a tegument protein associated with VP22. Some tegument-specific CD4 T-cell clones exhibited cytotoxic activity against HSV-infected cells. These results suggest that herpes simplex tegument proteins are processed for antigen presentation in vivo and are possible candidate compounds for herpes simplex vaccines.  相似文献   
Sister chromatid recombination (SCR) is a potentially error-free pathway for the repair of DNA lesions associated with replication and is thought to be important for suppressing genomic instability. The mechanisms regulating the initiation and termination of SCR in mammalian cells are poorly understood. Previous work has implicated all the Rad51 paralogs in the initiation of gene conversion and the Rad51C/XRCC3 complex in its termination. Here, we show that hamster cells deficient in the Rad51 paralog XRCC2, a component of the Rad51B/Rad51C/Rad51D/XRCC2 complex, reveal a bias in favor of long-tract gene conversion (LTGC) during SCR. This defect is corrected by expression of wild-type XRCC2 and also by XRCC2 mutants defective in ATP binding and hydrolysis. In contrast, XRCC3-mediated homologous recombination and suppression of LTGC are dependent on ATP binding and hydrolysis. These results reveal an unexpectedly general role for Rad51 paralogs in the control of the termination of gene conversion between sister chromatids.DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are potentially dangerous lesions, since their misrepair may cause chromosomal translocations, gene amplifications, loss of heterozygosity (LOH), and other types of genomic instability characteristic of human cancers (7, 9, 21, 40, 76, 79). DSBs are repaired predominantly by nonhomologous end joining or homologous recombination (HR), two evolutionarily conserved DSB repair mechanisms (8, 12, 16, 33, 48, 60, 71). DSBs generated during the S or G2 phase of the cell cycle may be repaired preferentially by HR, using the intact sister chromatid as a template for repair (12, 26, 29, 32, 71). Sister chromatid recombination (SCR) is a potentially error-free pathway for the repair of DSBs, which has led to the proposal that SCR protects against genomic instability, cancer, and aging. Indeed, a number of human cancer predisposition genes are implicated in SCR control (10, 24, 45, 57, 75).HR entails an initial processing of the DSB to generate a free 3′ single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) overhang (25, 48, 56). This is coupled to the loading of Rad51, the eukaryotic homolog of Escherichia coli RecA, which polymerizes to form an ssDNA-Rad51 “presynaptic” nucleoprotein filament. Formation of the presynaptic filament is tightly regulated and requires the concerted action of a large number of gene products (55, 66, 68). Rad51-coated ssDNA engages in a homology search by invading homologous duplex DNA. If sufficient homology exists between the invading and invaded strands, a triple-stranded synapse (D-loop) forms, and the 3′ end of the invading (nascent) strand is extended, using the donor as a template for gene conversion. This recombination intermediate is thought to be channeled into one of the following two major subpathways: classical gap repair or synthesis-dependent strand annealing (SDSA) (48). Gap repair entails the formation of a double Holliday junction, which may resolve into either crossover or noncrossover products. Although this is a major pathway in meiotic recombination, crossing-over is highly suppressed in somatic eukaryotic cells (26, 44, 48). Indeed, the donor DNA molecule is seldom rearranged during somatic HR, suggesting that SDSA is the major pathway for the repair of somatic DSBs (26, 44, 49, 69). SDSA terminates when the nascent strand is displaced from the D-loop and pairs with the second end of the DSB to form a noncrossover product. The mechanisms underlying displacement of the nascent strand are not well understood. However, failure to displace the nascent strand might be expected to result in the production of longer gene conversion tracts during HR (36, 44, 48, 63).Gene conversion triggered in response to a Saccharomyces cerevisiae or mammalian chromosomal DSB generally results in the copying of a short (50- to 300-bp) stretch of information from the donor (short-tract gene conversion [STGC]) (14, 47, 48, 67, 69). A minority of gene conversions in mammalian cells entail more-extensive copying, generating gene conversion tracts that are up to several kilobases in length (long-tract gene conversion [LTGC]) (26, 44, 51, 54, 64). In yeast, very long gene conversions can result from break-induced replication (BIR), a highly processive form of gene conversion in which a bona fide replication fork is thought to be established at the recombination synapse (11, 36, 37, 39, 61, 63). In contrast, SDSA does not require lagging-strand polymerases and appears to be much less processive than a conventional replication fork (37, 42, 78). BIR in yeast has been proposed to play a role in LOH in aging yeast, telomere maintenance, and palindromic gene amplification (5, 41, 52). It is unclear to what extent a BIR-like mechanism operates in mammalian cells, although BIR has been invoked to explain telomere elongation in tumors lacking telomerase (13). It is currently unknown whether LTGC and STGC in somatic mammalian cells are products of mechanistically distinct pathways or whether they represent alternative outcomes of a common SDSA pathway.Vertebrate cells contain five Rad51 paralogs—polypeptides with limited sequence homology to Rad51—Rad51B, Rad51C, Rad51D, XRCC2, and XRCC3 (74). The Rad51 paralogs form the following two major complexes: Rad51B/Rad51C/Rad51D/XRCC2 (BCDX2) and Rad51C/XRCC3 (CX3) (38, 73). Genetic deletion of any one of the rad51 paralogs in the mouse germ line produces early embryonic lethality, and mouse or chicken cells lacking any of the rad51 paralogs reveal hypersensitivity to DNA-damaging agents, reduced frequencies of HR and of sister chromatid exchanges, increased chromatid-type errors, and defective sister chromatid cohesion (18, 72, 73, 82). Collectively, these data implicate the Rad51 paralogs in SCR regulation. The purified Rad51B/Rad51C complex has been shown to assist Rad51-mediated strand exchange (62). XRCC3 null or Rad51C null hamster cells reveal a bias toward production of longer gene conversion tracts, suggesting a role for the CX3 complex in late stages of SDSA (6, 44). Rad51C copurifies with branch migration and Holliday junction resolution activities in mammalian cell extracts (35), and XRCC3, but not XRCC2, facilitates telomere shortening by reciprocal crossing-over in telomeric T loops (77). These data, taken together with the meiotic defects observed in Rad51C hypomorphic mice, suggest a specialized role for CX3, but not for BCDX2, in resolving Holliday junction structures (31, 58).To further address the roles of Rad51 paralogs in late stages of recombination, we have studied the balance between long-tract (>1-kb) and short-tract (<1-kb) SCR in XRCC2 mutant hamster cells. We found that DSB-induced gene conversion in both XRCC2 and XRCC3 mutant cells is biased in favor of LTGC. These defects were suppressed by expression of wild-type (wt) XRCC2 or XRCC3, respectively, although the dependence upon ATP binding and hydrolysis differed between the two Rad51 paralogs. These results indicate that Rad51 paralogs play a more general role in determining the balance between STGC and LTGC than was previously appreciated and suggest roles for both the BCDX2 and CX3 complexes in influencing the termination of gene conversion in mammals.  相似文献   
Single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay) is one of the most common methods used to measure oxidatively damaged DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), as a biomarker of oxidative stress in vivo. However, storage, extraction, and assay workup of blood samples are associated with a risk of artifactual formation of damage. Previous reports using this approach to study DNA damage in PBMC have, for the most part, required the isolation of PBMC before immediate analysis or freezing in cryopreservative. This is very time-consuming and a significant drain on human resources. Here, we report the successful storage of whole blood in ~ 250 μl volumes, at − 80 °C, without cryopreservative, for up to 1 month without artifactual formation of DNA damage. Furthermore, this blood is amenable for direct use in both the alkaline and the enzyme-modified comet assay, without the need for prior isolation of PBMC. In contrast, storage of larger volumes (e.g., 5 ml) of whole blood leads to an increase in damage with longer term storage even at − 80 °C, unless a cryopreservative is present. Our “small volume” approach may be suitable for archived blood samples, facilitating analysis of biobanks when prior isolation of PBMC has not been performed.  相似文献   
Perfusion cultures of CHO cells producing t-PA were performed using acoustic filter cell retention. A robust off-line glucose analysis and predictive control protocol was developed to maintain the process within approximately 0.5 mM of the glucose set point, without the need for a more fallible on-line sensor. Glucose usage (the difference between the inlet and reactor glucose concentrations) provided an easily measured indicator of overall medium utilization for mapping acceptable ranges of operation, including the edge of failure. Earlier onset of perfusion with a ramping glucose set point (1.5 mM/d) resulted in improved growth and consistency during the perfusion culture start-up. At steady state, the t-PA concentration variability increased gradually with increasing glucose usage up to approximately 22 mM, then up to 24 mM the variability increased threefold. Peak t-PA concentrations of over 90 mg/L were obtained by controlling at a glucose usage of approximately 24 mM, but these t-PA levels were not sustainable for more than 3 days. A consistent t-PA concentration of 40 mg/L was obtained at a glucose usage of 21.5 mM.  相似文献   
HSV-2 causes chronic infections. CD8 CTL may play several protective roles, and stimulation of a CD8 response is a rational element of vaccine design for this pathogen. The viral Ags recognized by CD8 T cells are largely unknown. It has been hypothesized that HSV inhibition of TAP may favor recognition of virion input proteins or viral immediate early proteins. We tested this prediction using HSV-specific CD8 CTL clones obtained from genital HSV-2 lesions. Drug and replication block experiments were consistent with specificity for the above-named classes of viral proteins. Fine specificity was determined by expression cloning using molecular libraries of viral DNA, and peptide epitopes recognized at nanomolar concentrations were identified. Three of four clones recognized the viral tegument proteins encoded by genes UL47 and UL49. These proteins are transferred into the cytoplasm on virus entry. Processing of the tegument Ag-derived epitopes was TAP dependent. The tegument-specific CTL were able to lyse HLA class I-appropriate fibroblasts after short times of infection. Lysis of keratinocytes required longer infection and pretreatment with IFN-gamma. Another clone recognized an immediate early protein, ICP0. Lymphocytes specific for these lesion-defined epitopes could be reactivated from the PBMC of additional subjects. These data are consistent with an influence of HSV immune evasion genes upon the selection of proteins recognized by CD8 CTL in lesions. Tegument proteins, identified for the first time as Ags recognized by HSV-specific CD8 CTL, are rational candidate vaccine compounds.  相似文献   
Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii were determined in sera from 222 coyotes (Canis latrans), 283 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), and 97 gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) from Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio during 1990-1993. Sera were examined in 1:25, 1:100, and 1:500 dilutions by the modified direct agglutination test (MAT) with formalinized whole tachyzoites plus mercaptoethanol. Antibodies were found in 131 (59.0%) of 222 coyotes, 243 (85.9%) of 283 red foxes, and 73 (75.3%) of 97 gray foxes. Antibodies were also measured by different serologic tests in 4 littermate T. gondii-free red foxes fed T. gondii tissue cysts or oocysts; the fifth littermate fox was not fed T. gondii. Antibodies were measured in fox sera obtained 0, 14, and 36-55 days after infection with T. gondii. All 4 foxes fed T. gondii developed MAT and dye test antibody titers of 1:200 or more 14 days later. The latex agglutination test (LAT) and indirect hemagglutination test (IHAT) were less sensitive than MAT for the diagnosis of T. gondii infection in foxes. Antibodies were not detected by LAT (titer 1:64) in the 2 foxes fed tissue cysts nor by IHAT in 1 of the foxes fed tissue cysts. Toxoplasma gondii was isolated by bioassay in mice from tissues of all 4 foxes fed T. gondii. The control fox had no T. gondii antibodies detectable by any of the serologic tests.  相似文献   
Liong E  Kong SK  Au KK  Li JY  Xu GY  Lee YL  Kwok TT  Choy YM  Lee CY  Fung KP 《Life sciences》1999,65(15):PL215-PL220
Recombinant human tumour necrosis factor-alpha (rhTNF-alpha) arrested the growth and suppressed glucose uptake of mouse fibrosarcoma L929 cells in vitro. When the cells were treated with rhTNF-alpha for 24 hours, the mRNA level of glucose transporter 1 (GLUT 1), which is the only GLUT found to be present in L929 cells in our study, was suppressed in a dose-dependent manner. Since the growth of tumour cells depends mainly on glucose catabolism, our findings may indicate that rhTNF-alpha inhibits L929 cells growth by lowering the glucose transport through suppression of GLUT 1 mRNA expression in the cells.  相似文献   
Large RNAs can collapse into compact conformations well before the stable formation of the tertiary contacts that define their final folds. This study identifies likely physical mechanisms driving these early compaction events in RNA folding. We have employed time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering to monitor the fastest global shape changes of the Tetrahymena ribozyme under different ionic conditions and with RNA mutations that remove long-range tertiary contacts. A partial collapse in each of the folding time-courses occurs within tens of milliseconds with either monovalent or divalent cations. Combined with comparison to predictions from structural models, this observation suggests a relaxation of the RNA to a more compact but denatured conformational ensemble in response to enhanced electrostatic screening at higher ionic concentrations. Further, the results provide evidence against counterion-correlation-mediated attraction between RNA double helices, a recently proposed model for early collapse. A previous study revealed a second 100 ms phase of collapse to a globular state. Surprisingly, we find that progression to this second early folding intermediate requires RNA sequence motifs that eventually mediate native long-range tertiary interactions, even though these regions of the RNA were observed to be solvent-accessible in previous footprinting studies under similar conditions. These results help delineate an analogy between the early conformational changes in RNA folding and the "burst phase" changes and molten globule formation in protein folding.  相似文献   
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