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The aphids Lipaphis erysimi pseudobrassicae (Davis) and Myzus persicae (Sulzer) pose serious threats to the production of cruciferous crops in the tropics. Understanding their population dynamics is important for developing integrated pest management programmes to minimize their damage to crops. This study investigated the effects of climatic factors, natural enemies and plant age on the population dynamics of these pests. The population density of aphids and their natural enemies in 20 cabbage plants, and weather conditions were monitored for five cropping seasons from 2019 to 2021 in two agroecological zones of Ghana (Coastal Savannah and Deciduous Forest zones). The highest population density of L. e pseudobrassicae was recorded in January (dry season) in both agroecological zones, while the highest population density for M. persicae occurred in September (minor rainy season) and August (dry spell) in the Coastal Savannah and Deciduous Forest zones, respectively. The highest aphid densities were noted to occur during periods with low relative humidity and low rainfall. The population density of L. e. pseudobrassicae was significantly negatively related to plant age, air temperature and relative humidity, and positively related to syrphids (Paragus borbonicus) and spiders in the Coastal Savannah zone, while in the Deciduous Forest zone, it was significantly positively related to coccinellids. On the other hand, M. persicae population density was significantly positively related to syrphids and coccinellids in the Deciduous Forest zone. Rainfall negatively affected syrphids in the Coastal Savannah zone, while air temperature positively affected syrphids and negatively affected spiders in the Deciduous Forest zone. Coccinellids had a significant positive relationship with relative humidity in the Deciduous Forest zone. This study provides important insights into the key factors that regulate aphid population densities on cabbage and will support development of timely interventions to manage these pests.  相似文献   
To reveal the role of cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants in the host immune response in helminth infections and allergenicity, we developed monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that recognize glycan epitopes present on glycoconjugates from both helminths and plants. An IgM mAb (100-4G11-A) was selected from a panel of anti-glycan mAbs generated from Schistosoma-infected or immunized mice because it recognized both a plant glycoprotein horseradish peroxidase and phospholipase A2 from honeybee venom. On further characterization, it was shown that mAb 100-4G11-A recognizes the truncated biantennary N-glycan Man3GlcNAc2-R. Immunocytochemical analysis and immunoblotting with this mAb demonstrated that Man3GlcNAc2-R structures occur on many glycoproteins of schistosomes and other invertebrates. Remarkably, Man3GlcNAc2-R is also expressed on a restricted number of vertebrate glycoproteins. Our data indicate that this truncated N-glycan is immunogenic in mice during the course of infection. Nevertheless, no elevated antibody levels against this glycan epitope could be detected in sera of individuals infected with Schistosoma mansoni.  相似文献   
The voltage-sensing S4 segments in the sodium channel undergo conformational rearrangements in response to changes in the electric field. However, it remains unclear whether these structures move independently or in a coordinated manner. Previously, site-directed fluorescence measurements were shown to track S4 transitions in each of the four domains. Here, using a similar technique, we provide direct evidence of coupling interactions between voltage sensors in the sodium channel. Pairwise interactions between S4s were evaluated by comparing site-specific conformational changes in the presence and absence of a gating perturbation in a distal domain. Reciprocity of effect, a fundamental property of thermodynamically coupled systems, was measured by generating converse mutants. The magnitude of a local gating perturbation induced by a remote S4 mutation depends on the coupling strength and the relative equilibrium positions of the two voltage sensors. In general, our data indicates that the movement of all four voltage sensors in the sodium channel are coupled to a varying extent. Moreover, a gating perturbation in S4-DI has the largest effect on the activation of S4-DIV and vice versa, demonstrating an energetic linkage between S4-DI and S4-DIV. This result suggests a physical mechanism by which the activation and inactivation process may be coupled in voltage-gated sodium channels. In addition, we propose that cooperative interactions between voltage sensors may be the mechanistic basis for the fast activation kinetics of the sodium channel.  相似文献   
Adverse drug reactions, including severe patient bleeding, may occur following the administration of anticoagulant drugs. Bivalirudin is a synthetic anticoagulant drug sometimes employed as a substitute for heparin, a commonly used anticoagulant that can cause a condition called heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). Although bivalrudin has the advantage of not causing HIT, a major concern is lack of an antidote for this drug. In contrast, medical professionals can quickly reverse the effects of heparin using protamine. This report details the selection of an aptamer to bivalirudin that functions as an antidote in buffer. This was accomplished by immobilizing the drug on a monolithic column to partition binding sequences from nonbinding sequences using a low-pressure chromatography system and salt gradient elution. The elution profile of binding sequences was compared to that of a blank column (no drug), and fractions with a chromatographic difference were analyzed via real-time PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and used for further selection. Sequences were identified by 454 sequencing and demonstrated low micromolar dissociation constants through fluorescence anisotropy after only two rounds of selection. One aptamer, JPB5, displayed a dose-dependent reduction of the clotting time in buffer, with a 20 µM aptamer achieving a nearly complete antidote effect. This work is expected to result in a superior safety profile for bivalirudin, resulting in enhanced patient care.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a novel method for parcellating the human brain into 193 anatomical structures based on diffusion tensor images (DTIs). This was accomplished in the setting of multi-contrast diffeomorphic likelihood fusion using multiple DTI atlases. DTI images are modeled as high dimensional fields, with each voxel exhibiting a vector valued feature comprising of mean diffusivity (MD), fractional anisotropy (FA), and fiber angle. For each structure, the probability distribution of each element in the feature vector is modeled as a mixture of Gaussians, the parameters of which are estimated from the labeled atlases. The structure-specific feature vector is then used to parcellate the test image. For each atlas, a likelihood is iteratively computed based on the structure-specific vector feature. The likelihoods from multiple atlases are then fused. The updating and fusing of the likelihoods is achieved based on the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm for maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation problems. We first demonstrate the performance of the algorithm by examining the parcellation accuracy of 18 structures from 25 subjects with a varying degree of structural abnormality. Dice values ranging 0.8–0.9 were obtained. In addition, strong correlation was found between the volume size of the automated and the manual parcellation. Then, we present scan-rescan reproducibility based on another dataset of 16 DTI images – an average of 3.73%, 1.91%, and 1.79% for volume, mean FA, and mean MD respectively. Finally, the range of anatomical variability in the normal population was quantified for each structure.  相似文献   
Accumulating evidence indicates that activated microglia contribute to the neuropathology involved in many neurodegenerative diseases and after traumatic injury to the CNS. The cytokine transforming growth factor‐beta 1 (TGF‐β1), a potent deactivator of microglia, should have the potential to reduce microglial‐mediated neurodegeneration. It is therefore perplexing that high levels of TGF‐β1 are found in conditions where microglia are chronically activated. We hypothesized that TGF‐β1 signaling is suppressed in activated microglia. We therefore activated primary rat microglia with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and determined the expression of proteins important to TGF‐β1 signaling. We found that LPS treatment decreased the expression of the TGF‐β receptors, TβR1 and TβR2, and reduced protein levels of Smad2, a key mediator of TGF‐β signaling. LPS treatment also antagonized the ability of TGF‐β to suppress expression of pro‐inflammatory cytokines and to induce microglial cell death. LPS treatment similarly inhibited the ability of the TGF‐β related cytokine, Activin‐A, to down‐regulate expression of pro‐inflammatory cytokines and to induce microglial cell death. Together, these data suggest that microglial activators may oppose the actions of TGF‐β1, ensuring continued microglial activation and survival that eventually may contribute to the neurodegeneration prevalent in chronic neuroinflammatory conditions.


Glycoproteins from the ruminant helminthic parasite Haemonchus contortus react with Lotus tetragonolobus agglutinin and Wisteria floribunda agglutinin, which are plant lectins that recognize α1,3-fucosylated GlcNAc and terminal β-GalNAc residues, respectively. However, parasite glycoconjugates are not reactive with Ricinus communis agglutinin, which binds to terminal β-Gal, and the glycoconjugates lack the Lewis x (Lex) antigen or other related fucose-containing antigens, such as sialylated Lex, Lea, Leb Ley, or H-type 1. Direct assays of parasite extracts demonstrate the presence of an α1,3-fucosyltransferase (α1,3FT) and β1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (β1,4GalNAcT), but not β1,4-galactosyltransferase. The H. contortus α1,3FT can fucosylate GlcNAc residues in both lacto-N-neotetraose (LNnT) Galα1→4GlcNAcβ1→3Galβ1→4Glc to form lacto-N-fucopentaose III Galβ1→ 4[Fucα1→3]GlcNAcβ1→3Galβ1→4Glc, which contains the Lex antigen, and the acceptor lacdiNAc (LDN) GalNAcβ1→4GlcNAc to form GalNAcβ1→4[Fucα1 →3]GlcNAc. The α1,3FT activity towards LNnT is dependent on time, protein, and GDP-Fuc concentration with a Km 50 μ M and a Vmax of 10.8 nmol-mg?1 h?1. The enzyme is unusually resistant to inhibition by the sulfhydryl-modifying reagent N-ethylmaleimide. The α1,3FT acts best with type-2 glycan acceptors (Galβ1→4GlcNAcβ1-R) and can use both sialylated and non-sialylated acceptors. Thus, although in vitro the H. contortus α1,3FT can synthesize the Lex antigen, in vivo the enzyme may instead participate in synthesis of fucosylated LDN or related structures, as found in other helminths.  相似文献   
We report here an evaluation of 55 pregnancies at risk for a sickle hemoglobinopathy prenatally diagnosed by restriction-endonuclease analysis, with the endonucleases MstII and HpaI, of amniocyte DNA. The diagnosis was completed in all cases. Eleven fetuses were predicted to be affected, of which six were terminated. Forty-one of the 55 cases were confirmed. One false-negative was reported in a case predicted to be hemoglobin AS but that was determined to be hemoglobin SS at birth. We estimate that the 55 cases represent only 5% of the pregnancies at risk for a sickle hemoglobinopathy in the New York metropolitan area during the study period. We conclude that the prenatal diagnosis of sickle hemoglobinopathies by molecular methods is reliable. However, the efficiency of utilization and effectiveness of prenatal testing is dependent on the early prospective identification of couples at risk and on the education of communities concerning the significant morbidity of the sickle hemoglobinopathies and the reproductive choices now available to them.  相似文献   
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