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The interaction between the EF-hand Ca(2+)-binding protein calmyrin and presenilin 2 (PS2) has been suggested to play a role in Alzheimer's disease (AD). We now report that calmyrin binds specifically endogenous PS2 and not PS1. However, binding appears to be Ca(2+)-independent and calmyrin does not exhibit a Ca(2+)-dependent translocation to intracellular membranes as demonstrated in a Ca(2+)-myristoyl switch assay. Moreover, calmyrin is only present at very low levels in brain areas associated with the onset of AD. In rat, forebrain calmyrin is localized only in a subset of principal neurons, similarly as in human forebrain. Finally, subcellular fractionation demonstrates only a limited overlap of calmyrin and PS2 at neuronal membranes. We therefore conclude that calmyrin will not contribute significantly as a Ca(2+)-sensor that transduces Ca(2+)-signaling events to PS2 in forebrain.  相似文献   
Sgt1 has been identified as a subunit of both core kinetochore and SCF (Skp1-Cul1-F-box) ubiquitin ligase complexes and is also implicated in plant disease resistance. Sgt1 has two putative HSP90 binding domains, a tetratricopeptide repeat and a p23-like CHORD and Sgt1 (CS) domain. Using NMR spectroscopy, we show that only the CS domain of human Sgt1 physically interacts with HSP90. The tetratricopeptide repeat domain does not bind to either HSP90 or HSP70. Determination of the three-dimensional structure showed that the Sgt1-CS domain shares the same beta-sandwich fold as p23 but lacks the last highly conserved beta-strand in p23. Analysis of the structures of Sgt1-CS and p23 revealed a similar charge distribution on one of two opposing surfaces that suggests that it is the binding region for HSP90 in Sgt1. Although ATP is absolutely required for p23 binding to HSP90, Sgt1 binds to HSP90 also in the absence of the non-hydrolyzable analog ATPgammaS. Our findings suggest the CS domain is a binding module for HSP90 distinct from p23-like domains, which implies that Sgt1 and related proteins function in recruiting heat shock protein activities to multiprotein assemblies.  相似文献   
The GLH proteins belong to a family of four germline RNA helicases in Caenorhabditis elegans. These putative ATP-dependent enzymes localize to the P granules, which are nonmembranous complexes of protein and RNA exclusively found in the cytoplasm of all C. elegans germ cells and germ cell precursors. To determine what proteins the GLHs bind, C. elegans cDNA libraries were screened by the yeast two-hybrid method, using GLHs as bait. Three interacting proteins, CSN-5, KGB-1, and ZYX-1, were identified and further characterized. GST pull-down assays independently established that these proteins bind GLHs. CSN-5 is closely related to the subunit 5 protein of COP9 signalosomes, conserved multiprotein complexes of plants and animals. RNA interference (RNAi) with csn-5 results in sterile worms with small gonads and no oocytes, a defect essentially identical to that produced by RNAi with a combination of glh-1 and glh-4. KGB-1 is a putative JNK MAP kinase that GLHs bind. A kgb-1 deletion strain has a temperature-sensitive, sterile phenotype characterized by the absence of mature oocytes and the presence of trapped, immature oocytes that have undergone endoreplication. ZYX-1 is a LIM domain protein most like vertebrate Zyxin, a cytoskeletal adaptor protein. In C. elegans, while zyx-1 appears to be a single copy gene, neither RNAi depletion nor a zyx-1 deletion strain results in an obvious phenotype. These three conserved proteins are the first members in each of their families reported to associate with germline helicases. Similar to the loss of GLH-1 and GLH-4, loss of either CSN-5 or KGB-1 causes oogenesis to cease, but does not affect the initial assembly of P granules.  相似文献   
Nuclear localization of β-catenin is a hallmark of canonical Wnt signaling, a pathway that plays a crucial role in brain development and the neurogenesis of the adult brain. We recently showed that β-catenin accumulates specifically in mature thalamic neurons, where it regulates the expression of the Ca(v)3.1 voltage-gated calcium channel gene. Here, we investigated the mechanisms underlying β-catenin accumulation in thalamic neurons. We report that a lack of soluble factors produced either by glia or cortical neurons does not impair nuclear β-catenin accumulation in thalamic neurons. We next found that the number of thalamic neurons with β-catenin nuclear localization did not change when the Wnt/Dishevelled signaling pathway was inhibited by Dickkopf1 or a dominant negative mutant of Dishevelled3. These results suggest a WNT-independent cell-autonomous mechanism. We found that the protein levels of APC, AXIN1, and GSK3β, components of the β-catenin degradation complex, were lower in the thalamus than in the cortex of the adult rat brain. Reduced levels of these proteins were also observed in cultured thalamic neurons compared with cortical cultures. Finally, pulse-chase experiments confirmed that cytoplasmic β-catenin turnover was slower in thalamic neurons than in cortical neurons. Altogether, our data indicate that the nuclear localization of β-catenin in thalamic neurons is their cell-intrinsic feature, which was WNT-independent but associated with low levels of proteins involved in β-catenin labeling for ubiquitination and subsequent degradation.  相似文献   
CacyBP/SIP, originally identified as a S100A6 (calcyclin) target, was later shown to interact with some other members of the S100 family as well as with Siah-1 and Skp1 proteins. Recently, it has been shown that CacyBP/SIP is up-regulated during differentiation of cardiomyocytes. In this work we show that the level of CacyBP/SIP is higher in differentiated neuroblastoma NB2a cells than in undifferentiated ones and that in cells overexpressing CacyBP/SIP the level of GAP-43, a marker of differentiation, was increased. Since the process of differentiation is accompanied by an extensive rearrangement of microtubules, we examined whether CacyBP/SIP interacted with tubulin. By applying cross-linking experiments we found that these two proteins bind directly. The dissociation constant of the tubulin-CacyBP/SIP complex determined by the surface plasmon resonance technique is 1.57 x 10(-7 )M which suggests that the interaction is tight. The interaction and co-localization of CacyBP/SIP and tubulin was also demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation, affinity chromatography and immunofluorescence methods. Light scattering measurements and electron microscopy studies revealed that CacyBP/SIP, but not its homologue, Sgt1, increased tubulin oligomerization. Altogether, our results suggest that CacyBP/SIP, via its interaction with tubulin, might contribute to the differentiation of neuroblastoma NB2a cells.  相似文献   
Melusin is a mammalian muscle specific CHORD containing protein capable of activating signal transduction pathways leading to cardiomyocytes hypertrophy in response to mechanical stress. To define melusin function we searched for molecular partners possibly involved in melusin dependent signal transduction. Here we show that melusin and heat shock proteins are co-regulated. Moreover, melusin directly binds to Hsp90, a ubiquitous chaperone involved in regulating several signaling pathways. In addition, melusin interacts with Sgt1, an Hsp90 binding molecule. Melusin does not behave as an Hsp90 substrate but rather as a chaperone capable to protect citrate synthase from heat induced aggregation. These results describe melusin as a new component of the Hsp90 chaperone machinery.  相似文献   
The EF-hand Ca(2+)-binding protein calmyrin is expressed in many tissues and can interact with multiple effector proteins, probably as a sensor transferring Ca(2+) signals. As oligomerization may represent one of Ca(2+)-signal transduction mechanisms, we characterised recombinant calmyrin forms using non-reducing SDS/PAGE, analytical ultracentrifugation and gel filtration. We also aimed at identification of biologically active calmyrin forms. Non-reducing SDS/PAGE showed that in vitro apo- and Ca(2+)-bound calmyrin oligomerizes forming stable intermolecular disulfide bridges. Ultracentrifugation indicated that at a 220 microM initial protein concentration apo-calmyrin existed in an equilibrium of a 21.9 kDa monomer and a 43.8 kDa dimer (trimeric or tetrameric species were not detected). The dimerization constant was calculated as Ka = 1.78 x 103 M(-1) at 6oC. Gel filtration of apo- and Ca(2+)-bound calmyrin at a 100 microM protein concentration confirmed an equilibrium of a monomer and a covalent dimer state. Importantly, both monomer and dimer underwent significant conformational changes in response to binding of Ca(2+). However, when calmyrin forms were analyzed under non-reducing conditions in cell extracts by Western blotting, only monomeric calmyrin was detected in human platelets and lymphocytes, and in rat brain. Moreover, in contrast to recombinant calmyrin, crosslinking did not preserve any dimeric species of calmyrin regardless of Ca(2+) concentrations. In summary, our data indicate that although calmyrin forms stable covalent dimers in vitro, it most probably functions as a monomer in vivo.  相似文献   
Disrupted intracellular calcium homeostasis is believed to occur early in the cascade of events leading to Alzheimer''s disease (AD) pathology. Particularly familial AD mutations linked to Presenilins result in exaggerated agonist-evoked calcium release from endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Here we report the development of a fully automated high-throughput calcium imaging assay utilizing a genetically-encoded FRET-based calcium indicator at single cell resolution for compound screening. The established high-throughput screening assay offers several advantages over conventional high-throughput calcium imaging technologies. We employed this assay for drug discovery in AD by screening compound libraries consisting of over 20,000 small molecules followed by structure-activity-relationship analysis. This led to the identification of Bepridil, a calcium channel antagonist drug in addition to four further lead structures capable of normalizing the potentiated FAD-PS1-induced calcium release from ER. Interestingly, it has recently been reported that Bepridil can reduce Aβ production by lowering BACE1 activity. Indeed, we also detected lowered Aβ, increased sAPPα and decreased sAPPβ fragment levels upon Bepridil treatment. The latter findings suggest that Bepridil may provide a multifactorial therapeutic modality for AD by simultaneously addressing multiple aspects of the disease.  相似文献   
In non‐excitatory cells, stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) and STIM2 mediate store‐operated calcium entry via an interaction with ORAI1 calcium channels. However, in neurons, STIM2 over‐expression appears to play a role in calcium homeostasis that is different from STIM1 over‐expression. The aim of this study was to establish the role and localization of native STIM2 in the neuronal cell. Co‐immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that the interaction between endogenous STIM2 and ORAI1 was greater in a low‐calcium medium than in a high‐calcium medium. Using a Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA), the number of apparent complexes of endogenous STIM2 with ORAI1 was quantified. No change in the number of PLA signals was observed in the presence of thapsigargin, which depletes calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). However, the number of apparent STIM2‐ORAI1 complexes increased when intracellular and subsequently ER calcium concentrations were decreased by BAPTA‐AM or a low‐calcium medium. Both Fura‐2 acetoxymethyl ester calcium imaging and PLA in the same neuronal cell indicated that the calcium responses correlated strongly with the number of endogenous STIM2‐ORAI1 complexes. The small drop in calcium levels in the ER caused by decreased intracellular calcium levels appeared to initiate the calcium‐sensitive and thapsigargin‐insensitive interaction between STIM2 and ORAI1.


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