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When used as nanosized carriers, liposomes enable targeted delivery and decrease systemic toxicity of antitumor agents significantly. However, slow unloading of liposomes inside cells diminishes the treatment efficiency. The problem could be overcome by the adoption of lipophilic prodrugs tailored for incorporation into lipid bilayer of liposomes. We prepared liposomes of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine and yeast phosphatidylinositol bearing a diglyceride conjugate of an antitumor antibiotic doxorubicin (a lipophilic prodrug, DOX-DG) in the membrane to study how these formulations interact with tumor cells. We also prepared liposomes of rigid bilayer-forming lipids, such as a mixture of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and cholesterol, bearing DOX in the inner water volume, both pegylated (with polyethylene glycol (PEG) chains exposed to water phase) and non-pegylated. Efficiency of binding of free and liposomal doxorubicin with tumor cells was evaluated in vitro using spectrofluorimetry of cell extracts and flow cytometry. Intracellular traffic of the formulations was investigated by confocal microscopy; co-localization of DOX fluorescence with organelle trackers was estimated. All liposomal formulations of DOX were shown to distribute to organelles retarding its transport to nucleus. Intracellular distribution of liposomal DOX depended on liposome structure and pegylation. We conclude that the most probable mechanism of the lipophilic prodrug penetration into a cell is liposome-mediated endosomal pathway.  相似文献   
In terms of development of evolutionary biomedicine using invertebrate animals as models for study of molecular grounds of various human diseases, for the first time the streptozocin (ST) model of insulin-dependent diabetes in the mollusc Anodonta cygnea has been developed. This model is based on the following authors' data: (1) redetection of insulin-related peptides (IRP) in mollusk tissues: (2) discovery of the adenylyl cyclase signal mechanism (ACSM) of action of insulin and other peptides of the insulin superfamily in tissues of mammals, human, and mollusc. A. cygnea; (3) concept of molecular defects in hormonal signal systems as causes of endocrine diseases. Studies on the ST model have revealed in mollusc smooth muscle on the background of hyperglycemia at the 2nd, 4th, and 8th day after the ST administration a decrease of the ACSM response to activating action of insulin, IGF-1, and relaxin. These functional disturbances were the most pronounced at the 2nd day of development and rather less marked at the 4th and 8th day. Analysis of data on effect of hormonal and non-hormonal (NaF, GIDP, and forskolin) ACSM activators has shown that the causes of impair of signal-transducing function of this mechanism are (1) a hyperglycemia-induced increase of the basal AC activity and as a consequence--a decrease of the enzyme catalytic potentials in response to hormone; (2) a decrease of functions of Gs-protein and of its coupling with AC. Besides, administration of ST produced in the mollusc muscles an attenuation of regulation by insulin of carbohydrate metabolism enzyme (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glycogensynthase). The pattern of disturbances in the studied parameters in the mollusc is very similar to that revealed by the authors in rat and human muscle tissues in type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   
The hormone-sensitive adenylyl cyclase system of the ciliate Dileptus anser   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hormone-sensitive adenylyl cyclase system (AC system) was found and characterized for unicellular eukaryotes--the ciliatae Dileptus anser. It has been first shown that hormones of higher eukaryotes--biogenic amines (adrenalin, isoproterenol and serotonin) and peptide glucagon--stimulate in dose-dependent manner the activity of adenylyl cyclase (AC) of D. anser. The enzymatic activity was stimulated also by guanine nucleotides--GTP and their non-hydrolysable analogue Gpp[NH]p. Stimulating effects of hormones and guanine nucleotides strongly depend on the level of AC basal activity, which is relatively easy to reach (1430 to 3900 pmol cAMP/min per 1 mg of protein). The sensitivity of D. anser AC system to hormones and guanine nucleotides shows the presence of receptor or receptor-related molecules, capable of interacting with the hormone and activating AC through heterotrimeric G-proteins, in ciliatae. On the base of obtained data, a conclusion is made about the similarity of the structural-functional organization of AC systems of D. anser and higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   
Various aspects of mechanisms of the adenylyl cyclase (AC)* activity regulation are considered in the review. Variants of modulation of various AC isoform activity by G-proteins (s- and i subunits, -dimer), Ca2+-calmodulin, phosphorylation by PKA, PKC or Ca2+-CM-activated kinases are presented. Evidence is presented that AC functions as a signaling integrator in the cell by providing propagation and amplification of many both extracellular (with participation of hormones) and intracellular signals (interaction between Ca2+ and AC).  相似文献   
The results of investigation are discussed on age and growth of the Pacific halibut Hippolglossus stenolepis, as well as size-age composition of its catches in three regions of the North-Western Pacific—in Navarin area of the Bering Sea, in Pacific waters on the Northern Kurils and south-eastern Kamchatka, of the Southern Kurils—from the end of the last century. The growth rate of Pacific halibut is similar in all three regions in spite of their considerable geographic remoteness. No significant differences in the growth rate of males and females in these regions, as well as no significant interannual differences in growth of specimens caught in Pacific waters off the Northern Kurils and south-eastern Kamchatka in 1996–2000, are found. Comparison of the present-day size-age composition and that in the beginning-middle of the last century revealed their considerable similarity.  相似文献   
The kinetics of photochemical (qQ) and nonphotochemical (qE) fluorescence quenching during induction was studied in terms of the earlier developed theoretical model of photosynthesis. Photochemical and nonphotochemical quenching was calculated from the parameters of fluorescence induction upon simultaneous excitation with continuous light and by high-intensity light pulses by the method used in a PAM fluorometer. It is shown that the fraction of closed reaction centers during the pulse can change in the course of induction. In consequence, even when none of supposed mechanisms of photochemical quenching is taken into account, the value of qE during induction varies and is not equal to zero.  相似文献   
Types I, II, and III collagens are believed to have evolved from the same homotrimer ancestor and they have substantial sequence homology, but type I molecules are alpha1(I)(2)alpha2(I) heterotrimers, unlike homotrimeric types II and III. It is believed that the alpha2(I) chain first appeared in lower vertebrates and that it plays a particularly important role in bone formation. For instance, spontaneous mutations resulting in non- functional alpha2 chains and formation of type I homotrimers cause severe bone pathology (osteogenesis imperfecta) in humans and in animals. However, the exact role of the alpha2 chain is not known. Here, we report measurements of intermolecular forces between collagen helices in native and reconstituted fibers composed of type I homotrimers, heterotrimers and their mix. For comparison, we report forces between type II homotrimers in reconstituted fibers. In agreement with previous studies, we find that the absence of the alpha2 chain reduces temperature-favored attraction between collagen helices, either because of the difference in amino acid sequence of the alpha1 and alpha2 chains or because of more extensive post-translational modification of homotrimers. We find that forces between helices in fibers from type I (as well as type II) homotrimers are not sensitive to pH between pH 6 and 7.5, in contrast to type I heterotrimers. Apparently, the effect of pH is related to extra histidine residues present on alpha2 chains but not on alpha1 chains. Finally, our measurements indicate that the alpha2 chain is responsible for binding some soluble compound(s), possibly glycosaminoglycans, whose displacement results, e.g., in the loss of tendon crystallinity. The ability of the alpha2 chain to bind non-collagen matrix components may be particularly important for bone matrix formation and mineralization.  相似文献   
Capacitated rabbit sperm was incubated with pCMVlacZ plasmid and then used to fertilize hamster oocytes liberated from zona pellucida. After treatment with DNase I, these oocytes were examined for the presence of exogenous DNA by PCR. DNA of pCMVlacZ was not found in oocytes after simple incubation with male gametes. The presence of DNA was recorded in the experiments where the sperms were treated with DMSO and subjected to heat shock prior to fertilization.  相似文献   
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