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In diffusely growing plant cells, cortical microtubules play an important role in regulating the direction of cell expansion. Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) spiral2 (spr2) mutant is defective in directional cell elongation and exhibits right-handed helical growth in longitudinally expanding organs such as root, hypocotyl, stem, petiole, and petal. The growth of spr2 roots is more sensitive to microtubule-interacting drugs than is wild-type root growth. The SPR2 gene encodes a plant-specific 94-kD protein containing HEAT-repeat motifs that are implicated in protein-protein interaction. When expressed constitutively, SPR2-green fluorescent protein fusion protein complemented the spr2 mutant phenotype and was localized to cortical microtubules as well as other mitotic microtubule arrays in transgenic plants. Recombinant SPR2 protein directly bound to taxol-stabilized microtubules in vitro. Furthermore, SPR2-specific antibody and mass spectrometry identified a tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) SPR2 homolog in highly purified microtubule-associated protein fractions from tobacco BY-2 cell cultures. These results suggest that SPR2 is a novel microtubule-associated protein and is required for proper microtubule function involved in anisotropic growth.  相似文献   
Based on the hypothesis that the dose-limiting side effects of PDE4 inhibitors could be mediated via the central nervous system (CNS), design and synthesis of a hydrophilic analogue is considered to be one approach to improving the side-effect profile of Ariflo 1. Water-soluble piperidine derivatives were found to possess therapeutic potential.  相似文献   
We have evaluated the sizes and lifetimes of rafts in the plasma membrane from the existing literature, with a special attention paid to their intrinsically broad distributions and the limited time and space scales that are covered by the observation methods used for these studies. Distinguishing the rafts in the steady state (reserve rafts) from those after stimulation or unintentional crosslinking of raft molecules (stabilized receptor-cluster rafts) is critically important. In resting cells, the rafts appear small and unstable, and the consensus now is that their sizes are smaller than the optical diffraction limit (250 nm). Upon stimulation, the raft-preferring receptors are clustered, inducing larger, stabilized rafts, probably by coalescing small, unstable rafts or cholesterol-glycosphingolipid complexes in the receptor clusters. This receptor-cluster-induced conversion of raft types may be caused by suppression of alkyl chain isomerization and the lipid lateral diffusion in the cluster, with the aid of exclusion of cholesterol from the bulk domain and the boundary region of the majority of transmembrane proteins. We critically inspected the possible analogy to the boundary lipid concept. Finally, we propose a hypothesis for the coupling of GPI-anchored receptor signals with lipid-anchored signaling molecules in the inner-leaflet raft.  相似文献   
Hereditary cancer was first described in the rat by Eker and Mossige in 1954 in Oslo. The Eker rat model of hereditary renal carcinoma (RC) was the first example of a Mendelian dominantly inherited predisposition to a specific cancer in an experimental animal, and has been contributing to the elucidation of renal carcinogenesis. Recently, we found a second hereditary RC model in the Sprague-Dawley (SD) rat, in Japan in 2000, which was named the Nihon rat. The Nihon rat is also an example of a Mendelian dominantly inherited predisposition for development of RCs like the Eker rat, which are predominantly of the clear cell type (this type represents approximately 75 % of human RCC), and develop from earlier preneoplastic lesions than the Eker rat. We performed a genetic linkage analysis of the Nihon rat using 113 backcross animals, and found that the Nihon mutation was tightly linked to genes, which are located on the distal part of rat chromosome 10. Finally, we identified a germline mutation in the Birt-Hogg-Dubé gene (Bhd) (rat chromosome 10, human chromosome 17p11.2) caused by the insertion of a single nucleotide in the Nihon rat gene sequence, resulting in a frame shift and producing a stop codon 26 amino acids downstream. Thus, the Nihon rat will contribute to understanding the BHD gene function and renal carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
Kinetic characteristics and toxic effects of benzalkonium chloride (BZK) following injection via jugular vein (JV), femoral artery (FA) and oral administration (PO) were experimentally investigated using rats. The BZK concentrations in blood and tissues (lung, liver and kidney) were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with solid phase extraction. Toxic doses of 15 and 250 mg/kg of BZK were used for intravascular (JV and FA) and PO administration, respectively. The fatal effects appeared soon after the dose in JV-rats, while delayed in FA- or PO-rats. The blood BZK concentrations and the elimination half-lives were similar between JV- and FA-rats, while the distribution of BZK in tissues was slightly different. In PO administration, the rats that aspirated BZK into their lungs had some symptoms, while the rats that did not aspirate BZK appeared to be normal. The BZK concentrations in blood and tissues were significantly higher in the aspirated PO-rats. The toxic degree of BZK was correlated with the BZK concentration in orally dosed rats. Lung and kidney had higher BZK concentrations compared to blood or liver, and they could be the target organs of BZK.Keyword: Benzalkonium chloride  相似文献   
The hypothesis that the dose-limiting side effects of PDE4 inhibitors could be mediated via the central nervous system prompted us to design and synthesize a hydrophilic piperidine analog to improve the side effect profile of Ariflo 1, which is an orally active second-generation PDE4 inhibitor. During evaluation of various water-soluble piperidine analogs, 2a-b, 11b-14b, and 17a showed therapeutic potential in cross-species comparison studies. The following three findings were obtained: (1) The hydroxamic acid group, a well known metal chelator, caused a marked increase of inhibitory activity. (2) Water-soluble piperidine analogs lacked the configurational isomerism of Ariflo 1 without loss of inhibitory activity. (3) Replacement of the 4-methoxy residue with a difluoromethoxy residue led to an increase of in vivo potency. Structure-activity relationships are presented. Single-dose rat pharmacokinetic data for 11b, 12b, and 17a are also presented.  相似文献   
It has been reported that various structural and functional changes occur on the surface of the plasma membrane of the ovum and embryo during fertilisation and cleavage in preparation for implantation. Glycoproteins are thought to be one of the factors in cell attachment. Thus, we investigated the changes in glycoprotein expression on the cell surface membrane of the mouse embryo by using lectins. Among seven types of lectin (ConA, WGA, UEA-I, MPA, LCA, DBA and PNA), the fluorescent intensities of ConA and WGA markedly increased from unfertilised ova to blastocysts. By quantitative analysis using immuno-scanning electron microscopy, the numbers of ConA-gold particles were small until 4-cell cleavage, but increased significantly at the blastocyst stage. In contrast, an increased number of WGA-gold particles was detected even at the 4-cell stage, and this increase continued to the blastocyst stage. From the above observations, we conclude that the numbers of sugar chains bound to both ConA andWGA increases with blastocyst formation and earlier expression is observed with WGA. The present study dearly shows that glycoproteins on the cell membrane surface of the mouse embryo quantitatively increase at the time of implantation, and the possibility has been indicated that glycoproteins are involved in intercellular recognition and adhesion between the embryo and endometrial epithelium.  相似文献   
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