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Defects in the Notch pathway ligand Dll3 have been identified in the mouse pudgy (Dll3(pu)) and human spondylocostal dysostosis (SD, MIM 277300) mutations. Although these mutations are primarily associated with segmental defects in the axial skeleton and somitic patterning, they also exhibit cranial neurological defects. Therefore we have looked at the expression of Dll3 in the developing mouse nervous system. The expression of Notch ligands and receptors shares common features at 10.75 dpc in the rhombic lips and dorsal hindbrain. Temporal analysis of Dll3 expression from 9.0 to 11.0 dpc reveals that it is strongly expressed in laminar columns linked with regions of neuronal differentiation and hindbrain segmentation. Transverse sections show that Dll3 is expressed in territories where commissural neurons are formed. We have also looked at neuronal patterning in the mid-hindbrain region in Dll3(pu) mutants.  相似文献   


Collagen peptides have been reported to possess various biological activities for various cell types. The purposes of this study were, first, to examine the therapeutic effects of collagen tripeptide (Ctp) in rabbit osteoarthritis and, second, to explore a synergetic effect with hyaluronan (HA).


Osteoarthritis was induced by anterior cruciate ligament transection of the right knee in 72 Japanese white rabbits and they were divided into four groups (control, Ctp, HA and Ctp/HA). Each material was injected weekly into the knee, and knee joint samples were collected 5, 10 and 15 weeks after surgery. Macroscopic and histomorphological analyses of cartilage were conducted. Expression of type II collagen and matrix metalloproteinase-13 was also analyzed immunohistochemically. A Tukey''s honestly significant difference test was used to evaluate the statistical significance of difference in the macroscopic, histological and immnohistochemical results.


All treatment groups exhibited slightly higher resistance to the progression of osteoarthritis than the control group macroscopically 15 weeks after surgery. Histologically, intra-articular injection of Ctp significantly reduced cartilage degradation 10 weeks after surgery, and Ctp/HA significantly reduced it 5 weeks after surgery in comparison with the control. Immunohistochemically, both Ctp-treated and Ctp/HA-treated groups had significantly increased type II collagen-positive chondrocytes at the fifth week after the surgery, although the numbers of matrix metalloproteinase-13-positive chondrocytes were not affected.


Periodical injections of Ctp and Ctp/HA delayed progression of cartilage degeneration of early osteoarthritis induced by anterior cruciate ligament transection in rabbits. This effect appears to be exerted by promotion of type II collagen synthesis predominantly.  相似文献   
Many plasma membrane (PM) functions depend on the cholesterol concentration in the PM in strikingly nonlinear, cooperative ways: fully functional in the presence of physiological cholesterol levels (35~45 mol%), and nonfunctional below 25 mol% cholesterol; namely, still in the presence of high concentrations of cholesterol. This suggests the involvement of cholesterol‐based complexes/domains formed cooperatively. In this review, by examining the results obtained by using fluorescent lipid analogs and avoiding the trap of circular logic, often found in the raft literature, we point out the fundamental similarities of liquid‐ordered (Lo)‐phase domains in giant unilamellar vesicles, Lo‐phase‐like domains formed at lower temperatures in giant PM vesicles, and detergent‐resistant membranes: these domains are formed by cooperative interactions of cholesterol, saturated acyl chains, and unsaturated acyl chains, in the presence of >25 mol% cholesterol. The literature contains evidence, indicating that the domains formed by the same basic cooperative molecular interactions exist and play essential roles in signal transduction in the PM. Therefore, as a working definition, we propose that raft domains in the PM are liquid‐like molecular complexes/domains formed by cooperative interactions of cholesterol with saturated acyl chains as well as unsaturated acyl chains, due to saturated acyl chains' weak multiple accommodating interactions with cholesterol and cholesterol's low miscibility with unsaturated acyl chains and TM proteins. Molecules move within raft domains and exchange with those in the bulk PM. We provide a logically established collection of fluorescent lipid probes that preferentially partition into raft and non‐raft domains, as defined here, in the PM.  相似文献   
The increased tolerance to NaCl 1 (ITN1) protein is a plasma membrane (PM)-localized protein involved in responses to NaCl stress in Arabidopsis. The predicted structure of ITN1 is composed of multiple transmembrane regions and an ankyrin-repeat domain that is known to mediate protein-protein interactions. To elucidate the molecular functions of ITN1, we searched for interacting partners using a yeast two-hybrid assay, and a nuclear-localized DNA-binding protein, RTV1, was identified as a candidate. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation analysis revealed that RTV1 interacted with ITN1 at the PM and nuclei in vivo. RTV1 tagged with red fluorescent protein localized to nuclei and ITN1 tagged with green fluorescent protein localized to PM; however, both proteins localized to both nuclei and the PM when co-expressed. These findings suggest that RTV1 and ITN1 regulate the subcellular localization of each other.  相似文献   
The translational movement of E-cadherin, a calcium-dependent cell–cell adhesion molecule in the plasma membrane in epithelial cells, and the mechanism of its regulation were studied using single particle tracking (SPT) and optical tweezers (OT). The wild type (Wild) and three types of artificial cytoplasmic mutants of E-cadherin were expressed in L-cells, and their movements were compared. Two mutants were E-cadherins that had deletions in the COOH terminus and lost the catenin-binding site(s) in the COOH terminus, with remaining 116 and 21 amino acids in the cytoplasmic domain (versus 152 amino acids for Wild); these are called Catenin-minus and Short-tailed in this paper, respectively. The third mutant, called Fusion, is a fusion protein between E-cadherin without the catenin-binding site and α-catenin without its NH2-terminal half. These cadherins were labeled with 40-nm colloidal gold or 210-nm latex particles via a monoclonal antibody to the extracellular domain of E-cadherin for SPT or OT experiments, respectively. E-cadherin on the dorsal cell surface (outside the cell–cell contact region) was investigated. Catenin-minus and Short-tailed could be dragged an average of 1.1 and 1.8 μm by OT (trapping force of 0.8 pN), and exhibited average microscopic diffusion coefficients (Dmicro) of 1.2 × 10−10 and 2.1 × 10−10 cm2/s, respectively. Approximately 40% of Wild, Catenin-minus, and Short-tailed exhibited confined-type diffusion. The confinement area was 0.13 μm2 for Wild and Catenin-minus, while that for Short-tailed was greater by a factor of four. In contrast, Fusion could be dragged an average of only 140 nm by OT. Average Dmicro for Fusion measured by SPT was small (0.2 × 10−10 cm2/s). These results suggest that Fusion was bound to the cytoskeleton. Wild consists of two populations; about half behaves like Catenin- minus, and the other half behaves like Fusion. It is concluded that the movements of the wild-type E-cadherin in the plasma membrane are regulated via the cytoplasmic domain by (a) tethering to actin filaments through catenin(s) (like Fusion) and (b) a corralling effect of the network of the membrane skeleton (like Catenin-minus). The effective spring constants of the membrane skeleton that contribute to the tethering and corralling effects as measured by the dragging experiments were 30 and 5 pN/μm, respectively, indicating a difference in the skeletal structures that produce these two effects.  相似文献   
Temperature-sensitive mutants of rice, designated virescent(v1, v2 and v3), develop chlorophyll-deficient leaves at a restrictivetemperature (20°C) but develop nearly normal green leavesat a permissive temperature (30°C). Analysis of the chlorophyllbiosynthetic pathway in the virescent mutants indicated thatthe chlorophyll deficiency at the restrictive temperature wasdue to specific blockage of the C5-pathway. Northern analysissuggested that the chlorophyll deficiency in the virescent mutantswas caused by specific inhibition of the expression of chloroplasttRNAGlu. (Received October 22, 1993; Accepted January 25, 1994)  相似文献   
Evolutionary biology often seeks to decipher the drivers of speciation, and much debate persists over the relative importance of isolation and gene flow in the formation of new species. Genetic studies of closely related species can assess if gene flow was present during speciation, because signatures of past introgression often persist in the genome. We test hypotheses on which mechanisms of speciation drove diversity among three distinct lineages of desert tortoise in the genus Gopherus. These lineages offer a powerful system to study speciation, because different biogeographic patterns (physical vs. ecological segregation) are observed at opposing ends of their distributions. We use 82 samples collected from 38 sites, representing the entire species' distribution and generate sequence data for mtDNA and four nuclear loci. A multilocus phylogenetic analysis in *BEAST estimates the species tree. RNA‐seq data yield 20,126 synonymous variants from 7665 contigs from two individuals of each of the three lineages. Analyses of these data using the demographic inference package ?a?i serve to test the null hypothesis of no gene flow during divergence. The best‐fit demographic model for the three taxa is concordant with the *BEAST species tree, and the ?a?i analysis does not indicate gene flow among any of the three lineages during their divergence. These analyses suggest that divergence among the lineages occurred in the absence of gene flow and in this scenario the genetic signature of ecological isolation (parapatric model) cannot be differentiated from geographic isolation (allopatric model).  相似文献   
Metabolic Engineering to Modify Flower Color   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
Thanks to the rapid progress in molecular biology of flavonoidbiosynthesis and plant transformation, it has become feasibleto modify the pathway and flower color through genetic engineering.One of the advantages of molecular breeding is that flower colorcan be specifically modified without changing the other characteristicsof the targeted variety. Novel flower color varieties such asbrick-red petunias and violet carnations have been successfullymade by expression of heterologous flavonoid genes. Flavonoidmetabolic engineering has and will give new perspectives inplant molecular biology besides its industrial application. (Received August 26, 1998; Accepted October 9, 1998)  相似文献   
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