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Abstract: Several fused clusters of conodont elements of the genera Neospathodus and Novispathodus were recovered from limestone beds at the Dienerian–Smithian and Smithian–Spathian boundaries, respectively, from several localities in Guangxi province, South China. Conodont clusters are otherwise extremely rare in the Triassic, and these are first described for the Early Triassic. The exceptional specimens partially preserve the relative three‐dimensional position and orientation of ramiform elements and are therefore extremely important for testing hypotheses on the architecture of apparatuses. These specimens partly confirm the previous reconstruction of the Novispathodus apparatus by Orchard. Within apparatuses of members of superfamily Gondolelloidea, elements previously identified as occupying the S1 and S2 positions instead occupy the S2 and S1 positions. Similarly, within apparatuses of members of the subfamily Novispathodinae, elements previously referred to S3 and S4 positions are reinterpreted to have occupied S4 and S3 positions, respectively.  相似文献   
Toxoplasma gondii is the etiologic agent of toxoplasmosis. Although the combination of sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine is used as therapy for this disease, these drugs can have serious side effects and its use is limited in pregnancy. Therefore there is a need for new anti-T. gondii drugs in the clinic. Some systems for T. gondii drug screening have been described, but these have limitations and can be difficult. In order to solve these problems, we established a system to screen drugs in vitro that involved using cell viability methods to calculate drug selectivities, which are Trypan blue, [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-zyl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazoliuzolium, inner salt] (MTS) method and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay. These assays were simple to establish and perform. The IC50 values calculated from the morphological assay were not significantly different from the EC50 values calculated using the other three methods. In particular, the results of the morphological assay showed a distinct association with the MTS assay (R = 0.9841). These assays could be used for a wide range of applications in the screening of new drugs and may provide an alternative to the techniques currently used to screen for candidate anti-T. gondii compounds in vitro. In this study, we also tested many compounds and identified some that had a good anti-T. gondii effect in vitro based on the MTS assay. This simple and fast system allowed us to determine which compounds to investigate further using in vivo experiments.  相似文献   
An understanding of cetacean distribution is necessary to gain insights into crucial ecological processes for species conservation management. However, cetacean habitat preference and distribution in the northern Savu Sea, Indonesia, are still poorly understood. We use maximum entropy modeling with five environmental predictors to describe habitat preference and distribution of seven cetacean species in the northern Savu Sea. Our study confirms that static predictors are the most important variables in explaining habitat preferences of seven cetacean species in the northern Savu Sea. Seasonally, each cetacean species has a different environmental preference. Globicephala macrorhynchus prefers the open nearshore areas adjacent to deep waters. Stenella attenuata is associated with nearshore habitats and higher productivity areas. Stenella longirostris prefers nearshore habitat during coastal upwelling events. Tursiops truncatus prefers nearshore sheltered habitat. Grampus griseus habitats are highly related to depth and steep gradients around the isobaths of 200–1,000 m. Feresa attenuata are associated with deep waters and cooler sea temperature. Pseudorca crassidens prefers protective bays with productive waters. This study provides important information for reviewing marine spatial plans of the northern Savu Sea, specifically on managing species fisheries interaction, optimizing surveillance, and regulating marine traffic.  相似文献   
Bacterial adhesion to and subsequent colonization of surfaces are the first steps toward forming biofilms, which are a major concern for implanted medical devices and in many diseases. It has generally been assumed that strong irreversible adhesion is a necessary step for biofilm formation. However, some bacteria, such as Escherichia coli when binding to mannosylated surfaces via the adhesive protein FimH, adhere weakly in a mode that allows them to roll across the surface. Since single-point mutations or even increased shear stress can switch this FimH-mediated adhesion to a strong stationary mode, the FimH system offers a unique opportunity to investigate the role of the strength of adhesion independently from the many other factors that may affect surface colonization. Here we compare levels of surface colonization by E. coli strains that differ in the strength of adhesion as a result of flow conditions or point mutations in FimH. We show that the weak rolling mode of surface adhesion can allow a more rapid spreading during growth on a surface in the presence of fluid flow. Indeed, an attempt to inhibit the adhesion of strongly adherent bacteria by blocking mannose receptors with a soluble inhibitor actually increased the rate of surface colonization by allowing the bacteria to roll. This work suggests that (i) a physiological advantage to the weak adhesion demonstrated by commensal variants of FimH bacteria may be to allow rapid surface colonization and (ii) antiadhesive therapies intended to prevent biofilm formation can have the unintended effect of enhancing the rate of surface colonization.  相似文献   
1. We examined the response to chemical cues from fish and crayfish, two predators with contrasting feeding modes, and their single and combined effect on shell morphology in the freshwater snail Radix balthica. 2. Snails were subjected to four treatments: tench (Tinca tinca), signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus), a combination of tench and signal crayfish and no predators (control). Shell shape, crushing resistance and shell thickness were quantified. We also analysed whether shape or shell thickness contributes most to crushing resistance. 3. Chemical cues from the fish induced a rounder shell shape in R. balthica, a thicker shell and a higher crushing resistance, whereas crayfish chemical cues had no effect on shell morphology, shell thickness or crushing resistance. Shell shape contributed more to crushing resistance than shell thickness. 4. The combined predator treatment showed an intermediate response between the fish and crayfish treatments. Shell roundness was reduced compared with the fish treatment, but the reduced crushing resistance that comes with a less rounded shell was compensated by an increased investment in extra shell material, exceeding that of the fish treatment. 5. Our study extends previous studies of multipredator effects on phenotypically plastic freshwater snails by showing that the snails are able to fine‐tune different elements of morphology to counter predator‐specific foraging modes.  相似文献   

Distress calls are signals effective over a long distance. They are well known to evoke interspecific reactions. We suggest that the interspecificity phenomenon results from the use of similar laws of decoding by the species concerned. These laws must take into account the transmission channel which always has a great influence on long-range communication. We tested our hypothesis by broadcasting simplified synthetic calls to two species of birds: the herring gull and the starling. The various calls differed in terms of frequency modulation (FM). Two main conclusions emerged from this series of tests:

1. The parameters used for recognition are not sophisticated: a simple slope applied to a carrier frequency that corresponds to the acoustic shape of a distress call is sufficient to confer a distress meaning to the signal. The basic rules are the same for the gull and the starling, with differences only in the acceptance level of the species.

2. The system of recognition is based upon parameters not altered by the environment: the birds make use of the slow frequency modulations (FMI). In contrast, the fast frequency sweeps (FMII) which are modified during propagation do not seem to be utilised. The use of these characteristics of distress calls for recognition allows interspecificity and maximum efficiency for propagation over long distances.

Une particularité des cris de détresse est leur action interspécifique. Nous suggérons que cette interspécificité résulte de l'emploi d'une loi de décodage qui est commune à plusieures espèces. Cette loi doit tenir compte des propriétés du canal car ce dernier a toujours une grande influence sur les signaux de longue portée acoustique, tels que les cris de détresse.

Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons fait appel à deux espèces: le Goéland argenté (Larus argentatus) et l'Etourneau (Sturnus vulgaris). Les signaux que nous avons diffusés étaient obtenus par synthèse. Ils étaient plus simples que les signaux naturels et différaient par la modulation de fréquence (FM).

Deux résultats principaux émergent de ces séries d'expériences:

1. Le procédé de décodage n'est pas sophistiqué: une simple pente appliquée à la porteuse est nécessaire et il suffit de mimer, meme approximativement, la pente rencontrée dans les signaux naturels, Cette règle fondamentale est commune au Goéland et à l'Etourneau. Les petites différences que l'on peut néanmoins observer sont relatives aux seuils de décodage.

2. Le décodage repose sur des paramètres qui ne sont pas altérés par le canal: l'oiseau utilise la modulation lente de fréquence. Par contre les excursions rapides de fréquence semblent n'étre d'aucune utilité lors du décodage.

En conclusion, l'universalité des paramètres impliqués et de la loi de décodage est responsable de l'interspécificité des signaux de détresse. Les simplifications liées à cette universalité résultent des contraintes imposées par le canal.  相似文献   
Olfactory receptors (OR), responsible for detection of odor molecules, belong to the largest family of genes and are highly polymorphic in nature having distinct polymorphisms associated with specific regions around the globe. Since there are no reports on the presence of copy number variations in OR repertoire of Indian population, the present investigation in 43 Indians along with 270 HapMap and 31 Tibetan samples was undertaken to study genome variability and evolution. Analysis was performed using Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0 chip, Affymterix CytoScan® High-Density array, HD-CNV, and MAFFT program. We observed a total of 1527 OR genes in 503 CNV events from 81.3% of the study group, which includes 67.6% duplications and 32.4% deletions encompassing more of genes than pseudogenes. We report human genotypic variation in functional OR repertoire size across populations and it was found that the combinatorial effect of both “orthologous obtained from closely related species” and “paralogous derived sequences” provide the complexity to the continuously occurring OR CNVs.  相似文献   
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) poses a serious problem in dairy animals suffering from mastitis. In the present study, the distribution of mastitic MRSA and antibiotic resistance was studied in 107 strains of S. aureus isolated from milk samples from 195 infected udders. The characterizations pathogenic factors (adhesin and toxin genes) and antibiotic susceptibility of isolates were carried out using gene amplification and disc diffusion assays, respectively. A high prevalence of MRSA was observed in the tested isolates (13.1%). The isolates were also highly resistant to antibiotics, i.e. 36.4% were resistant to streptomycin, 33.6% to oxytetracycline, 29.9% to gentamicin and 26.2% each to chloramphenicol, pristinomycin and ciprofloxacin. A significant variation in the expression of pathogenic factors (Ig, coa and clf) was observed in these isolates. The overall distribution of adhesin genes ebp, fib, bbp, fnbB, cap5, cap8, map and cna in the isolates was found to be 69.1, 67.2, 6.5, 20.5, 60.7, 26.1, 81.3 and 8.4%, respectively. The presence of fib, fnbB, bbp and map genes was considerably greater in MRSA than in methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) isolates. The proportions of toxin genes, namely, hlb, seb, sec, sed, seg and sei, in the isolates were found to be 94.3, 0.9, 8.4, 0.9, 10.2 and 49.5%, respectively. The proportions of agr genes I, II, III and IV were found to be 39.2, 27.1, 21.5 and 12.1%, respectively. A few isolates showed similar antibiotic-resistance patterns, which could be due to identical strains or the dissemination of the same strains among animals. These findings can be utilized in mastitis treatment programmes and antimicrobials strategies in organized herds.  相似文献   


The PII protein family comprises homotrimeric proteins which act as transducers of the cellular nitrogen and carbon status in prokaryotes and plants. In Herbaspirillum seropedicae, two PII-like proteins (GlnB and GlnK), encoded by the genes glnB and glnK, were identified. The glnB gene is monocistronic and its expression is constitutive, while glnK is located in the nlmAglnKamtB operon and is expressed under nitrogen-limiting conditions.  相似文献   
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