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It has been proposed that environmental stimuli can activate transposable elements (TEs), whereas few substantial mechanisms have been shown so far. The class-II element Tam3 from Antirrhinum majus exhibits a unique property of low-temperature-dependent transposition (LTDT). LTDT has proved invaluable in developing the gene isolation technologies that have underpinned much of modern plant developmental biology. Here, we reveal that LTDT involves differential subcellular localization of the Tam3 transposase (TPase) in cells grown at low (15°C) and high (25°C) temperatures. The mechanism is associated with the nuclear import of Tam3 TPase in Antirrhinum cells. At high temperature, the nuclear import of Tam3 TPase is severely restricted in Antirrhinum cells, whereas at low temperature, the nuclear localization of Tam3 TPase is observed in about 20% of the cells. However, in tobacco BY-2 and Allium cepa (onion) cells, Tam3 TPase is transported into most nuclei. In addition to three nuclear localization signals (NLSs), the Tam3 TPase is equipped with a nuclear localization inhibitory domain (NLID), which functions to abolish nuclear import of the TPase at high temperature in Antirrhinum. NLID in Tam3 TPase is considered to interact with Antirrhinum-specific factor(s). The host-specific regulation of the nuclear localization of transposase represents a new repertoire controlling class-II TEs.  相似文献   
Elongation factor 1α (EF-1α) and elongation factor-like protein (EFL) are considered to be functionally equivalent proteins involved in peptide synthesis. Eukaryotes can be fundamentally divided into ‘EF-1α-containing’ and ‘EFL-containing’ types. Recently, EF-1α and EFL genes have been surveyed across the diversity of eukaryotes to explore the origin and evolution of EFL genes. Although the phylum Cercozoa is a diverse group, gene data for either EFL or EF-1α are absent from all cercozoans except chlorarachniophytes which were previously defined as EFL-containing members. Our survey revealed that two members of the cercozoan subphylum Filosa (Thaumatomastix sp. and strain YPF610) are EFL-containing members. Importantly, we identified EF-1α genes from two members of Filosa (Paracercomonas marina and Paulinella chromatophora) and a member of the other subphylum Endomyxa (Filoreta japonica). All cercozoan EFL homologues could not be recovered as a monophyletic group in maximum-likelihood and Bayesian analyses, suggesting that lateral gene transfer was involved in the EFL evolution in this protist assemblage. In contrast, EF-1α analysis successfully recovered a monophyly of three homologues sampled from the two cercozoan subphyla. Based on the results, we postulate that cercozoan EF-1α genes have been vertically inherited, and the current EFL-containing species may have secondarily lost their EF-1α genes.  相似文献   
Evidence thatl-glutamate is a neurotransmitter of corticofugal fibers was sought by measuring changes in several biochemical markers of neurotransmitter function in discrete regions of spinal cord after ablation of sensorimotor cortex in monkeys. One and five weeks after unilateral cortical ablation, samples from six areas of spinal cord (ventral, lateral and dorsal regions of the left and right sides) were analysed for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity and contents of amino acid transmitter candidates-glutamic acid (Glu), aspartic acid (Asp), glycine (Gly), taurine (Tau) and -aminobutyric acid (GABA). During one to five weeks after unilateral cortical ablation of the monkey, prolonged hemiplegia in the contralateral side was observed. Histological examination of the spinal cord 5 weeks after unilateral (left) cortical ablation showed no apparent change in either control (ipsilateral, left) or affected (contralateral, right) sides of the cord as examined by the Klüver-Barrera method. The ChAT activity as a cholinergic marker was scarcely changed in any region of either left (control) or right (affected) side of the spinal cord at one and five weeks after unilateral (left side) ablation of the motor cortex. Amino acid levels in each region of the spinal cord were not significantly changed one week after unilateral ablation of the motor cortex. However, a significant decrease of Glu content was observed in the lateral column of the affected (right) side compared to the control (left) side of cervical and lumbar cord five weeks after cortical ablation of the left motor area. No concomitant alterations of other amino acids were detected. These data strongly suggest thatl-Glu is a neurotransmitter for corticofugal pyramidal tract fibers to anterior horn secondary neurons related to motor control activity in monkey spinal cord.  相似文献   
There is growing evidence that plasma-activated medium (PAM), which is prepared by non-thermal plasma (NTP) irradiation of cell-free medium, is a beneficial tool for cancer therapy. PAM has been reported to preferentially kill cancer cells; however, its mechanism is not fully understood. Since PAM contains reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species, the anti-cancer effects of PAM are thought to be attributed to oxidative stress induced by these reactive molecules. Oxidative stress has been shown to release zinc (Zn2+) from intracellular Zn2+ stores and provoke Zn2+-dependent cell death. We have previously demonstrated that intracellular free Zn2+ plays a critical role in PAM-induced cell death in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. In this study, we found that normal human fibroblasts were less susceptible to PAM cytotoxicity compared with SH-SY5Y cells. PAM decreased intracellular NAD+ levels in both cells, whereas the depletion of ATP and mitochondrial ROS generation was hardly observed in fibroblasts. Intracellular mobile Zn2+ contents of fibroblasts were lower than those of SH-SY5Y cells. PAM suppressed the activity of aconitase, which is a tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme, only in SH-SY5Y cells, and N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN), a Zn2+ chelator, counteracted the suppression. The combination treatment with PAM and Zn2+ augmented PAM-induced ATP depletion, mitochondrial ROS generation, and cytotoxicity in fibroblasts. These findings suggest the possibility that cells with high intracellular mobile Zn2+ are susceptible to PAM cytotoxicity. Therefore, we concluded that the differences in mobile Zn2+ levels affect PAM-induced cellular responses.  相似文献   
Gerres japonicus Bleeker, 1854, and Gerres subfasciatus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830, are redescribed, and Gerres akazakii sp. nov. (Japanese endemic), Gerres ryukyuensis sp. nov. (Okinawa I., Japan), and Gerres shima sp. nov. (Indo-Malayan region, including the Andaman Sea, Southeast Asia, southern China and Taiwan, and Ryukyu Is., Japan) are described. Gerres ovatus Günther, 1859, and Gerres kapas Bleeker, 1854, are recognized as junior synonyms of G. subfasciatus and Gerres oyena (Forsskål, 1775), respectively. All species (except G. oyena) have a small (<170?mm in standard length: SL), moderately deep (depth 36–48% SL), body with dark vertical bars, dorsal fin rays X, 9 or IX, 10, and 31/2 or 41/2 scale rows between the 5th dorsal fin spine base and lateral line, defined as the G. subfasciatus complex. The five species can be variously differentiated from each other by dorsal head squamation, and differing meristic, morphometric, and color characters. They are generally distributed sympatrically in the Indo-West Pacific. Other nominal species of uncertain status or relationship are discussed.  相似文献   
Localization of the drug transporter P-glycoprotein (Pgp) to the plasma membrane is thought to be the only contributor of Pgp-mediated multidrug resistance (MDR). However, very little work has focused on the contribution of Pgp expressed in intracellular organelles to drug resistance. This investigation describes an additional mechanism for understanding how lysosomal Pgp contributes to MDR. These studies were performed using Pgp-expressing MDR cells and their non-resistant counterparts. Using confocal microscopy and lysosomal fractionation, we demonstrated that intracellular Pgp was localized to LAMP2-stained lysosomes. In Pgp-expressing cells, the Pgp substrate doxorubicin (DOX) became sequestered in LAMP2-stained lysosomes, but this was not observed in non-Pgp-expressing cells. Moreover, lysosomal Pgp was demonstrated to be functional because DOX accumulation in this organelle was prevented upon incubation with the established Pgp inhibitors valspodar or elacridar or by silencing Pgp expression with siRNA. Importantly, to elicit drug resistance via lysosomes, the cytotoxic chemotherapeutics (e.g. DOX, daunorubicin, or vinblastine) were required to be Pgp substrates and also ionized at lysosomal pH (pH 5), resulting in them being sequestered and trapped in lysosomes. This property was demonstrated using lysosomotropic weak bases (NH4Cl, chloroquine, or methylamine) that increased lysosomal pH and sensitized only Pgp-expressing cells to such cytotoxic drugs. Consequently, a lysosomal Pgp-mediated mechanism of MDR was not found for non-ionizable Pgp substrates (e.g. colchicine or paclitaxel) or ionizable non-Pgp substrates (e.g. cisplatin or carboplatin). Together, these studies reveal a new mechanism where Pgp-mediated lysosomal sequestration of chemotherapeutics leads to MDR that is amenable to therapeutic exploitation.  相似文献   
The ancestral kareniacean dinoflagellate has undergone tertiary endosymbiosis, in which the original plastid is replaced by a haptophyte endosymbiont. During this plastid replacement, the endosymbiont genes were most likely flowed into the host dinoflagellate genome (endosymbiotic gene transfer or EGT). Such EGT may have generated the redundancy of functionally homologous genes in the host genome—one has resided in the host genome prior to the haptophyte endosymbiosis, while the other transferred from the endosymbiont genome. However, it remains to be well understood how evolutionarily distinct but functionally homologous genes were dealt in the dinoflagellate genomes bearing haptophyte‐derived plastids. To model the gene evolution after EGT in plastid replacement, we here compared the characteristics of the two evolutionally distinct genes encoding plastid‐type glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) in Karenia brevis and K. mikimotoi bearing haptophyte‐derived tertiary plastids: “gapC1h” acquired from the haptophyte endosymbiont and “gapC1p” inherited from the ancestral dinoflagellate. Our experiments consistently and clearly demonstrated that, in the two species examined, the principal plastid‐type GAPDH is encoded by gapC1h rather than gapC1p. We here propose an evolutionary scheme resolving the EGT‐derived redundancy of genes involved in plastid function and maintenance in the nuclear genomes of dinoflagellates that have undergone plastid replacements. Although K. brevis and K. mikimotoi are closely related to each other, the statuses of the two evolutionarily distinct gapC1 genes in the two Karenia species correspond to different steps in the proposed scheme.  相似文献   
The Heliohebe group of Veronica (sect. Hebe) consists of five species occurring in the South Island of New Zealand. These species and a hybrid were analysed for their flavonoids. Five flavone glycosides were isolated and identified by NMR spectroscopy and three additional glycosides were detected by LC–UV–MS. Luteolin 7-O-, 3′-O- and 4′-O-glucosides and apigenin 7-O-glucoside were present in all six taxa investigated, 6-hydroxyluteolin glycosides were found in five and a luteolin caffeoylglycoside in four taxa, while a hypolaetin 7-O-glycoside was detected only in Veronica pentasepala. The 3′-O- and 4′-O-glucosides of luteolin are also common in other species of Veronica sect. Hebe (restricted to the Southern Hemisphere), but are rare in Northern Hemisphere species of Veronica and thus act as good chemotaxonomic markers for the section. The relatively simple flavonoid profiles found in the Heliohebe group are plesiomorphic and consistent with the group's status as sister to the Hebe clade. Based on the detected flavonoids, two groups could be distinguished within the Heliohebe clade: (1) Veronica hulkeana, Veronica lavaudiana and Veronica raoulii, characterised by luteolin caffeoylglycoside, and (2) V. pentasepala and Veronica scrupea, where this compound is replaced by a 6-hydroxyluteolin dihexoside.  相似文献   
Gadolinium ion (Gd(3+)) complexes are commonly used as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents to enhance signals in T(1)-weighted MR images. Recently, several methods to achieve cell-permeation of Gd(3+) complexes have been reported, but more general and efficient methodology is needed. In this report, we describe a novel method to achieve cell permeation of Gd(3+) complexes by using hydrophobic fluorescent dyes as a cell-permeability-enhancing unit. We synthesized Gd(3+) complexes conjugated with boron dipyrromethene (BDP-Gd) and Cy7 dye (Cy7-Gd), and showed that these conjugates can be introduced efficiently into cells. To examine the relationship between cell permeability and dye structure, we further synthesized a series of Cy7-Gd derivatives. On the basis of MR imaging, flow cytometry, and ICP-MS analysis of cells loaded with Cy7-Gd derivatives, highly hydrophobic and nonanionic dyes were effective for enhancing cell permeation of Gd(3+) complexes. Furthermore, the behavior of these Cy7-Gd derivatives was examined in mice. Thus, conjugation of hydrophobic fluorescent dyes appears to be an effective approach to improve the cell permeability of Gd(3+) complexes, and should be applicable for further development of Gd(3+)-based MRI contrast agents.  相似文献   
Anomalous Homology of Flagellar Phases in Salmonella   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Tetsuo Iino 《Genetics》1961,46(11):1471-1474
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