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Clinical observations have suggested a relationship between osteoarthritis and a changed estrogen metabolism in menopausal women. Phytoestrogens have been shown to ameliorate various menopausal symptoms. Proteoglycans (PG) consisting of low and high sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAG) are the main components of articular cartilage matrix, and their synthesis is increased by insulin in growth plate cartilage. We have investigated whether GAG synthesis and sodium [35S]sulfate incorporation in female bovine articular chondrocytes are affected by daidzein, genistein, and/or insulin. For comparative purposes, estradiol incubations were performed. Articular chondrocytes were cultured in monolayers at 5% O2 and 5% CO2 in medium containing serum for 7 days followed by the addition of 10(-11) M-10(-4) M daidzein, genistein, 17beta-estradiol, or 5 microg/ml insulin in a serum-free culture phase of 2 days. Photometrically analyzed GAG synthesis was significantly suppressed by high doses (10(-5) M-10(-4) M) of daidzein, genistein, and 17beta-estradiol. Although insulin raised the sodium [35S]sulfate uptake significantly, different concentrations of daidzein, genistein, or 17beta-estradiol showed no significant effects. However, the stimulating effect of insulin on sulfate incorporation was enhanced significantly after preincubation of cells with 10(-11) M-10(-5) M daidzein or 10(-9) M-10(-5) M genistein but not by 17beta-estradiol. In view of the risks of long-term estrogen replacement therapy, further experiments should clarify the potential benefit of phytoestrogens and insulin in articular cartilage metabolism.  相似文献   
The lysosomal compartment is essential for a variety of cellular functions, including the normal turnover of most long-lived proteins and all organelles. The compartment consists of numerous acidic vesicles (pH ∼4 to 5) that constantly fuse and divide. It receives a large number of hydrolases (∼50) from the trans-Golgi network, and substrates from both the cells’ outside (heterophagy) and inside (autophagy). Many macromolecules contain iron that gives rise to an iron-rich environment in lysosomes that recently have degraded such macromolecules. Iron-rich lysosomes are sensitive to oxidative stress, while ‘resting’ lysosomes, which have not recently participated in autophagic events, are not. The magnitude of oxidative stress determines the degree of lysosomal destabilization and, consequently, whether arrested growth, reparative autophagy, apoptosis, or necrosis will follow. Heterophagy is the first step in the process by which immunocompetent cells modify antigens and produce antibodies, while exocytosis of lysosomal enzymes may promote tumor invasion, angiogenesis, and metastasis. Apart from being an essential turnover process, autophagy is also a mechanism by which cells will be able to sustain temporary starvation and rid themselves of intracellular organisms that have invaded, although some pathogens have evolved mechanisms to prevent their destruction. Mutated lysosomal enzymes are the underlying cause of a number of lysosomal storage diseases involving the accumulation of materials that would be the substrate for the corresponding hydrolases, were they not defective. The normal, low-level diffusion of hydrogen peroxide into iron-rich lysosomes causes the slow formation of lipofuscin in long-lived postmitotic cells, where it occupies a substantial part of the lysosomal compartment at the end of the life span. This seems to result in the diversion of newly produced lysosomal enzymes away from autophagosomes, leading to the accumulation of malfunctioning mitochondria and proteins with consequent cellular dysfunction. If autophagy were a perfect turnover process, postmitotic ageing and several age-related neurodegenerative diseases would, perhaps, not take place.  相似文献   
Multicellular tumour spheroids that mimic a native cellular environment are widely used as model systems for drug testing. To study drug effects on three-dimensional cultures in real-time we designed and fabricated a novel type of sensor chip for fast, non-destructive impedance spectroscopy and extracellular recording. Precultured spheroids are trapped between four gold electrodes. Fifteen individual 100microm deep square microcavities with sizes from 200 to 400microm allow an optimised positioning during the measurement. Although apoptosis was induced in human melanoma spheroids by Camptothecin (CTT), treated cultures did not show disintegration but displayed increased impedance magnitudes compared to controls after 8h resulting from an altered morphology of the outer cells. Contractions in cardiomyocyte spheroids were monitored when the innovative chip was used for recording of extracellular potentials. The silicon-based electrode array is used as an acute test system for the monitoring of any kind of 3D cell cultures. Since no adherence of cells or labelling is necessary the multifunctional sensor chip provides a basis for improved drug development by high content screenings with reduced costs and assay times. Additional improvements for parallel testing of different substances on one chip are presented.  相似文献   
Cartilage cells are normally studied under atmospheric pressure conditions and without loading. However, since cartilage exists in a condition of reduced oxygen and intermittent hydrostatic pressure we hypothesized lower partial oxygen pressures (PO2) and different intermittent hydrostatic pressures (IHP) would increase articular chondrocyte proliferation and matrix production and to stabilize chondrocyte phenotype in vitro. Monolayers of adult bovine articular chondrocytes were cultured under 5% or 21% PO2 in combination with IHP (0.2 MPa amplitude, frequencies 5/5s = 0.1 Hz, 30/2 or 2/30 min on/off loading). We measured proliferation (3H-thymidine incorporation) and collagen secretion (protein-binding assay, collagen type II-ELISA and immunocytochemical staining of pericellular collagen types I, II and IX). Reduced PO2 stimulated proliferation and collagen type II and IX secretion of chondrocytes in comparison to 21% PO2. Additionally, collagen type I expression was delayed by low PO2, indicating a stabilization of the cell phenotype. IHP 5/5s and 30/2 min inhibited proliferation but increased collagen secretion (pericellular collagen type IX was decreased). IHP 30/2 min delayed first expression of collagen type I. In contrast, IHP 2/30 min increased proliferation, but lowered collagen expression. All stimulating or inhibiting effects of PO2 and IHP were additive and vice versa. Reduced PO2 and different settings of IHP increased proliferation, collagen secretion, and phenotype stability of chondrocytes. The oxygen- and IHP-induced effects were additive, suggesting that a combination of these parameters might be a useful tool in cartilage tissue engineering.  相似文献   
Extraction and processing of cassiterite (SnO2) left large tailings with high concentrations of tin, tungsten, molybdenum and lithium. Information on the phytotoxicity of mine waste is important with regard to ecological hazards. Exposure studies help to identify plants useful for the stabilization of waste tips and the phytomining of metals. A greenhouse study was performed using a dilution series of mine waste and four crops, a halophytic and a metallophytic species to derive dose response curves. Based on effective doses for growth reductions, sensitivity increased in the following order: maize > common buckwheat > quinoa > garden bean. Element analyses in different species and compartments of common buckwheat grown in a mixture of standard soil and 25% of the mine waste showed that only low levels of the metals were taken up and that transfer to seed tissues was negligible. As indicated by soil metal levels prior to and after the experiment, only lithium and arsenic proved to be plant available and reached high levels in green tissues while seed levels were low. The experiment confirmed differences in the uptake of metals with regard to elements and species. Common buckwheat is a suited candidate for cultivation on metal polluted soils.  相似文献   
Human activities often replace native forests with warmer, modified habitats that represent novel thermal environments for biodiversity. Reducing biodiversity loss hinges upon identifying which species are most sensitive to the environmental conditions that result from habitat modification. Drawing on case studies and a meta‐analysis, we examined whether observed and modelled thermal traits, including heat tolerances, variation in body temperatures, and evaporative water loss, explained variation in sensitivity of ectotherms to habitat modification. Low heat tolerances of lizards and amphibians and high evaporative water loss of amphibians were associated with increased sensitivity to habitat modification, often explaining more variation than non‐thermal traits. Heat tolerances alone explained 24–66% (mean = 38%) of the variation in species responses, and these trends were largely consistent across geographic locations and spatial scales. As habitat modification alters local microclimates, the thermal biology of species will likely play a key role in the reassembly of terrestrial communities.  相似文献   
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