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Summary The isomerization of D-glucose in mixed ethanol-water was studied at various reaction temperatures (40–70 °C), employing glucose isomerase fromStreptomyces phaeochromogenes andClostridium thermohydrosulfuricum, respectively. The thermophilicClostridium enzyme was considerably, more stable towards the combination of organic cosolvent and increased temperature and with this enzyme a 55% yield of fructose from glucose was obtained at relatively low concentration of ethanol (40 %).  相似文献   
Microbial growth on carbon monoxide   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The utilization of carbon monoxide as energy and/or carbon source by different physiological groups of bacteria is described and compared. Utilitarian CO oxidation which is coupled to the generation of energy for growth is achieved by aerobic and anaerobic eu- and archaebacteria. They belong to the physiological groups of aerobic carboxidotrophic, facultatively anaerobic phototrophic, and anaerobic acetogenic, methanogenic or sulfate-reducing bacteria. The key enzyme in CO oxidation is CO dehydrogenase which is a molybdo iron-sulfur flavoprotein in aerobic CO-oxidizing bacteria and a nickel-containing iron-sulfur protein in anaerobic ones. In carboxidotrophic and phototrophic bacteria, the CO-born CO2 is fixed by ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase in the reductive pentose phosphate cycle. In acetogenic, methanogenic, and probably in sulfate-reducing bacteria, CODH/acetyl-CoA synthase directly incorporates CO into acetyl-CoA.In plasmid-harbouring carboxidotrophic bacteria, CO dehydrogenase as well as enzymes involved in CO2 fixation or hydrogen utilization are plasmid-encoded. Structural genes encoding CO dehydrogenase were cloned from carboxidotrophic, acetogenic and methanogenic bacteria. Although they are clustered in each case, they are genetically distinct.Soil is a most important biological sink for CO in nature. While the physiological microbial groups capable of CO oxidation are well known, the type and nature of the microorganisms actually representing this sink are still enigmatic. We also tried to summarize the little information available on the nutritional and physicochemical requirements determining the sink strength. Because CO is highly toxic to respiring organisms even in low concentrations, the function of microbial activities in the global CO cycle is critical.  相似文献   
Two unicellular marine algae cultured in media containing sodium selenite were examined for glutathione peroxidase activity. The 400 g supernatant from disrupted cells of both the green alga Dunaliella primolecta and the red alga Porphyridium cruentum were able to enhance both the H2O2 and the tert-butyl hydroperoxide dependent oxidation of glutathione. The glutathione peroxidation activity of D. primolecta was reduced only slightly by heating the 400 g supernatant, a 30% decrease in the rate with H2O2 and 10% decrease in the rate with t-BuOOH being observed. Heating caused the H2O2 dependent activity in P. cruentum to be reduced by only 30%, but the activity with t-BuOOH was reduced by 90%. Freezing decreased the t-BuOOH dependent activity of P. cruentum by 90%, but did not lower the t-BuOOH dependent activity of D. primolecta or the H2O2 dependent activity of either alga. It was concluded that the heat and cold stable, glutathione peroxidation was non-enzymatic in nature. A variety of small molecules (ascorbate, Cu(NO3)2, selenocystine, dimethyldiselenide and selenomethionine) were shown to be able to enhance the hydroperoxide dependent oxidation of glutathione in the assay system employed in this study. Such compounds could be responsible for the activity observed in algae. The heat and cold labile t-BuOOH reductase activity of P. cruentumwas possibly enzymatic, but was not attributable to the presence of glutathione-S-transferase. Both algae, when cultured in the presence of added selenite, displayed an approximate doubling of the non-enzymatic H2O2 and t-BuOOH dependent glutathione oxidase activities. The heat and cold labile t-BuOOH reductase activity of P. cruentum was unaltered when the alga was grown in the presence of added selenite. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that selenium compounds present in the algae are responsible for the selenium induced glutathione peroxidation.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Uferschwalben kehren aus den afrikanischen Winterquartieren in Trupps beiderlei Geschlechts zurück. Erste Beringungsergebnisse belegen, daß zunächst mehrjährige, vermutlich untereinander bekannte Vögel eintreffen, die den Brutplatz aus vergangenen Brutperioden her kennen. Die Masse der später ankommenden Vögel dürfte weitgehend aus einjährigen oder ortsfremden Uferschwalben bestehen, die sich größtenteils erst während der Paarbildung persönlich kennenlernen. Der anfängliche Schwarmzusammenhalt der nacheinander eintreffenden Trupps führt zur Bildung von Subkolonien, die für Brutplätze ab einer bestimmten Größenordnung typisch sind. Uferschwalben- gründen nacheinander mehrere Reviere, d. h. sie besetzen Steilwandbereiche, in denen sie ausschließlich mit den Füßen eine Röhre oder Mulde graben, singen und Bogenflüge starten. Bis auf singende oder bekannte werden Artgenossen im Revier geduldet. Uferschwalben- suchen besetzte Reviere auf. Ohne Röhrenbindung verhalten sie sich still und unauffällig, ihre Grabungsaktivitäten sind von untergeordneter Bedeutung. Die Bindung an ein bestimmtes Revier entwickelt sich individuell verschieden und entscheidet über den Abschluß des Röhrenbaues (Herstellung der Nistkammer). Reviere ohne dauerhafte -Bindung werden von den aufgegeben. Aktivitäten, die auf wachsende Revierbindung eines hindeuten, sind: häufige oder/und länger dauernde Aufenthalte des in einem besetzten Revier und sporadisches Mitgraben; aggressives Verhalten gegenüber Artgenossen (i. d. R. fremde ), die im Revier landen wollen; gemeinschaftlicher, leiser Gesang von und im Röhrenbereich. Aktivitäten, die für eine vollzogene Paarbildung sprechen, sind: Fertigstellen der Röhre durch Grabung der Nestkammer; längere gemeinsame Aufenthalte innerhalb und außerhalb der Röhre; Voranfliegen des beim Röhrenanflug; Übernachten von und in der Röhre; Nestbau; ausdauernde Verfolgungsflüge während der Kopulationsphase. Die Paarbildung ist demnach ein individueller Prozeß, bei dem die Aktivitäten der im Revier als Werbung, die der als Revierwahl interpretiert werden.
On pair-formation in the Sand Martin,Riparia riparia
Summary European Sand Martins arrive at their breeding sites in flocks of usually unmated and . Ringing results of a large population in NW-Germany and own observations indicate that the first flocks about a dozen individuals with an approximately balanced sex ratio appear at traditional breeding places and consist of older, experienced resident birds (presumably acquainted with one another). The birds arriving over the next several weeks are mainly first-year or non-resident individuals. The flocks arrive separately in areas with suitable sandcliffs, synchronize the pair-formation activities and avoid disturbances among paired and unpaired birds. This behaviour causes the formation of subcolonies, which are typical for all densely occupied breeding places. Each settles on a fixed area on the sandcliff (territory) in order to excavate a burrow, to sing the territory-song (fig. 2 b) and to perfor the territory-circle-flight (fig. 2 c, 4 a). Silent birds (normally ) are welcomed or tolerated by the resident . The sexes are monomorphic and therefore courtship displays of the are non-aggressive until establishment of pair-bonds. Only intruding singing or individually known neighbouring are driven away, usually at early stages of territory occupation. Unmated are normally shy and very sensitive to protracted disturbances. visit several occupied territories of the colony (fig. 1–3) in order to choose a burrow. leave territories which do not attract a . They settle new territories on the sandcliff, causing a surplus of burrows compared to breeding pairs in the colony. Activities which indicate the development of pair-bonds are: regular visits of a to a particular occupied territory with sporadic excavations by the ; aggressive activities of the towards other visitors usually , but sometimes at first even against the resident (i. e.: vocal threats, bill-gaping, pecking or pushing with the bill or vigorous face-to-face fights, fig. 3 b, 3 c). and sing the soft mating song at or in the burrow (fig. 1 c). Activities which indicate completed pair-bonds are: completion of the burrow by digging the nestchamber, predominantly done by the ; both birds staying together over long periods, both inside and outside the burrow; invitation-flight by the (fig. 4 b); and spending the night together in the burrow; beginning of nest-building, first only by the , then by both birds and finally only by the , accompanied by the (guarding-flight;, fig. 4c); mate-pursuit flights (sexual chases) during copulation phase, in which the singing pursues the silent , often accompanied by other (cp. fig. 4 d). Pair-formation in the Sand Martin occurs on individual territories and not, according toHickling (1959), within the flock.
The copy numbers of the FII plasmids R1 and R100 were determined in four different ways and found to be identical. Deletion of one of the copy number control genes, copB, together with its promoter gives rise to plasmid copy mutants with an increased copy number. The increase was found to be 8- and 3.5-fold for plasmids R1 and R100, respectively. These deletion derivatives were found to be extremely sensitive to the presence of CopB activity from their own parent plasmid but not to that of the other plasmid. Hence, the CopB protein and its target are plasmid-specific and not FII-group-specific. These results are consistent with the high degree of nonhomology between plasmids R1 and R100 in a 250-bp region covering the distal part of the copB gene and the repA promoter region, which contains the target for the CopB protein.  相似文献   
Specific binding of [3H]-imipramine in the rat suprachiasmatic nuclei, occipital cortex and caudate putamen underwent significant and replicable changes throughout 24 hr under a light-dark cycle or under constant conditions. Daily variations were also found in the medial and dorsal raphe nuclei and the lateral hypothalamus. Methamphetamine, a psychoactive drug with marked effect on circadian rhythms in physiological and hormonal parameters and adrenergic receptors, did not have any significant effect on imipramine binding rhythms in eight discrete brain regions. Thus a drug known to reduce serotoninergic neurotransmission did not change characteristics of the modulatory binding site related to serotonin uptake.  相似文献   
The preparative method of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was adapted for purification and characterization of isotopically labeled L-cell interferons. Re-covery of interferon activity was quantitative, and purification and resolution were comparable to those obtained by analytical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Ultimate specific activities attainable ranged from 2 x 10(6) to 3 x 10(6) international units per mg of protein.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Innerhalb von Primula malacoides Franchet wurden zwischen verschiedenen Formen Valenzkreuzungen durchgeführt. Es traten 2x-, 3x-, 4x- und 5x-Pflanzen auf. An der Entstehung dieser Valenztypen sind sowohl reduzierte als auch unreduzierte Gameten beteiligt. Auf Grund der erzielten Kreuzungsergebnisse wird versucht, Rückschlüsse auf die genetischen Ursachen der Samenbildung zu ziehen.Es wird angenommen, daß der jeweiligen Konstitution des Endosperms eine vorrangige Bedeutung für die Entstehung von lebensfähigen Samen zukommt.
On the genetic causes of seed formation
Summary New crossings were made between different diploid and polyploid forms of Primula malacoides Franchet. 2x, 3x, 4x and 5x plants appeared. Both reduced and unreduced gametes participated in the formation of these types. Based on the results conclusions are drawn about the genetic causes of seed development. It is suggested that the endosperm constitution has prime importance for the development of viable seeds.

Herrn Prof. Dr. Hans Stubbe zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Quedlinburger Beiträge zur Züchtungsforschung Nr. 78.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Schleimzellen aus dem Rindenparenchym der Blattstiele vonTilia ulmifolia werden mit dem Polarisationsmikroskop untersucht. Der zellulosefreie Pektinschleim ist anisotrop und zeigt negatives Vorzeichen in bezug auf die Tangente an die Zellwand. Imbibition und Untersuchung von Schleimf?den lassen auf konzentrische Lagerung der Bausteine mit negativer Eigendoppelbrechung schlie?en. Es ist dies der zweite Fall, da? natürliches Pektin seine Doppelbrechung ohne Vorbehandlung zeigt. Es wird festgestellt, da? die Eigendoppelbrechung desTilia-Schleimes gegenüber den Literaturangaben über doppelbrechende natürliche Pektingele deutlich h?her liegt, was auf bessere Orientierung oder verst?rkte Eigendoppel-brechung zurückgeführt wird. Mit 1 Textabbildung  相似文献   
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