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Xanthones with a uniform 1,3,7,8-oxidation pattern, the C-glycosides isoorientin and isovitexin, and in some cases mangiferin, were isolated from the aerial parts of G. nivalis, G. brachyphylla, G. favrati, G. rostani, G. utriculosa and G. schleicheri Kunz. The distribution of these compounds within the section Cyclostigma is given. Comparison of phenolic patterns in other sections of Gentiana is made.  相似文献   
Es ist gelungen, bakterielle Reaktionszentren-Komplexe (RC) ohne Lichtsammlerpigmente zu isolieren. Unsere Gruppe bearbeitet zur Zeit die Isolierung und Charakterisierung von Reaktionszentren aus Rhodospirillaceen. Bei phototrophen Bakterien sind 2 bis 4% des Bacteriochlorophylls mit einem Proteinkomplex assoziiert, in welchem sie durch aktinisches Licht oxidierbar sind und sich im Dunkeln wieder zurückreduzieren (P870). Am besten untersucht sind RC-Komplexe von Rhodopseudomonas spheroides, R-26. Diese Mutante weist einen geringen Gehalt an Karotinoiden auf. Die RC-Komplexe werden mittels mild wirkender Detergenzien aus der Chromatophorenmembran solubilisiert. Sie enthalten je Mol RC 2 Mole BPhäo a, 4 Mole Bchl a, 1 Mol nichthämartig gebundenes Fe und 1 bis 2 Mole Ubichinon, die mit einem hydrophoben Trägerprotein assoziiert sind. Der Proteinanteil hat ein MW von etwa 7,5 104 Dalton und ist aus drei verschiedenen Untereinheiten aufgebaut. Die größte der drei Untereinheiten kann vom Komplex wegdissoziieren, während die Pigmente an die beiden leichteren Untereinheiten gebunden bleiben und teilweise photochemische Aktivität bewahren. Die primäre, photochemische Reaktion ist ein lichtinduzierter Ladungstrennungsvorgang bei dem die RC-Bchl-Moleküle ein Elektron an einen Elektronenakzeptor abgeben. Als primäre Elektronenakzeptoren werden heute drei Möglichkeiten in Erwägung gezogen: Nichthäm-Eisen, Chinone und Ferrochinon-Komplexe. Es scheint, daß verschiedene Mikroorganismen ungleiche primäre Elektronenakzeptoren aufweisen. Energieübertragung in photosynthetischen Bakterienmembranen ist sehr wirkungsvoll. Weniger als 5% der absorbierten Photonen gehen als Fluoreszenzenergie verloren; der Rest führt zu Ladungstrennungen und Elektronentransport. Der hohe Wirkungsgrad muß durch charakteristische Strukturen, Umgebungsbedingungen und Interaktionen erklärt werden können. Interaktionen der Pigmentmoleküle untereinander, mit der Umgebung in der Chromatophorenmembran und mit den Trägerproteinen werden diskutiert als Standortbestimmung zur Beantwortung der Frage: Was macht die Bchl-Mole-küle des Reaktionszentrums geeignet, als Zentren des photochemischen Ladungstrennungsprozesses zu wirken? Ich danke den Mitarbeitern der Photosynthesegruppe Zürich für die kritischen Diskussionsbeiträge während des Kolloquiums über “Photosynthetische Membranen” an unserem Institut. Unsere Arbeit wird unterstützt durch den Schweizerischen Nationalfonds, NF-3.156-0.73, und die Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche-Stiftung.  相似文献   
Summary The cleavage of fertilized mouse eggs was prevented during cytochalasin B incubation and consequently these eggs became tetraploid the following day during in vitro culture. When the eggs were cultured further in normal medium, they cleaved and gave rise to tetraploid blastocysts. Protein synthesis was analysed in these embryos at different developmental stages using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The protein synthesis pattern of one-cell tetraploid eggs was intermediate between those of normal one- and two-cell embryos. Tetraploid two-cell embryos expressed protein sets equivalent to those of untreated four-cell embryos, and tetraploid four-cell embryos synthesized proteins similar to those of four- to eight-cell controls. At subsequent pre-implantation stages the asynchrony was no longer detectable. When fertilized eggs were cultured continuously in the presence of cytochalasin B, they became tetraploid, octoploid and more and more polyploid without cleavage occurring. The protein synthesis patterns expressed by these one-cell polyploid eggs did not resemble that of normal fertilized eggs, but were similar to those of cleaving control embryos and blastocysts of equivalent age and nuclear division. These results strongly suggest that in early mouse embryos stage-specific translation is temporally correlated with chromosome replication (karyokinesis) and independent of cell division (cytokinesis) or cell interaction.Some of these results were presented at the IX Congress of the International Society of Developmental Biologists in Basle, Switzerland, August 28–September 1, 1981  相似文献   
Epinephrine can mimic the stimulatory effects of LH in vitro on cyclic AMP (cAMP) and progesterone production by isolated rat corpora lutea. The aim of the present study was to test whether the effects of epinephrine in vitro on the rat corpus luteum, as with LH, can be inhibited by prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a. The stimulatory effect of epinephrine on tissue levels of cAMP in 1-day-old corpora lutea was not inhibited by PGF2. A dose-dependent inhibition by PGF2a (0.5–50 μM) was seen for 3-day-old corpora lutea and this inhibition could not be overcome by higher concentrations of epinephrine (0.165–165 μM). The stimulation by epinephrine on progesterone production was inhibited by PGF2a (5 μM) in 3- and 5-day-old, but not in 1-day-old corpora lutea. Thus, PGF2a can inhibit the stimulatory effect of epinephrine in 3- and 5-day-old corpora lutea, but not in the newly formed corpora lutea (1-day-old) and PGF2a shows in this respect the same agedependent inhibitory pattern as in relation to LH stimulation.  相似文献   
Establishment of a germ-line competent C57BL/6 embryonic stem cell line   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Embryonic stem (ES) cell lines have been derived from blastocysts of the inbred mouse strain C57BL/6. The highest frequencies of ES cell colonies were observed when blastocysts were explanted directly onto growth-arrested feeder layers of 5637 human bladder carcinoma cells in the presence of conditioned medium. One of the male ES cell lines tested (BL/6-III) was shown to be karyotypically stable and germ-line competent when introduced into BALB/c host blastocysts. These results demonstrate that ES cell lines from inbred mouse strains other than 129/Sv may be used as vectors to introduce selected mutations into the germ-line of mice.  相似文献   
Recent studies have demonstrated that chronic stress increases the firing rate and expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in neurons of the locus coeruleus (LC), the major noradrenergic nucleus in brain. The present study was undertaken to examine the influence of chronic stress and other treatments known to influence the activity of LC neurons on the cyclic AMP (cAMP) second messenger system in these neurons. Chronic (5 days) cold exposure significantly increased levels of TH immunoreactivity in the LC, as previously reported, but not in substantia nigra (SN) or ventral tegmentum (VT), two dopaminergic nuclei studied for comparison. Chronic cold exposure increased levels of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity in soluble, but not particulate, fractions of the LC, and increased basal and GTP- and forskolin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in this brain region. In contrast, levels of the protein kinase and adenylate cyclase in VT, SN, and frontal cortex were not significantly influenced by cold exposure. To study further the relationship between regulation of LC firing rate, TH expression, and the cAMP system in the LC, other treatments known to influence TH were examined. Reserpine treatment, shown previously to increase levels of TH, was found to increase both LC firing rate and levels of soluble cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity in the LC. 6-Hydroxydopamine, shown previously to increase levels of TH and firing rate of LC neurons, also increased soluble levels of protein kinase activity. Other treatments known to either increase (adrenalectomy) or decrease (chronic imipramine) levels of TH in the LC were also found to increase or decrease, respectively, levels of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity in this brain region.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Relative abundance and within-lake distributions of three fishes, northern redbelly dace (Phoxinus eos), finescale dace (Phoxinus neogaeus), and central mudminnow (Umbra limi), were examined using minnow traps in Tuesday Lake, a small bog lake in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan. For these species, catches in minnow traps placed at the perimeter of the lake were 21 to 52 times higher than catches in midlake traps. Variance: mean ratios of perimeter trap catches indicated that both dace species were highly aggregated while the distribution of mudminnows was less aggregated or random. Over an 11 day period during which all fish caught were removed from the lake, catch per unit effort (CPUE) of both dace species declined in response to fish removal. In contrast, CPUE for mudminnows was low initially, increased to an asymptote and then declined only in the last 5 days of the fish removal. The patterns of CPUE for mudminnows indicated that mudminnow trapability and/or activity was reduced in the presence of high densities of dace. The low abundance of dace in traps with many mudminnows suggested mudminnows avoided traps already containing dace. Throughout the removal period, CPUE provided an accurate index of dace abundance, whereas this was true for mudmnnows only after dace populations had been reduced drastically. Therefore, in any use of minnow traps to estimate populations, both spatial distributions and relative species abundance of small fishes must be taken into account.  相似文献   
A new radioiodination reagent for the identification and quantitation of periodate-oxidized ribonucleosides was developed. The reagent, 3-([3-125I]iodo-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionyl carbohydrazide, was prepared by radioiodination of 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester in the presence of chloramine T, followed by reduction of the latter with sodium arsenite and treatment of the radioiodinated ester with an excess of carbohydrazide. The reagent reacted quantitatively with periodate-oxidized nucleosides to form 125I-labeled morpholine derivatives which were separated by thin-layer chromatography and quantitated by liquid scintillation counting. The reagent was found to react also with other carbonyl compounds and thus may find more general application in the qualitative and quantitative ultramicroanalysis of aldehydes and ketones.  相似文献   
The generation cycles of Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) are described together with the seasonal variations in length, wet wt, dry wt, carbon content, nitrogen content and CN ratio in copepodite stage IV, V and stage VI males and females from Balsfjorden (69°21′N: 19°06′E), a subarctic fjord in northern Norway. C. finmarchicus overwinters in copepodite stage IV (≈ 20%) or V (≈80%) and produces one generation a year. Variations in body weight and body content of carbon and nitrogen in the different copepodite stages showed a pronounced seasonal pattern. For instance, the CN ratio was lowest (4.9) in adult females during the spawning period. Copepodite stage IV and V had higher CN values in summer and autumn (12 to 14) than in spring (8 to 10). Variations in length, weight and chemical composition revealed that the overwintering stock of C. finmarchicus went through two growth phases during this period. From September to January no significant changes in the measured variables were detected. During the second phase of the overwintering period, January to April, the different stages showed a profound decrease in weight and change in chemical composition. This seemed to be connected with the onset of sexual differentiation in stage V starting in January, subsequent moulting into adults and gonad maturation in these adults. These results are further discussed in relation to the different prevailing hypotheses concerning overwintering strategy in Calanus species.  相似文献   
Abstract: The catecholamine secretory function of a preparation of isolated bovine adrenal chromaffin cells has been further characterized under conditions designed to elucidate the mechanism of calcium channel activation and the possible role of cytoskeletal elements in stimulus-secretion coupling. Three related sets of data were obtained: (1) Differences in kinetics, Ca dependence, strength, and additivity of the secretory response to acetylcholine (ACh) versus excess K; (2) the effects on secretion of the Ca channel-blocking agents, Ni, Mg, and verapamil; and (3) the Ca dependence of vinblastine action on ACh- and K-evoked secretion. The results suggest that a major portion of the Ca influx required for catecholamine release enters the cell via voltage-dependent Ca channels with some additional Ca influx via the ACh receptor channel. Comparison of the present secretion data with corresponding known electrophysiological properties of isolated chromaffin cells provides added evidence for a role of chromaffin cell action potentials in regulation of Ca influx and the secretory response. Elevated Ca concentrations enhanced K-evoked secretion to levels comparable to that of ACh but did not induce a vinblastine block of K-evoked release. This provides further evidence against a role of microtubules in the common exocytosis event per se. However, a role of cytoskeletal elements in directing the movement of secretory granules, or an action of vinblastine at cholinergic receptors, remain distinct possibilities.  相似文献   
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