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Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a potent mitogen for hepatocytes and various epithelial cells. Unexpectedly, it has been reported to inhibit the growth of hepatoma cells in vitro. To clarify this phenomenon, we examined the effects of recombinant baculovirus-expressed HGF on the growth of 6 human hepatoma cell lines. The growth of Hep3B and HepG2 cells was markedly stimulated to 1.8- and 1.7-fold, respectively, PLC/PRF/5 to 1.4-fold, and SK-Hep-1 to 1.2-fold in a dose-dependent manner under HGF concentrations below 20 ng/ml. Neither HuH-7 nor HCC36 were affected. None of these cells were inhibited. All these cells expressed c-Met, the membrane receptor for HGF, and their c-Met would be activated to be phosphorylated upon addition of HGF. They also contained the ERK2 subgroup of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs). When HGF was added, their ERK2 would also be phosphorylated. The extent of ERK2 phosphorylation was partially correlated to their growth response to HGF. In conclusion, HGF could stimulate the growth of certain human hepatoma cells, probably through activation of c-Met and MAPKs.  相似文献   
Experimental vaccine strategies for cancer immunotherapy   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Recently, cancer immunotherapy has emerged as a therapeutic option for the management of cancer patients. This is based on the fact that our immune system, once activated, is capable of developing specific immunity against neoplastic but not normal cells. Increasing evidence suggests that cell-mediated immunity, particularly T-cell-mediated immunity, is important for the control of tumor cells. Several experimental vaccine strategies have been developed to enhance cell-mediated immunity against tumors. Some of these tumor vaccines have generated promising results in murine tumor systems. In addition, several phase I/II clinical trials using these vaccine strategies have shown extremely encouraging results in patients. In this review, we will discuss many of these promising cancer vaccine strategies. We will pay particular attention to the strategies employing dendritic cells, the central player for tumor vaccine development.  相似文献   
A brief review     
This article serves as a brief history and review of EBM—how EBM developed, its strengths and limitations, and the need for constant improvements. Hopefully, this review will have enhanced your understanding of EBM and its importance and stimulated you to apply EBM to your own practice. As more data and therapies become available, and as clinical guidelines continue to evolve based on EBM, we should expect patient outcomes to improve.  相似文献   
Background: A preponderance of evidence indicates that when treatment of hyperglycemia with insulin is provided for certain hospitalized populations, the attainment of appropriate glycemic targets improves nonglycemic outcomes such as mortality rates, morbidities (eg, wound infection, critical illness polyneuropathy, bacteremia, new renal insufficiency), duration of ventilator dependency, transfusion requirements, and length of hospital stay. Nevertheless, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of intensive insulin therapy and studies of outcomes before and after implementation of tight glycemic control have consistently recognized an increased incidence of hypoglycemia as a complication associated with the use of lower glycemic targets and higher doses of insulin.Objectives: This commentary compares the quality of the available evidence on the clinical impact of iatrogenic hypoglycemia. We present treatment strategies designed to prevent iatrogenic hypoglycemia in the hospital setting.Methods: The PubMed database and online citations of articles tracked subsequent to publication were searched for articles on the epidemiology, clinical impact, and mechanism of harm of hypoglycemia published since 1986. In addition, we searched the literature for RCTs conducted since 2001 concerning intensive insulin therapy in the hospital critical care setting, including meta-analyses; letters to the editor were excluded. The retrieved studies were scanned and chosen selectively for full-text review based on the study size and design, novelty of findings, and evidence related to the possible clinical impact of hypoglycemia. Reference lists from the retrieved studies were searched for additional studies. Reports were summarized for the purpose of comparing and contrasting the qualitative nature of information about iatrogenic hypoglycemia in the hospital.Results: Eight RCTs of intensive glycemic management, 16 observational studies of hospitalized patients with hypoglycemia (including studies of outcomes before and after implementation of tight glycemic control), and 4 case reports on patients with hypoglycemia were selected for discussion of the incidence of hypoglycemia, significance of hypoglycemia as a marker or cause of poor prognosis, and clinical harm of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia was identified in clinical trials as either a category of adverse events or a complication of intensified insulin treatment. For example, a recent meta-analysis found that the incidence of severe hypoglycemia was higher among critically ill patients treated with intensive insulin therapy than among control patients, with a pooled relative risk of 6.0 (95% CI, 4.5–8.0). In the largest multisite RCT on glycemic control among patients in intensive care units (ICUs) conducted to date, deaths were reported for 27.5% (829/3010 patients) in the intensive-treatment group and 24.9% (751/3012 patients) in the conventional-treatment group (odds ratio, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.02–1.28; P = 0.02). In another multisite ICU study, although the intensive and control groups had similar mortality rates, the mortality rate was higher among hypoglycemic participants than among nonhypoglycemic participants (32.2% vs 13.6%, respectively; P < 0.01). Pooled data from 2 singlesite studies in medical and surgical ICUs revealed an increased risk of hypoglycemia in the intensive-treatment group compared with the conventional-treatment group (11.3% [154/1360] and 1.8% [25/1388], respectively; P < 0.001), but the hospital mortality rate was similar for the 2 groups (50.6% [78/154] and 52.0% [13/25], respectively). Specific sequelae of hypoglycemia affecting individual patients were described in the RCTs as well as in the observational studies. New guidelines for glycemic control have recently been issued, but results of the studies using the new targets are not yet available. We propose treatment strategies designed to prevent iatrogenic hypoglycemia in the hospital setting.Conclusions: In response to the growing evidence on the risk of hypoglycemia during intensified glycemic management of hospitalized patients, professional organizations recently revised targets for glycemic control. It is appropriate for institutions to reevaluate hospital protocols for glycemic management with intravenous insulin and, on general wards, to implement standardized order sets for use of subcutaneous insulin to achieve beneficial targets using safe strategies.  相似文献   
Parafollicular cells (PC) of the sheep thyroid gland are neural crest derivatives that synthesize and release the biogenic amine serotonin (5-HT) as well as the hormone calcitonin. The thyroid also contains a highly specific serotonin-binding protein (SBP). Separation of dissociated thyroid cells was done to study the cellular localization of SBP and to develop a means of isolating PC for study. Various methods were used to obtain an enriched and purified population of PC. Minced thyroid glands were enzymatically dissociated and the cells were layered on a Ficoll linear density gradient. Fractions obtained from the gradient were examined for cell number, viability, 5-HT concentration, SBP activity, and morphology by electron microscopy. One of the fractions was found to be enriched in PC. High levels of 5-HT and SBP were also found in this fraction, whereas these levels were low where the majority of cells were found. This PC-rich fraction, however, contained numerous follicular cells (FC); therefore, additional approaches to cell separation were used. FC can be stimulated in vitro with thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) to become intensely phagocytic. When stimulated cells were incubated in the presence of silica microspheres, the FC engulfed the microspheres, which were toxic to them. PC did not become phagocytic and were unharmed by the microspheres. Suspended cells, after incubation with microspheres, were centrifuged on a discontinuous gradient, and a PC-rich fraction was obtained. Silica, however, interfered with analysis of SBP. Another method to take advantage of the phagocytic potential of FC was therefore used. TSH-stimulated cell suspensions were passed through a column of sepharose to which thyroglobulin had been coupled. Stimulated FC apparently adhered to the beads and were retained by the columns. Fractions eluting from the columns were greatly enriched with PC. These fractions contained high levels of 5-HT and SBP, and considerably reduced FC contamination was found by quantitative electron microscopy. It is concluded that SBP is localized to PC in the sheep thyroid. The idea that these cells resemble serotonergic neurons in their mechanisms of 5-HT storage is supported.  相似文献   
Summary Morphological alterations induced by dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA) were studied in polycystic mouse ovaries (PCO). Treated mice showed ovulatory failure and cystic changes; cysts and follicles in various stages of growth and atresia were present although corpora lutea were absent. The levels of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, 3- and 3-androstanediol, estrone and androstenedione increased, whereas estradiol was not detectable.The ultrastructure of granulosa cells in healthy and atretic follicles was similar to that of control animals, although the membrana granulosa in cysts was reduced to a monolayer of flattened cells. The theca interna of healthy and atretic follicles and ovarian cysts showed ultrastructural signs of abnormal steroidogenic stimulation.No significant differences (0.7<P<0.8) were found between the extensive surface area of gap junctions of healthy follicles of control and DHA-treated animals. On the P-face of granulosa cells of large healthy follicles, meandering strands of tight junctional particles were observed; their average length was significantly longer than those in healthy follicles of control animals (P<0.001). This increase was probably related to the large amounts of androgens present in the treated animals.Theca interna cells possessed small gap junctions; no significant differences (P>0.9) in gap-junction surface area were observed between DHA-treated and control animals. These results suggest that the size of gap junctions is probably unrelated to the steroidogenic activities of theca cells.The following trivial names have been used: Dihydrotestosterone: 5-androstan 17 ol-13 one; 3-androstanediol: 5-androstan 3,17 diol; 3-androstanediol: 5-androstan 3,17 diol  相似文献   
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) variants that possessed missense mutation within the neutralization epitope of the major S antigen as defined by amino acid residues (aa#) 124–147, termed the a determinant variants, were identified through a population-based serosurvey of 2,305 children of the vaccinated birth cohorts born after 1986. Data on the 678 nucleotides encoding the S antigen of HBV were available for 75 HBV strains that were collected from 63 vaccinated children and 12 unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated children, and 21 HBV strains from 25 unvaccinated adults. Among the diverse patterns of one to three amino acid substitutions within the a determinant, 145-Arg occurred most frequently (5/14); other variants were: 126-Ala, 127-Thr, 126-Ser/131-Asn/133-Thr, 129-His, 129-Arg, 123-Asn/131-Ile, 133-Leu, 141-Glu, and 141-Arg/144-Ala. Only one of these variants occurred in the 16 hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-carrier children born to HBsAg-negative mothers, whereas 12 of these variants occurred in the 20 (50%) children born to HBsAg-positive mothers. In addition, early administration of HBV vaccine within the noenatal period increased the likelihood of the emergence of these variants to 64.7% (11/17). Five of the 21 (23.8%) unvaccinated HBsAg-carrier adults harbored the a determinant variants possessing mutations within aa# 125–136, i.e. the putative first loop formed by the cysteine disulfide bonds. Vaccinated children were likely to harbor HBV variants possessing mutations involving altered charge of side chains and/or its hydrophobicity of amino acid residues within the putative second loop between aa#140 and 146. Our data suggest that emergence of these HBV S gene mutants in the phase of HBV vaccination program would be most common among populations in whom perinatal/vertical transmission of HBV is most common, i.e. southeast Asian and the Taiwanese.  相似文献   
The effects on adult Ceratitis capitata of the ingestion of formulations containing different concentrations of some essential oils were examined. The bioassays were carried out using groups of C. capitata adults fed for 3 days with formulations containing a known concentration (0.25%, 0.5%, 1.0%) of essential oils. The oils, of different chemical composition, were obtained by steam distillation from aromatic plants collected during the balmy period. The essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis and Salvia officinalis , which are rich in monoterpenic hydrocarbons and monoterpenic ketones, respectively, showed poor activity, whereas the oils of Cinnamomum zeylanicum and Thymus sp. showed a marked toxic effects (over 90% mortality after 72 h). This could be explained by the activity of cinnamic aldehyde (about 80% of the Cinnamomum oil) and carvacrol (68% of Th. capitatus oil and about 45% of Th. herba barona oil). The first consequence of ingesting even small quantities of essential oils was a depressive effect on the nervous system. Dissection of dead flies showed marked differences compared with the controls and microscopic examination revealed anomalies in the gut region.  相似文献   
Defense mechanisms againstSporothrix schenckii were studied using mouse models. After an intracutaneous injection of the yeast form ofS. schenckii to the dorsal skin of the congenitally athymic nude and normal heterozygote littermate mice, nodules were formed. They regressed and disappeared in 10 weeks in the case of normal mice. On the other hand, nodules and then ulceration developed progressively in nude mice until all animals expired by dissemination of microorganisms at the 11th week of inoculation. Histopathologically the migrated cells were similar in both the normal and the nude mice, particularly during the early phase (within 24 h), with infiltration by PMNs being predominant. Fragmentation ofS. schenckii commenced early during the 12–24 h stage of inoculation in the normal mice, while such fragmentation was scarce in nude mice even though numerous PMNs accumulated. Microscopic observations in the early stages (within 24 h of inoculation) suggested that the lack of killing activity by PMNs in nude mice contributes more to the impaired defense than the lack of macrophage activation by T-cells.  相似文献   
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