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Class III mucin, identified by paradoxical concanavalin A staining, is confined to gastric gland mucous cells and is an essential component of the gastric surface mucous gel layer. The pretreatment required has hampered the application of this method to electron microscopic studies. Antibody HIK1083 reacts selectively with class III mucins. The present study was undertaken to explore, electron microscopically, the immunoreactivity of the human stomach to HIK1083. We examined normal mucosa from resected human stomachs (five cases; formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded) and gastric biopsy specimens from patients with early gastric cancer [nine cases; glutaraldehyde- and osmium-fixed, epoxy-embedded (seven cases) and half-strength Karnovsky’s solution-fixed, Lowicryl K4M-embedded (two cases)]. Immunostaining with HIK1083 and anti-lysozyme antibody was examined under light and electron microscopes. Gland mucous cells were labeled with HIK1083, and lysozyme was detected in some gland mucous cells and surface mucous cells. Electron microscopically, the secretory granules of gland mucous cells contained a single electron-dense core. HIK1083-positive mucins and lysozyme coexisted in the secretory granules of gastric gland mucous cells. HIK1083-reactive mucins and lysozyme were distributed in the matrix and in the dense core of these secretory granules, respectively. HIK1083 can be used for electron immunohistochemistry. Accepted: 1 December 1999  相似文献   
We have purified three NifS homologs from Escherichia coli, CSD, CsdB, and IscS, that appear to be involved in iron-sulfur cluster formation and/or the biosynthesis of selenophosphate. All three homologs catalyze the elimination of Se and S from L-selenocysteine and L-cysteine, respectively, to form L-alanine. These pyridoxal 5'-phosphate enzymes were inactivated by abortive transamination, yielding pyruvate and a pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate form of the enzyme. The enzymes showed non-Michaelis-Menten behavior for L-selenocysteine and L-cysteine. When pyruvate was added, they showed Michaelis-Menten behavior for L-selenocysteine but not for L-cysteine. Pyruvate significantly enhanced the activity of CSD toward L-selenocysteine. Surprisingly, the enzyme activity toward L-cysteine was not increased as much by pyruvate, suggesting the presence of different rate-limiting steps or reaction mechanisms for L-cysteine desulfurization and the degradation of L-selenocysteine. We substituted Ala for each of Cys358 in CSD, Cys364 in CsdB, and Cys328 in IscS, residues that correspond to the catalytically essential Cys325 of Azotobacter vinelandii NifS. The enzyme activity toward L-cysteine was almost completely abolished by the mutations, whereas the activity toward L-selenocysteine was much less affected. This indicates that the reaction mechanism of L-cysteine desulfurization is different from that of L-selenocysteine decomposition, and that the conserved cysteine residues play a critical role only in L-cysteine desulfurization.  相似文献   
Endothelin (ET)-1 is a 21-amino acid peptide that induces a variety of biological activities, including vasoconstriction and cell proliferation, and its likely involvement in cardiovascular and other diseases has recently led to broad clinical trials of ET receptor antagonists. ET-1 is widely distributed in the central nervous system (CNS), where it is thought to regulate hormone and neurotransmitter release. Here we show that CNS responses to emotional and physical stressors are differentially affected in heterozygous ET-1-knockout mice, which exhibited diminished aggressive and autonomic responses toward intruders (emotional stressors) but responded to restraint-induced (physical) stress more intensely than wild-type mice. This suggests differing roles of ET-1 in the central pathways mediating responses to different types of stress. Hypothalamic levels of ET-1 and the catecholamine metabolite 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) were both increased in wild-type mice subjected to intruder stress, whereas MHPG levels were not significantly affected in ET-1-knockout mice. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analysis showed that ET-1 and tyrosine hydroxylase, an enzyme in the catecholamine synthesis pathway, were colocalized within certain neurons of the hypothalamus and amygdala. Our findings suggest that ET-1 modulates central coordination of stress responses in close association with catecholamine metabolism.  相似文献   
Selenophosphate synthetase (SPS), the selD gene product from Escherichia coli, catalyzes the biosynthesis of monoselenophosphate, AMP, and orthophosphate in a 1:1:1 ratio from selenide and ATP. Kinetic characterization revealed the K(m) value for selenide approached levels that are toxic to the cell. Our previous demonstration that a Se(0)-generating system consisting of l-selenocysteine and the Azotobacter vinelandii NifS protein can replace selenide for selenophosphate biosynthesis in vitro suggested a mechanism whereby cells can overcome selenide toxicity. Recently, three E. coli NifS-like proteins, CsdB, CSD, and IscS, have been overexpressed and characterized. All three enzymes act on selenocysteine and cysteine to produce Se(0) and S(0), respectively. In the present study, we demonstrate the ability of each E. coli NifS-like protein to function as a selenium delivery protein for the in vitro biosynthesis of selenophosphate by E. coli wild-type SPS. Significantly, the SPS (C17S) mutant, which is inactive in the standard in vitro assay with selenide as substrate, was found to exhibit detectable activity in the presence of CsdB, CSD, or IscS and l-selenocysteine. Taken together the ability of the NifS-like proteins to generate a selenium substrate for SPS and the activation of the SPS (C17S) mutant suggest a selenium delivery function for the proteins in vivo.  相似文献   
Formation of ER-derived protein transport vesicles requires three cytosolic components, a small GTPase, Sar1p, and two heterodimeric complexes, Sec23/24p and Sec13/31p, which comprise the COPII coat. We investigated the role of Lst1p, a Sec24p homologue, in cargo recruitment into COPII vesicles in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A tagged version of Lst1p was purified and eluted as a heterodimer complexed with Sec23p comparable to the Sec23/24p heterodimer. We found that cytosol from an lst1-null strain supported the packaging of alpha-factor precursor into COPII vesicles but was deficient in the packaging of Pma1p, the essential plasma membrane ATPase. Supplementation of mutant cytosol with purified Sec23/Lst1p restored Pma1p packaging into the vesicles. When purified COPII components were used in the vesicle budding reaction, Pma1p packaging was optimal with a mixture of Sec23/24p and Sec23/Lst1p; Sec23/Lst1p did not replace Sec23/24p. Furthermore, Pma1p coimmunoprecipitated with Lst1p and Sec24p from vesicles. Vesicles formed with a mixture of Sec23/Lst1p and Sec23/24p were similar morphologically and in their buoyant density, but larger than normal COPII vesicles (87-nm vs. 75-nm diameter). Immunoelectronmicroscopic and biochemical studies revealed both Sec23/Lst1p and Sec23/24p on the membranes of the same vesicles. These results suggest that Lst1p and Sec24p cooperate in the packaging of Pma1p and support the view that biosynthetic precursors of plasma membrane proteins must be sorted into ER-derived transport vesicles. Sec24p homologues may comprise a more complex coat whose combinatorial subunit composition serves to expand the range of cargo to be packaged into COPII vesicles. By changing the geometry of COPII coat polymerization, Lst1p may allow the transport of bulky cargo molecules, polymers, or particles.  相似文献   
It is well established that salmon return to their home stream by sensing the odors of the stream water. In this study we have attempted to identify the home stream odorants used by masu salmon in Lake Toya. The salmon in Lake Toya return to the home stream which flows into the lake after lake life for 2-3 years. Besides water from the home stream, waters from two other streams which flow into Lake Toya were also used in the experiments. We analyzed the compositions of amino acids, inorganic cations and bile acids in waters from the three streams. Application of mixtures of inorganic cations or bile acids, reconstituted based on the compositions of the stream waters, to the olfactory epithelium induced only very small responses. On the other hand, application of mixtures of amino acids induced large responses. The response to artificial stream water reconstituted based on the compositions of amino acids and salts closely resembles that to the corresponding stream water. Cross-adaptation experiments with three combinations of the mixtures were carried out. The response pattern for each combination closely resembled that to the corresponding combination of stream waters. Based on the results obtained, we concluded that amino acids dissolved in the home stream water are possible home stream odorants.  相似文献   
Unequal cleavage in the early Tubifex embryo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unequal cleavage that produces two blastomeres of different size is a cleavage pattern that many animals in a variety of phyla, particularly in Spiralia, adopt during early development. This cleavage pattern is apparently instrumental for asymmetric segregation of developmental potential, but it is also indispensable for normal embryogenesis in many animals. Mechanically, unequal cleavage is achieved by either simple unequal cytokinesis or by forming a polar lobe at the egg's vegetal pole. In the present paper, the mechanisms for unequal cytokinesis involved in the first three cleavages in the oligochaete annelid Tubifex are reviewed. The three unequal cleavages are all brought about by an asymmetrically organized mitotic apparatus (MA). The MA of the first cleavage is monastral in that an aster is present at one pole of a bipolar spindle but not at the other. This monastral form, which arises as a result of the involvement of a single centrosome in the MA assembly, is both necessary and sufficient for unequal first cleavage. The egg cortex during the first mitosis is devoid of the ability to remodel spindle poles. In contrast to the non-cortical mechanisms for the first cleavage, asymmetry in the MA organization at the second and third cleavages depends solely on specialized properties of the cell cortex, to which one spindle pole is physically connected. A cortical attachment site for the second cleavage spindle is generated de novo at the cleavage membrane resulting from the first cleavage; it is an actin-based, cell contact-dependent structure. The cortical microtubule attachment site for the third cleavage, which functions independently of contact with other cells, is not generated at the cleavage membrane resulting from the second cleavage, but is located at the animal pole; it may originate from the second polar body formation and become functional at the 4-cell stage.  相似文献   
Abstract: Protein synthesis is important in the readaptive processes for cultured astrocytes after hypoxia and subsequent reoxygenation. We have identified 72-kDa inducible heat shock protein (HSP72) as a major stress protein in reoxygenated astrocytes. To assess the mechanism for reoxygenation-mediated induction of HSP72, a reporter gene that consists of a human HSP promoter fused to the luciferase gene was transfected into cultured astrocytes. Analysis of cellular energy nucleotides showed an increase of the ADP/ATP ratio after reoxygenation, which synchronized with activation of the HSP promoter. Activation of the HSP promoter was also observed after an addition of iodoacetic acid to hypoxic astrocytes, which reached the maximum when the ADP/ATP ratio reached 50%, but further decline in the energy profile caused inactivation of this promoter. Inhibition of protein synthesis after reoxygenation resulted in temporary restoration of the energy profile and suppression of the DNA binding activity of the heat shock factor. Addition of quercetin greatly decreased the [3H]leucine incorporation in the polysome fraction without any effect on the mature mRNA formation. These data suggest that the energy depletion in reoxygenation triggers induction of HSP72 after reoxygenation, which may act as a pivotal mediator in the stress response of reoxygenated astrocytes by facilitating protein synthesis.  相似文献   
The CURLY LEAF (CLF ) gene in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. is required for stable repression of a floral homeotic gene, AGAMOUS in leaves and stems To clarify the function of CLF in organ development, we characterized clf mutants using an anatomical and genetic approach. The clf mutants had normal roots, hypocotyls, and cotyledons, but the foliage leaves and the stems had reduced dimensions. A decrease both in the extent of cell elongation and in the number of cells was evident in the clf mutant leaves, suggesting that the CLF gene might be involved in the division and elongation of cells during leaf morphogenesis. An analysis of the development of clf mutant leaves revealed that the period during which cell division or cell elongation occurred was of normal duration, while the rates of both cell production and cell elongation were lower than in the wild type. Two phases in the elongation of cells were also recognized from this analysis. From analysis of an angustifolia clf double mutant, we found that the two phases of elongation of leaf cells were regulated independently by each gene. Thus, the CLF gene appears to affect cell division at an earlier stage and cell elongation throughout the development of leaf primordia. Received: 19 February 1998 / Accepted: 24 March 1998  相似文献   
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