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Investigation of molecular mechanisms underlying psychotropic drug action is the main aim of molecular psychopharmacology. Previously, a new synthetic varacin analog, 8-(trifluoromethyl)-1,2,3,4,5-benzopentathiepin-6-amine (TC-2153) was shown to produce anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects in mice. This study investigated the effects of chronic TC-2153 administration on the expression of some serotonin-related genes in the mouse brain. The drug was administered (10 mg/kg, per os, 16 days) to adult male mice of the ASC (Antidepressant Sensitive Catalepsy) strain characterized by altered behavior and hereditary impairment of the brain serotonin system. Expression of genes encoding tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2), the key enzyme of serotonin synthesis, monoamine oxydase A (MAOA), the major serotonin-degrading enzyme, 5-HT transporter (SERT), and 5-HT1A receptor was studied using quantitative RT-PCR. TC-2153 significantly reduced the 5-HT1A receptor and MAOA mRNA levels in the midbrain, but did not have any effect on the expression of these genes in the frontal cortex and the hippocampus. The drug did not affect the expression of TPH2 and SERT in the midbrain. The results indicate that the brain 5-HT system is involved in the molecular basis of TC-2153 action.  相似文献   
It was shown that the periodic radiation source frequency influences the rate of E. coli cell inactivation. The impulse duration from 2 microseconds to 40 ns does not influence the survival of E. coli. The analysis of the survival curves obtained permitted to assess the contribution of the direct and indirect effects of radiation to microorganism inactivation.  相似文献   
Mycological analysis throughout the vegetation period of potato (Solanum tuberosum) made it possible to study in detail the structure of the micromycete community, to determine typical dominant (frequency, more than 60%), typical common (frequency, 30 to 60%), typical rare (frequency, 10 to 30%), and casual (frequency, less than 10%) species and to estimate changes in the microorganism community caused by plant protection preparations with different mechanisms of action. It was shown that, as a result of occurrence of resistant forms, synthetic preparations against fungal pathogens of potato (such as TMTD, Ridomil gold MC, and Cupricol) were only slightly more effective than biological preparations (Trichodermin and AgroChit), with the former considerably changing the natural saprophytic mycological community. An increase in the soil pool of Trichoderma harzianum as a result of application of a biological preparation based on this antagonistic fungus correlated with its effectiveness against the soil pathogen Fusarium sp., which causes root rot. A chitosan-based elicitor preparation more effectively suppressed the development of early (Alternaria sp. and Macrosporium sp.) and late (Phytophthora sp.) blighting of leaves and had a weaker effect on soil microflora.  相似文献   
The authors suggest a method for quantitative diagnosis of the functional state of the afferent pathways of the spinal cord by magnetic stimulation in the projection of the vertebrae CVI–CVII and LIII–LIV. The induced motor response (IMR) was recorded from the orbicular muscle of the eye. The velocity of propagation of excitation (VPE) along the afferent pathways between the vertebrae CVI–CVII and LIII–LIV was measured as the ratio of the distance between two stimulation points (along the coil center) to the difference between the latent periods of the recorded IMRs. In healthy adults, VPE was 77.93 ± 4.93 m/s, and in healthy children, 7- to 14-years old, it was 77.60 ± 4.12 m/s. In patients with disseminated sclerosis, this index was 40.15 ± 14.81 m/s. The asymmetry value (AV) was 5.31 ± 1.20 m/s. The VPE and AV in patients with disseminated sclerosis differed significantly from those in healthy subjects of same sex and age (p < 0.05).  相似文献   
The phospholipid composition of 6 Brucella species (B. melitensis, B. abortus, B. suis, B. ovis. B. canis, B. neotomae) and Australian mouse-derived strains of Brucella N 4, 11, 12 were studied. Comparison of phospholipid composition of Brucella cells with that of serologically related microorganisms revealed that all Brucella biotypes contain phosphatidyl-(N-methyl)ethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine while Y. enterocolitica, Sh. disenteriae, E. coli cells do not contain these two substances. It is concluded that the specific phospholipid pattern of Brucella biotypes may be useful in typing of new Brucella strains.  相似文献   
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