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The role of leukocyte function-associated Ag-1 (LFA-1) in intercellular adhesion is well documented. Previously, we demonstrated that the LFA-1 molecule (CD11a/CD18) can also regulate the induction of proliferation of peripheral blood T cells. In these studies, we observed opposite effects of antibodies against CD11a (LFA-1-alpha-chain) or CD18 (LFA-1-beta-chain). Here, we determined the effects of anti-CD11a and anti-CD18 mAb on proliferation of cloned influenza virus-specific T cells. Anti-CD18 mAb had similar inhibiting effects on the proliferative response of T cell clones induced by immobilized anti-CD3 mAb as it had on the response of peripheral blood T cells. In contrast to its costimulatory effect on resting peripheral blood T cells, anti-CD11a mAb did not increase the proliferation of cloned T cells. Similar differences in effects of anti-CD11a and anti-CD18 mAb were observed when proliferation of the T cell clones was induced by immobilized anti-TCR mAb. When proliferation was induced by influenza virus presented by monocytes as APC, both anti-CD11a and anti-CD18 mAb inhibited T cell proliferation. However, when EBV-transformed B cells were used as APC, neither anti-CD11a nor anti-CD18 mAb inhibited proliferation. These results demonstrate that the effects of antibodies against CD11a (LFA-1-alpha) or CD18 (LFA-1-beta) on T cell proliferation depend on 1) the stage of activation of the T cells, 2) the activation stimulus and its requirement for intercellular adhesion involving LFA-1, and 3) the type of cell used to present Ag.  相似文献   


Various clinical protocols have been developed to aid in the clinical diagnosis of classical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), which is confirmed by postmortem examinations based on vacuolation and accumulation of disease-associated prion protein (PrPd) in the brain. The present study investigated the occurrence and progression of sixty selected clinical signs and behaviour combinations in 513 experimentally exposed cattle subsequently categorised postmortem as confirmed or unconfirmed BSE cases. Appropriate undosed or saline inoculated controls were examined similarly and the data analysed to explore the possible occurrence of BSE-specific clinical expression in animals unconfirmed by postmortem examinations.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To assess, in a longitudinal study in women diagnosed with high grade squamous epithelial lesion (HSIL), the progression over time of proliferative activity in reserve cells using population screening cervical cytology specimens. STUDY DESIGN: Twenty consecutive, unselected patients with HSIL lesions were part of the national cervical screening program. From the archives, for each patient, the last prior normal population screening smear was included in the study. Concurrent sets of cervical smears from 80 age-matched women without pathology formed the controls. The original slides were stained using MIB-1 monoclonal antibody. The fraction of MIB-1-positive reserve cells was assessed using systematic random sampling and running progressive means assessment to ensure a sufficient sample size. RESULTS: The proliferation fraction in reserve cells of HSIL patients was significantly raised (mean, 65.0%; range, 53.5-94.1%; p < 0.01) as compared with that in concurrent controls (mean, 12.8%; range, 1.9-45.4%). Prior smears from HSIL patients, although without morphologic abnormalities, had abnormally high proliferation fractions (mean, 59.1%; range, 1.0-94.7%), significantly raised over those from concurrent controls (mean, 9.4%; range CONCLUSION: In population-based cervical smear screening, HSIL patients already have abnormally raised proliferation fractions of reserve cells, even without morphologic changes in squamous cells, 1-5 (mean, 3.6) years prior to diagnosis.  相似文献   


Natural killer (NK) cells are cytotoxic lymphocytes that lack CD3 and express variable levels of CD16, CD56 and CD57. In recent years NK cells have been categorised into two major groups based on the level of CD56 expression. This phenotypic classification correlates with functional activity as CD56bright NK cells are the major cytokine producing subset whereas CD56dim NK cells exhibit greater cytotoxic activity. Previous studies have revealed a reduction in total NK cell numbers in association with ageing and this study sought to determine the potential influence of ageing on the number of NK cell subsets within peripheral blood.  相似文献   
Protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms regulate many platelet responses in a still incompletely understood manner. Here we investigated the roles of PKC in the platelet reactions implicated in thrombus formation as follows: secretion aggregate formation and coagulation-stimulating activity, using inhibitors with proven activity in plasma. In human and mouse platelets, PKC regulated aggregation by mediating secretion and contributing to alphaIIbbeta3 activation. Strikingly, PKC suppressed Ca(2+) signal generation and Ca(2+)-dependent exposure of procoagulant phosphatidylserine. Furthermore, under coagulant conditions, PKC suppressed the thrombin-generating capacity of platelets. In flowing human and mouse blood, PKC contributed to platelet adhesion and controlled secretion-dependent thrombus formation, whereas it down-regulated Ca(2+) signaling and procoagulant activity. In murine platelets lacking G(q)alpha, where secretion reactions were reduced in comparison with wild type mice, PKC still positively regulated platelet aggregation and down-regulated procoagulant activity. We conclude that platelet PKC isoforms have a dual controlling role in thrombus formation as follows: (i) by mediating secretion and integrin activation required for platelet aggregation under flow, and (ii) by suppressing Ca(2+)-dependent phosphatidylserine exposure, and consequently thrombin generation and coagulation. This platelet signaling protein is the first one identified to balance the pro-aggregatory and procoagulant functions of thrombi.  相似文献   
Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is a serum protein of the innate immune system. After binding to a microorganism, MBL in complex with MBL-associated serine proteases activates the complement system, resulting in cleavage of complement factor C3. Cleaved C3 on the surface of the microorganism mediates opsonization for clearance, but the impact of MBL on subsequent phagocytosis has not been widely studied. We investigated the role of MBL in complement activation and phagocytosis of various bacteria and yeast species by flow cytometry. We measured both the C3 deposition during serum opsonization of fluorescent-labeled microorganisms as well as subsequent uptake of these microorganisms by human neutrophils. In MBL-deficient sera, a consistently decreased C3 deposition on both zymosan and Candida albicans was found and a reduced phagocytosis by neutrophils that was restored by exogenous MBL. This indicates that the lectin pathway of complement activation is important for the opsonophagocytosis of yeasts. In contrast, the C1q-dependent classical pathway dominated in the opsonization and phagocytosis of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Escherichia coli, whereas no effect of MBL was found. Both the lectin and the classical pathway of complement activation were highly amplified by the alternative route for opsonophagocytosis by neutrophils of yeast as well as microbial species. In summary, our data demonstrate that yeast species are preferentially opsonized and subsequently phagocytosed via activation of the lectin pathway of complement, whereas the uptake of bacterial strains was found to be largely MBL independent.  相似文献   
Genomes and antigenomes of many positive-strand RNA viruses contain 3′-poly(A) and 5′-poly(U) tracts, respectively, serving as mutual templates. Mechanism(s) controlling the length of these homopolymeric stretches are not well understood. Here, we show that in coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) and three other enteroviruses the poly(A) tract is ~80–90 and the poly(U) tract is ~20 nt-long. Mutagenesis analysis indicate that the length of the CVB3 3′-poly(A) is determined by the oriR, a cis-element in the 3′-noncoding region of viral RNA. In contrast, while mutations of the oriR inhibit initiation of (−) RNA synthesis, they do not affect the 5′-poly(U) length. Poly(A)-lacking genomes are able to acquire genetically unstable AU-rich poly(A)-terminated 3′-tails, which may be generated by a mechanism distinct from the cognate viral RNA polyadenylation. The aberrant tails ensure only inefficient replication. The possibility of RNA replication independent of oriR and poly(A) demonstrate that highly debilitated viruses are able to survive by utilizing ‘emergence’, perhaps atavistic, mechanisms.  相似文献   
Abstract: Neuropeptide Y is colocalized with noradrena-line in sympathetic fibers innervating the rat pineal gland. In this article we present a study of the effects and mechanisms of action of neuropeptide Y on the pineal noradrenergic transmission, the main input leading to the rhythmic secretion of melatonin. At the presynaptic level, neuropeptide Y inhibits by 45%, with an EC50 of 50 n M , the potassium-evoked noradrenaline release from pineal nerve endings. This neuropeptide Y inhibition occurs via the activation of pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein-coupled neuropeptide Y-Y2 receptors and is independent from, but additive to, the α2-adrenergic inhibition of noradrenaline release. At the postsynaptic level, neuropeptide Y decreases by a maximum of 35%, with an EC50 of 5 n M , the β-adrenergic induction of cyclic AMP elevation via the activation of neuropeptide Y-Y1 receptors. This moderate neuropeptide Y-induced inhibition of cyclic AMP accumulation, however, has no effect on the melatonin secretion induced by a β-adrenergic stimulation. On the contrary, in the presence of 1 m M ascorbic acid, neuropeptide Y potentiates (up to threefold) the melatonin secretion. In conclusion, this study has demonstrated that neuropeptide Y modulates the noradrenergic transmission in the rat pineal gland at both presynaptic and postsynaptic levels, using different receptor subtypes and transduction pathways.  相似文献   
The specific growth rate of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlorella sorokiniana decreased under square-wave light/dark cycles of medium duration, 13–87 s, in comparison to continuous illumination. Three experiments were done in three different turbidostats at saturating and sub-saturating light intensities during the light period, 240–630 μmol m−2 s−1. Within each experiment the light intensity during the light periods of the intermittent light regimes was equal and this intensity was also applied under continuous illumination. The specific growth rate decreased proportional or more than proportional to the fraction of time the algae were exposed to light; this light fraction ranged from 0.32 to 0.88. We conclude that under these light regimes the chlorophyta C. reinhardtii and C. sorokiniana are not able to store light energy in the light period to sustain growth in the dark period at the same rate as under continuous illumination. C. reinhardtii increased its specific light absorbing surface by increasing its chloropyll-a content under light/dark cycles of 13 s duration and a light fraction of 0.67 at 240 μmol m−2 s−1; the chloropyll-a content was twice as high under intermittent illumination in comparison to continuous illumination. The combination of a higher specific light absorption together with a lower specific growth rate led to a decrease of the yield of biomass on light energy under intermittent illumination.  相似文献   
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