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目的:研究功能矫形前伸大鼠下颌后浅层嚼肌细胞凋亡的变化规律,探讨功能矫形的肌肉改建机理。方法:选用50只5周龄Sprague-Dawley(SD)雄性大白鼠,随机分为实验组和对照组各25只。实验组大鼠戴自制上颌功能矫治嚣,引导下颌前伸,并打开咬合。利用RT-PCR方法检测两组大鼠浅层嚼肌Bcl-2和Bax基因表达情况,利用TUNEL方法检测浅层嚼肌细胞凋亡情况。结果:①Bcl-2和Bax基因表达随大鼠戴用矫治器时间的延长而升高,至第3周开始下降但仍高于对照组,但Bax的表达高于Bcl-2。Bax/Bcl-2比值随大鼠戴用矫治器时间的延长而升高,至第4周开始下降。②TUNEL实验结果显示浅层嚼肌细胞在戴用矫治器1天后,开始出现凋亡,随着时间延长而增加,至第3周达到顶峰,第4周开始下降。结论:①Bax/Bcl-2比值升高促进浅层嚼肌细胞凋亡。②功能矫形可引起浅层嚼肌细胞凋亡,导致肌肉的结构和功能发生适应性改建。  相似文献   
目的:探讨"应力-生长(改建)"在细胞水平上的体现,为功能矫形治疗和矫治效果的保持提供新思路和实验依据。方法:本实验选用20只4周龄,雄性SD大鼠随机分为8组。其中实验组大鼠经戊巴比妥麻醉后佩戴上颌斜面导板,对照组未佩用。依据时间不同又分为四组:1d,7d,14d,21d。采用RT-PCR技术分析各组大鼠翼外肌组织中肌分化相关基因MyoD、myogenin mRNA的表达变化。结果:未施加功能矫形力的大鼠翼外肌组织MyoD表达伴随其生长发育呈现递减趋势,实验组在第7 d出现表达上调。同时,力学刺激后实验组动物myogenin的表达与对照组相比较在14 d组出现明显上调。结论:功能矫形力作用于翼外肌组织可以诱导MyoD和myogenin的表达上调进而诱导成肌细胞的分化。  相似文献   
近自然森林作为城市植被恢复的重要模式,已在我国多地开展了实践,并衍生了新的造林模式。为评估不同近自然森林建设模式的群落恢复进程,本研究以上海城市裸地上重建的近自然森林为对象,通过长期监测两处分别应用原"宫胁法"与新"异龄复层落叶—常绿混交林"种植模式的近自然森林重建过程,从物种组成、垂直结构、生活型组成和目标恢复物种4个方面解析恢复动态。结果表明:两种造林模式恢复的近自然森林,随恢复进程其物种组成逐渐趋同,在十多年内已形成了落叶—常绿垂直混交结构;"异龄复层落叶—常绿混交林"造林模式可更好地促进常绿阔叶树种的恢复,尤其是常绿建群种红楠与小叶青冈。本研究证实了近自然森林恢复技术可以缩短亚热森林群落向演替后期发展的时间,以及新造林模式的有效性,为近自然森林技术的应用与实施提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
中国社会经济快速转型背景下土地利用变化所引发的环境问题被广泛关注。以土地利用现状遥感监测数据和统计资料为数据源,借助ArcGIS和SIMCA-P软件平台,基于"三生"空间视角,通过生态环境质量指数测度了1980—2018年甘肃省土地利用转型的生态环境效应,并运用偏最小二乘法揭示生态环境质量演变的驱动机制。研究发现:(1)"三生"空间结构演化和地域分异显著。生产、生活空间集中分布于河西走廊、陇中和陇东黄土高原并呈扩张态势;生态空间主要分布于陇南山地、甘南高原、祁连山地和河西走廊以北地带且整体呈缩减趋势;生产、生活空间的增长源于对生态空间的侵占。(2)生态环境质量改善和恶化趋势并存,整体上经历了先下降后上升的"U"形演化过程;空间上呈"东南高-西北低"的分布特征,空间格局演化具有明显的集聚性。(3)生态建设、科技进步等对生态环境改善具有明显的促进作用;而人口增加、社会消费水平提升在一定程度上加剧了生态环境压力;对外贸易对生态环境的影响具有双面性。  相似文献   
天童常绿阔叶树种栲树生殖个体大小及其生殖构件特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对浙江天童木荷-栲树林内的常绿阔叶树种栲树(Castanopsis fargesii Franch.)的生殖个体大小、生殖构件的分布及其动态变化特征进行了研究。结果表明, 该地区栲树生殖个体的胸径在17~50 cm 间, 平均胸径为31. 2±8.0 cm, 平均年龄约36.3±6.6 年;林缘附近的生殖个体小于木荷-林内。相对稳定的群落和比较丰富的土壤养分条件有利于生殖枝数量和花序数量的增多。栲树生殖个体的数量在两年中变化较大, 部分栲树个体可以在连续年份中生殖。从枝系水平分析:在持续生殖的栲树个体上, 生殖枝数量有明显变化, 并非所有的生殖枝在两年中都可开花或结果, 保持连续生殖的枝系约占48.2%。栲树果序枝数量在连续年份有明显差异(p < 0.01), 而且果序枝上的幼蕾数、果实数量及结实率等都有明显差异(p < 0.05)。  相似文献   
构建博尔纳病病毒pEGFP-p24基因重组表达质粒。通过PCR方法扩增获得博尔纳病痛毒p24基因的完整序列,将此片段定向克隆到pEGFP-N1载体多克隆位点区,筛选重组阳性菌株,提取重组质粒,利用PCR方法和核酸序列测定验证重组质粒构建的正确性。PCR及核酸序列测定证明博尔纳病病毒pEGFP-p24基因重组表达质粒构建成功。构建的重组质粒将为研究博尔纳病病毒p24基因在真核细胞中的功能和作用提供实验依据。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Biochemical testing for pheochromocytoma by measurement of fractionated plasma metanephrines is limited by false positive rates of up to 18% in people without known genetic predisposition to the disease. The plasma normetanephrine fraction is responsible for most false positives and plasma normetanephrine increases with age. The objective of this study was to determine if we could improve the specificity of fractionated plasma measurements, by statistically adjusting for age. METHODS: An age-adjusted metanephrine score was derived using logistic regression from 343 subjects (including 33 people with pheochromocytoma) who underwent fractionated plasma metanephrine measurements as part of investigations for suspected pheochromocytoma at Mayo Clinic Rochester (derivation set). The performance of the age-adjusted score was validated in a dataset of 158 subjects (including patients 23 with pheochromocytoma) that underwent measurements of fractionated plasma metanephrines at Mayo Clinic the following year (validation dataset). None of the participants in the validation dataset had known genetic predisposition to pheochromocytoma. RESULTS: The sensitivity of the age-adjusted metanephrine score was the same as that of traditional interpretation of fractionated plasma metanephrine measurements, yielding a sensitivity of 100% (23/23, 95% confidence interval [CI] 85.7%, 100%). However, the false positive rate with traditional interpretation of fractionated plasma metanephrine measurements was 16.3% (22/135, 95% CI, 11.0%, 23.4%) and that of the age-adjusted score was significantly lower at 3.0% (4/135, 95% CI, 1.2%, 7.4%) (p < 0.001 using McNemar's test). CONCLUSION: An adjustment for age in the interpretation of results of fractionated plasma metanephrines may significantly decrease false positives when using this test to exclude sporadic pheochromocytoma. Such improvements in false positive rate may result in savings of expenditures related to confirmatory imaging.  相似文献   
We report the development of 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci in pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) using an unenriched genomic library. The number of the alleles ranged from two to 18 and observed hererozygosity ranged from 0.0286 to 0.9429, indicating that these markers will be useful for population studies and mapping in pacific white shrimp. Seven loci were detected deviated from Hardy–Weinberg, caused by deficiency of heterozygote, suggesting population genetic structure across the sampled population. No evidence for linkage disequilibrium was found.  相似文献   
Nonribosomal peptides (NRPs) are molecules produced by microorganisms that have a broad spectrum of biological activities and pharmaceutical applications (e.g., antibiotic, immunomodulating, and antitumor activities). One particularity of the NRPs is the biodiversity of their monomers, extending far beyond the 20 proteogenic amino acid residues. Norine, a comprehensive database of NRPs, allowed us to review for the first time the main characteristics of the NRPs and especially their monomer biodiversity. Our analysis highlighted a significant similarity relationship between NRPs synthesized by bacteria and those isolated from metazoa, especially from sponges, supporting the hypothesis that some NRPs isolated from sponges are actually synthesized by symbiotic bacteria rather than by the sponges themselves. A comparison of peptide monomeric compositions as a function of biological activity showed that some monomers are specific to a class of activities. An analysis of the monomer compositions of peptide products predicted from genomic information (metagenomics and high-throughput genome sequencing) or of new peptides detected by mass spectrometry analysis applied to a culture supernatant can provide indications of the origin of a peptide and/or its biological activity.Nonribosomal peptides (NRPs) are molecules produced by microorganisms and synthesized by huge multienzymatic complexes (38, 41), called nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs). These megaenzymes are organized into modules, one for each amino acid to be built into the peptide product. This is accomplished by division of each catalytic step into specialized semiautonomous domains. The basic set of domains (adenylation, thiolation, and condensation) within a module can be extended by substrate-modifying domains, including domains for substrate epimerization, β hydroxylation, N methylation, and heterocyclic ring formation. The peptide release is catalyzed by a thioesterase domain which can also, in many cases, be involved in an intramolecular reaction leading to a cyclic or partially cyclic peptide or, in fewer cases, in the oligomerization of peptide units (iterative biosynthesis). NRPs show a broad spectrum of biological activities and pharmaceutical applications. They can harbor antimicrobial, immunomodulator, or antitumor activities. Cyclosporine (5), an immunosuppressant drug widely used in organ transplantation, daptomycin (60) (marketed in the United States under the trade name Cubicin), used in the treatment of certain infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria, aminoadipyl-cysteinyl-valine (ACV)-tripeptide, which is the precursor of cephalosporin and penicillin (29), the most famous antibiotic, and also bleomycin (57), used in the treatment of several cancers, are some common examples of NRPs of high therapeutic importance. Two main structural traits distinguish these peptides from ribosomally synthesized peptides: first, their primary structure is more frequently cyclic (partially or totally) branched or polycyclic rather than linear and, second, the biodiversity of monomers incorporated in NRPs goes far beyond the 20 proteogenic amino acids residues. NRP monomers include modified versions of the proteogenic amino acids (e.g., methylated, hydroxylated, and d-forms) but also other monomers, such as, for example, 2-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib), hydroxyphenylglycine (Hpg), and 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (diOH-Bz). However, essential characteristics of this diversity and its relationship with biological functions and producing organisms have been poorly understood until now.The development of the Norine database, the first resource entirely dedicated to NRPs (8, 9), filled this gap. Based on Norine data, we performed the first large-scale analysis of about a thousand peptides which represent a total coverage of more than 10,000 monomer occurrences, revealing the presence of as many as 500 different monomer types. A data-mining analysis of the monomeric compositions of NRPs allowed us to reveal a strong relationship between certain monomeric characteristics of NRPs and their biological function and producing organism. In addition to providing a comprehensive overview of monomeric biodiversity in NRPs, this work demonstrated (i) a dissimilarity of structural properties between bacterial and fungal NRPs; (ii) a significant relationship between NRPs synthesized by bacteria and those isolated from metazoa, especially from sponges, supporting the hypothesis that the peptides isolated from sponges are in reality synthesized by symbiotic bacteria rather than by the sponges themselves; and (iii) a certain monomer specificity to a class of biological activities. Those observations are supported by successful statistical predictions of biological activities of NRPs based on their monomeric compositions.  相似文献   
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