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Bhargava  S. N.  Tandon  R. N. 《Mycopathologia》1963,21(3-4):169-178
Summary The effect of different sulphur and phosphorus compounds on the growth and reproduction of three fungi causing storage rot, viz.,Fusarium solani, Botryodiplodia ananassae andMacrophomina phaseoli has been studied. Sixteen different sources of sulphur were used and out of them magnesium sulphate was found to be most favourable for the growth and reproduction of all the three fungi. Sodium sulphite and sodium bisulphite were toxic. Potassium metabisulphite prevented growth ofF. solani and M. phaseoli while it supported moderate growth ofB. ananassae. Only magnesium sulphate could induce the sporulation ofB. ananassae while sporulation and sclerotial development ofF. solani andM. phaseoli respectively varied with the type of sulphur sources used. Optimum concentration of magnesium sulphate was also determined and it was found that the growth and sporulation ofF. solani andB. ananassae were best at 0.375 g/l and 0.75 g/l.M. phaseoli tolerated higher doses of this substance as the best growth and excellent sclerotial development were recorded at 3.0 g/l (the maximum concentration used). Phosphorus was found to be essential for the present fungi as none of them could grow in complete absence of this substance. Onthophosphates and nucleic acid, were found to be favourable sources for growth and reproduction of the 3 organisms.  相似文献   
Formalin-fixed platelets have been used to study the binding of adenine nucleotides in order to avoid the complications of nucleotide metabolism and to achieve steady-state binding. Sp-adenosine-5'-(1-thiotriphosphate) (Sp-ATP-alpha-S) binds to platelets at two sites (Kd1 3 nM; 31,000 sites/platelet; Kd2 200 nM; 300,000 sites/platelet) as compared with values for ADP under these conditions (Kd1 30 nM; 25,000 sites/platelet and Kd2 3 microM; 400,000 sites/platelet) (bound/total approximately 0.1). Competition binding experiments showed that both of the ATP-alpha-S sites were accessible to ADP and vice versa. [35S]ATP-alpha-S was photoaffinity cross-linked to unfixed platelets by direct irradiation with ultraviolet light. A single radiolabeled component (120 kDa) was identified and shown to be identical with the alpha subunit of GPIIb based on two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by Western blotting with anti-GPIIb monoclonal antibodies, by isoelectric focusing (pI 4.5-5.5), by immunoaffinity adsorption using monoclonal anti-GPIIb/IIIa antibodies coupled to Sepharose, and by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. Amino-terminal sequencing of a tryptic fragment labeled with [35S]ATP-alpha-S identified an 18-kDa domain beginning at Tyr-198 in the primary sequence of GPIIb alpha. These studies demonstrate the presence of an adenine nucleotide-binding site on GPIIb alpha.  相似文献   
Chelation of lead during co-exposure to ethanol   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Efficacy of calcium disodium EDTA, D-penicillamine (DPA), 2,3 dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), and alpha-mercapto-beta-(2-furyl) acrylic acid (MFA) to reduce the body burden of lead and restore the altered biochemical variables in lead or lead + ethanol administered rats was investigated. The investigation was aimed to suggest suitable prophylaxis of lead intoxication prevalent among workers co-exposed to lead and alcohol ingestion. Administration of lead (10 mg/kg, oral, once daily for 8 weeks) produced a significant inhibition in the activity of blood delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD), elevation in the blood zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) and urinary elimination of lead and delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). Lead contents of blood, liver, kidney and brain were also significantly higher than the normal control. The above changes were more marked in animals co-exposed to lead + ethanol (20% in drinking water) compared to lead alone. All the chelators were effective in increasing the urinary lead elimination, reducing the above biochemical alterations and lead contents of tissues. The order of effectiveness being DMSA greater than Calcium disodium EDTA greater than DPA greater than MFA. However, the protection was more noticeable in animals treated with lead alone than with lead and ethanol.  相似文献   
After treatment with potassium chromate at concentrations causing ultramicroscopic cellular lesions, a significant proportion (up to 75%) of TA100 colonies fail to replicate on fresh minimal plates containing biotin. This suggests that chromium(VI) may not always induce his- reversion to his+ in Salmonella TA100. The terms 'false' or phenotypic reversion have been used to distinguish such instances from 'true' or genotypic reversion, where progeny his+ cells readily grow on biotin replica plates. Results of the present study indicate that the majority of chromate-exposed colonies, initially scored as his-, are identifiable as his+ after 24 h culture on nutrient agar. Moreover, chromate exerts a cytostatic effect on TA100 since early colony development is suppressed at high chromate concentrations. A gradual chemical reduction of chromium(VI) ions by normal media compounds is probably responsible for the re-emergence of colony growth during prolonged incubation of test plates. Thus, temporary growth inhibition at high chromate concentration appears to be responsible for most of the non-replicating colonies detected in mutagenicity assays of chromium(VI).  相似文献   
Irregular nuclear shapes are a hallmark of human cancers. Recent studies suggest that alterations to chromatin regulators may cause irregular nuclear morphologies. Here we screened an epigenetic small molecule library consisting of 145 compounds against chromatin regulators for their ability to revert abnormal nuclear shapes that were induced by gene knockdown in noncancerous MCF10A human mammary breast epithelial cells. We leveraged a previously validated quantitative Fourier approach to quantify the elliptical Fourier coefficient (EFC ratio) as a measure of nuclear irregularities, which allowed us to perform rigorous statistical analyses of screening data. Top hit compounds fell into three major mode of action categories, targeting three separate epigenetic modulation routes: 1) histone deacetylase inhibitors, 2) bromodomain and extraterminal domain protein inhibitors, and 3) methyl-transferase inhibitors. Some of the top hit compounds were also efficacious in reverting nuclear irregularities in MDA-MB-231 triple negative breast cancer cells and in PANC-1 pancreatic cancer cells in a cell-type-dependent manner. Regularization of nuclear shapes was compound-specific, cell-type specific, and dependent on the specific molecular perturbation that induced nuclear irregularities. Our approach of targeting nuclear abnormalities may be potentially useful in screening new types of cancer therapies targeted toward chromatin structure.  相似文献   
The class B scavenger receptor CD36 has numerous ligands that include modified forms of low density lipoprotein, fibrillar amyloid, apoptotic cells, and Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cells, linking this molecule to atherosclerosis, Alzheimer disease, malaria, and other diseases. We studied the signaling events that follow receptor engagement and lead to CD36 and ligand internalization. We show that oxidized low density lipoprotein or antibody-induced clustering of CD36 triggers macropinocytosis and internalization of the receptor-ligand complex. Remarkably, however, CD36 internalization is independent of macropinocytosis and occurs by a novel endocytic mechanism that depends on actin, but not dynamin. This actin-driven endocytosis requires the activation Src family kinases, JNK, and Rho family GTPases, but, unlike macropinocytosis, it is not affected by inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase or Na/H exchange. Manipulation of this unique mode of internalization may prove helpful in the prevention and management of the wide range of diseases in which CD36 is implicated.Uptake and storage of cholesterol by macrophages are key contributors to the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. Endothelial cells, seemingly activated by the deposition of modified forms of low-density lipoprotein (LDL),3 release chemokines that recruit macrophages into the vascular intima. Infiltrated macrophages can then readily oxidize and take up the modified LDL. Accumulation of lipids derived from oxidized LDL (oxLDL) transforms macrophages into foam cells, which release excess cytokines, triggering an inflammatory cascade. In addition, foam cells express proteases and other factors that contribute to plaque rupture and subsequent thrombosis.OxLDL particles are recognized by a variety of receptors, including the class A scavenger receptor SR-A and the class B scavenger receptor CD36. CD36 is thought to be responsible for ∼50% of oxLDL uptake by murine and human macrophages (13). In addition, this protein mediates cholesterol uptake from high density lipoprotein (4) and is also a receptor for internalization of oxidized high density lipoprotein (5).CD36 encodes a protein with two transmembrane domains located near the N and C termini, leaving only short cytoplasmic tails at each end. Despite having small intracellular domains, engagement of CD36 by its cognate ligands triggers signaling reactions that lead to the internalization of the resulting complex. However, the precise pathways that are activated and the specific mode of internalization remain unclear.Jones and Willingham (6) demonstrated that, in macrophages, modified LDL stimulates ruffling activity and the formation of phase-bright macropinosomes. By transmission electron microscopy they found that gold-conjugated modified LDL associated with ruffles and was present within macropinosomes. These observations underlie the widely accepted view that uptake of modified LDL occurs by macropinocytosis. However, Zeng et al. (7) showed that internalized DiI-oxLDL and CD36 were found in moderately sized cytoplasmic structures that co-localized with a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein, suggesting uptake via lipid raft endocytosis. Moreover, Sun et al. (8) reported that uptake of oxLDL by CD36 was independent of actin but dependent on dynamin. The results of these two studies are not easily reconciled with mediation by macropinocytosis, an actin-dependent process that generates large vacuoles, and they suggest instead that CD36 is internalized by a more conventional endocytic pathway.It is not clear whether the apparent discrepancy stems from the engagement of different receptors in the different biological systems used in these studies. Jones and Willingham used macrophages, whereas Zeng et al. and Sun et al. studied, respectively, Chinese hamster ovary and COS cells heterologously transfected with CD36. The types and abundance of receptors capable of binding modified LDL in all likelihood differ greatly in these systems, and heterologous (over)expression in immortalized cells is liable to produce results of questionable biological relevance.In view of this uncertainty and considering the important and versatile roles of CD36, we set out to reexamine the mode of internalization of this receptor. We used both primary and cultured macrophages and selectively targeted CD36 using specific antibodies. The responses triggered by selective CD36 cross-linking were also compared with those elicited by oxLDL. We show that clustering CD36 initiates a signaling cascade that results in the activation of both macropinocytosis and internalization of CD36. Remarkably, however, CD36 internalization is largely independent of macropinocytosis and occurs by a novel dynamin-independent, actin-driven process that requires activation of Src family and c-Jun N-terminal kinases.  相似文献   
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