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Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells are widely used in developmental biology and transgenic research. Despite numerous studies, ultrastructural reorganization of inner cell mass (ICM) cells during in vitro culture has not yet been described in detail. Here, we for the first time performed comparative morphological and morphometric analyses of three ES cell lines during their derivation in vitro. We compared morphological characteristics of blastocyst ICM cells at 3.5 and 4.5 days post coitum on feeder cells (day 6, passage 0) with those of ES cells at different passages (day 19, passage 2; day 25, passage 4; and passage 15). At passage 0, there were 23–36% of ES-like cells with various values of the medium cross-sectional area and nucleocytoplasmic parameters, 55% of fibroblast-like (probably trophoblast derivatives), and ~?19% of dying cells. ES-like cells at passage 0 contained autolysosomes and enlarged mitochondria with reduced numerical density per cell. There were three types of mitochondria that differed in matrix density and cristae width. For the first time, we revealed cells that had two and sometimes three morphologically distinct mitochondria types in the cytoplasm. At passage 2, there were mostly ES cells with a high nucleocytoplasmic ratio and a cytoplasm depleted of organelles. At passage 4, ES cell morphology and morphometric parameters were mostly stable with little heterogeneity. According to our data, cellular structures of ICM cells undergo destabilization during derivation of an ES cell line with subsequent reorganization into the structures typical for ES cells. On the basis of ultrastructural analysis of mitochondria, we believe that the functional activity of these organelles changes during early stages of ES cell formation from the ICM.  相似文献   
Climate change, biodiversity loss, and chemical pollution are planetary-scale emergencies requiring urgent mitigation actions. As these “triple crises” are deeply interlinked, they need to be tackled in an integrative manner. However, while climate change and biodiversity are often studied together, chemical pollution as a global change factor contributing to worldwide biodiversity loss has received much less attention in biodiversity research so far. Here, we review evidence showing that the multifaceted effects of anthropogenic chemicals in the environment are posing a growing threat to biodiversity and ecosystems. Therefore, failure to account for pollution effects may significantly undermine the success of biodiversity protection efforts. We argue that progress in understanding and counteracting the negative impact of chemical pollution on biodiversity requires collective efforts of scientists from different disciplines, including but not limited to ecology, ecotoxicology, and environmental chemistry. Importantly, recent developments in these fields have now enabled comprehensive studies that could efficiently address the manifold interactions between chemicals and ecosystems. Based on their experience with intricate studies of biodiversity, ecologists are well equipped to embrace the additional challenge of chemical complexity through interdisciplinary collaborations. This offers a unique opportunity to jointly advance a seminal frontier in pollution ecology and facilitate the development of innovative solutions for environmental protection.  相似文献   

Heart diseases are one of the main causes of death. The incidence risks were assessed for various types of heart diseases (HDs) in a cohort of Russian nuclear workers of the Mayak Production Association (PA) who had been chronically occupationally exposed to external gamma and/ or internal alpha radiation. The study cohort included all workers (22,377 individuals) who had been hired at the Mayak PA during 1948–1982 and followed up until 31 December 2018. The mean gamma-absorbed dose to the liver (standard deviation) was 0.43 (0.63) Gy, and the mean alpha-absorbed dose to the liver was 0.25 (1.19) Gy. Excess relative risk (ERR) per unit liver-absorbed dose (Gy) was calculated based on maximum likelihood. At the end of the follow-up, 559 chronic rheumatic heart disease (CRHD), 7722 ischemic heart disease (IHD) [including 2185 acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and 3976 angina pectoris (AP)], 4939 heart failure (HF), and 3689 cardiac arrhythmia and conduction disorder (CACD) cases were verified in the study cohort. Linear model fits of the gamma dose response for HDs were best once adjustments for non-radiation factors (sex, attained age, calendar period, smoking status and alcohol consumption) and alpha dose were included. ERR/Gy in males and females was 0.17 (95% confidence intervals: 0.10, 0.26) and 0.23 (0.09, 0.38) for IHD; 0.18 (0.09, 0.29) and 0.26 (0.08, 0.49) for AP; ? 0.01 (n/a, 0.1) and ? 0.01 (n/a, 0.27) for AMI; 0.27 (0.16, 0.40) and 0.27 (0.10, 0.49) for HF; 0.32 (0.19, 0.46) and 0.05 (? 0.09, 0.22) for CACD; 0.73 (? 0.02, 2.40) and ? 0.12 (? 0.50, 0.69) for CRHD, respectively. Sensitivity analyses demonstrated the persistence of a significant dose–response regardless of exclusion/inclusion of adjustments for known potential non-radiation confounders (smoking, alcohol consumption, body mass index, hypertension, diabetes mellitus), and it was only the magnitude of the risk estimate that varied. The risks of HD incidence were not modified with sex (except for the CACD risk). This study provides evidence for a significant association of certain types of HDs with cumulative dose of occupational chronic external exposure to gamma radiation.

Even though rats are popular model animals, the ultrastructure of their pluripotent cells, that is, embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), remains unexplored, although fine structure of pluripotent stem cells of mice and humans and its changes during differentiation have been investigated well. In the present study, we carried out ultrastructural and morphometric analyses of three lines of rat ESCs and two lines of rat iPSCs. The rat pluripotent stem cells were found to have the main typical morphological features of pluripotent cells: large nuclei of irregular or nearly round shape, scanty cytoplasm with few membrane organelles, and a poorly developed Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum. The cytoplasm of the rat pluripotent cells contains clusters of glycogen, previously described in human ESCs. To identify possible differences between rat ESCs and iPSCs, we performed a morphometric analysis of cell parameters. The mean area of cells and nuclei, the nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, distributions of glycogen and diversity of mitochondria showed marked variations among the lines of rat pluripotent stem cells and were more pronounced than variations between rat ESCs and iPSCs as separate types of pluripotent stem cells. We noted morphological heterogeneity of the mitochondrial population in the rat pluripotent stem cells. The cells contained three types of mitochondria differing in the structure of cristae and in matrix density, and our morphometric analysis revealed differences in cristae structure.  相似文献   
Human serum albumin (HSA) nanoparticles emerge as promising carriers for drug delivery. Among challenges, one important issue is the design of HSA nanoparticles with a low mean size of ca. 50?nm and having a high drug payload. The original strategy developed here is to use sacrificial mesoporous nanosilica templates having a diameter close to 30?nm to drive the protein nanocapsule formation. This new approach ensures first an efficient high drug loading (ca. 30%) of Doxorubicin (DOX) in the porous silica by functionalizing silica with an aminosiloxane layer and then allows the one-step adsorption and the physical cross-linking of HSA by modifying the silica surface with isobutyramide (IBAM) groups. After silica template removal, homogenous DOX-loaded HSA nanocapsules (30–60?nm size) with high drug loading capacity (ca. 88%) are thus formed. Such nanocapsules are shown efficient in multicellular tumor spheroid models (MCTS) of human hepatocarcinoma cells by their significant growth inhibition with respect to controls. Such a new synthesis approach paves the way toward new protein based nanocarriers for drug delivery.  相似文献   
Purinergic Signalling - Extracellular ATP and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (β-NAD) demonstrate properties of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in peripheral and central nervous...  相似文献   


The X-chromosome-linked clusters of the tandemly repeated testis-specific Stellate genes of Drosophila melanogaster, encoding proteins homologous to the regulatory β-subunit of the protein kinase casein kinase 2 (CK2), are repressed in wild-type males. Derepression of Stellate genes in the absence of the Y chromosome or Y-linked crystal locus (crystal line) causes accumulation of abundant protein crystals in testes and different meiotic abnormalities, which lead to partial or complete male sterility. To understand the cause of abnormalities in chromosome behavior owing to Stellate overexpression, we studied subcellular localization of Stellate proteins by biochemical fractionation and immunostaining of whole testes. We showed that, apart from the known accumulation of Stellate in crystalline form, soluble Stellate was located exclusively in the nucleoplasm, whereas Stellate crystals were located mainly in the cytoplasm. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that the α-subunit of the protein kinase CK2 (CK2α) was associated with soluble Stellate. Interaction between soluble Stellate and CK2α in the nucleus could lead to modulations in the phosphorylation of nuclear targets of CK2 and abnormalities in the meiotic segregation of chromosomes. We also observed that Stellate underwent lysine methylation and mimicked trimethyl-H3K9 epigenetic modification of histone H3 tail.  相似文献   
Genomic and proteomic data were integrated into the proteogenomic workflow to identify coding genomic variants of Human Embryonic Kidney 293 (HEK‐293) cell line at the proteome level. Shotgun proteome data published by Geiger et al. (2012), Chick et al. (2015), and obtained in this work for HEK‐293 were searched against the customized genomic database generated using exome data published by Lin et al. (2014). Overall, 112 unique variants were identified at the proteome level out of ~1200 coding variants annotated in the exome. Seven identified variants were shared between all the three considered proteomic datasets, and 27 variants were found in any two datasets. Some of the found variants belonged to widely known genomic polymorphisms originated from the germline, while the others were more likely resulting from somatic mutations. At least, eight of the proteins bearing amino acid variants were annotated as cancer‐related ones, including p53 tumor suppressor. In all the considered shotgun datasets, the variant peptides were at the ratio of 1:2.5 less likely being identified than the wild‐type ones compared with the corresponding theoretical peptides. This can be explained by the presence of the so‐called “passenger” mutations in the genes, which were never expressed in HEK‐293 cells. All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with the dataset identifier PXD002613 ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD002613 ).  相似文献   
CRISPR immunity depends on acquisition of fragments of foreign DNA into CRISPR arrays. For type I-E CRISPR–Cas systems two modes of spacer acquisition, naïve and primed adaptation, were described. Naïve adaptation requires just two most conserved Cas1 and Cas2 proteins; it leads to spacer acquisition from both foreign and bacterial DNA and results in multiple spacers incapable of immune response. Primed adaptation requires all Cas proteins and a CRISPR RNA recognizing a partially matching target. It leads to selective acquisition of spacers from DNA molecules recognized by priming CRISPR RNA, with most spacers capable of protecting the host. Here, we studied spacer acquisition by a type I-F CRISPR–Cas system. We observe both naïve and primed adaptation. Both processes require not just Cas1 and Cas2, but also intact Csy complex and CRISPR RNA. Primed adaptation shows a gradient of acquisition efficiency as a function of distance from the priming site and a strand bias that is consistent with existence of single-stranded adaption intermediates. The results provide new insights into the mechanism of spacer acquisition and illustrate surprising mechanistic diversity of related CRISPR–Cas systems.  相似文献   
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