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The subgenus Ceratochloa of the genus Bromus includes a number of closely related allopolyploid forms or species that present a difficult taxonomic problem. The present work combines data concerning chromosome length, heterochromatin distribution and nuclear genome size of different 6x, 8x and 12x accessions in this subgenus. Special attention is paid to the karyotype structure and genomic constitution of duodecaploid plants recently found in South America. Hexaploid lineages possess six almost indistinguishable genomes and a nuclear DNA content between 12.72 pg and 15.10 pg (mean 1Cx value = 2.32 pg), whereas octoploid lineages contain the same six genomes (AABBCC) plus two that are characterized by longer chromosomes and a greater DNA content (1Cx = 4.47 pg). Two duodecaploid accessions found in South America resemble each other and apparently differ from the North American duodecaploid B. arizonicus as regards chromosome size and nuclear DNA content (40.00 and 40.50 pg vs. 27.59 pg). These observations suggest that the South American duodecaploids represent a separate evolutionary lineage of the B. subgenus Ceratochloa, unrecognized heretofore.  相似文献   
Understanding both the role of selection in driving phenotypic change and its underlying genetic basis remain major challenges in evolutionary biology. Here, we use modern tools to revisit a classic system of local adaptation in the North American deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus, which occupies two main habitat types: prairie and forest. Using historical collections, we find that forest‐dwelling mice have longer tails than those from nonforested habitat, even when we account for individual and population relatedness. Using genome‐wide SNP data, we show that mice from forested habitats in the eastern and western parts of their range form separate clades, suggesting that increased tail length evolved independently. We find that forest mice in the east and west have both more and longer caudal vertebrae, but not trunk vertebrae, than nearby prairie forms. By intercrossing prairie and forest mice, we show that the number and length of caudal vertebrae are not correlated in this recombinant population, indicating that variation in these traits is controlled by separate genetic loci. Together, these results demonstrate convergent evolution of the long‐tailed forest phenotype through two distinct genetic mechanisms, affecting number and length of vertebrae, and suggest that these morphological changes—either independently or together—are adaptive.  相似文献   
Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) seedlings were grown in controlled environment growth cabinets and fumigated with 0.4 and 1.6 g m–3 hydrogen fluoride for 2–28 days. Plasma membranes were isolated from needles of treated and control seedlings and their chemical composition and ATPase activity examined to determine early effects of hydrogen fluoride action. In plants treated for 2 days with both fluoride levels, ratios of plasma membrane free sterols:phospholipids and sterols:proteins were drastically higher than ratios in control plants. Seedlings treated with hydrogen fluoride for 8 days contained plasma membranes with elevated phospholipid:protein and sterol:protein ratios and their plasma membrane ATPase activity was higher than that of control plants. Prolonged, 28-day hydrogen fluoride treatment with 1.6 g m–3 level was the only treatment which produced a drastic inhibition of plasma membrane ATPase activity. During the initial stages of hydrogen fluoride treatment, treated cells did not show alterations of ultrastructure which were previously shown in cells of plants treated with soil applied sodium fluoride. The results of the present study indicate that the plasma membranes may be among the initial sites of hydrogen fluoride injury to plants as well as initial sites of defense reaction.  相似文献   
Polyglutamylation is a post-translational modification in which glutamate side chains of variable lengths are formed on the modified protein. It is evolutionarily conserved from protists to mammals and its most prominent substrate is tubulin, the microtubule (MT) building block. Various polyglutamylation states of MTs can be distinguished within a single cell and they are also characteristic of specific cell types or organelles. Polyglutamylation has been proposed to be involved in the functional adaptation of MTs, as it occurs within the carboxy-terminal tubulin tails that participate directly in the binding of many structural and motor MT-associated proteins. The discovery of a new family of enzymes that catalyse this modification has brought new insight into the mechanism of polyglutamylation and now allows for direct functional studies of the role of tubulin polyglutamylation. Moreover, the recent identification of new substrates of polyglutamylation indicates that this post-translational modification could be a potential regulator of diverse cellular processes.  相似文献   
Infection with HIV-1 causes degeneration of neurons leading to motor and cognitive dysfunction in AIDS patients. One of the key viral regulatory proteins, Tat, which is released by infected cells, can be taken up by various uninfected cells including neurons and by dysregulating several biological events induces cell injury and death. In earlier studies, we demonstrated that treatment of neuronal cells with Tat affects the nerve growth factor (NGF) signaling pathway involving MAPK/ERK. Here we demonstrate that a decrease in the level of Egr-1, one of the targets for MAPK, by Tat has a negative impact on the level of p35 expression in NGF-treated neural cells. Further, we demonstrate a reduced level of Egr-1 association with the p35 promoter sequence in NGF-treated cells expressing Tat. As p35, by associating with Cdk5, phosphorylates several neuronal proteins including neurofilaments and plays a role in neuronal differentiation and survival, we examined kinase activity of p35 complexes obtained from cells expressing Tat. Results from H1 kinase assays showed reduced activity of the p35 complex from Tat-expressing cells in comparison to that from control cells. Accordingly, the level of phosphorylated neurofilaments was diminished in Tat-expressing cells. Similarly, treatment of PC12 cells with Tat protein or supernatant from HIV-1 infected cells decreased kinase activity of p35 in these cells. These observations ascribe a role for Tat in altering p35 expression and its activity that affects phosphorylation of proteins involved in neuronal cell survival.  相似文献   
We report here that large conductance K+ selective channel in adrenal chromaffin granules is controlled by pH. We measured electrogenic influx of 86Rb+ into chromaffin granules prepared from bovine adrenal gland medulla. The 86Rb+ influx was inhibited by acidic pH. Purified chromaffin granule membranes were also fused with planar lipid bilayer. A potassium channel with conductance of 432±9 pS in symmetric 450 mM KCl was observed after reconstitution into lipid bilayer. The channel activity was unaffected by charybdotoxin, a blocker of the Ca2+-activated K+ channel of large conductance. It was observed that acidification to pH 6.4 cis side of the membrane lowered the channel open probability and single channel conductance. Whereas only weak influence on the single channel current amplitude and open probability were observed upon lowering of the pH at the trans side. We conclude that a pH-sensitive large conductance potassium channel operates in the chromaffin granule membrane.  相似文献   

1-(β-D-Ribofuranosy1)-2(1H)-pyridone-3-carboxamide (6a) and the 6(1H)-pyridone derivative (6b) were prepared by condensation of 1,2,3,5-tetra-O-acetyl-β-D-ribofuranose (3) with 2- and 6-hydroxynicotinic acid, respectively, to 4a and 4b, followed by conversion of the carboxylic acid function of 4a,b into their corresponding carboxamides 5, and then deprotection of 5. Bath 6a and 6b were then treated with 1,3-dichlom-1,1,3,3-tetraisopropyldisiloxane to give the corresponding 3′,5′-O-TPDS derivatives, 7a and 7b. Mesylation of 7a,b with mesyl chloride in pyridine afforded the stable, protected mesylates 8a,b. Upon de-O-silylation of 8a,b with ET3NHF gave a mixture of unprotectd mesylates 9a,b and 2,2-anhydro- and 6,2′-anhydronucleosides, 1a and 1b. Upon storage of 9a,b at man temperature, they are quantitatively converted into 1a,b. Mild alkaline hydrolysis of 1a,b afforded their corresponding arabino nucleosides 10a,b.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Cell wall pectins and arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are important for pollen tube growth. The aim of this work was to study the temporal and spatial dynamics of these compounds in olive pollen during germination.


Immunoblot profiling analyses combined with confocal and transmission electron microscopy immunocytochemical detection techniques were carried out using four anti-pectin (JIM7, JIM5, LM5 and LM6) and two anti-AGP (JIM13 and JIM14) monoclonal antibodies.

Key Results

Pectin and AGP levels increased during olive pollen in vitro germination. (1 → 4)-β-d-Galactans localized in the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell, the pollen wall and the apertural intine. After the pollen tube emerged, galactans localized in the pollen tube wall, particularly at the tip, and formed a collar-like structure around the germinative aperture. (1 → 5)-α-l-Arabinans were mainly present in the pollen tube cell wall, forming characteristic ring-shaped deposits at regular intervals in the sub-apical zone. As expected, the pollen tube wall was rich in highly esterified pectic compounds at the apex, while the cell wall mainly contained de-esterified pectins in the shank. The wall of the generative cell was specifically labelled with arabinans, highly methyl-esterified homogalacturonans and JIM13 epitopes. In addition, the extracellular material that coated the outer exine layer was rich in arabinans, de-esterified pectins and JIM13 epitopes.


Pectins and AGPs are newly synthesized in the pollen tube during pollen germination. The synthesis and secretion of these compounds are temporally and spatially regulated. Galactans might provide mechanical stability to the pollen tube, reinforcing those regions that are particularly sensitive to tension stress (the pollen tube–pollen grain joint site) and mechanical damage (the tip). Arabinans and AGPs might be important in recognition and adhesion phenomena of the pollen tube and the stylar transmitting cells, as well as the egg and sperm cells.  相似文献   
Exposure to temperatures over a certain limit leads to massive protein aggregation in the cell. Disaggregation of such aggregates is largely dependent on the Hsp100 and Hsp70 chaperones. The exact role of the Hsp70 chaperone machine (composed of DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE) in the Hsp100-dependent process remains unknown. In this study we focused on the Hsp70 role at the initial step of the disaggregation process. Two different aggregated model substrates, green fluorescent protein (GFP) and firefly luciferase, were incubated with the Hsp70 machine resulting in efficient fragmentation of large aggregates into smaller ones. Our data suggest that the observed fragmentation is achieved first by extraction of polypeptides from aggregates in Hsp70 chaperone machine-dependent manner and not by direct fragmentation of large aggregates. In the absence of Hsp100 (ClpB) these "extracted" polypeptides were not able to fold properly and promptly reassociated into new aggregates. The extracted GFP molecules were efficiently recognized and sequestered by a molecular trap, the mutant GroEL D87K, which binds stably to unfolded but not to native polypeptides. The binding of extracted GFP molecules to the GroEL trap prevented their reaggregation. We propose that the Hsp70 machine disentangles polypeptides from protein aggregates prior to Hsp100 action.  相似文献   
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