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The purpose of this study was to determine the potential for biosynthesis of propionic acid and vitamin B12 by Propionibacterium freudenreichii T82 in a medium containing various sources of carbon (glucose, fructose, and saccharose). These sugars are present in apple pomaces, which are the waste from the production of apple juice. Using statistical analysis design of experiments (DoE), the results allowed us to determine which sugars (carbon sources) exert the most beneficial influence on the biosynthesis of propionic acid and cobalamin. The highest production of propionic acid by the tested bacterial strain was obtained in a medium in which glucose accounted for at least 50% of the available carbon sources. Depending on the culture medium, the concentration of this metabolite ranged from 23 to 40 g/L. P. freudenreichii T82 produced the smallest amount of acid in medium in which the dominant nutrient source was saccharose. The results obtained indicated an inverse relationship between the amount of acid produced by the bacteria and vitamin B12 biosynthesis. Because of the high efficiency of propionic acid biosynthesis by P. freudenreichii T82, the prospect of using this strain to obtain propionate with the simultaneous disposal of waste materials (such as apple pomaces) which contain glucose and/or fructose is very promising.  相似文献   
Dynamic rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton power cell motility in contexts ranging from intracellular microbial pathogenesis to axon guidance. The Ena/VASP family proteins-Mena, VASP, and Evl-are believed to control cell motility by serving as a direct link between signaling events and the actin cytoskeleton. It has previously been reported that a novel miniature protein, pGolemi, binds with high affinity to the EVH1 domain of Mena (Mena1-112) but not to those of VASP (VASP1-115) or Evl (Evl1-115) and also causes an unusual defect in actin-driven Listeria monocytogenes motility. Here, scanning mutagenesis was used to examine the effects of single amino acid changes within pGolemi on EVH1 domain affinity and specificity, miniature protein secondary structure, and L. monocytogenes motility. The data suggest that pGolemi contains the expected aPP-like fold and binds Mena1-112 in a manner highly analogous to the proline-rich repeat region of L. monocytogenes ActA protein. Residues throughout pGolemi contribute to both EVH1 domain affinity and paralog specificity. Moreover, the affinities of pGolemi variants for Mena1-112 correlate with selectivity against the EVH1 domains of VASP and Evl. In L. monocytogenes motility assays, speed and speed variability correlate strongly with EVH1 paralog specificity, suggesting that the Ena/VASP paralogs do not play equivalent roles in the process of L. monocytogenes actin tail maturation.  相似文献   
Sirtuins (type III histone deacetylases) are an important member of a group of enzymes that modify chromatin conformation. We investigated the role of sirtuin inhibitor, GPI 19015, in double strand break (DSB) repair in CHO-K1 wt and xrs-6 mutant cells. The latter is defective in DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK)-mediated non-homologous end-joining (D-NHEJ). DSB were estimated by the neutral comet assay and histone gammaH2AX foci formation. We observed a weaker effect of GPI 19015 treatment on the repair kinetics in CHO wt cells than in xrs6. In the latter cells the increase in DNA repair rate was most pronounced in G1 phase and practically absent in S and G2 cell cycle phases. The decrease in the number of histone gammaH2AX foci was faster in xrs6 than in CHO-K1 cells. The altered repair rate did not affect survival of X-irradiated cells. Since in G1 xrs6 cells DNA-PK-dependent non-homologous end-joining, D-NHEJ, does not operate, these results indicate that inhibition of sirtuins modulates DNA-PK-independent (backup) non-homologous end-joining, B-NHEJ, to a greater extent than the other DSB repair system, D-NHEJ.  相似文献   
As a continuation of our search for novel histamine H3 receptor ligands a series of twenty new tert-amyl phenoxyalkylamine derivatives (221) was synthesized. Compounds of four to eight carbon atoms spacer alkyl chain were evaluated on their binding properties at human histamine H3 receptor (hH3R). The highest affinities were observed for pentyl derivatives 68 (Ki = 8.8–23.4 nM range) and among them piperidine derivative 6 with Ki = 8.8 nM. Structures 6, 7 were also classified as antagonists in cAMP accumulation assay (with EC50 = 157 and 164 nM, respectively). Moreover, new compounds were also evaluated for anticonvulsant activity in Antiepileptic Screening Program (ASP) at National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (USA). Seven compounds (24, 9, 11, 12 and 20) showed anticonvulsant activity at maximal electroshock (MES) test in the dose of 30 mg/kg at 0.5 h. In the subcutaneous pentetrazole (scMET) test compound 4 showed protection at 100 and 300 mg/kg dose at mice, however compounds showed high neurotoxicity in rotarod test at used doses. Also, molecular modeling studies were undertaken, to explain affinity of compounds at hH3R (taking into the consideration X-ray analysis of compound 18). In order to estimate “drug-likeness” of selected compounds in silico and experimental evaluation of lipophilicity, metabolic stability and cytotoxicity was performed.  相似文献   
Noninvasive imaging at the molecular level is an emerging field in biomedical research. This paper introduces a new technology synergizing two leading imaging methodologies: positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Although the value of PET lies in its high-sensitivity tracking of biomarkers in vivo, it lacks resolving morphology. MRI has lower sensitivity, but produces high soft-tissue contrast and provides spectroscopic information and functional MRI (fMRI). We have developed a three-dimensional animal PET scanner that is built into a 7-T MRI. Our evaluations show that both modalities preserve their functionality, even when operated isochronously. With this combined imaging system, we simultaneously acquired functional and morphological PET-MRI data from living mice. PET-MRI provides a powerful tool for studying biology and pathology in preclinical research and has great potential for clinical applications. Combining fMRI and spectroscopy with PET paves the way for a new perspective in molecular imaging.  相似文献   
We investigate operating system noise, which we identify as one of the main reasons for a lack of synchronicity in parallel applications. Using a microbenchmark, we measure the noise on several contemporary platforms and find that, even with a general-purpose operating system, noise can be limited if certain precautions are taken. We then inject artificially generated noise into a massively parallel system and measure its influence on the performance of collective operations. Our experiments indicate that on extreme-scale platforms, the performance is correlated with the largest interruption to the application, even if the probability of such an interruption on a single process is extremely small. We demonstrate that synchronizing the noise can significantly reduce its negative influence.
Aroon NatarajEmail:
Photometric microplate assay was performed for testing of paraoxon-inhibited acetylcholinesterase (AChE) using three reactivators for reactivation purposes: obidoxime, pralidoxime, and HI-6. 3-D graphs (percent of reactivation vs. concentration of reactivator and vs. time of reactivator effecting) were constructed for each reactivator to compare their efficacy. The best results were obtained using obidoxime where reactivation was near to 80%. Suitability of photometric microplates for following of reactivation procedures is discussed.  相似文献   
Nocardia are aerobic, catalase-positive, Gram-positive microorganisms and typically acid-alcohol fast at some stage of the growth cycle. The genus Nocardia, a member of Mycolata group, is clinically important because it is an opportunistic pathogen. The sulfonamide derivative medicines are prefered to cure infection caused by Nocardia, such as nocardiaosis and mycetoma. Antimicrobial activities of seven sulfonamide derivatives have been investigated against some Nocardia species and isolates using the disk diffusion method on Sensitest agar medium (Oxoid). Thirty-six organisms, which consisted of 10 soil isolates selected from different clusters of Aymen study (2003), six clinical isolates provided by Ege University, Medical School, Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology Department, four reference strains, 15 type strains and a control strain of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 43300 were tested. The strongest inhibition was observed in the cases of IV [N-(2-hydroxy-4-nitro-phenyl)-4-methyl-benzensulfonamid], V [N-(2-hydroxy-5-nitro-phenyl)-4-methyl-benzensulfonamid] and III [N-(2-Hydroxy-phenyl)-4-methyl-benzenesulfonamide] against Nocardia. Introducing a hydroxyl group into the ortho position on the ring increased the antimicrobial activity. Substitution of the electron withdrawing groups such as a nitro group increased the antimicrobial activity remarkably.  相似文献   
A comparative study of male and female genitalia was carried out in thirty‐seven Libyan species representing twenty genera of the family Acrididae. An attempt has been made to describe and illustrate the different structures, namely, epiphallus, aedeagus, subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci of the male, and spermatheca, ovipositor, subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci of the female, in Acridids, with an aim to discover their significance in order to make the identification of genera and species, together with other generic characters, more perfect and convenient. Distinct family characters are shield or bridge‐shaped condition of epiphallus; presence or absence of dorso‐lateral appendices, oval sclerites and lophi on epiphallus; divided, undivided or flexured condition of aedeagus; presence or absence of gonopore process on aedeagus; condition of apical and pre‐apical diverticula of spermatheca; presence or absence of glandular pouches of Cornstock and Kellog on female subgenital plate; and rudimentary or well developed condition of egg‐guide. Stable characters for separating the subfamilies are taken to be presence or absence of ancorae on epiphallus, long or short condition of aedeagal sclerites; elongate, slender or short and broad condition of ovipositor valves: presence or absence of Jannone's organs and setae on posterior margin of female subgenital plate; and shape of diverticula of spermatheca. Useful generic characters are shape of male subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci, broad or narrow condition of bridge, presence or absence of branch of bridge connecting lophi with bridge of epiphallus; mono‐, bi‐ or tri‐lobate condition of lophi of epiphallus, length and upcurved or downcurved condition of apical valve of aedeagus, shape of posterior margin of female subgenital plate, presence of setae on the whole posterior margin or confined to lateral margins only; and toothed, tuberculate or smooth condition of ovipositor valves, length of the lateral apodeme in relation to the dorsal valves. Specific characters are shape of egg‐guide of female subgenital plate, shape of ovipositor valves and apical tips, shape of male supra‐anal plate and cerci, size of anterior and posterior lobes of lophi of epiphallus, size and shape of ancorae, shape of apical valves of aedeagus; and size of apical and pre‐apical diverticula and presence of protuberance on pre‐apical diverticulum.  相似文献   
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