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There are several pathways for the incorporation of sugars intoglycosphingolipids (GSL). Sugars can be added to ceramide that containssphinganine (dihydrosphingosine) synthesized de novo (pathway 1), toceramide synthesized from sphingoid bases produced by hydrolysis ofsphingolipids (pathway 2), and into GSL recycling from the endosomalpathway through the Golgi (pathway 3). We reported previously thesurprising observation that SW13 cells, a human adrenal carcinoma cellline, synthesize most of their GSL in pathway 2. We now present data on thesynthesis of GSL in four additional cell lines. Approximately 90% of sugarincorporation took place in pathway 2, and 10% or less in pathway 1, inhuman foreskin fibroblasts and NB41A3 neuroblastoma cells. In contrast,approximately 50-90% of sugar incorporation took place in pathway 1 inC2C12 myoblasts. The C2C12 cells divide more rapidly and synthesize 10-14times as much GSL as the other three cell lines. In C6 glioma cells,approximately 30% of sugar incorporation occurred in pathway 1 and 60% inpathway 2. There was no relation between the utilization of pathways forGSL and sphingomyelin synthesis in foreskin fibroblasts and C2C12 cells. Inboth cells pathways 1 and 2 each accounted for 50% of incorporation ofcholine into sphingomyelin. In five of the six cell lines that we havestudied, most GSL synthesis takes place in pathway 2. We suggest that whenthe need for synthesis is relatively low, as in slowly dividing cells, GSLare synthesized predominantly from sphingoid bases salvaged from thehydrolytic pathway. When cells are dividing more rapidly, the need forincreased synthesis is met by upregulating the de novo pathway. 相似文献
Bryndan P. Durham Jana Grote Kerry A. Whittaker Sara J. Bender Haiwei Luo Sharon L. Grim Julia M. Brown John R. Casey Antony Dron Lennin Florez-Leiva Andreas Krupke Catherine M. Luria Aric H. Mine Olivia D. Nigro Santhiska Pather Agathe Talarmin Emma K. Wear Thomas S. Weber Jesse M. Wilson Matthew J. Church Edward F. DeLong David M. Karl Grieg F. Steward John M. Eppley Nikos C. Kyrpides Stephan Schuster Michael S. Rappé 《Standards in genomic sciences》2014,9(3):632-645
Strain HIMB11 is a planktonic marine bacterium isolated from coastal seawater in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii belonging to the ubiquitous and versatile Roseobacter clade of the alphaproteobacterial family Rhodobacteraceae. Here we describe the preliminary characteristics of strain HIMB11, including annotation of the draft genome sequence and comparative genomic analysis with other members of the Roseobacter lineage. The 3,098,747 bp draft genome is arranged in 34 contigs and contains 3,183 protein-coding genes and 54 RNA genes. Phylogenomic and 16S rRNA gene analyses indicate that HIMB11 represents a unique sublineage within the Roseobacter clade. Comparison with other publicly available genome sequences from members of the Roseobacter lineage reveals that strain HIMB11 has the genomic potential to utilize a wide variety of energy sources (e.g. organic matter, reduced inorganic sulfur, light, carbon monoxide), while possessing a reduced number of substrate transporters. 相似文献
Brian?DM?TomEmail author Walter?R?Gilks Elizabeth?T?Brooke-Powell James?W?Ajioka 《BMC bioinformatics》2005,6(1):234
A common feature of microarray experiments is the occurence of missing gene expression data. These missing values occur for a variety of reasons, in particular, because of the filtering of poor quality spots and the removal of undefined values when a logarithmic transformation is applied to negative background-corrected intensities. The efficiency and power of an analysis performed can be substantially reduced by having an incomplete matrix of gene intensities. Additionally, most statistical methods require a complete intensity matrix. Furthermore, biases may be introduced into analyses through missing information on some genes. Thus methods for appropriately replacing (imputing) missing data and/or weighting poor quality spots are required. 相似文献34.
The Mouse Tumor Biology Database (MTB) is a Web-based resource that provides access to information on tumor frequency and latency, genetics and pathology in genetically defined mice (transgenics, targeted mutations and inbred strains). MTB is designed to serve as an information resource for cancer genetics researchers who use the laboratory mouse as a model system for understanding human disease processes. Data in MTB are obtained from the primary scientific literature and direct submissions by the research community. MTB is accessible from the Mouse Genome Informatics Web site (http://www. informatics.jax.org). User support is available for MTB via Email at mgi-help@informatics.jax.org 相似文献
Clara Correia‐Melo Francisco DM Marques Rhys Anderson Graeme Hewitt Rachael Hewitt John Cole Bernadette M Carroll Satomi Miwa Jodie Birch Alina Merz Michael D Rushton Michelle Charles Diana Jurk Stephen WG Tait Rafal Czapiewski Laura Greaves Glyn Nelson Mohammad Bohlooly‐Y Sergio Rodriguez‐Cuenca Antonio Vidal‐Puig Derek Mann Gabriele Saretzki Giovanni Quarato Douglas R Green Peter D Adams Thomas von Zglinicki Viktor I Korolchuk João F Passos 《The EMBO journal》2016,35(7):724-742
Andreas Krupke Wiebke Mohr Julie LaRoche Bernhard M Fuchs Rudolf I Amann Marcel MM Kuypers 《The ISME journal》2015,9(7):1635-1647
Symbiotic relationships between phytoplankton and N2-fixing microorganisms play a crucial role in marine ecosystems. The abundant and widespread unicellular cyanobacteria group A (UCYN-A) has recently been found to live symbiotically with a haptophyte. Here, we investigated the effect of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), iron (Fe) and Saharan dust additions on nitrogen (N2) fixation and primary production by the UCYN-A–haptophyte association in the subtropical eastern North Atlantic Ocean using nifH expression analysis and stable isotope incubations combined with single-cell measurements. N2 fixation by UCYN-A was stimulated by the addition of Fe and Saharan dust, although this was not reflected in the nifH expression. CO2 fixation by the haptophyte was stimulated by the addition of ammonium nitrate as well as Fe and Saharan dust. Intriguingly, the single-cell analysis using nanometer scale secondary ion mass spectrometry indicates that the increased CO2 fixation by the haptophyte in treatments without added fixed N is likely an indirect result of the positive effect of Fe and/or P on UCYN-A N2 fixation and the transfer of N2-derived N to the haptophyte. Our results reveal a direct linkage between the marine carbon and nitrogen cycles that is fuelled by the atmospheric deposition of dust. The comparison of single-cell rates suggests a tight coupling of nitrogen and carbon transfer that stays balanced even under changing nutrient regimes. However, it appears that the transfer of carbon from the haptophyte to UCYN-A requires a transfer of nitrogen from UCYN-A. This tight coupling indicates an obligate symbiosis of this globally important diazotrophic association. 相似文献
The complexity of genetic pathways for hearing is beginning to be amenable to unraveling by systematic functional genomic analysis. Genome-wide mutagenesis studies in the mouse are beginning to shed further light on the structure and regulation of the machinery of hearing. 相似文献
The patterns of mating and possible factors influencing mate choice in the consperse stink bug, Euschistus conspersus Uhler, were studied in a series of laboratory experiments. Males were found to transfer a significant percentage of their body mass during the initial mating. Mating was also found to reduce male longevity by 37.8% but had no significant effect on female longevity or fecundity. There was no evidence of male or female choice based on weight of potential mating partners. There was assortative mating based on experience, however, with males mating preferentially with virgin females and females preferring mated males when given the choice. The implications of these findings within the mating dynamics of this aggregating species are discussed. 相似文献