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The DOcking decoy‐based Optimized Potential (DOOP) energy function for protein structure prediction is based on empirical distance‐dependent atom‐pair interactions. To optimize the atom‐pair interactions, native protein structures are decomposed into polypeptide chain segments that correspond to structural motives involving complete secondary structure elements. They constitute near native ligand–receptor systems (or just pairs). Thus, a total of 8609 ligand–receptor systems were prepared from 954 selected proteins. For each of these hypothetical ligand–receptor systems, 1000 evenly sampled docking decoys with 0–10 Å interface root‐mean‐square‐deviation (iRMSD) were generated with a method used before for protein–protein docking. A neural network‐based optimization method was applied to derive the optimized energy parameters using these decoys so that the energy function mimics the funnel‐like energy landscape for the interaction between these hypothetical ligand–receptor systems. Thus, our method hierarchically models the overall funnel‐like energy landscape of native protein structures. The resulting energy function was tested on several commonly used decoy sets for native protein structure recognition and compared with other statistical potentials. In combination with a torsion potential term which describes the local conformational preference, the atom‐pair‐based potential outperforms other reported statistical energy functions in correct ranking of native protein structures for a variety of decoy sets. This is especially the case for the most challenging ROSETTA decoy set, although it does not take into account side chain orientation‐dependence explicitly. The DOOP energy function for protein structure prediction, the underlying database of protein structures with hypothetical ligand–receptor systems and their decoys are freely available at http://agknapp.chemie.fu‐berlin.de/doop/ . Proteins 2015; 83:881–890. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The development of an effective vaccine against tuberculosis (Tb) represents one of the major medical challenges of this century. Mycobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG), the only vaccine available at present, is mostly effective at preventing disseminated Tb in children, but shows variable protection against pulmonary Tb, the most common form in adults. The reasons for this poor efficacy are not completely understood, but there is evidence that T regulatory cells (Tregs) might be involved. Similarly, Tregs have been associated with the immunosuppression observed in patients infected with Tb and are therefore believed to play a role in pathogen persistence. Thus, Treg depletion has been postulated as a novel strategy to potentiate M. bovis BCG vaccination on one side, while on the other, employed as a therapeutic approach during chronic Tb infection. Yet since Tregs are critically involved in controlling autoimmune inflammation, elimination of Tregs may therefore also incur the danger of an excessive inflammatory immune response. Thus, understanding the dynamics and function of Tregs during mycobacterial infection is crucial to evaluate the potential of Treg depletion as a medical option. To address this, we depleted Tregs after infection with M. bovis BCG or Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) using DEREG mice, which express the diphtheria toxin (DT) receptor under the control of the FoxP3 locus, thereby allowing the selective depletion of FoxP3+ Tregs. Our results show that after depletion, the Treg niche is rapidly refilled by a population of DT-insensitive Tregs (diTregs) and bacterial load remains unchanged. On the contrary, impaired rebound of Tregs in DEREG × FoxP3GFP mice improves pathogen burden, but is accompanied by detrimental autoimmune inflammation. Therefore, our study provides the proof-of-principle that, although a high degree of Treg depletion may contribute to the control of mycobacterial infection, it carries the risk of autoimmunity.  相似文献   
The lantibiotic mutacin II, produced by Streptococcus mutans T8, is a ribosomally synthesized peptide antibiotic that contains thioether amino acids such as lanthionine and methyllanthionine as a result of post-translational modifications. The mutacin II leader peptide sequence shares a number of identical amino acid residues with class AII lantibiotic leader peptides. To study the role of these conservative residues in the production of active antimicrobial mutacin, 15 mutations were generated by site-directed mutagenesis. The effects of these substitutions vary from no effect to complete block-out. Mutations G-1A, G-2A, I-4D, and L-7K completely blocked the production of mature mutacin. Other mutations (I-4V, L-7M, E-8D, S-11T/A, V-12I/A, and E-13D) had no detectable effect on mutacin production. The changes of Glu-8 to Lys, Val-12 to Leu, Glu-13 to Lys reduced the mutacin production level to about 75%, 50%, and 10% of the wild-type, respectively. Thus, our data indicated that some of these conserved residues are essential for the mutacin biosynthesis, whereas others are important for optimal biosynthesis rates.  相似文献   
Mice carrying a deletion of the adhesive extracellular domain of the desmosomal cadherin desmoglein 2 develop an arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathylike phenotype with ventricular dilation, fibrosis and arrhythmia. To unravel the sequence of myocardial alterations and to identify potential pathomechanisms, histological analyses were performed on mutant hearts from the juvenile to the adult state, i.e., between 2 and 13 weeks. At an age of 2 weeks 30% of mutants presented lesions,which were visible as white plaques on the heart surface or in the septum. From 4 weeks onwards, all mutants displayed a cardiac phenotype. Dying cardiomyocytes with calcification were found in lesions of all ages. But lesions of young mutant animals contained high amounts of CD45+ immune cells and little collagen fibers, whereas lesions of the older animals were collagen-rich and harbored only a small but still significantly increased number of CD45+ cells. Electron microscopy further showed that distinct desmosomes cannot be distinguished in intercalated discs of mutant hearts. Widening of the intercellular cleft and even complete dissociation of intercalated discs were often observed close to lesions. Disturbed sarcomer structure, altered Z-discs, multiple autophagic vacuoles and swollen mitochondria were other prominent pathological features. Taken together, the following scenario is suggested: mutant desmoglein 2 cannot fully support the increased mechanical requirements placed on intercalated disc adhesion during postnatal heart development, resulting in compromised adhesion and cell stress. This induces cardiomyocyte death, aseptic inflammation and fibrotic replacement. The acute stage of scar formation is followed by permanent impairment of the cardiac function.  相似文献   
The protozoan pathogens Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum are major causes of waterborne enteric disease throughout the world. Improved detection methods that are very sensitive and rapid are urgently needed. This is especially the case for analysis of environmental water samples in which the densities of Giardia and Cryptosporidium are very low. Primers and TaqMan probes based on the β-giardin gene of G. lamblia and the COWP gene of C. parvum were developed and used to detect DNA concentrations over a range of 7 orders of magnitude. It was possible to detect DNA to the equivalent of a single cyst of G. lamblia and one oocyst of C. parvum. A multiplex real-time PCR (qPCR) assay for simultaneous detection of G. lamblia and C. parvum resulted in comparable levels of detection. Comparison of DNA extraction methodologies to maximize DNA yield from cysts and oocysts determined that a combination of freeze-thaw, sonication, and purification using the DNeasy kit (Qiagen) provided a highly efficient method. Sampling of four environmental water bodies revealed variation in qPCR inhibitors in 2-liter concentrates. A methodology for dealing with qPCR inhibitors that involved the use of Chelex 100 and PVP 360 was developed. It was possible to detect and quantify G. lamblia in sewage using qPCR when applying the procedure for extraction of DNA from 1-liter sewage samples. Numbers obtained from the qPCR assay were comparable to those obtained with immunofluorescence microscopy. The qPCR analysis revealed both assemblage A and assemblage B genotypes of G. lamblia in the sewage. No Cryptosporidium was detected in these samples by either method.  相似文献   
The cold-adapted pullulanase Pul13A is an industrial useful amylolytic enzyme, but its low solubility is the major bottleneck to produce the protein in recombinant form. In a previous approach, a complex and time-consuming purification strategy including a step-wise dialysis procedure using decreasing concentrations of urea to renature the insoluble protein from inclusion bodies had been established. In this study, a truncation strategy was developed to facilitate the purification and handling of the type-I pullulanase. Pul13A has a size of 155-kDa with a multidomain architecture that is composed of the following predicted modules: CBM41/E-set/Amy-Pul/DUF3372/E-set/E-set/E-set, with CBM and E-set domains being putative carbohydrate-binding modules, Amy-Pul is the catalytic region and DUF is a domain of unknown function. Consecutive N- and C-terminal deletions of domains were applied to construct minimized enzyme variants retaining pullulanase activity and exhibiting improved renaturation efficiencies. A total of seven truncation constructs were generated and tested, which still led to the production of inclusion bodies. However, the parallel deletion of the exterior CBM41 and E-set domain enabled the direct refolding of active enzymes during one-step dialysis in urea-free buffer. Catalytic properties of truncation construct Pul13A-N1/C1 were not impaired indicating that this enzyme variant may be superior for industrial applications over the full-length pullulanase.  相似文献   
A new disposable, multiphase, microbioreactor (MBR; with a working volume of 550 μl) equipped with online sensors is presented for biotechnological screening research purposes owing to its high-throughput potential. Its design and fabrication, online sensor integration, and operation are described. During aerobic cultivation, sufficient oxygen supply is the most important factor that influences growth and product formation. The MBR is a microbubble column bioreactor (μBC), and the oxygen supply was realized by active pneumatic bubble aeration, ensuring sufficient volumetric liquid-phase mass transfer (k L a) and proper homogenization of the cultivation broth. The μBC was equipped with miniaturized sensors for the pH, dissolved oxygen, optical density and glucose concentration that allowed real-time online monitoring of these process variables during cultivation. The challenge addressed here was the integration of sensors in the limited available space. The MBR was shown to be a suitable screening platform for the cultivation of biological systems. Batch cultivations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were performed to observe the variation in the process variables over time and to show the robustness and operability of all the online sensors in the MBR.  相似文献   
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