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The genera Cimex Linnaeus and Oeciacus Stål (Heteroptera: Cimicidae) are common haematophagous ectoparasites of bats or birds in the Holarctic region. Both their phylogenetic relationship and the systematics of the entire family previously were based on data from morphology and host relationships. Relationships among nine species of the genus Cimex and three species of the genus Oeciacus were analysed here using two mitochondrial and three nuclear genes. Cimex was shown to be paraphyletic with respect to Oeciacus. Oeciacus is thus proposed as a synonym of Cimex. The characteristic phenotype of Oeciacus results from the specific host association with different species of swallows (Hirundinidae). The morphological characters that have been used as diagnostic for the genera were shown to be valid and can be further used for determination at species level. The present analyses recovered the four traditional morphologically defined species groups of the genus Cimex. However, their relationships were poorly resolved – only the C. hemipterus group showed a well‐supported relationship to the C. pipistrelli group. The molecular differentiation within the Palaearctic C. pipistrelli and the Nearctic C. pilosellus species groups correlates with their karyotype differentiation. Furthermore, the analyses suggest poly‐ or paraphyly of the former genus Oeciacus. Either way this indicates there is a large amount of host‐associated phenotypic convergence in either bat‐ or bird‐associated groups of species. The probability of host choice and subsequent switch in Cimicidae are discussed and possible scenarios of the evolution of host association in species of Cimex are suggested.  相似文献   
A study was done of 220 men referred principally by family physicians to a multidisciplinary erectile dysfunction study group to determine the factors causing or contributing to impotence that had persisted for more than 2 months and for which no cause was apparent. The men were aged 21 to 79 (mean 50.3) years, and the duration of impotence was a few months to 15 years (mean 2.65 years). The men were to be assessed from general medical, endocrinologic/metabolic, psychiatric and urogenital viewpoints. The significance of the causal or contributory factors detected was scored by application of defined criteria and a four-point scale. The degree of loss of potency and of libido as well as level of concern were also scored by each specialist. Impotence was complete in 60%, and an associated decline in libido was reported by 38%. The level of concern was high--that is, normal--in 81% and slightly reduced in 9%. Full investigation by all the specialists was precluded by the severity of other conditions in 16 patients, by the return of potency following relief of anxiety/depression or genitourinary tract infection in 16 and for logistic or other reasons in 34. Although the cause of the impotence could be attributed in 186 of the patients, only 154 were fully assessed. Among these patients general medical factors were contributory in 46%, endocrinologic/metabolic factors in 44%, psychogenic factors (primary or secondary) in 60% and urogenital factors in 49%. Multiple contributing factors were identified in 65%, which underscores the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to assessing many cases of impotence.  相似文献   
To elucidate further the conformation of human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) in lipid-bound states and its effect on the reaction with lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT), we prepared reconstituted HDL (rHDL) particles from a reaction mixture containing dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/cholesterol/apoA-I in the molar ratios of 150:7.5:1. The particles were separated by gel filtration into three classes of highly homogeneous and reproducible discs with diameters of 97, 136, and 186 A, containing 2, 3, and 4 molecules of apoA-I/disc, respectively, and increasing proportions of phospholipid and cholesterol. These three classes of particles were then investigated by a variety of fluorescence techniques, to probe the average environment and mobility of the tryptophan (Trp) residues in the structure of apoA-I. We found small, gradual changes in the fluorescence parameters with changes in the size of the rHDL, consistent with a shift of Trp residues to a more hydrophobic and more rigid environment, as well as an increased resistance of apoA-I to denaturation by guanidine hydrochloride in the larger particles. In contrast, circular dichroism measurements and binding studies with seven monoclonal antibodies indicated a similar alpha-helical structure (73%) for apoA-I in all the particles, and similar exposure of apoA-I epitopes in the COOH-terminal two-thirds of the apolipoprotein. Thus the structure of apoA-I is comparable for the three classes of particles and is consistent with the presence of eight alpha-helical segments per apoA-I in contact with the lipid. In addition, we obtained the apparent kinetic parameters for the reaction of the rHDL particles with lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase. The apparent Km values were similar but the apparent Vmax decreased almost 8-fold, going from the 97- to the 186-A particles; therefore, the decreasing reactivity for the larger particles can be attributed mainly to differences in the catalytic rate constant. The rate limiting step is probably affected by local structural differences in the apoA-I, or by the interfacial properties of the lipid.  相似文献   
Toxothrix trichogenes (Chol.) Beger et Bringmann was found in iron-containing spring water, in tap water, and in a small forest pond of lower Michigan.The use of a partially submerged microscope for continuous observation of undisturbed underwater Aufwuchs on glass slides resulted in the rediscovery of the actualToxothrix organisms: long, often U-shaped and highly flexible bacterial filaments. Direct observation of their growth and movements on immersed glass slides revealed the production byToxothrix trichomes of several slime strands which were typically twisted. Fan-shaped slime structures and parallel tracks were directly seen to be formed by U-shaped organisms as a result of the forward gliding and rolling of their center portion. Chemical iron deposition onto the individual slime strands of such tracks rendered these rigid and brittle; the iron deposition also proceeded in the absence of living trichomes.The trichomes disintegrated rapidly and completely during laboratory observations, althoughToxothrix trichomes were kept viable for several months in refrigerated state. Disintegration under the normal light microscope explains their absence from most stranded sheaths studied by previous investigators.Agricultural Experiment Station Article No. 4935.The investigations were supported by an NSF Institutional Grant for Science to J. T. Staley and by the Michigan State University, Agricultural Experiment Station. J. M. Krul acknowledges gratefully a travel grant from the Ministerie van Landbouw en Visserij. We are thankful for the interest in and help with this work by Dr. G. Lauff, Kellogg Biological Station (Hickory Corners, Mich.) and Mr. W. A. Lemmien, MSU Experimental Forest, Augusta, Mich. Dr. G. A. Zavarzin, Moscow, contributedToxothrix samples and helped with his interest and discussions.MSU Kellogg Biological Station Contribution No. 189  相似文献   
The Volta River delta developed as an asymmetric lobe in a tectonic offset on the coast of Ghana. The delta comprises a large curvilinear spit that widens in its central portion due to the adjunction of successive sandy beach ridges. The appearance of a distinct spit, in lieu of a continuous barrier from the present mouth of the Volta River to the Bight of Benin coast, may be an outgrowth of a natural change in the location of the mouth of the Volta. The spit marks a segmentation of the unique sand drift cell that hitherto prevailed on this bight coast. Spit growth has been accompanied by a wave of erosion over the last century of the immediate downdrift sector of the bight coast, endangering the town of Keta. Erosion since the 1960s may have been aggravated by the construction of the Akosombo hydropower dam. The tip of the spit has recently welded to the shoreline, thus assuring resumption of sand supply from the Volta towards the rest of this formerly sand-starved sector of the bight coast. Blocking of sediment by the Akosombo Dam is, in due course, likely to become the overarching factor in delta shoreline stability.  相似文献   
In order to determine the role of apoprotein (apo) B conformation in the activation of the lysolecithin acyl-transferase reaction, we studied the activation of purified enzyme by various subfractions of low density lipoprotein (LDL), isolated by density gradient centrifugation. The activation of LAT correlated positively with the density of LDL and negatively with cholesterol/protein and triglyceride (TG)/protein ratios. The enzyme activation was also positively correlated with the number of trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid-reactive lysine amino groups, which increased with increasing density of LDL. The immunoaffinity of the LDL subfractions for B1B6, a monoclonal antibody directed to the receptor-binding region of apoB, increased with increasing density, while the affinity toward C1.4, a monoclonal antibody directed to the amino-terminal region of apoB, was not altered. Enrichment of normal whole LDL with TG resulted in a 45% reduction in enzyme activation, a 27% decrease in the number of trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid-reactive lysine groups, and a marked reduction in the immunoaffinity for B1B6. All these parameters reversed to normal when the TG-enriched LDL was treated with milk lipoprotein lipase, which specifically reduced the TG content of LDL. The LDL subfractions also supported cholesterol esterification by the purified enzyme, in parallel with lysolecithin esterification, indicating that apoB can also serve as an activator of the lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase reaction. These results strongly suggest that the localized conformational change of apoB which occurs during the TG depletion of the precursor particle is critical for its activation of acyltransferase reactions, in a manner analogous to its interaction with the cellular receptors.  相似文献   
Sexually dimorphic galls are rare among gall‐inducing insects and the reason for their occurrence is unknown. The pteromalid wasp Trichilogaster acaciaelongifoliae, which induces galls on Acacia longifolia, is one such species. In the present study, the anatomical and physiological attributes of male and female galls of T. acaciaelongifoliae are examined and compared. Histological preparations are used to characterize anatomical differences between male and female gall chambers. Bioassays, high‐performance liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry and an enzyme immunoassay are used to measure concentrations of auxin and cytokinin in normal buds, galled tissues, and larvae of both sexes. Female chambers are found to be 3.3‐fold larger, and are associated with 1.5‐fold more storage tissue and 3.5‐fold more vascular tissues than male chambers. Tissues from female chambers induce stronger cytokinin‐like bioactivity than tissues from male chambers. Female larvae have considerably higher concentrations of cytokinin free bases, ribosides, glucosides and monophosphates than male larvae; higher auxin‐like bioactivity than in normal or galled plant tissues; and almost twice the concentration of auxin than male larvae. Both male and female larvae contain much higher auxin concentrations than either galled or normal plant tissues. These findings suggest that differing levels of phytohormones are involved in the development of sexual dimorphism of gall structures in this species.  相似文献   
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