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To physically characterize the web of interactions connecting the Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins suspected to be RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) elongation factors, subunits of Spt4/Spt5 and Spt16/Pob3 (corresponding to human DSIF and FACT), Spt6, TFIIF (Tfg1, -2, and -3), TFIIS, Rtf1, and Elongator (Elp1, -2, -3, -4, -5, and -6) were affinity purified under conditions designed to minimize loss of associated polypeptides and then identified by mass spectrometry. Spt16/Pob3 was discovered to associate with three distinct complexes: histones; Chd1/casein kinase II (CKII); and Rtf1, Paf1, Ctr9, Cdc73, and a previously uncharacterized protein, Leo1. Rtf1 and Chd1 have previously been implicated in the control of elongation, and the sensitivity to 6-azauracil of strains lacking Paf1, Cdc73, or Leo1 suggested that these proteins are involved in elongation by RNAPII as well. Confirmation came from chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays demonstrating that all components of this complex, including Leo1, cross-linked to the promoter, coding region, and 3' end of the ADH1 gene. In contrast, the three subunits of TFIIF cross-linked only to the promoter-containing fragment of ADH1. Spt6 interacted with the uncharacterized, essential protein Iws1 (interacts with Spt6), and Spt5 interacted either with Spt4 or with a truncated form of Spt6. ChIP on Spt6 and the novel protein Iws1 resulted in the cross-linking of both proteins to all three regions of the ADH1 gene, suggesting that Iws1 is likely an Spt6-interacting elongation factor. Spt5, Spt6, and Iws1 are phosphorylated on consensus CKII sites in vivo, conceivably by the Chd1/CKII associated with Spt16/Pob3. All the elongation factors but Elongator copurified with RNAPII.  相似文献   
A well-established feature of the translation initiation region, which attracts the ribosomes to the prokaryotic mRNAs, is a purine rich area called Shine/Dalgarno sequence (SD). There are examples of various other sequences, which despite having no similarity to an SD sequence are capable of enhancing and/or initiating translation. The mechanisms by which these sequences affect translation remain unclear, but a base pairing between mRNA and 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is proposed to be the likely mechanism. In this study, using a computational approach, we identified a non-SD signal found specifically in the translation initiation regions of Escherichia coli mRNAs, which contain super strong SD sequences. Nine of the 11 E. coli translation initiation regions, which were previously identified for having super strong SD sequences, also contained six or more nucleotides complementary to box-17 on the 16S rRNA (nucleotides 418-554). Mutational analyses of those initiation sequences indicated that when complementarity to box-17 was eliminated, the efficiency of the examined sequences to mediate the translation of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) mRNA was reduced. The results suggest that mRNA sequences with complementarity to box-17 of 16S rRNA may function as enhancers for translation in E. coli.  相似文献   
Affinity purification of the yeast 19S proteasome revealed the presence of Sem1 as a subunit. Its human homolog, DSS1, was found likewise to copurify with the human 19S proteasome. DSS1 is known to associate with the tumor suppressor protein BRCA2 involved in repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). We demonstrate that Sem1 is required for efficient repair of an HO-generated yeast DSB using both homologous recombination (HR) and nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) pathways. Deletion of SEM1 or genes encoding other nonessential 19S or 20S proteasome subunits also results in synthetic growth defects and hypersensitivity to genotoxins when combined with mutations in well-established DNA DSB repair genes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation showed that Sem1 is recruited along with the 19S and 20S proteasomes to a DSB in vivo, and this recruitment is dependent on components of both the HR and NHEJ repair pathways, suggesting a direct role of the proteasome in DSB repair.  相似文献   
Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) trimethylates lysine 27 of histone H3 (H3K27me3) to regulate gene expression during diverse biological transitions in development, embryonic stem cell (ESC) differentiation, and cancer. Here, we show that Polycomb-like 3 (Pcl3) is a component of PRC2 that promotes ESC self-renewal. Using mass spectrometry, we identified Pcl3 as a Suz12 binding partner and confirmed Pcl3 interactions with core PRC2 components by co-immunoprecipitation. Knockdown of Pcl3 in ESCs increases spontaneous differentiation, yet does not affect early differentiation decisions as assessed in teratomas and embryoid bodies, indicating that Pcl3 has a specific role in regulating ESC self-renewal. Consistent with Pcl3 promoting PRC2 function, decreasing Pcl3 levels reduces H3K27me3 levels while overexpressing Pcl3 increases H3K27me3 levels. Furthermore, chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing (ChIP-seq) reveal that Pcl3 co-localizes with PRC2 core component, Suz12, and depletion of Pcl3 decreases Suz12 binding at over 60% of PRC2 targets. Mutation of conserved residues within the Pcl3 Tudor domain, a domain implicated in recognizing methylated histones, compromises H3K27me3 formation, suggesting that the Tudor domain of Pcl3 is essential for function. We also show that Pcl3 and its paralog, Pcl2, exist in different PRC2 complexes but bind many of the same PRC2 targets, particularly CpG islands regulated by Pcl3. Thus, Pcl3 is a component of PRC2 critical for ESC self-renewal, histone methylation, and recruitment of PRC2 to a subset of its genomic sites.  相似文献   
Protein function is often regulated by posttranslational modifications (PTMs), and recent advances in mass spectrometry have resulted in an exponential increase in PTM identification. However, the functional significance of the vast majority of these modifications remains unknown. To address this problem, we compiled nearly 200,000 phosphorylation, acetylation, and ubiquitination sites from 11 eukaryotic species, including 2,500 newly identified ubiquitylation sites for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We developed methods to prioritize the functional relevance of these PTMs by predicting those that likely participate in cross-regulatory events, regulate domain activity, or mediate protein-protein interactions. PTM conservation within domain families identifies regulatory "hot spots" that overlap with functionally important regions, a concept that we experimentally validated on the HSP70 domain family. Finally, our analysis of the evolution of PTM regulation highlights potential routes for neutral drift in regulatory interactions and suggests that only a fraction of modification sites are likely to have a significant biological role.  相似文献   
Cells inherit two centrioles, the older of which is uniquely capable of generating a cilium. Using proteomics and superresolved imaging, we identify a module that we term DISCO (distal centriole complex). The DISCO components CEP90, MNR, and OFD1 underlie human ciliopathies. This complex localizes to both distal centrioles and centriolar satellites, proteinaceous granules surrounding centrioles. Cells and mice lacking CEP90 or MNR do not generate cilia, fail to assemble distal appendages, and do not transduce Hedgehog signals. Disrupting the satellite pools does not affect distal appendage assembly, indicating that it is the centriolar populations of MNR and CEP90 that are critical for ciliogenesis. CEP90 recruits the most proximal known distal appendage component, CEP83, to root distal appendage formation, an early step in ciliogenesis. In addition, MNR, but not CEP90, restricts centriolar length by recruiting OFD1. We conclude that DISCO acts at the distal centriole to support ciliogenesis by restraining centriole length and assembling distal appendages, defects in which cause human ciliopathies.  相似文献   
To understand relationships between phosphorylation-based signaling pathways, we analyzed 150 deletion mutants of protein kinases and phosphatases in S. cerevisiae using DNA microarrays. Downstream changes in gene expression were treated as a phenotypic readout. Double mutants with synthetic genetic interactions were included to investigate genetic buffering relationships such as redundancy. Three types of genetic buffering relationships are identified: mixed epistasis, complete redundancy, and quantitative redundancy. In mixed epistasis, the most common buffering relationship, different gene sets respond in different epistatic ways. Mixed epistasis arises from pairs of regulators that have only partial overlap in function and that are coupled by additional regulatory links such as repression of one by the other. Such regulatory modules confer the ability to control different combinations of processes depending on condition or context. These properties likely contribute to the evolutionary maintenance of paralogs and indicate a way in which signaling pathways connect for multiprocess control.  相似文献   
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