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Corynebacterium (Eubacterium) suis strains from boars and sows haemagglutinated erythrocytes of different animal species (calf, guinea pig, poultry, pig, and human). The haemaigglutination was man nose resistant (MR) and was neither inhibited by L-fucose nor D-galactose. The hydrophobicity measured by salt aggregation test (0.1–0.9 mol/1 (NH4)2SO4) and the hydrophobic interaction chromatography test (90 % retention in octyl sepharose) together with the haemagglutinating activity, indicated the presence of fimbriae on the bacteria. The haemagglutinating and hydrophobic properties were heat-sensitive (60°C for 10 min) suggestive of the presence of a protein structure. Two types of fimbria-tion were demonstrated by electron microscopy. Fetuin and glyco^ protein inhibited the haemagglutination, whereas porcine mucin was without any effect. These results indicate that branched glycoproteins might be important receptors for these fimbriae. The pathogenic aspects of C. suis are discussed, based on recent acquired knowledge of the effect of other pyelonephritogenic bacteria.  相似文献   
Methods for measuring 3H-SCH 23390 binding and dopamine (DA) stimulated adenylate cyclase (AC) were established in identical tissue preparations and under similar experimental conditions. Pharmacological characterization revealed that both assays involved interaction with the D1 receptor or closely associated sites. In order to investigate whether the binding sites for 3H-SCH 23390 and DA in fact are identical, the antagonistic effects of a variety of pharmacologically active compounds were examined. Surprisingly, the Ki-values obtained from Schild-plot analysis of the antagonism of DA-stimulated AC, were 80-240 times higher than the Ki-values obtained from competition curves of 3H-SCH 23390 binding. Since both assays were performed under identical conditions, the differences in Ki-values indicate the possibility of different binding sites for DA and 3H-SCH 23390 or, that DA and 3H-SCH 23390 label different states of the same receptor.  相似文献   
High-affinity binding of [3H]folate to supernatant from homogenized human leukocytes containing large amounts of binding protein displayed apparent positive cooperativity. The DEAE-Sepharose® CL-6B chromatographic profile of the supernatant at pH 6.3 contained a major peak of folate binding (Mr approx. 25 000) in the front effluent and a smaller more acidic peak (Mr approx. 25 000) that emerged after a rise in NaCl from 30 mmol/l to 1 mol/l. Triton X-100 solubilized ceil sediment from the leukocyte homogenate contained some high-affinity folate binding activity (Mr approx 25 000), typically 5–10% of the total binding activity.  相似文献   
Summary This paper presents a study on the structure and function of Kupffer cells (KC) and liver endothelial cells (LEC) isolated by a simple and rapid technique involving 1) perfusion of the liver with collagenase; 2) cell separation by means of density centrifugation in Percoll; and 3) cell culture, taking advantage of the fact that KC and LEC differ in their preferences for growth substrate. The KC, which attach and spread under serum-free conditions on surfaces of glass or plastic during the first 15 min in culture exhibit a typical macrophage-like morphology including membrane ruffling and a heterogenous content of vacuoles. Moreover, these cells express (a) Fc receptors (FcR) for binding and phagocytosis of erythrocytes covered with immune globulin G (E-IgG), and (b) complement receptors (CR) for binding and serum dependent phagocytosis of erythrocytes covered with either human C3b or mouse inactivated C3b (iC3b). The cells also bind fluid phase fluoresceinated C3b. Approximately 30% of the KC express immune response-associated (Ia)-antigens.The LEC attach and spread on fibronectin coated surfaces, but not on glass or plastic surfaces, during the first two hours in culture with or without serum, and are morphologically distinct from KC. Cultured LEC are well spread out with no membrane ruffling and with numerous large vesicles surrounding the regularly shaped nucleus. These cells bind, but do not ingest E-IgG via the FcR, but no binding of fluid phase C3b or particle fixed C3b or iC3b can be observed. Incubation of LEC with fluorescein amine conjugates of ovalbumin or formaldehyde treated serum albumin, but not with fluoresceinated native serum albumin, results in accumulation of fluorescence specifically localized in the large perinuclear vesicles. Neither KC nor any other cell types tested have the ability to accumulate fluorescence upon incubation with these compounds. Iaantigens are not present on the LEC.Cytochemical demonstration of unspecific esterase, acid phosphatase, and peroxidase reveals different patterns and intensities of staining in KC as compared to LEC.Abbreviations Used KC Kupffer cells - LEC Liver endothelial cells - C Complement - C3b Major fragment of C3 activation - iC3b C3b that has been cleaved by factor I (C3b inactivator), present in serum - meC3b C3b produced by treating purified human C3 with methyl amine - trC3b C3b produced by treating purified human C3 with trypsin - CR Complement receptors for C3b and iC3b - IgG Immune globulin G - IgM Immune globulin M - E Erythrocytes - E-IgG E covered with anti-E IgG - E-IgM E covered with anti-E IgM - E-C3b(h) E-IgM reacted with purified human C1, C4, oxidized C2 and C3 (E-IgMC14xyC2C3b) - E-iC3b(m) E-IgM incubated with C5 deficient serum from AKR mice - FcR Receptors for the Fc portion of IgG - FITC Fluorescein isothiocyanate - FITC-meC3b FITC conjugated to meC3b - FITC-trC3b FITC conjugated to trC3b - FA Fluorescein amine - FA-OA Ovalbumin conjugated with FA - FA-SA Serum albumin conjugated with FA - FA-FSA Formaldehyde-treated serum albumin conjugated with FA - Ia Immune response-associated AcE Acid unspecific esterase acting on alpha naphtyl acetate - NASDAE Unspecific esterase acting on naphthol AS-D acetate - NASDCAE Unspecific esterase acting on napthol AS-D chloroacetate  相似文献   
Three independent T cell hybridomas were isolated that have identical specificities for antigen and products of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). All three react with the same clone-specific antireceptor antibody, and Southern blots show all three contain the same rearranged alpha and beta genes. Variants of one of these hybridomas, DO-11.10, were isolated that had lost the ability to respond to antigen plus MHC. These proved to have lost the DO-11.10-specific alpha or beta genes or both. Fusion of alpha-loss variants to beta-loss variants restored reactivity. These results indicate that the specific recognition of antigen plus MHC is determined solely by the alpha/beta-containing T cell receptor.  相似文献   
Basiphilous pine forests and related birch forests are herb-and grass-rich forests on calcareous substrate. These forests are complex communities with floristic/ecological elements from different vegetation types occurring in a subtle micromosaic. These elements are e.g. species from acidophilous conifer forests, thermophilous forest-rim communities, calcareous shallow-soil and steppe communities, eutrophic wet meadows and fens, and in northern Fennoscandia also species from alpine Dryas heaths. Four associations are recognized in Fennoscandia: Convallario-Pinetum, Melico-Piceetum pinetosum, Peucedano-Pinetum and Epipacto atrorubentis-Betuletum. The main association is the Convallario-Pinetum, a widespread community in Fennoscandia and Estonia with a considerable floristic variation between the different regions. Examples of the floristic variation along west-east profiles and south-north profiles in Fennoscandia are presented. The basiphilous pine forest complex can be divided into a number of ecological types along the moisture and nutritional gradients. A further subdivision into geographical types (races) is presented.Nomenclature follows Lid (1974) for vascular plants, Nyholm (1954–1969) for musci and Dahl & Krog (1973) for lichens.  相似文献   
Summary This study examined whether nonconfluent endothelial cell cultures reacted differently than confluent ones toward thrombin-stimulated platelets or a heparinized salt solution. The adherence to the endothelial cell cultures of51Cr-labeled human platelets stimulated at different thrombin concentrations was studied. There was significantly higher adherence of stimulated platelets to nonconfluent cultures compared with confluent ones. This was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy, which also revealed a tendency for the platelets to adhere at the cell periphery. Electron microscopy also showed that thrombin-stimulated platelets induced endothelial cell contraction. Part of the peripheral endothelial cell surface toward the bottom of the culture dish was inverted, facing the lumen of the dish. This phenomenon was particularly seen in nonconfluent cultures. When51Cr-labeled endothelial cultures were incubated with a mildly injurious fluid as heparinized sodium acetate and 20% serum, at 20° C for 30 min, the nonconfluent cultures showed significantly more cell detachment and release of51Cr than the confluent ones. We conclude that under the conditions of the present experiments there are differences in the reactivity of confluent and nonconfluent endothelial cell cultures. These differences probably reflect biological dissimilarities. In experiments where properties of cultured endothelium are studied, care should be taken that the degree of confluency is standardized.  相似文献   
In order to assess the relative effectiveness of finger warming and temporal blood volume pulse reduction biofeedback in the treatment of migraine, 22 female migraine patients were assigned to one of three experimental conditions: temporal artery constriction feedback, finger temperature feedback, or waiting list. Biofeedback training consisted of 12 sessions over a 6-week period. All patients completed 5 weeks of daily self-monitoring of headache activity (frequency, duration, and intensity) and medication before and after treatment. Treatment credibility was assessed at the end of Sessions 1, 6, and 12. Results showed that temporal constriction and finger temperature biofeedback were equally effective in controlling migraine headaches and produced greater benefits than the waiting list condition. Power analyses indicated that very large sample sizes would have been required to detect any significant differences between the two treatment groups. No significant relationships were found between levels of therapeutic gains and levels of thermal or blood volume pulse self-regulation skills. Likewise, treatment outcome was not found to be related to treatment credibility. Further analyses revealed that changes in headache activity and medication were associated with changes in vasomotor variability. Because blood volume pulse variability was not significantly affected by biofeedback training, questions about its role in the therapeutic mechanism are raised.This research was supported in part by grants from the Quebec Ministry of Education and the Quebec Ministery of Social Affairs to the first author, and an award from the Medical Research Council of Canada to the second author. The authors are indebted to Drs. Frank Andrasik, Howard Barbaree, Edward Blanchard, Martin Ford, and Patrick McGrath, as well as to two anonymous reviewers, for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   
Properties of divalent cation potentials carried by either Sr2+ or Ca2+ ions in Na+-free, TEA-Ringer solution were characterized in identified neurons of two species of leeches (Macrobdella and Haementeria). In Macrobdella, the overshoot of the potentials varied logarithmically with [Sr2+]0 (28.5 mV per 10-fold change). The overshoot, Vmax, and duration of the potentials increased with increasing divalent cation concentration and saturated at about 20 to 30 mM [Sr2+]0. The Vmax, amplitude, and duration of the potentials were reversibly blocked by Co2+ and Mn2+. The block by Mn2+ could be well-fitted by a reverse Langmuir-curve with an apparent KI of 100 micromolar. The local anesthetic procaine also reversibly inhibited the Vmax and duration of the potentials. The inhibition was greater at alkaline pH suggesting that procaine blocks the calcium channel from inside the membrane. The identified leech neurons examined in Macrobdella varied considerably in their ability to sustain somatic divalent cation potentials. Stimulation of T cells and most motoneurons produced no or only weak potentials, whereas stimulation of Retzius, N, Nut, and AP cells evoked overshooting potentials of several seconds' duration. Stimulation of the ALG cell of Haementeria in normal Ringer solution evoked a slowly-rising, purely Ca2+-dependent potential of approximately 100 ms duration. This response was TTX-resistant, unaffected by complete removal of Na+ from the Ringer solution, and abolished by 1 mM Mn2+. The overshoot varied logarithmically with a slope of 28 mV/decade change in [Ca2+]0.  相似文献   
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