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Throughout the Middle Ages forests in Flanders (northern Belgium) experienced a dramatic human influence. Forests were logged for wood supply and converted to arable land. The structure of the remaining forests was altered. This, combined with the tempering influence of the Atlantic climate, results in conditions that are suboptimal for dendrochronological research. Tree-ring series of Quercus robur and Q. petraea of timber from medieval archaeological sites are often short, show abrupt growth-rate variations and are complacent. The question arises whether tree-ring series of this type are potential records of past management and whether they could constitute the basis of a reference chronology for archaeological dating. During six archaeological excavations in and around the medieval town of Ypres, cross-sections were collected. The tree-ring series could be dated back to the 12th–14th centuries, using reference chronologies from surrounding regions. The growth pattern of the short sequences displays a high similarity to tree-ring series from modern coppice. For the first time, it has been confirmed that dendrochronological analysis in Flanders is possible and can provide valuable information on medieval forest use and structure.  相似文献   
Several strains belonging to the genus Bifidobacterium were tested to determine their abilities to produce succinic acid. Bifidobacterium longum strain BB536 and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis strain Bb 12 were kinetically analyzed in detail using in vitro fermentations to obtain more insight into the metabolism and production of succinic acid by bifidobacteria. Changes in end product formation in strains of Bifidobacterium could be related to the specific rate of sugar consumption. When the specific sugar consumption rate increased, relatively more lactic acid and less acetic acid, formic acid, and ethanol were produced, and vice versa. All Bifidobacterium strains tested produced small amounts of succinic acid; the concentrations were not more than a few millimolar. Succinic acid production was found to be associated with growth and stopped when the energy source was depleted. The production of succinic acid contributed to regeneration of a small part of the NAD+, in addition to the regeneration through the production of lactic acid and ethanol.  相似文献   
We have previously characterized the N-acyl-l-homoserine lactone-based quorum-sensing system of the biofilm isolate Serratia plymuthica RVH1. Here we investigated the role of quorum sensing and of quorum-sensing-dependent production of an antimicrobial compound (AC) on biofilm formation by RVH1 and on the cocultivation of RVH1 and Escherichia coli in planktonic cultures or in biofilms. Biofilm formation of S. plymuthica was not affected by the knockout of splI or splR, the S. plymuthica homologs of the luxI or luxR quorum-sensing gene, respectively, or by the knockout of AC production. E. coli grew well in mixed broth culture with RVH1 until the latter reached 8.5 to 9.5 log CFU/ml, after which the E. coli colony counts steeply declined. In comparison, only a very small decline occurred in cocultures with the S. plymuthica AC-deficient and splI mutants. Complementation with exogenous N-hexanoyl-l-homoserine lactone rescued the wild-type phenotype of the splI mutant. The splR knockout mutant also induced a steep decline of E. coli, consistent with its proposed function as a repressor of quorum-sensing-regulated genes. The numbers of E. coli in 3-day-old mixed biofilms followed a similar pattern, being higher with S. plymuthica deficient in SplI or AC production than with wild-type S. plymuthica, the splR mutant, or the splI mutant in the presence of N-hexanoyl-l-homoserine lactone. Confocal laser scanning microscopic analysis of mixed biofilms established with strains producing different fluorescent proteins showed that E. coli microcolonies were less developed in the presence of RVH1 than in the presence of the AC-deficient mutant.  相似文献   
Continual administration of low doses of the antiprogestin ZK137316 permits ovarian/menstrual cyclicity, but prevents pregnancy in female rhesus monkeys. The sites of contraceptive action remain unknown. This study determined whether chronic, low-dose antiprogestin exposure during follicular development impairs oocyte maturation in vivo, as well as fertilization and preimplantation embryogenesis in vitro. Adult, female rhesus monkeys exhibiting normal menstrual cycles received vehicle (n=9) or 0.03 mg ZK137316 (n=8)/kg body weight i.m. daily for 3 months. Controlled ovarian stimulation with recombinant gonadotropins was initiated in the 3rd month. Oocytes collected from preovulatory follicles were evaluated for nuclear maturity and inseminated in vitro. Preimplantation embryonic development was monitored in vitro. The total number of oocytes and percentage collected at each nuclear stage were similar in both groups. More (P<0.05) atretic oocytes were recovered following antiprogestin relative to vehicle treatment. Fertilization rates and percentages of embryos that progressed to the morula stage were similar between groups, but antiprogestin-treated females exhibited less (P<0.05) normal cleavage. Embryonic development was accelerated by 1 day (P<0.05) from the 16-cell to the morula stage in the antiprogestin group relative to vehicle. Despite this, the majority of embryos became blastocysts within 6 days in vitro in the antiprogestin group, but fewer expanded (P=0.09) and hatched (P<0.05) compared to vehicle. During in vivo treatment with chronic, low-dose antiprogestin, oocytes retained their ability to resume and complete meiosis as well as fertilize following insemination in vitro. However, preimplantation embryogenesis in vitro was impaired, particularly during the later stages of blastocyst development. Thus, antiprogestin exposure during follicular development altered oocyte functions that are critical for normal preimplantation embryogenesis; this may contribute to pregnancy prevention.  相似文献   
During folliculogenesis, oocytes grow and acquire developmental competence in a mutually dependent relationship with their adjacent somatic cells. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) plays an essential and well-established role in the differentiation of somatic follicular cells, but its function in the development of the oocyte has still not been elucidated. We report here that oocytes of Fshb(-/-) mice, which cannot produce FSH, grow at the same rate and reach the same size as those of wild-type mice. Consistent with this observation, the granulosa cells of Fshb(-/-) mice express the normal quantity of mRNA encoding Kit ligand, which has been implicated in oocyte growth. Oocytes of Fshb(-/-) mice also accumulate normal quantities of cyclin B1 and CDK1 proteins and mitochondrial DNA. Moreover, they acquire the ability to complete meiotic maturation in vitro and undergo transition from non-surrounded nucleolus to surrounded nucleolus. However, these events of late oocyte development are significantly delayed. Following in vitro maturation and fertilization, only a small number of embryos derived from oocytes of Fshb(-/-) mice reach the blastocyst stage. Administration of equine chorionic gonadotropin, which provides FSH activity, 48 h before in vitro maturation increases the number of blastocysts obtained subsequently. These results indicate that FSH is not absolutely required for oocyte development in vivo but that this process occurs more rapidly in its presence. We suggest that FSH may coordinate the development of the germline and somatic compartments of the follicle, ensuring that ovulation releases a developmentally competent egg.  相似文献   
The spatio-temporal membrane behavior of glycine receptors (GlyRs) is known to be of influence on receptor homeostasis and functionality. In this work, an elaborate fluorimetric strategy was applied to study the GlyR α3K and L isoforms. Previously established differential clustering, desensitization and synaptic localization of these isoforms imply that membrane behavior is crucial in determining GlyR α3 physiology. Therefore diffusion and aggregation of homomeric α3 isoform-containing GlyRs were studied in HEK 293 cells. A unique combination of multiple diffraction-limited ensemble average methods and subdiffraction single particle techniques was used in order to achieve an integrated view of receptor properties. Static measurements of aggregation were performed with image correlation spectroscopy (ICS) and, single particle based, direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM). Receptor diffusion was measured by means of raster image correlation spectroscopy (RICS), temporal image correlation spectroscopy (TICS), fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and single particle tracking (SPT). The results show a significant difference in diffusion coefficient and cluster size between the isoforms. This reveals a positive correlation between desensitization and diffusion and disproves the notion that receptor aggregation is a universal mechanism for accelerated desensitization. The difference in diffusion coefficient between the clustering GlyR α3L and the non-clustering GlyR α3K cannot be explained by normal diffusion. SPT measurements indicate that the α3L receptors undergo transient trapping and directed motion, while the GlyR α3K displays mild hindered diffusion. These findings are suggestive of differential molecular interaction of the isoforms after incorporation in the membrane.  相似文献   
Optimization of a novel series of macrocyclic indole-based inhibitors of the HCV NS5b polymerase targeting the finger loop domain led to the discovery of lead compounds exhibiting improved potency in cellular assays and superior pharmacokinetic profile. Further lead optimization performed on the most promising unsaturated-bridged subseries provided the clinical candidate 27-cyclohexyl-12,13,16,17-tetrahydro-22-methoxy-11,17-dimethyl-10,10-dioxide-2,19-methano-3,7:4,1-dimetheno-1H,11H-14,10,2,9,11,17-benzoxathiatetraazacyclo docosine-8,18(9H,15H)-dione, TMC647055 (compound 18a). This non-zwitterionic 17-membered ring macrocycle combines nanomolar cellular potency (EC(50) of 82 nM) with minimal associated cell toxicity (CC(50)>20 μM) and promising pharmacokinetic profiles in rats and dogs. TMC647055 is currently being evaluated in the clinic.  相似文献   
A random library of Escherichia coli MG1655 genomic fragments fused to a promoterless green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene was constructed and screened by differential fluorescence induction for promoters that are induced after exposure to a sublethal high hydrostatic pressure stress. This screening yielded three promoters of genes belonging to the heat shock regulon (dnaK, lon, clpPX), suggesting a role for heat shock proteins in protection against, and/or repair of, damage caused by high pressure. Several further observations provide additional support for this hypothesis: (i) the expression of rpoH, encoding the heat shock-specific sigma factor σ32, was also induced by high pressure; (ii) heat shock rendered E. coli significantly more resistant to subsequent high-pressure inactivation, and this heat shock-induced pressure resistance followed the same time course as the induction of heat shock genes; (iii) basal expression levels of GFP from heat shock promoters, and expression of several heat shock proteins as determined by two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of proteins extracted from pulse-labeled cells, was increased in three previously isolated pressure-resistant mutants of E. coli compared to wild-type levels.  相似文献   
Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of systemic Lupus erythematosus (SLE), since netting neutrophils release potentially immunogenic autoantigens including histones, LL37, human neutrophil peptide (HNP), and self-DNA. In turn, these NETs activate plasmacytoid dendritic cells resulting in aggravation of inflammation and disease. How suppression of NET formation can be targeted for treatment has not been reported yet. Signal Inhibitory Receptor on Leukocytes-1 (SIRL-1) is a surface molecule exclusively expressed on phagocytes. We recently identified SIRL-1 as a negative regulator of human neutrophil function. Here, we determine whether ligation of SIRL-1 prevents the pathogenic release of NETs in SLE. Peripheral blood neutrophils from SLE patients with mild to moderate disease activity and healthy donors were freshly isolated. NET release was assessed spontaneously or after exposure to anti-neutrophil antibodies or plasma obtained from SLE patients. The formation of NETs was determined by microscopic evaluation using DNA dyes and immunostaining of NET components, as well as by live cell imaging. We show that SLE neutrophils spontaneously release NETs. NET formation is enhanced by stimulation with antibodies against LL37. Inhibition of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase activity and MEK-ERK signaling prevents NET release in response to these antibodies. Signaling via the inhibitory receptor SIRL-1 was induced by ligation with anti-SIRL-1 specific antibodies. Both spontaneous and anti-neutrophil antibody-induced NET formation is suppressed by engagement of SIRL-1. Furthermore, NET release by healthy neutrophils exposed to SLE plasma is inhibited by SIRL-1 ligation. Thus, SIRL-1 engagement can dampen spontaneous and anti-neutrophil antibody-induced NET formation in SLE, likely by suppressing NAPDH oxidase and MEK-ERK activity. Together, these findings reveal a regulatory role for SIRL-1 in NET formation, potentially providing a novel therapeutic target to break the pathogenic loop in SLE.  相似文献   
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