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The plant hormone ethylene regulates many aspects of growth and development. Loss-of-function mutations in ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2 (EIN2) result in ethylene insensitivity in Arabidopsis, indicating an essential role of EIN2 in ethylene signaling. However, little is known about the role of EIN2 in species other than Arabidopsis. To gain a better understanding of EIN2, a petunia (Petunia x hybrida cv Mitchell Diploid [MD]) homolog of the Arabidopsis EIN2 gene (PhEIN2) was isolated, and the role of PhEIN2 was analyzed in a wide range of plant responses to ethylene, many that do not occur in Arabidopsis. PhEIN2 mRNA was present at varying levels in tissues examined, and the PhEIN2 expression decreased after ethylene treatment in petals. These results indicate that expression of PhEIN2 mRNA is spatially and temporally regulated in petunia during plant development. Transgenic petunia plants with reduced PhEIN2 expression were compared to wild-type MD and ethylene-insensitive petunia plants expressing the Arabidopsis etr1-1 gene for several physiological processes. Both PhEIN2 and etr1-1 transgenic plants exhibited significant delays in flower senescence and fruit ripening, inhibited adventitious root and seedling root hair formation, premature death, and increased hypocotyl length in seedling ethylene response assays compared to MD. Moderate or strong levels of reduction in ethylene sensitivity were achieved with expression of both etr1-1 and PhEIN2 transgenes, as measured by downstream expression of PhEIL1. These results demonstrate that PhEIN2 mediates ethylene signals in a wide range of physiological processes and also indicate the central role of EIN2 in ethylene signal transduction.  相似文献   
The roles of Asp(75), Asp(78), and Glu(83) of the (75)DPSDVARVE(83) element of Mycobacterium smegmatis GTP-dependent phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase (GTP-PEPCK) were investigated. Asp(78) and Glu(83) are fully conserved in GTP-PEP-CKs. The human PEPCK crystal structure suggests that Asp(78) influences Tyr(220); Tyr(220) helps to position bound PEP, and Glu(83) interacts with Arg(81). Experimental data on other PEPCKs indicate that Arg(81) binds PEP, and the phosphate of PEP interacts with Mn(2+) of metal site 1 for catalysis. We found that D78A and E83A replacements severely reduced activity. E83A substitution raised the apparent K(m) value for Mn(2+) 170-fold. In contrast, Asp(75) is highly but not fully conserved; natural substitutions are Ala, Asn, Gln, or Ser. Such substitutions, when engineered, in M. smegmatis enzyme caused the following. 1) For oxaloacetate synthesis, V(max) decreased 1.4-4-fold. K(m) values for PEP and Mn(2+) increased 3-9- and 1.2-10-fold, respectively. K(m) values for GDP and bicarbonate changed little. 2) For PEP formation, V(max) increased 1.5-2.7-fold. K(m) values for oxaloacetate increased 2-2.8-fold. The substitutions did not change the secondary structure of protein significantly. The kinetic effects are rationalized as follows. In E83A the loss of Glu(83)-Arg(81) interaction affected Arg(81)-PEP association. D78A change altered the Tyr(220)-PEP interaction. These events perturbed PEP-Mn(2+) interaction and consequently affected catalysis severely. In contrast, substitutions at Asp(75), a site far from bound PEP, brought subtle effects, lowering oxaloacetate formation rate but enhancing PEP formation rate. It is likely that Asp(75) substitutions affected PEP-Mn(2+) interaction by changing the positions of Asp(78), Arg(81), and Glu(83), which translated to differential effects on two directions.  相似文献   
Several lines of evidence support for a role of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) in Alzheimer disease (AD). Most genetic studies have focused on an Alu insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism in the ACE gene (DCP1) and have yielded conflicting results. We evaluated the association between 15 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in DCP1, including the I/D variant, and AD in a sample of 92 patients with AD and 166 nondemented controls from an inbred Israeli Arab community. Although there was no evidence for association between AD and I/D, we observed significant association with SNPs rs4343 (P = .00001) and rs4351 (P = .01). Haplotype analysis revealed remarkably significant evidence of association with the SNP combination rs4343 and rs4351 (global P = 7.5 x 10(-7)). Individuals possessing the haplotype "GA" (frequency 0.21 in cases and 0.01 in controls) derived from these SNPs had a 45-fold increased risk of developing AD (95% CI 6.0-343.2) compared with those possessing any of the other three haplotypes. Longer range haplotypes including I/D were even more significant (lowest global P = 1.1 x 10(-12)), but the only consistently associated alleles were in rs4343 and rs4351. These results suggest that a variant in close proximity to rs4343 and rs4351 modulates susceptibility to AD in this community.  相似文献   
Many lines of evidence implicate mitochondria in phenotypic variation: (a) rare mutations in mitochondrial proteins cause metabolic, neurological, and muscular disorders; (b) alterations in oxidative phosphorylation are characteristic of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson disease, Huntington disease, and other diseases; and (c) common missense variants in the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) have been implicated as having been subject to natural selection for adaptation to cold climates and contributing to "energy deficiency" diseases today. To test the hypothesis that common mtDNA variation influences human physiology and disease, we identified all 144 variants with frequency >1% in Europeans from >900 publicly available European mtDNA sequences and selected 64 tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms that efficiently capture all common variation (except the hypervariable D-loop). Next, we evaluated the complete set of common mtDNA variants for association with type 2 diabetes in a sample of 3,304 diabetics and 3,304 matched nondiabetic individuals. Association of mtDNA variants with other metabolic traits (body mass index, measures of insulin secretion and action, blood pressure, and cholesterol) was also tested in subsets of this sample. We did not find a significant association of common mtDNA variants with these metabolic phenotypes. Moreover, we failed to identify any physiological effect of alleles that were previously proposed to have been adaptive for energy metabolism in human evolution. More generally, this comprehensive association-testing framework can readily be applied to other diseases for which mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated.  相似文献   
Northern ecosystems are experiencing some of the most dramatic impacts of global change on Earth. Rising temperatures, hydrological intensification, changes in atmospheric acid deposition and associated acidification recovery, and changes in vegetative cover are resulting in fundamental changes in terrestrial–aquatic biogeochemical linkages. The effects of global change are readily observed in alterations in the supply of dissolved organic matter (DOM)—the messenger between terrestrial and lake ecosystems—with potentially profound effects on the structure and function of lakes. Northern terrestrial ecosystems contain substantial stores of organic matter and filter or funnel DOM, affecting the timing and magnitude of DOM delivery to surface waters. This terrestrial DOM is processed in streams, rivers, and lakes, ultimately shifting its composition, stoichiometry, and bioavailability. Here, we explore the potential consequences of these global change‐driven effects for lake food webs at northern latitudes. Notably, we provide evidence that increased allochthonous DOM supply to lakes is overwhelming increased autochthonous DOM supply that potentially results from earlier ice‐out and a longer growing season. Furthermore, we assess the potential implications of this shift for the nutritional quality of autotrophs in terms of their stoichiometry, fatty acid composition, toxin production, and methylmercury concentration, and therefore, contaminant transfer through the food web. We conclude that global change in northern regions leads not only to reduced primary productivity but also to nutritionally poorer lake food webs, with discernible consequences for the trophic web to fish and humans.  相似文献   
Phenotypic traits associated with light capture and phylogenetic relationships were characterized in 34 strains of diversely pigmented marine and freshwater cryptophytes. Nuclear SSU and partial LSU rDNA sequence data from 33 of these strains plus an additional 66 strains produced a concatenated rooted maximum likelihood tree that classified the strains into 7 distinct clades. Molecular and phenotypic data together support: (i) the reclassification of Cryptomonas irregularis NIES 698 to the genus Rhodomonas, (ii) revision of phycobiliprotein (PBP) diversity within the genus Hemiselmis to include cryptophyte phycocyanin (Cr‐PC) 569, (iii) the inclusion of previously unidentified strain CCMP 2293 into the genus Falcomonas, even though it contains cryptophyte phycoerythrin 545 (Cr‐PE 545), and (iv) the inclusion of previously unidentified strain CCMP 3175, which contains Cr‐PE 545, in a clade with PC‐containing Chroomonas species. A discriminant analysis‐based model of group membership correctly predicted 70.6% of the clades using three traits: PBP concentration · cell?1, the wavelength of PBP maximal absorption, and habitat. Non‐PBP pigments (alloxanthin, chl‐a, chl‐c2, α‐carotene) did not contribute significantly to group classification, indicating the potential plasticity of these pigments and the evolutionary conservation of the PBPs. Pigment data showed evidence of trade‐offs in investments in PBPs vs. chlorophylls (a +c2).  相似文献   

Key message

QTL analysis revealed 11 QTL underlying flowering time and fruit size variation in the semi-wild Xishuangbanna cucumber, of which, FT6.2 and FS5.2 played the most important roles in determining photoperiod-dependent flowering time and round-fruit shape, respectively.


Flowering time and fruit size are two important traits in domestication and diversifying selection in cucumber, but their genetic basis is not well understood. Here we reported QTL mapping results on flowering time and fruit size with F2 and F2:3 segregating populations derived from the cross between WI7200, a small fruited, early flowering primitive cultivated cucumber and WI7167, a round-fruited, later flowering semi-wild Xishuangbanna (XIS) cucumber. A linkage map with 267 microsatellite marker loci was developed with 138 F2 plants. Phenotypic data of male and female flowering time, fruit length and diameter and three other traits (mature fruit weight and number, and seedling hypocotyl length) were collected in multiple environments. Three flowering time QTL, FT1.1, FT5.1 and FT6.2 were identified, in which FT6.2 played the most important role in conferring less photoperiod sensitive early flowering during domestication whereas FT1.1 seemed more influential in regulating flowering time within the cultivated cucumber. Eight consensus fruit size QTL distributed in 7 chromosomes were detected, each of which contributed to both longitudinal and radial growth in cucumber fruit development. Among them, FS5.2 on chromosome 5 exhibited the largest effect on the determination of round fruit shape that was characteristic of the WI7167 XIS cucumber. Possible roles of these flowering time and fruit size QTL in domestication of cucumber and crop evolution of the semi-wild XIS cucumber, as well as the genetic basis of round fruit shape in cucumber are discussed.
Rodents are able to lower fatty acid utilization in liver and muscle during lactation in order to spare fatty acids for the production of milk triacylglycerols, an effect which is mediated by a down-regulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα). The present study was performed to investigate whether similar fatty acid sparing effects are developing in lactating sows. We considered PPARα and its target genes involved in fatty acid utilization in biopsy samples from muscle and adipose tissue of lactating compared to non-lactating sows. In muscle, PPARα target genes involved in fatty acid utilization were up-regulated during lactation indicating that the fatty acid utilization in muscle was increased. Activation of PPARα was probably due to increased concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids in plasma observed in the lactating sows. In contrast to muscle, PPARα and its target genes involved in β-oxidation in white adipose tissue were down-regulated in early lactation. Overall, the present study shows that sows, unlike rats, are not able to reduce the fatty acid utilization in muscle in order to spare fatty acids for milk production. However, fatty acid oxidation in adipose tissue is lowered during early lactation, an effect that might be helpful to conserve fatty acids released from adipose tissue for the delivery into other tissues, including mammary gland, via the blood.  相似文献   
Recent reports indicate that exposure to some stressors, such as shipping or immune challenge with the bacterial endotoxin, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), during the peripubertal period reduces sexual receptivity in response to ovarian hormones in adulthood. We hypothesized that a peripubertal immune challenge would also disrupt the response of a non-reproductive behavior, anxiety-like behavior, to ovarian hormones in adulthood. Female C57Bl/6 mice were injected with LPS during the peripubertal period and tested for anxiety-like behavior in adulthood, following ovariectomy and ovarian hormone treatment. Treatment with estradiol followed by progesterone reduced anxiety-like behavior in control, but not LPS-treated females. We next determined if the disruptive effect of LPS on adult behavior were limited to the peripubertal period by treating mice with LPS either during this period or in adulthood. LPS treatment during the peripubertal period disrupted the anxiolytic effect of ovarian hormones, whereas treatment in adulthood did not. We further tested if this model of peripubertal immune challenge was applicable to an outbred strain of mice (CD-1). Similar to C57Bl/6 mice, LPS treatment during the peripubertal period, but not later, disrupted the anxiolytic effect of estradiol and progesterone. These data suggest that a peripubertal immune challenge disrupts the regulation of anxiety-like behavior by ovarian hormones in a manner that persists at least for weeks after the termination of the immune challenge.  相似文献   
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